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Fully enclosed lifeboats, solas. General requirements for lifeboats

In port cities, among the pleasure and tourist amateur ships, you can always see a lot of boats, and even yachts, converted from ship boats that have served their time. Most of them hung on davits for ten or fifteen years; they were warmed by the tropical sun, covered with an ice crust in the northern seas, thrown by a wave against the side of the ship, poured with showers, and now the stern inspector of the Naval Register finds defects during the next survey of life-saving appliances, the boat can no longer be considered absolutely reliable.

But the crew of the ship in the event of an accident will be forced to trust her with their lives! And this can happen in the most difficult conditions - in a stormy sea, far from the coast, or vice versa - on a cruel breaking wave. There are doubts about the reliability - it means that the naval service is over! (and many boats are generally “written off” ashore only because they are being replaced with more advanced ones - plastic, motor ones.)

In a calm environment - on a river or in a bay - the same old boat, turned into a pleasure craft by an amateur, can still serve for many years. The new owner of the lifeboat may leisurely make repairs that are not permitted or deemed unreasonable for the ship's life-saving appliances. For example, to eliminate the water leakage of the dried skin by pasting the body with fiberglass; change worn trim belts; install duplicate frames next to the cracked ones.

It's worth the work! After all, having repaired a decommissioned boat, an amateur shipbuilder receives a obviously seaworthy and durable hull with a large internal volume, which can be rationally used to equip a comfortable cabin and all the necessary premises of a displacement pleasure-tourist vessel.

It will take much less materials to purchase than when building a new ship. All work can be performed outdoors - under any cover or canopy, and most importantly - work on the interior fittings no longer requires such a high qualification of the performer as the construction of the building itself. However, it would be a mistake to think that a person who, on his own, converts a boat into a boat (or, moreover, a yacht) does not encounter difficulties.

There are many. They are explained by the specific purpose of the lifeboat, which should, first of all, accommodate as many people as possible in case of an accident (this is not up to convenience!) And give them the opportunity to hold out until the rescuers approach (it is not required to develop high speed!).

Now you have to remove the transverse and longitudinal banks, air boxes; close the bow with a deck and mount the wheelhouse; take care of ensuring sufficient draft and deepening of the propeller with a relatively small load that a pleasure boat will have; it is not uncommon for the hobbyist to adapt a purely rowboat to fit the engine and fuel tanks.

The number of design problems increases dramatically if you want to get a motor-sailing vessel: it is far from easy to ensure stability and good controllability when sailing, to achieve a decrease in drift on sharp courses. How are these problems solved by amateur shipbuilders? This is the subject of our next review.

0 conversion of old boats into yachts was reported in the 30th edition of the collection (“Asmodeus” from a 6.7-meter boat and “Au-ra” from a 7.8-meter work boat), 9th edition (a yacht from a 10-meter longboat), 3rd edition (a yacht from a 6.1-meter yal-"six"). Two options for converting the "six" into a boat and a motor-sailing vessel are considered in the 5th issue. Articles will also be useful: “A boat must be beautiful” (issue No. 7), “Motor-sailing yachts” (issue No. 9), “Slow boats” (issue No. 18) and other materials.

Former naval boats (yawls) also quite often begin a second life, falling into the hands of amateur shipbuilders. In 1969, the Irkutsk Marine Club DOSAAF handed over to M. A. Zubovich for restoration the YAL-6, produced in 1955, which had served its time. Time had its inexorable effect on the hull of the boat: many frames were broken, the skin boards cracked.

Old rusty patches and remove a thick layer of putty and paint accumulated over many years of operation (no scraping helped, the paint was annealed with a blowtorch). The entire outer surface of the body was sanded, and then pasted over with fiberglass in three layers.

In the felling area, three frames with a section of 50 X 60 were additionally installed in the boat hull at a distance of a meter from one another. The upper ends of the top-timbers protruded 450, 375 and 300 mm above the fender, thus forming the basis for the installation of longitudinal coamings of the cabin.

The felling beams are cut into a spike on the protruding ends of the frames and fixed with bakelized plywood brackets on galvanized screws. Beams and frames under mast standers are reinforced. M.A. Zubovich removed the second and third banks, which were within the cabin.

In a cabin with dimensions of 1.8 × 2.0 m, he installed two locker-seats, between which there is a passage with a width of 350 mm in the bow and 550 mm in the stern. The floor covering the hold in this passage rises to the level of the seat at night and a solid couch is obtained, on which its entire crew of four can freely fit across the boat.

On a foundation of wooden beams, a stationary engine "L-12" is installed, the long-term operation of which on many slow-speed boats has created a stable reputation for reliability and economy. Outboard water is supplied to the cooling system by pressure from the injection surfaces of the propeller blades. Hot water, before being thrown overboard, is passed through a radiator that heats the cabin in the autumn.

The engine is closed on top with two hinged covers, which serve as the aft deck. The engine shaft is connected to the propeller shaft through the lift cardan from the ZIL-585 dump truck. The shaft is brought out beyond the transom 275 mm above the keel line. The screw is protected from below by a spur (ski) made of a steel channel; the steering wheel bearing is fixed on it. Thanks to this, both the propeller and the rudder remain intact when the ship is grounded.

A generator with a relay-regulator from a Moskvich car is mounted on the engine, powered by a 12 V battery. The device allows you to power the lighting system and navigation lights, a receiver and a tape recorder. (The generator was installed according to the drawings and materials given in No. 9 of the collection.)

The bow compartment - from the stem to the first can, is closed by a sealed bulkhead and is used to store sails. The mast is placed on a metal stand on the roof of the cabin. The standard armament of the yawl has been replaced by more efficient armament from the Flying Dutchman class dinghy, however, when tacking under sails, the boat has a strong drift, since the area of ​​lateral resistance of the underwater part is insufficient.

Since the "Wind Rose" is a motor-sailing vessel, such a disadvantage, according to M. A. Zubovich, can be put up with. The ship goes well in the backstay and jibe. Considering that the vessel is used for navigation on Lake Baikal, where it is sometimes very difficult to find fuel, the possibility of using sails on one passing course already seems to be a considerable advantage - it allows you to save gasoline, and sometimes just take a break from engine noise.

Here is what M. A. Zubovnch says about his first trip to the Wind Rose:

“It was back in 1968. We went out into the lake in calm weather, leading the Kazanka in tow, loaded with fuel and other equipment. The crew consisted of four people. With all this, the average speed under the engine was about 7 knots, which suited us perfectly.

In long-distance hiking trips, the main thing is reliability and safety! Two hours later, a light southeast wind blew - a kultuk. The wind picked up quickly. They set the sails and turned off the engine - the boat was heading north at a speed of about 5 knots. Ten hours later we were on the way to Peschanaya Bay.

At the crossing, we had to use a patent reef, reducing the area of ​​​​the grotto, since we were heeling heavily during gusts of wind. The ship, even when heeled, did not take on water. We passed the next stage to the Olkhon Gates under the motor: we could afford such a “luxury”, since there is a gas station in the village.

Having stocked up with gasoline there, they headed for Nizhne-Angarsk. A distance of 600 km was covered in six days. And in total, about 2000 km were covered during the first voyage. In order to save fuel, the slightest possibility of sailing was used. In the course of many years of operation, the Wind Rose has shown excellent seaworthiness.

The use of a sailing rig in combination with a motor allows for very interesting voyages over long distances.” M. A. Zubovich used highly efficient sailing equipment from a modern racing dinghy, however, on a ship that is not equipped with any devices to counteract lateral drift - drift, implement high quality Bermuda sails, of course, failed.

Moreover, the high windage with armaments of this type also led to the appearance of a large roll when the wind increased. (It can be noted that as a result of the alterations, the stability of the boat has deteriorated: the deck in the bow, the design of the wheelhouse, the gas tank of a solid capacity - are located high and accordingly increased the center of gravity of the vessel.)

Therefore, for such cases of using sails as an auxiliary means - mainly in fair winds - more convenient armament with latin, gaff or guari sails is strongly recommended. These sails have a lower center of wind pressure than Bermuda sails of equal area; accordingly, the ship will list less in a fresh wind.

The advantages of hafel and rake weapons are also a lighter spars and a lower mast height; this not only simplifies the manufacture of the mast, but is also important when sailing on inland waterways, when you have to pass under numerous bridges and power lines.

Generally speaking, on motor-sailing. ships sailing mainly along rivers can be content with an even simpler type of weaponry - with a straight sail briefcase. All the same, sailing against the wind and current is tedious, and sometimes simply impossible; on fair winds, a brief is also good.

The direct sail device is quite well known. Ray is lifted by a halyard fixed to its middle with the help of a rax-yoke sliding along the mast. To set the sail at the right angle to the center plane of the vessel, braces are used, drawn from the cockpit to the ends - the legs - of the yard, and sheets, which, for ease of sail control, are best carried out, as shown in the sketch.

In its middle, the sheet is attached to the lower corner of the sail, one end (it is, strictly speaking, a tack) is passed through a guide shoe or block located at the side in front (about 0.5-0.7 m) of the mast, the other end (actually sheet) - through the same butt behind the mast. On the windward side, the “tack” wraps around the front leech of the sail, and on the leeward side, the “sheet” is selected so that the sail does not rinse with the wind.

The shrouds with such armament should be sufficiently carried aft so that they do not interfere with the turn of the yard and more reliably unfasten the mast from behind. Along the way, a few recommendations for choosing the size of the brief. The mast is usually made with a height (from the deck or deckhouse roof) approximately equal to half the length of the boat. The width of the sail along the luff is taken equal to the width of the vessel, and the upper (along the yard) may be somewhat larger.

On the "Windrose" quite a lot of space is occupied by the "engine room" - the engine is installed far from the sternpost. It would be possible to move it a little aft and gain additional cockpit area if the author applied a different foundation design.

An original solution is offered by E. K. Likhushin (from Kuibyshev), who also used the body of the old "six". Since it is very narrow in the stern itself, it turned out to be impossible to install the engine on the longitudinal sub-engine bars in the usual way. E. K. Likhushin fixed these bars to the frames not lower, as usual, but above the engine paws in a plane parallel to the waterline.

The horizontal angle between the bars was about 30°, and the space between them was sufficient to accommodate the engine. The engine paws are supported on two welded trapezoidal brackets (made of steel squares) fixed on the longitudinal bars.

The aft seat had to be lengthened forward by 150 mm; for servicing the motor, a hatch is cut in it, closed by a lid; here, under the seat, there is also a gas tank. E. K. Likhushin retained the standard rudder blade. It was necessary to cut it (as well as the stern beam) to accommodate the screw quite a bit. This was possible thanks to the displacement of the steering pins from the stem.

As a good example of solving the issues of architecture and interior layout of yachts equipped from lifeboats, one can name a 5.5-meter yacht built by Leningrader M. N. Bogdanov (general drawings were developed by A. B. Karpov). The sides of the boat are built on with a wide belt made of bakelized plywood: at the stem the width of this belt is 300 mm, in the stern - 360 mm. The upper part of the cabin is designed as a forecastle - a superstructure that extends from side to side along the entire width of the hull.

The side walls of the superstructure are installed with an inclination of 8-10 ° inward; at the extremities they are vertical and are attached to the bars with which the stems are built up. The result was a spacious, wide cabin with a sufficient clear height (1.3 m) with a slender silhouette of the yacht. Aesthetic perception is subject to the coloring of the superstructure in a dark color, which differs from the color of the side; a powerful oak collar also separates these surfaces, visually reducing the overall height.

Another advantage of the variant with a forecastle is a spacious, comfortable deck for work and rest. The mast step is supported by a semi-bulkhead dividing the internal volume into two rooms - two cabins. The bow cabin has a wide double sofa, and wardrobes are located to the side of it on the starboard side. The cover of the forluka (its size is 500×400 mm) is made of thick Plexiglas.

In the layout of the aft cabin, the designer also departed from the traditional symmetrical arrangement of sofas. On many lifeboats, the keelson, which is laid in the DP on top of the frames, protrudes above them and above the payolas to a height of up to 100 mm and, with a symmetrical layout, is underfoot; usually the height of the cabin because of this has to be further increased.

In this case, the keelson does not create any inconvenience, since it turned out to be on the side of the main passage. The table on the left side can be lowered to the level of the seats to form a one-and-a-half place. The cockpit is self-draining (since its bottom is only 200 mm above the waterline, the drain scuppers must be fitted with non-return valves, such as float type).

The engine is installed in the afterpeak separated by a watertight bulkhead and is serviced through a hatch in the deck. An interesting variant of converting a 7-meter lifeboat into a sailing-motor yacht was performed by A. Tabachnik from Leningrad.

All air boxes and cans were removed from the hull, sensible things and the gunwale were removed. After cleaning from the old paint, defects were found in the sheathing, made from strips of bakelized plywood. The sheet piling belt suffered the most - the groove along the keel leaked heavily. However, they did not begin to replace this belt, and the groove was sealed by putting here an overhead triangular rail on canvas and oil putty (see sketch).

The damaged areas of the skin on the stems were covered with overlays of 1-2 mm brass. The places repaired in this way did not let water through at all. The future yacht was supposed to sail in Ladoga and Onega lakes, known for their stormy nature, so the need to install a heavy false keel and equipment for a self-draining cockpit did not raise doubts among the participants in the construction of the vessel.

To attach a 500-kilogram false keel, 60 mm thick pine floors were installed on the bottom, and powerful keel bolts were passed through five of them. The floors are cut into keel and sheathing, and a regular keelson is laid on top of them. The engine foundation is a welded structure consisting of two steel floors connected by longitudinal beams made of 45X45X5 square.

The height inside the cabin was chosen as minimal - 1450 mm from the floorboard. Due to this, the cabin turned out to be low, in good harmony with the hull and not adversely affecting the seaworthiness of the vessel. They decided to arm the yacht with a two-masted Bermuda schooner. This made it possible to obtain a significant total sail area (about 30 m 2) with a relatively low position of the sail center.

In addition, the distribution of windage on two masts allows you to use different options for carrying sails, depending on the specific sailing conditions and improve the agility of the vessel: after all, boats with their long keel are “not very willing” to make turns, especially in strong winds.

However, these fundamentally correct calculations of the builder in this case were not fully justified. Under full sail, the ship is strongly driven; Bermuda sails of a small area work inefficiently on it (in particular, due to harmful mutual influence). In the future, it was decided to re-equip the yacht with an ordinary sloop with a large genoa.

In the very first trip along the restless Ladoga, the ship demonstrated high stability. It has a two-cylinder water-cooled gasoline engine that develops 20 hp. With. at 3000 rpm. In order to do without a reversible clutch to ensure reverse and idling, the yacht builders manufactured a three-blade adjustable-pitch propeller (using the drawings of A.P. Shirshov, published in the 10th edition of the collection).

The speed under the motor was 7 knots. The dimensions of the engine room did not allow using the handle to start the engine, so I had to put a starter from the Moskvich-408 car, and replace the flywheel with another - with a ring gear (from the Zaporozhets engines). The battery is charged from a 300-watt generator from the GAZ-21 engine.

Water is supplied to the cooling system by a two-section pump, the design of which uses impellers from the Moskva-25 outboard motor. From this same The engine also has a fuel pump. The fuel supply is stored in two regular air boxes of the boat with a total capacity of 80 liters.

Naturally, with an increase in the size of the boat, there are more opportunities to make the future boat or yacht more comfortable, it is better to adapt them to long-distance voyages. For example, in the project for the conversion of a 10-meter rowboat into a motor-sailing yacht, carried out by D. A. Kurbatov, it is planned to increase the side height to 1.6 m and equip two cabins with a height in the rooms of 1.9 m and 1.7 m, with six beds.

Four-cylinder diesel engine "4CHSP8.5/11" with a capacity of 23 liters. With. gives the yacht a speed of 6.5 knots. It is installed in the very stern, under the cockpit, and is closed by the hood. The helmsman's post is protected by a cabin open from the stern, which also serves as an entrance vestibule. Two fuel tanks located under the cockpit platform have a total capacity of 360 liters and provide an engine cruising range of 450 miles.

The galley is located directly at the entrance, thanks to which the room is well ventilated when a similar hatch is open; the amplitude of pitching in the middle part of the vessel is small - this contributes to the successful operation of the cook at sea. The forepeak is used as a sail storage and sleeping quarters for three crew members.

The forluk with a porthole built into it has an enlarged size for the convenience of working with sails. The wardroom, in addition to the portholes in the cabin coamings, is illuminated (and ventilated) through the upper light hatch. The yacht is designed for combined navigation with access from inland waters to the sea, therefore, the vessel is equipped with a gaff tender with a retractable topmast.

By changing the sails on the tender, you can effortlessly "follow" the changes in the wind and vary the sail area over a very wide range. With a fresh wind at sea, the yacht will be able to sail only under the working staysail and mainsail (total area 41.5 m 2), having the position of the center of sail 600 mm forward of the center of lateral resistance.

The jib increases the total windage by 12 m 2; the ship will also be able to sail steeply into the wind. Topsail increases the total sail area to 61.5 m, but this option is of course only acceptable in light winds (it can be very useful when sailing in conditions where it is important to use a top wind).

This vessel will not be a good tacker: this would require a more efficient and deep keel, unsuitable for the given navigation conditions (draft is limited) and, in addition, much worse driving performance under the engine. A compromise option is proposed with a 500 mm high false fin, made, as usual, in the form of a welded steel box filled with scrap metal and cement; this false keel is attached to reinforced floors through the keel with M18 - M20 bolts.

Its weight is 1200 kg, and the total displacement of the yacht is about 5 tons with a draft of 1.4 m. will be convenient, for example, when setting up a jib or mooring to a high wall.

There are a number of requirements for hull design, some of which are listed below:

1) All lifeboats must be of sufficient strength to:

  • they could be safely launched when loaded with their full complement of men and equipment; and
  • they could be launched and towed forward at 5 knots in calm water.

2) The hull of the lifeboat must be rigid, of non-combustible or non-combustible material.

3) The boat must have a closure on top that protects people from the effects of the external environment:

  • If the closure is completely rigid, then such a boat is a closed type boat.
  • If part of the closure is a soft canopy, then such a boat is a boat of a partially closed type. At the same time, nasal and aft end must be protected for at least 20% of the length by rigid closing elements. The awning is usually made of two layers of waterproof fabric with an air gap. In the open state, the awning is twisted and fixed over the entrance.

Passenger ships can be completed with boats of both types, and cargo ships - only with closed type boats (SOLAS-74 Chapter III rules 21 and 31).

The placement of boats of a partially closed type on passenger ships gives a great advantage in the speed of boarding passengers during evacuation.

4) lifeboats must have a reserve of buoyancy that allows a fully flooded lifeboat with supplies and people in it to be kept afloat.

This additional buoyancy is provided by lightweight buoyancy materials that are resistant to sea water and oil products. These buoyancy elements are usually located along the inner perimeter of the boat under the seats.

5) Lifeboats must be stable when they are filled with 50% of the number of people allowed to be accommodated, sitting in a normal position on one side of its centreline.

6) Enclosed lifeboats must be self-recovering when capsized.

Capsizing can occur, for example, under the impact of a collapsing wave crest, which is most likely when the boat enters the zone of wave deformation in shallow water.

Boat equipment

Scheme of the device of a fireproof lifeboat launched on the falls

Seating places.

Seats are equipped on transverse and longitudinal banks or fixed seats. The way the seats are equipped is usually related to the type of boat.

Scheme of seating in a boat launched on falls In a boat launched on falls, most of the seats are equipped on banks located along the sides (back to side). On boats of large capacity, when the width allows, additional places can be equipped on the longitudinal banks in the middle (facing the side), or on the transverse banks.

Layout of seats in a free-fall boat In free-fall boats, seats with backs and head restraints are installed. They are installed in transverse rows so that people sit facing the stern, which ensures that the inertia of a person is accepted by the back when the boat enters the water.

Fully enclosed boats require the seats to be equipped with seat belts.


Every lifeboat must be equipped with an internal combustion engine. Lifeboats shall be equipped with compression ignition engines meeting the following requirements:

1) The engine is capable of running for at least 5 minutes from the moment of cold start, when the boat is out of the water.

This allows you to start the engine for periodic checks out of the water, and in the event of leaving the vessel, lower the boat into the water with the engine already running and immediately move away from the vessel.

2) The speed of the boat in calm water with a full complement of people and equipment must be at least 6 knots, and not less than 2 knots when towing the largest capacity liferaft installed on this vessel, loaded with a full complement of people and equipment.

3) The fuel supply must be sufficient to run the engine at full speed for 24 hours.

To ensure that the boat can be used by unqualified people (for example, passengers), instructions for starting and operating the engine should be provided in a clearly visible place near the engine controls, and the controls should be appropriately marked.


1) The boat must either be self-draining or have a hand pump to remove water.

2) The lifeboat must be equipped with a bleed valve.

A drain valve (one or two depending on the size of the boat) is installed at the bottom of the bottom of the boat to release water. The valve automatically opens when the boat is out of the water and closes automatically when the boat is afloat. Usually this task is performed by a float type valve.

Each bleed valve is provided with a cap or stopper attached by a pin or chain next to the valve to close it.

When the boat is stored on board, the drain valve must be open to allow any water that has entered the boat to drain.

When preparing the boat for launching, the valve must be closed with a cap or plug.

Boat access

Entrances to the lifeboat are made from both sides and are of such dimensions and position that it is possible to lift people in a helpless state on board the lifeboats, both from the water and on a stretcher.

The lifeboat is designed and located in such a way that all people assigned to the lifeboat can board it:

  • on a passenger ship - within no more than 10 minutes after the command to board is given;
  • on a cargo ship - within no more than 3 minutes after the command to board is given.

The lifeboat must have a boarding ladder that allows people to climb into the lifeboat from the water. As a rule, the gangway is made removable and stored inside the boat.

From the outside, along the sides of the boat above the waterline (within reach for a person in the water), a handrail or lifeline is installed.

If the boat is not self-recovering, then the same handrails should be installed in the lower part of the hull so that people can hold on to the capsized boat.

If a ship has partially enclosed lifeboats, their davits shall be fitted with a hatchet with at least two life buoys attached to it.

Toprik - a cable stretched between the ends of the davits.

Rescue pendant - a vegetable or synthetic rope with musings (knots) used as an emergency tool for launching from a ship into a boat or into the water.

signal fire

A signal light with a manual switch is installed on the upper part of the closure, giving a constant or flashing (50-70 flashes per minute) white light. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

Emergency lighting

Inside the boat, a light source is installed in the upper part, providing sufficient illumination for reading instructions. The battery charge ensures operation for at least 12 hours.

Device for fastening the towing line

It is located at the bow of the boat. This device must be able to release under load (during towing) from inside the lifeboat.

Autonomous air supply system

Lifeboats with a self-contained air supply system must be designed so as to ensure normal operation of the engine with closed inlets and openings. at least 10 min. At the same time, the air must remain safe and breathable.

Such boats are usually installed on ships where an accident could make the atmosphere around the ship unbreathable.

An autonomous air supply system is usually based on the use of compressed air cylinders equipped with indicators that allow you to adjust the pressure of the supplied air.

Marking of the device for starting the air supply system

fire resistance

Fireproof boats are usually installed on ships, an accident on which can lead to a spill and fire around the ship of oil or oil products. Since the atmosphere outside the boat is not suitable for breathing when on fire, such boats have an autonomous air supply system.

Fire Tests Fireproof lifeboats must ensure the safety of the people in them for at least 8 minutes, being on the water in the zone of fire covering it from all sides, and the air temperature at the level of the head of a sitting person should not exceed 60 ° C. It should be remembered that the permissible time spent in the fire zone is limited and strive to leave the danger zone as soon as possible. If the edge of the fire zone is not visible, then you should exit across the direction of the wind, where the probability of an early exit from the danger zone is higher, since the oil slick will stretch along the wind line.

Typically, such boats are equipped with a water spray system to increase fire resistance. Outboard water is used for irrigation.

The water intake device of the system is located in the lower part of the boat in such a way as to prevent flammable liquids from entering the system from the surface of the water. Further, water under pressure is supplied through the outer tubes, in which sprayers are installed at certain intervals.

Irrigation starter marking

emergency supply

According to the LSA Code, a lifeboat must always have a certain set of equipment necessary for the survival of people if they leave the ship:

1) Means for the operation of boats:

  • floating oars (with the exception of free-fall boats) in sufficient quantity to ensure propulsion;
  • 2 rebate hooks;
  • 2 painters;
  • 2 axes (one at each end);
  • drogue;
  • drainage means: floating scoop and 2 buckets;
  • tools for making minor adjustments to the engine and related devices;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • compass.

2) Signaling means

  • 4 red parachute rockets;
  • 6 red flares;
  • 2 floating smoke bombs;
  • electric waterproof flashlight suitable for signaling in Morse code;
  • searchlight with power supply for at least 3 hours;
  • signal whistle or horn;
  • rescue signal table;
  • radar reflector or radar transponder;
  • signal mirror ("heliograph");
  • at least one lifeboat on each side must have a portable radio.

3) Water and food

  • canned drinking water at the rate of 3 liters per person.

The boat can be equipped with a manual watermaker. These can be chemical reagents for binding salts or a vacuum desalinator. In any case, the operation of the watermaker should not depend on solar energy or on other than in sea ​​water, chemical elements.
In this case, the water supply can be reduced by 1 l/person if the watermaker is able to produce the total amount of water within two days.

  • food ration at the rate of 10,000 kJ per person;
  • fishing equipment.

4) Medicines and medical supplies

  • first aid kit;
  • seasickness tablets with a duration of action of at least 48 hours per person;
  • one hygiene bag per person.

5) Fishing accessories

The list of fishing accessories is not established by the LSA Code. Usually the kit includes: fishing line, hooks, spinners, synthetic lures.

6) Other supplies:

  • heat protective equipment in the amount of 10% of the estimated number of people, but not less than 2 units;
  • stainless steel bucket;
  • stainless steel graduated vessel for drinking;
  • jackknife;
  • 3 can openers;
  • 2 life rings with a floating line at least 30 m long;
  • Lifeboat life instructions

Locations of emergency equipment in different models of lifeboats may vary. However, these differences are minor, as the pursuit of optimal placement yields similar results. The following figure can serve as an example of the location of emergency supplies:

Scheme of the device and the location of the emergency equipment of the free-fall lifeboat:

1) 1 floating scoop 2) 2 buckets 3) 2 axes 4) 1 container with signaling means: 6 flares; 4 parachute rockets; 2 floating smoke bombs, orange; 1 signal mirror; 1 folding knife with can opener and carving blade; 1 electric flashlight with 1 spare lamp and 2 spare batteries 5) 2 can openers 6) 1 fire extinguisher 7) 1 set of fishing gear 8) 1 whistle 9) 5 liter drinking water containers (3 liters per person) 10) food ration ( one package per person) 11) 2 cups for drinking 12) floating anchor 13) 2 painters, 15 m long, 14 mm in diameter 14) 2 life rings with floating lines, 30 m long, 8 mm in diameter 15) 1 first-aid kit for lifeboats with anti-seasickness drug (6 doses per person) 16) 1 compass 17) 1 manual bilge pump 18) 1 radar reflector 19) diesel fuel 20) 2 haul hooks 21) 1 search light 22) heat protectors 23) 1 survival/distress instructions 24) 1 landing ladder Loose equipment: 25) 1 seat/fuel tank wrench 26) 1 set of lifting straps 27) 1 emergency tiller 28) 2 stretcher straps Spare parts for engine: 29) 1 x V-belt 30) 1 x fuel filter 31) 1 x pump impeller 32) 1 x oil filter 33) 1 x tool kit 34) 1 x oil drain pump

4.6 Fully enclosed lifeboats

4.6.1 Fully enclosed lifeboats shall comply with the requirements of section 4.4 and, in addition, the requirements of this section.

4.6.2 Closing

Every fully enclosed lifeboat must be fitted with a rigid watertight closure that completely encloses the lifeboat. The closure must be designed to meet the following provisions:

1 one shall provide shelter for the occupants of the lifeboat;

2 access to the lifeboat should be provided by hatches that can be sealed;

3 access hatches, with the exception of free-fall lifeboats, shall be located so that the launching and recovery of the lifeboat can be carried out without resorting to the escape of persons from the closure;

4 access hatches shall be capable of being opened and closed both from the outside and from the inside of the lifeboat, and be fitted with reliable means to keep them open;

5 except for free-fall lifeboats, it shall be capable of being rowed;

6 it shall be capable, with hatches closed and without significant leakage, of keeping afloat the total mass of the lifeboat with its full complement of persons and equipment, including machinery, when the lifeboat is in a capsized position;

7 it shall have windows or transparent panels allowing sufficient daylight to enter the lifeboat with hatches closed to eliminate the need for artificial lighting;

8 the outer surface of the closure shall be of a highly visible color, and the inner surface shall be of a color which does not cause discomfort to the lifeboat occupants;

9 it shall be provided with handrails which can be securely held by persons moving outside the lifeboat and which can be used when boarding and disembarking persons;

10 people should be able to walk from the entrance to their seating areas without climbing over transverse banks or other obstacles;

11 with the engine running and the inlets closed, the atmospheric pressure inside the lifeboat shall in no case be more than 20 hPa above or below the outside atmospheric pressure.

4.6.3 Capsizing the lifeboat and returning it to the upright position Lifeboats other than free-fall lifeboats shall be provided with a safety harness for each designated landing position. The harness must be designed to securely hold a 100 kg person in place when the lifeboat is in the capsized position. Each set of seat belts must be of a contrasting color compared to the seat belts of adjacent seats. Free-fall lifeboats must be provided with safety equipment to secure a person in each seat; it must also be of a contrasting color and of such design as to securely hold a 100 kg person both when the lifeboat is launched and when it is capsized. The stability of the lifeboat should be such that it can, by itself or automatically, return to a straight position when loaded with its full or partial complement of persons and equipment, all its entrances and openings are watertightly closed, and people are fastened with safety belts. In the event of sustaining the damage specified in paragraph, the lifeboat should keep its full complement of persons and equipment afloat, and its stability should be such that, in the event of capsizing, it will automatically assume a position that allows its occupants to leave boat through the entrance, located above the water level. When the lifeboat is permanently submerged, the water level inside the lifeboat's hull, measured across the back of the seat, shall not exceed 500 mm above the seat surface in any sitting position. Engine exhaust pipes, air ducts and other openings provided for by the design of the lifeboat shall be arranged so that when it capsizes and returns to the upright position, the possibility of water entering the engine is excluded.

4.6.4 Propulsion of the lifeboat The control of the engine and its transmission must be carried out from the steering position. The engine and related appliances should be capable of operating in any position during the capsizing of the lifeboat and continue to operate after returning it to the upright position, or stop automatically on capsizing and then be easily started again when the lifeboat returns to the upright position. The design of the fuel and lubrication system must prevent the possibility of fuel leakage from the engine and leakage of more than 250 ml of lubricating oil during the capsizing of the lifeboat. Air-cooled engines shall have an air duct system for intake and discharge of cooling air outside the lifeboat. Manually operated dampers shall be provided to allow cooling air to be taken in from inside the lifeboat and expelled into the interior enclosed space.

4.6.5 Acceleration protection

Notwithstanding the requirements of paragraph, a fully enclosed lifeboat, other than a free-fall launching lifeboat, shall be so constructed and fitted with bars to provide protection against dangerous accelerations resulting from an impact with a speed of not less than 3.5 m/s, loaded with a full a set of people and supplies of the boat on board the ship.

Navigation has been and remains one of the activities associated with the risk to human life. Statistical reports of international maritime insurance companies and rescue services clearly show that the number of shipwrecks of marine transport vessels remains at a fairly high level. Every year, about 1.5% of the total number of ships in the world fleet is involved in disasters. And this is despite the constantly improving design of ships, increasing the reliability of their engines, equipping the fleet with the most advanced means of navigation and providing ships in the ocean with constant facsimile meteorological information.

According to the English Lloyd's Insurance Society, 1978 was a record year for accidents in the entire history of navigation: then 473 ships were lost (with a total gross tonnage of 1,711,000 registered tons) and about 2,000 people were on them. The main reasons for the loss of ships were severe weather conditions at sea (169 accidents) and miscalculations in navigation - grounding, underwater rocks, etc. (144 ships). The large number of casualties can be partly explained by the imperfection of the life-saving equipment possessed by the crews of the wrecked ships. Even if the survivors managed to get into the boats, many of them did not wait for help - they died from hypothermia, hunger or thirst.

The history of navigation shows that shipbuilders were forced to seriously engage in intensive development of ship's life-saving equipment only after the death of ships, which were distinguished by a particularly large number of victims. The beginning was laid by the adoption of a series of design requirements for lifeboats, developed at the International Conference on the Safety of Life at Sea in 1914, held after the loss of the Titanic. As a result of the experience of two world wars, when a huge number of transport ships and sailors died, inflatable life rafts appeared. With the development of transportation of petroleum products and the increasing incidence of accidents with tankers, which are often accompanied by fires of spilled oil in the sea, special designs of fire-resistant lifeboats, etc., have been developed.

Now, on the davits of modern sea vessels, it is almost impossible to find lifeboats of the first generation - with a wooden hull, air boxes made of thin metal, boats in which the survivors were open to the tropical sun and downpours penetrating the north winds to the bone. In the 1950s and 1970s, they were replaced by boats made of light non-corrosive aluminum alloys or fiberglass, equipped with a manual mechanical propeller drive or diesel engine and a folding awning made of waterproof fabric, providing elementary protection of people from the external environment. The reserve of emergency buoyancy began to be placed in the compartments that make up part of the hull structure; on plastic boats, foam was used for this purpose. During these years, the designers of marine boats worked to improve their stability, unsinkability and reliability in various navigation conditions - from the Arctic to the tropics, to ensure the possibility of their use in a semi-submerged position, and to improve the starting qualities of engines in extreme conditions.

And yet, the design of the boats of the 70s did not always ensure the survival of the people who trusted them with their lives. Fabric awnings could not create sufficient thermal protection from the external environment; they were often damaged by waves and storm winds. There were cases of capsizing boats by a wave when people found themselves in cold water. And although the boats were supplied with devices for straightening them into a normal position, in most cases it was not possible for exhausted people to do this. It is no coincidence that our shipbuilders already in those years began work on the creation of boats of a closed type - with a rigid superstructure and capable of returning to their normal position, being overturned, on their own without the help of people.

Two such boats "ZSA22" and "ATZO" were equipped with ballast tanks located in the bottom of the hull and filled with water by gravity when the boats were launched into the water. In the position of the keel turned upside down, the water ballast turned out to be at the very top, the boat became unstable and, with a slight impact of the wave, quickly returned to its normal position. However, due to the constant presence of ballast water in the tank, the displacement of the boats turned out to be significant, which required an increase in diesel power in order to reach the minimum speed regulated by the rules of 6 knots. And this turned into an additional weight of the engine, an increase in the volume it occupied. It was necessary to continue the search for a more effective way of self-healing.

In the early 1970s, the Maritime Intergovernmental Organization (IMO) appealed to the governments of IMO member countries with an urgent appeal to intensify the activities of scientific and industrial organizations in solving the problem of ensuring the safety of navigation. The IMO Subcommittee on Life-Saving Appliances revised the content of Chapter III "Life-Saving Appliances" of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (SOLAS-74). The work, in which specialists from the Soviet Union also participated, was completed in 1983 and the new requirements for life-saving equipment will come into force on July 1, 1986. the next, new generation, and by 1991 the old boats should be replaced on ships built earlier.

SOLAS-74 provides for the creation of lifeboats with the maximum possible satisfaction of the requirements at the level of development of modern technology, ensuring their effectiveness in rescuing seafarers in distress. Briefly, these requirements are as follows.

In the event of capsizing with the keel up, the boat must return to its normal position on its own. The crew should have no difficulty in disengaging the lifeboat from the ship's life-saving appliances when it is hung on the hooks above the water or, after being launched, is towed at a speed of 5 knots. The design of the lifeboat must ensure the reception of the injured on stretchers, the lifting of exhausted people from the water, the safe movement of people outside the lifeboat and their removal from the board using helicopters. The lifeboat must reach a speed of at least 6 knots when fully laden with persons and supplies and sailing with all auxiliary machinery powered by the main engine in operation. The engine must be able to start while the boat is still on the davits and run for at least 5 minutes before it touches the water. If water enters the boat, the engine must run until the water reaches the level of the crankshaft. The propeller must be reliably protected from damage by floating debris; the possibility of injury to people floating near the propeller must be excluded.

These and many other requirements of SOLAS-74 are not far-fetched, they follow from the generalization of many years of experience in the use of life-saving equipment and the capabilities of modern technology.

Since the beginning of the 1980s, work has begun in our country on the creation of a new generation of lifeboats that meet the requirements of SOLAS-74 and are designed to replace mass-produced aluminum and plastic boats supplied to ships in the previous 15-20 years. This required, when designing, to keep within the allowed (rather narrow) limits the main dimensions, capacity, empty weight of the boats, the distance between the hooks of the lifting device in accordance with the data of the boats being replaced, so that it would not be necessary to modernize the ships already in operation. It was decided to abandon the use of manual propeller drives as ineffective in saving people.

In a relatively short time, prototypes of boats of several standard sizes were designed and built, their extensive interdepartmental tests were carried out, and technical documentation for serial production was prepared.

The prototype of the fireproof lifeboat project "00305" for tankers was the first to be tested. According to the requirements of SOLAS-74, the design of such a boat must ensure the protection of people inside it from smoke and fire when passing through the zone of burning petroleum products for at least 8 minutes. The hull of the boat was made of aluminum-magnesium alloy.

The boat can descend from the side of the emergency vessel directly into oil products burning on the water. Its bottom, sides, decked part, closing walls and deckhouse are protected from flame by a special mastic that can withstand high temperatures for 2 minutes. This is done using a compressed air system supplied from cylinders, the capacity of which ensures the operation of the engine and the breathing of people in the boat for at least 10 minutes.

As soon as the boat is launched, the water protection system begins to operate. Outboard water enters through the kingston, located in the bottom of the boat, and is supplied by a centrifugal pump, driven from the main engine through a multiplier (increasing the engine crankshaft speed to the speed required by the pump characteristic) to the side and deck pipelines. Through the sprayers installed on the pipelines, water irrigates the surfaces of the boat, creating a continuous water film that protects the aluminum hull from direct contact with the flame.

During the tests, the boat passed through a zone of burning oil products with a temperature of 1000-1100 ° C; at the same time, the temperature inside the boat did not exceed 47 ° C, and the content of carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide in the air did not exceed the permissible limits.

The boat was accepted in 1982 by the interdepartmental commission and became the first domestic boat that meets the requirements of SOLAS-74. Its creators were awarded in 1983 with VDNKh medals.

You can get acquainted with the main design features of the new generation boats on the example of a plastic boat with a capacity of 66 people of the project "00036". Her prototype passed interdepartmental tests in 1985 (see color drawing).

The boat has a characteristic superstructure, the shape and dimensions of which play an important role in ensuring the ability of the boat to return to a straight position after capsizing. The volume of the superstructure, or rigid closure, as it is called by specialists (inherited from old boats with fabric awnings!), Must be large enough so that in the capsized state the center of gravity of the boat rises high enough, and the cross-sectional shape of the part of the hull that is under water approaches to bypass the barrel - this is the key to successful self-healing. And so that in an overturned state people do not fall on the ceiling of the closure, for each of the rescued, seat belts are provided for fastening to the seats.

In the aft part of the superstructure there is a small wheelhouse for the helmsman with a separate hatch that allows you to steer the boat, leaning out to the shoulders. For landing people, wide hatches are provided, and the bow hatches serve to lift people out of the water and receive stretchers with victims. In the same hatches, in the event of an engine failure, rowers with oars can be located. On the roof of the superstructure along its entire length, a railing is installed for the safe movement of people; here you can also install a removable folding mast for mounting a beam antenna of a portable boat radio station, as well as a passive radar reflector. On both sides, a lifeline is attached to the fender, by which people floating near the boat can be held. The propeller is protected by an annular guard.

Now let's look inside the "hard closure", where 66 fleeing people can be located well protected from splashes and cold. All of them can be placed on longitudinal and partially on transverse banks. Food rations, canned drinking water and part of the boat's supplies are stored under the banks.

An engine is installed in the stern of the boat - a diesel engine "4CHSP 8.5 / 11-5 Caspiy-30M", developing 34 hp. at 1900 rpm of the crankshaft. It is equipped with a manual start and an electric starter and works on the propeller shaft through a reverse gear transmission of the RRP-15-2 type. The engine can be started manually at an ambient temperature of up to -15 ° C. It is cooled by outboard water, but is able to operate for 5 minutes when the boat is still on the davits, and remains operational even in the inverted position of the boat.

The speed of the boat at full displacement and with all working mechanisms attached to the engine is 6.3 knots. The fuel reserve ensures the operation of the engine for 24 hours.

In the event of a capsizing of the boat, its hatches and all pipelines and devices going outside are sealed. The necessary amount of air to ensure the operation of the engine and the breathing of people enters the boat through two ventilation heads, equipped with a ball device that blocks their openings in an overturned state. The exhaust pipeline and vent pipes of fuel tanks are equipped with the same shut-off "automatic" device.

A generator mounted on the engine and batteries feed a two-wire DC network with a voltage of 24 V. Consumers of electricity are lamps for the interior lighting of the boat and a searchlight. In the daytime, lighting is provided through portholes installed on the hard closing and in the wheelhouse.

The boat is equipped with a launching device consisting of two folding hooks, the design of which meets the requirements of SOLAS-74; the helmsman can release both hooks remotely without leaving his post, or each hook can be released from the sloop-hoists separately. The hooks are fixed on steel posts, the passages of which through the deck are made watertight.

The hull of the described boat is made of fiberglass, the starting materials for which are polyester resin, fiberglass and glass knitwear. The hull has a three-layer construction - the space between the inner and outer skin is filled with polyurethane foam. The outer skin is reinforced with "inflatable" tubular frames, which are filled with polyurethane foam.

Polyurethane foam provides emergency buoyancy of the boat in case of a hole in its bottom. With such damage, the boat retains the property of self-healing when capsizing.

The strength of the hull ensures the safe launch of the boat into the water with a full number of people and supplies. When testing boats with a full load (people were replaced by appropriate ballast) they were dropped into the water from a height of 3 m. The strength of the hull was also tested for impact with the side against the wall, and the speed of the boat at the moment of impact was 3.5 m / s.

To improve detection at sea, the entire outer surface of the boat is painted orange.

The seaworthiness of the boat has been tested in natural conditions. It is recognized that it can be used to rescue the crew and passengers of emergency ships in any area of ​​the oceans.

By the time the requirements of the new chapter III of the SOLAS-74 Convention came into force, the domestic shipbuilding industry had prepared five new types of lifeboats for mass production, including special boats for tankers.

ship's lifeboats subdivided:

According to the case material - metal (steel or aluminum-magnesium alloys), wooden (type-setting or glued) and plastic;

By type of propulsion - oar, sail and screw (driven by a motor or manually mechanically driven);

By the shape of the hull - whaleboat type, with a transom stern, open and hermetically closed;

By size.

The dimensions of the boats (Fig. 269) are regulated in accordance with the requirements of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The type range of lifeboats is based on the minimum ratio of their gross volume to the product of the main dimensions LxBxH not less than 0.64. For a wooden boat, this ratio can be at least 0.6 with a decrease in the number of people placed in it.

Standard sizes of domestically produced lifeboats are set depending on the capacity, hull material and type of propeller.

For example, boats USAM-48, USAR-48, SShPM-48 and SShPR-48 are designed for 48 people each, have a length of 7.5 m, a width of 2.7 m, a side height amidships of 1.1 m, a mass with people and supply of 5.5 tons (letters mean: FROM- rescue, W- boat, BUT- made of aluminum-magnesium alloy, P- fiberglass plastic R- with manual drive, M- motor, T- tanker).

A domestic-made tanker lifeboat of the USAT-30 type (Fig. 270, 271) has a capacity of 30 people, a length of 8.6 m, a width of 2.6 m, a side height of 2.3 m, a weight with supplies of 2.9 tons, a speed of 6 .2 knots It is made of light alloy, pressurized, has hatches for crew landing and one more hatch at the ends for access to lifting hooks. The high freeboard, water and gas tight closure ensure the stability of the boat and the protection of the crew from water, fire and gas.

The requirements for the design of lifeboats are set out in SOLAS-74 and the Rules of the Russian Register. A lifeboat accommodating the full number of persons for which it is designed and equipped with the necessary equipment must maintain positive stability and sufficient freeboard.

The length of the lifeboat must not be less than 7.3 m, except when, due to the size of the ship or for other reasons, the installation of such boats is not feasible. In such cases, the length of the boat can be reduced to 4.9 m. The mass of the lifeboat with people and equipment must not exceed 20 t, and capacity - no more than 150 people.

Lifeboats with a capacity of 60 to 100 persons must be either motorized or powered by a propeller. Boats with an installed capacity of more than 100 people must be powered only.

The buoyancy must be sufficient to keep the lifeboat and its equipment afloat when it is flooded and exposed to the sea. In addition, a reserve of buoyancy must be provided by means of an additional volume of watertight air boxes. The volume of the air boxes must be at least 0.1 of the boat's gross volume. The volume of the internal buoyancy of a power-driven lifeboat or a power-driven lifeboat must be increased to compensate for the weight of the power-driven or motor.

The number of persons that can be placed on a lifeboat is equal to the largest integer obtained by dividing the volume of the lifeboat (in m 3) by the number 0.283.

The Register Rules establish additional requirements for the construction of fiberglass boats, motor boats and boats with a mechanical propeller drive.

The hull of a lifeboat made of glass-reinforced plastic (Fig. 272), as well as the hull of a light alloy boat (Fig. 273) must withstand the load without being damaged or undergoing permanent deformation when it hits a rigid vertical wall with a span of 3 m, or when it is dropped onto the water with a full load from a height of 2.5 m.

Motorized lifeboats must be equipped with an engine with a reversing device allowing reverse operation. The power of the engine must be such as to ensure a forward speed in calm water of at least 6 knots - for passenger boats, oil tankers and fishing vessels and at least 4 knots - for lifeboats of other types of ships. The fuel supply must ensure the operation of the engine for at least 24 hours in running mode. The engine shall be manually actuated within 1 min under any conditions likely to occur during the operation of the ship.

Lifeboats with a mechanical drive (Fig. 271) with full equipment and a regular number of people must have a drive that develops power sufficient to ensure that, on calm water, from the "Stop" position, the boat can cover a distance of at least 150 m in the first two minutes, and at steady speed - in 4 minutes, a distance of at least 450 m (have a speed of approximately 3.5 knots).

The lifeboats of oil tankers must be constructed in such a way that they can withstand the impact of a flame with a temperature of at least 1200 ° C for at least 10 minutes. During the passage of the fire zone by the boat on the water, the temperature inside the boat for at least 5 minutes should not exceed 60 °C. Boats must be designed so that they come from any position to normal. The launch control of a tanker boat must be from inside the boat. The boat must be equipped with a compressed air system that ensures the safety of people and uninterrupted operation of the engine for at least 10 minutes.

The coloring and marking of the lifeboat is carried out with bright indelible paints. Outside, the boat is usually painted white, the inner surface, gunwale and supplies - orange or light red. All inscriptions on the boat are made in clear letters and signs. In the bow, on both sides, inscriptions are made indicating the name of the vessel, the port of registry, the size of the boat and the number of people that can be accommodated in it. If the ship has an unrestricted navigation area, the name of the ship is written in Latin letters in the stern of the boat. The number of the boat (odd numbers - for boats placed on the starboard side, counting from the bow of the vessel, and even numbers - for boats on the port side of the vessel) is applied in the bow of the boat below other inscriptions.

work boats (Fig. 274) are designed to perform ship work from them (inspection and ok.raska of the ship's hull, supply of mooring cables, etc.) and for communication with the shore in closed roads. They have a short length - up to 5.5 m. On cargo ships, work boats can be without an internal reserve of buoyancy, that is, without air boxes. The supply of working boats includes oars, oarlocks, a rudder with a tiller, a support hook, a lantern, a painter, a water scoop, a flag and a boat cover.

training boats(Fig. 275) are used on training ships and in maritime educational institutions for training cadets. Usually these are small six-oared whaleboats with an internal reserve of buoyancy and a sailing rig consisting of two sails.

In accordance with the size and number of oars, training boats are divided into the following main types:

Rowing boats for 10-14 oars with two-masted rake sailing equipment;

Six-oared yawls with a single-mast rake-cut sailing rig (the most common type of boats used for initial marine and physical training and sporting events);

Four-oared yawls with rake-cut sailing rigging.

Oars on boats are roller. On yawls, standard oars are also roller or swing oars. Sailing armament boats and yawls provides them with good tacking qualities, which allows these boats to be successfully used for long-distance cruises and cadet regattas.