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A Minsk woman offers housing and two hectares of land in the village in exchange for food. “I’ll give the house to good hands”

After repeated attempts to rent out a village house near Smorgon, Minsk resident Tatyana decided to take more radical measures and radically change the conditions: rent out the house for practically nothing. In return, the girl asks to give her part of the food that the tenants can grow on their land. This, of course, is not an apartment in Minsk, but Tatyana hopes that such an offer will be of interest to a Belarusian family.

The house that Tatyana is offering is located approximately 130 kilometers from Minsk. In addition to the residential building, on a two-hectare plot there is a barn, a barn, a summer kitchen and a bathhouse. Tatyana also promises to give tenants the use of a walk-behind tractor, electric mill and garden tools. “The housing, of course, is not new, but it’s not falling apart either. Ordinary, moderately examinedcountry house",- Tatyana describes the housing.

- Maybe my proposal can help someone out in a difficult life situation. Now the farm is disappearing without an owner. We tried to rent it out, but people don’t want to stay in the village for a long time, and even pay rent.

We are looking for an adult working family (from 28 years old) who will be interested in developing their farm. We are even ready to invest some money in development: buy a pig, chickens, perhaps a cow. If a person wants to plant a hectare of potatoes - we will give him seed potatoes for this, if he wants parsley - we will give seeds for parsley, if he wants to start a small agricultural business - please, everything is in your hands. And there is territory for expansion!

People just have to approach everything responsibly: don’t be lazy about getting up at five in the morning to feed a pig or take a cow out onto the grass, in general, get busy.

In return, we will not ask for money for renting a plot and house or for part of the proceeds from the sale of crops. We just want to take an environmentally friendly product grown on our land, warm real milk and eggs for our table.

The real estate agency “Your Capital” claims that such offers are very rare. However, rental housing periodically appears on the market, which they are willing to rent out for a nominal fee and payment of utility bills. Of course, such options most often concern regions.

You can rent or rent out housing anywhere in Belarus using

How often, tired of the endless bustle, bustle and noise of the city, city dwellers rush to the village. Some people want to move, and others want to have a dacha in order to be able to come on vacation at least sometimes. The pace of city life and poor ecology make you dream of a breath of fresh, clean air, not poisoned by the exhaust of countless cars and emissions from industrial enterprises.

Important! For some, moving to the village becomes a solution to financial problems.

Life there is much cheaper than in the city, where there are so many temptations. And then an important decision is made: I will give up the apartment in exchange for a house with a fence around a small plot somewhere in the region. Newspapers, magazines and specialized sites on the World Wide Web are full of advertisements for apartment exchanges.

It’s good if you own real estate, an apartment or other housing that can be exchanged. What if there is no real estate? It becomes impossible to exchange an apartment.

This is interesting! Getting an apartment for free was quite normal in Soviet times. It was enough to get a job that provided housing, or get on the waiting list for an apartment. It remains in that distant past.

Many still do not know that the law provides the right to acquire real estate in the village for free if, for example, the property, a house or part of it (an apartment in a house), belonged to a long-dead person, and no one has claimed the right to inheritance.

Important! You can claim such property by acquisitive prescription.

True, it is not as easy as it seems, and it is free only conditionally. And if, God forbid, heirs suddenly appear, eager to immediately take over the rights of inheritance, albeit belatedly, a very unpleasant situation may arise.

So you better not count on such luck. Although everyone knows how many abandoned houses and entire villages we have in Russia.

Particularly desperate people not only dream, but also take steps towards their dreams. People re-read newspaper and Internet advertisements in the hope of one day encountering: “I will give away a house in the village for nothing.” A person to whom the house has become unnecessary due to moving, the death of a relative or dilapidation can submit an advertisement and donate the building.

And someone writes: “I’ll give away a plot of land” or “I’ll give away an apartment.” They were inherited, and behind them - a bunch of taxes and various unpaid debts or fines. So you have to place an ad to find those willing to receive such “happiness” as a gift with a burden.

And there are such people. People want to get a house in the village and are ready to pay off debts and various duties, if only, ultimately, to be closer to the land, dig in their beds, grow various berries and vegetables on their plot, and be able to run to the river barefoot in the morning dew. In the city one can only dream of such luxury.

If you have an apartment, a house, even a garage, which for some reason turned out to be a burden for you, you need to go to our website in the thematic section "". By the way, we have a wide variety of offers. They give away furniture, household appliances, clothes, and you never know what else. And every advertisement submitted to us has dozens of readers.

And with your offer to “give away a plot of land” or an apartment or a house, you will make someone happy, and even save someone. Donate anything. What you don't need, someone else really needs. The catalog on our portal is at your disposal. Who knows, maybe you’ll like someone’s “I’ll give it away for free...”

We help meet people who bring what has become unnecessary as a gift, and those who dream of such a gift and with us their dream comes true. And everyone is happy. You just have to say to yourself: “I want,” come here, and your wish will certainly come true. With us you will get rid of unnecessary things and find what you really need.

“Attention, due to its uselessness, I will give the house in the village into good hands completely free of charge. Additionally, I inform you that the house is located a 10-minute drive from the city along the northwest direction of the M-24 highway. There is a forest and a river nearby, fresh air and silence, etc., etc.”

Well, you can say your dream has come true, you wanted a house and now it’s a ready-made house, you don’t need to build it, everything is ready, you may just have to do some repairs. Of course, it’s a tempting offer to get a house with a garden plot practically free of charge; the cost of this transaction is only paperwork and you are a full-fledged owner of the property. What do such advertisements hide? Pure fraud. Remember: “There is free cheese, only in mousetraps and only for the second mouse.” Look how many abandoned villages there are now in any region or region of the country and no one needs these houses. And then suddenly people completely unknown to you will be able to just give away the house and, moreover, completely free of charge - this is a huge question. Suspicious, isn't it?
Most often, such advertisements are placed on the Internet or in newspapers. At the same time, these advertisements do not say that you need to provide money right away; such questions will be asked to you during a meeting or telephone conversation, and not as a thank you, but to re-register all documents in your name.

So is it really possible to believe such announcements? Let's look at this example: you have a family of 3 people and 4 cars, to whom can you give the 4th car? It is unlikely that even in the second generation a relative will be able to get this house, and not at all for free. Of course, if you are not on the Forbes list, then this situation is quite possible.

And at this time, the number of advertisements is becoming more and more, so who are the scammers counting on? First of all, such scammers rely on people who fly somewhere high in the clouds. Attackers are trying to gain your trust, pretending to be people who need absolutely nothing from you, and the price of such trust can often be your own apartment, garage or other real estate. There can be a lot of endings in this story. It’s good if you still remain alive, but you can lose your life by falling for such cheese in a mousetrap. Therefore, such houses are purchased somewhere in a vacant lot, only to commit such fraudulent actions.

My advice to you is that good things are not just given away or given to the first person you meet, you use them yourself. If you want to find a house, then you should contact an organization that can find you a house that will satisfy all your initial requirements.

In any case, before responding to such advertisements, it is worth checking such information several times. Clarify the reason for this action. Ask your neighbors about the possible reasons for the donation or the owners of this house. Therefore, be vigilant when concluding various transactions of this level and read the advertisements carefully.

This publication was created exclusively for those who are looking for advertisements like “I will give the house into good hands for free in 2017, in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan” and other countries where Russian-speaking people live, since this article is in Russian.

So who can do it?

As a rule, such advertisements are written by people who have too much of it and have become unnecessary for some reason. There can be many reasons: moving to another locality, the death of relatives or loved ones from whom they inherited unnecessary real estate, or he simply became old, no one buys and people do not feel sorry for him.

It so happened that the material that I will give is all in plain sight. Therefore, before you do anything, read it to the end, and then decide what you want and how you will achieve your goal. I will tell you in detail so that even a simple person understands what I’m talking about, and professionals will understand me perfectly, so I will tell you in an interesting and detailed way so that even professionals will be interested.
The best way is to use the comparison method. Let's conditionally divide the sheet into two parts: 1 part - what is being done. 2. Part as it should be.
1 part.
To inspire you, I will tell you a fairy tale:
In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, people lived. They went to work
they have educational institutions, there are people with academic titles. There is one
proverb: lost in three pines.
-The first pine tree is our work, WITH the development of scientific and technical progress
they could make themselves a two-hour working day, while women could
don't work at all. Instead, they put on a donkey mask and began to create
themselves new jobs, while losing their human qualities. Eg
Let's take an average family where both work. Let's count 8 hours spent on work, plus traveling there and back for some more time, plus 8 hours for sleep, plus time for cooking, shopping for groceries, plus I want to relax and watch TV. Put the time that I have listed and you will see how much time is left for the family and children. You also need to think and work on your own development. And WHAT did they program each other for? Work to feed your family. So that everything would be like people's.
-The second pine is a crop. To make it more clear, I will tell you through our
Russian folk tales.
1. The Tale of the Little Humpbacked Horse. Ivanushka the fool became king. In our
The image of IVANUSHKA THE FOOL remains in the performance from childhood. How
No matter how high a person climbs, he remains a fool.
2. The Tale of the Golden Cockerel. Although many people remember it, I’ll still tell you. To the Tsar
gave a cockerel and said that the cockerel would show the direction from where
the enemy will come if something threatens the king or the kingdom. And after some time
time the cockerel crows: “trouble”. The king sends one son with the army. Through
for a while the cockerel crows again. The king sends his second son. And again
the cockerel crows. The king gets ready and goes on his own. Arrives at the scene, both troops
broken, both sons sleep in eternal sleep. Tent and woman. The meaning of the fairy tale: in everything
the woman is to blame.
3.Where are the men? The fairy tale is called go there, I don’t know where. Find something not
I know that. The meaning of this fairy tale explains that when you don’t know and even forgot
life is difficult. So the men walk and walk, search and search.
4. The Tale of the Golden Apple. The king fell ill. He called his sons to him and
tells them: “My recovery requires a rejuvenating apple.
Find, buy, get, steal and bring me rejuvenation
apple." Why not grow it?
5. The Tale of Vasilisa the Wise and Koshchei the Immortal. Have you ever
Have you ever wondered why our life expectancy is decreasing?
It turns out that Ivan Tsarevich, the son of Ivan the Fool, killed Koshchei the Immortal.
And since Koshchei was killed, there is no one to think about life expectancy. And we
We raise our children in our own image and likeness. When consciousness is
the person is sleeping - the programs are working - the same donkey mask.
6. The Tale of the Frog Princess. The tale of Cinderella. Why are some people
are loved. And others wear frog skin and how to take it off.
7. There are a lot of tales about deception. I won't list them.
-The third pine is our family. After all, we ourselves, with the help of these fairy tales,
programming our children. People living in this state know about these problems and are trying to solve them. All this is called culture. And what do songs, books, TV, radio program us for?
So, in addition to the donkey mask, the person is wearing many more masks. I'll name three more:
---Donkey mask.
---Lice mask.
---Ram mask.
---Mask of Judas.
A person must be a creator in life, now