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How to tie a knitted knot. Weaving knots: scheme

It is impossible to underestimate the importance of various cords, ropes of twine or ropes in the life of mankind. Any civilization used them in its activities: the production of boats and ships, the manufacture fishing tackle, lifting weights to great heights, weaving fabrics and wall hangings.

In the history of mankind, various knots played a very important role and were used in medicine, religion, endowed the owner with magical properties. It is known that the Maya used knots for various mathematical calculations, and the peoples of the New World used them to transmit messages over long distances, while the knot served as a protective amulet for its owner in the lands of other tribes. Children are well aware of the "rope" game, when, with the help of a rope tied in a knot, they create bizarre patterns or shapes by changing the position of the fingers.

Knot as progress

The development of progress has helped mankind to achieve significant development in the manufacture of strong materials used for ropes and ropes, and thousands of years of history have preserved many ways to create reliable knots. Such achievements did not sink into oblivion without a trace and made it possible to expand the horizon in the development of shipbuilding, aeronautics, cartography, and various crafts. Knot weaving was the beginning of the development of many types of needlework: macrame, tatting, lace, beading and tambour knitting.

Penelope and the art of weaving

It suffices to recall the famous poem by Homer "The Odyssey" to understand what great importance the manufacture of clothing had on the minds of people in ancient times. Penelope showed wisdom and cunning in order to buy time and wait for the return of her husband Odysseus, the king of the island of Ithaca. For 20 years she waited for her husband, being faithful to him, but pursued by importunate suitors, she decided on a trick to avoid remarriage. She was famous for her art of weaving, so she announced that she would choose a husband for herself only when she made a funeral shroud for her father-in-law, Laertes, father of Odysseus. For three years, she deceived suitors at her loom: every day she wove the canvas, and at night she unraveled it in order to start work again in the morning. Would she have been able to do this if she did not know how to tie weaving knot and dissolve it? Of course not. She reached a high level of skill, knew many techniques for connecting threads into weaving knots in order to simply unravel the fabric at night.

fabric making

The execution of knots played a special role in the development of the art of making fabric. Weaving is the lengthy process of creating fabric by weaving two sets of fibers or yarns at right angles to each other. It originated in the Neolithic era, at the time of the emergence of agriculture and the domestication of animals. The creation of textile looms is as old as civilization itself, and their use is still practiced throughout the world. Obviously, the ability to make fine thread became the starting point for the development of weaving, spinning and sewing. Early looms are of very simple construction, with sticks and poles driven into the ground. The warp threads were tied vertically on the sticks, and the weaver performed the winding of the threads in the horizontal direction - along the weft. Similar looms are still used among the Bedouins of the Middle East.

Weaving knots are very diverse, and there are several ways to perform them. They are used everywhere, including in other crafts, when it is necessary to bind two threads when they break. Consider several ways to tie a weaving knot that can be used in other female needlework techniques.

straight knot

The straight knot is the foundation knot for tying two strands together. The simplest application is tying shoelaces or a knot on a box. It is carried out very quickly and simply, but does not differ in sufficient strength when the thread is pulled. The tying thread begins with a half knot, which is the first part of a straight knot. It is commonly used when performing macrame technique, it ties the beginning and end of the thread together.

Weaving knot: method one

You can use this method for the case when you need to connect two threads, while the end of one thread is very short.

Make an adjustable knot in a long thread, it will become the main working thread after connecting. Pass the short end from the main knit into the resulting loop for 3/8 of the remaining length. Pull the remaining ponytail and the end of the main thread as far apart as possible (in opposite directions), this will tighten the knot.

Tighten the end of the thread, holding the end of the short thread between the thumb and forefinger of one hand. Pull the remaining end through the main thread on the other side.

It is possible to release or untangle it in the same way as any other weaving knot. The node execution scheme is shown in the figure.

It is worth noting one more thing. If such weaving knots are performed for the first time, then the adjustable knot on the main thread may turn out to be too tight, so you should first practice tying in a different way.

Weaving knot: second method

Knowing how to tie a weaving knot is very helpful. Obviously, these skills can help in many areas of life. Especially if you need to get a very small and thin, almost invisible knot for tying threads. The weaving knot has some features - it is light and easy to perform, does not slip, and not only weavers, but also sailors and climbers were able to appreciate the quick connection.

This knot can be used when it is necessary to join two threads together or to fasten one end of the thread in a part of the loom. It cannot be performed under thread tension, but it is indispensable for correcting fabric deformation when there is slack in the working thread. The knot connects any threads, including those with very short tails. An exception are sliding threads - silk, viscose.

It takes a little longer to complete than a direct knot, but done this way is safer to work with and smaller in size. In the event that a straight knot is not a secure connection, try this method or a double weave knot.

There are several names that are associated with weaving knots, such as bowline or clew knot. This weaving knot is very widely used in knitting, when it is necessary to reliably connect two threads of cotton, linen or wool yarn. The connection is very solid and strong, thanks to the small hairiness of the thread.

Double weaving knot

This method is used in the event that the use of smooth yarn does not allow you to create a reliable fastening of the threads with a conventional weaving knot. However, do not forget that on very slippery yarn, even such a knot will not create a reliable connection between two threads.

The double weave knot is a regular knot with an extra step. One way to create it is to start, as described in method number 1, with the "bunny ears" method. As soon as you managed to thread the thread between the "ears", circle it again around the right loop. Perform the last step: remove the "eye" with your right hand down under the thumb, tighten by stretching the right end of the working thread.

How to untie a weaving knot?

Untying the weaving knot will help you understand if it is tied correctly. To do this, straighten the main thread. Then the second one forms a complete U-shaped knot. Regardless of how the threads are tied, one of them will form a U-shape, and the second will wrap around the first. Pull both ends in opposite directions, this will help straighten the thread even in the deformed area, and the knot will slip and there will be two free threads. Weaving knots were created to quickly connect a broken thread with another skein, but in case of an incorrect connection, they also unraveled with lightning speed.

Weaving knot in tourism development

The development of tourism marked the beginning of a new round in the creation of nodes for activities such as mountaineering, rock climbing and speleology. Special equipment and fastening methods play a significant role during ongoing research, long descents or rescue of a person. The generally recognized reliability of weaving knots, which provides high-quality fastening around any object, and the simplicity and speed of execution makes them indispensable helpers in critical situations.

A rope is an indispensable thing not only in everyday life, but also on a hike. Its application is quite wide: from an elementary device for drying clothes to the organization of crossings, insurances and other vital devices. Therefore, every serious hiker should know how to tie knots on a rope. And not simple, but tourist rope knots for all occasions.

Therefore, in this article we will analyze the main types of rope knots and how to use them on a hike. Schemes of tourist nodes will also be given.

And we will start by figuring out how to tie the simplest knot.

It is very easy to tie a straight knot, but it is intended for those cases when someone's life does not depend on it. Those. it is not suitable for insurance, because it can untie, slip off. When tying a straight knot, so-called control fixing knots are required. What is good about this node? It is easily untied, just pull the two ends of the rope on one side of the knot. And besides, it knits quickly and easily. Those. if you need to quickly tie two ropes of the same diameter for light loads, a straight knot is the way to go.

Direct knot diagram:

One of the options for the control node:

Tourist knots: conductor, Swiss conductor, figure eight

How to tie a conductor knot and a figure eight? The differences in their tying are insignificant. They are designed to create a strong loop, used in climbers' safety system. The conductor and the figure eight are very reliable nodes, therefore they are widely used in tourism. The figure eight is considered more reliable, and therefore does not require control nodes, unlike the conductor.

Conductor node diagram:

How to take the figure eight knot? Scheme:

How to knit a bowline knot?

The bowline knot is no less popular in tourism than the conductor. This is due to the fact that it is multifunctional and reliable. However, for severe cases with increased load, a control node is required. A bowline is used if necessary to tie a rope around a support, to tie two ropes, to create a non-tightening loop.

Grapevan - over complex knot than those given earlier. This is a reliable knot designed for tying two ropes, ribbons, etc. It does not require safety knots, however, it tightens heavily under increased load.

Grasping Tourist Knots: the Prussian Knot

Grasping knots are used to organize crossings, for insurance when climbing or descending an inclined surface. This node is easily moved, tightened under load. It is indispensable for tourists and climbers. However, before tying the Prussik knot, make sure that all its components are straightened out, otherwise it may slide along the rope.

Option 1

Option 2

It is used for temporary fastening, or for those cases when, after descent, you need to return the rope. One end of the rope, when tying this knot, serves to hold the weight, the other - to untie the knot.

How to tie a weaving knot?

The weaving knot is used to tie two ropes of the same diameter. It consists of a number of safety knots and, since it tends to slip, it requires additional control knots. How to tie a weaving knot? We put two ropes one on top of the other, knit a control knot first on one side, then on the other, tighten two knots, and tie another safety knot at the ends.

How to knit a clew knot?

What if we need one long rope, and we only have pieces of rope of different thicknesses? To do this, we need a clew knot. It is suitable for permanent loads, i.e. may untie when released.

Reinforced version of the clew - bramshkotovy knot (a thin rope is wound).

How to knit tourist knots correctly? Results

Let's summarize. All types of tourist rope knots can be divided into a number of conditional categories depending on their scope. Let's highlight the main ones:

  • for tying two ropes of the same diameter;
  • for tying ropes of different diameters;
  • to create loops;
  • for tying a rope around an object (tree, pole, etc.);
  • for grasping another rope (attaching insurance, organizing a crossing).

This is not a complete list of the purpose of rope knots for tourism. However, once you master the above set of knots, you will become much more efficient and useful in your camping life. It is important to remember that each knot must be given special attention in order to knit it correctly. After all, not only your life, but also your comrades on the campaign may depend on your attentiveness. Let the ability to tie knots help you protect yourself and others.

More information about knots in the video:

weaving knot

In weaving, there are about two dozen original knots for tying a broken thread of yarn and for connecting new coils. The main requirements imposed by the specifics of production on each weaving knot are the speed with which it can be tied, and the compactness of the knot, which ensures the free passage of the thread through the machine. Experienced weavers are truly virtuosos in knitting their ingenious knots! They tie a broken thread in just a second. They have to do it without stopping the machine. Almost all weaving knots are designed primarily for instant tying, so that in the event of a thread break, the looms will continue to run smoothly.
Some of the weaving knots are very similar to sea knots, but differ from the latter in the way they are tied. Several weaving knots have long been borrowed by sailors in their original form and serve them reliably.
The weaving knot shown in fig. 35, can be called the "sibling" of the clew. The only difference is in the way it is tied and in the fact that the latter is tied into a krengels or sail fire, while the weaving knot is knitted with two cables. The principle of the weaving knot is considered classical. Truly this is the embodiment of reliability and simplicity.

Marine knots. - M.: Transport. L. M. Skryagin. 1984

See what the "Weaving knot" is in other dictionaries:

    Excellent weaving knot "sibling" to the clew knot. It can be improved if the running end of the cable is passed under the root folded in half. At the same time, it will hold just as securely, but at any moment it can be untied, even under tension. Rice ... Nautical knots

    outer weaving knot- B.23 outer weaving knot: Local defect in the form of tied ends of the threads, visible on the outer surface of the stuffing. Source: TU 2573 002 12058737 2005: Braided packings. Specifications…

    Husband. (narrow) knotty male. (a Psk., female) uzlyak, ka male., Kursk. knot, east knot, lock, knot knot; rewind flexible ends and tighten them, tie. Knots are knitted with different knots; in household use they know: a deaf, a woman's or a simple knot; ... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    Exist., m., use. comp. often Morphology: (no) what? node, why? node, (see) what? node what? knot about what? about the node; pl. What? nodes, (no) what? nodes, why? nodes, (see) what? knots what? nodes, about what? about knots 1. A knot is called a tightened ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    People not familiar with nautical terminology may think that the name "arbor" comes from the verb "conversate" or from the noun "arbor". In our maritime language, the name of this knot comes from the "gazebo", but not from the usual one, but ... ... Sea knots

    This wonderful knot is worthy of being told in more detail about it. Archaeological finds indicate that the Egyptians used it about five thousand years before our era. The ancient Greeks and Romans called him Nodus Hercules ... ... Sea knots

    clew knot ... Wikipedia

    - (see Oak knot) (see Flemish knot) (see Water knot) (see Babi knot) (see Mother-in-law knot) (see Straight knot) (see Thieves knot) (see Surgical knot) ( see Academic knot) (see Flat knot) (see Dagger knot) (see Grass knot) ... ... Sea knots

    - (see. Untying a simple knot) (see. Untying a simple knot) (see. Untying a running simple knot) (see. Reef knot) (see. Double reef knot) (see. Untying weaving knot) (see. Kalmyk knot) (see Untying… … Nautical knots

    TU 2573-002-12058737-2005: Braided packings. Specifications- Terminology TU 2573 002 12058737 2005: Braided packings. Specifications: B.7 aramid fibers: Fibers obtained from aromatic polyamides with high chemical and thermal resistance, high dielectric ... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

Not only in needlework, but also in everyday life, it often becomes necessary to tightly and imperceptibly tie the threads together. For these purposes, it is ideal to use a weaving knot, step-by-step and interesting video tutorials on tying, which can be seen below.

A weaving knot can be tied from almost any type of thread, as long as they are of the same diameter.

The weaving knot got its name because it is used in weaving factories, especially for those sewing machines that process the edges of the fabric, since this business requires frequent threading.

Without a doubt, there is no better way to learn how to knit a weaving knot than to watch a video tutorial on this topic. After watching these videos, you will definitely not have any questions about knitting a weaving knot.

Learning the basic application of the weaving knot with video tutorials

The weaving knot is such a useful technique that it is used in a number of different situations, namely:

  • In knitting, when using multiple colors and needing to join two strands for a smooth transition.
  • If the thread broke when dissolving the old thing, and you need to restore its integrity in order to use the thread in knitting another thing.
  • When crocheting, to make the place of tying the threads invisible and preserve the aesthetics of the product.
  • When sewing on a machine, when the thread has run out before the end of the product.
  • In everyday life, when you just need to firmly and imperceptibly tie two threads, wires or something else.
  • In mountaineering, tourism and maritime affairs.

The classic way to tie a weaving knot.

In order to tie a reliable and invisible knot, you need to follow a scheme consisting of four simple steps:

  • Take in both hands the threads that you are going to fasten together. From the right thread, only the very tip is required, because the main work is done only with the left thread. Make a loop from the left thread.
  • Pass the right thread through the loop. The tail remaining behind the loop should not be too long, but it should not be left short either, since further weaving knots will have to be tied with this tail.
  • Having tightly connected the left thread, clasp it with the right end.
  • Pass the right end through the loop formed above the same thread. Tighten the knot and cut off the ends to the very root.

Another, slightly simplified version of tying a weaving knot includes the following steps:

  • Take in your left hand two threads that need to be fastened.
  • Fold them crosswise, then tie the right end around the thumb so that the thread from this end is on top of the other.
  • Guide the end into the loop around the finger of the left hand and thread it through it.
  • Pull both ends and tighten as tight as possible.

Weaving knot is ready!

This method is good because if you use it often enough, you can fill your hand and achieve a high speed of tying. You can literally do it with your eyes closed!

Let's analyze the third way to tie a weaving knot: the simplest

The last method presented in this article slightly, but still differs from the schemes described above, although the purpose of the node remains the same.

  • Wrap with one thread, we will consider it the main, index finger and hold the loop formed. Leave the left end of the same thread on the left, and thread its right end into the loop. Tighten slightly to make a small loop with an open knot.
  • Take the second thread, which must be attached to the first. Pass it through the upper loop so that it is perpendicular to the first thread. It should turn out that the tail of the first thread is to the right of the second.
  • Slowly pull on the two ends of the main thread so that a knot slowly moving to the right appears.
  • Tighten the resulting knot until it stops so that both ends are on top of the main thread. Cut them off.
The most common mistakes in tying a weaving knot.

Despite the fact that the schemes described above are simple enough to leave no questions about how the weaving knot is knitted, for some it still does not work out. Most often this happens due to confusion with the main and secondary threads. If you confuse the threads and tie the knot in reverse, nothing will come of it.

Thank you for your attention!

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Often called invisible, because it helps to connect two threads almost imperceptibly. It seems impossible to imagine? In this article, we will take a step-by-step look at how to tie a weaving knot.

Hand knitting

Every girl who knitted or crocheted at least once in her life faced the problem of tying threads. This is necessary when you use more than one color in your knitting. Weaving knots will help to discreetly connect two knitting threads for a smooth transition. And the most amazing thing is that the knot itself will not be visible.

If you have old knitted things, then you can dissolve them and knit a new thing. But often at the same time it is not possible to maintain the integrity of the thread. This is where the skill of knitting a weaving knot comes in handy.

When crocheting, it is very important that the place where the threads are tied is not visible. After all, as you know, the loops are small and fit tightly to each other. Crochet will be inconvenient to grab a thread with a large knot. Yes, and it will look unaesthetic. But the weaving knot will be completely invisible and at the same time very durable for everyone. Therefore, experienced needlewomen use only it when connecting two threads.

Knitting for machines

There are times when, when sewing on a typewriter, the thread runs out, and the product is not yet ready. What to do in such situations and get out of them? Learn how to weave a knot and use this skill. This knot is so unique that it passes through the eye of a machine needle without any problems. It is very convenient to use it when winding the lower thread in the bobbin. Now it is not necessary to take it out completely to wind a new layer.

origin of name

In weaving mills, workers use just such a knot. Especially often for sewing machines that are engaged in overlock. This is where the name "weaving knots" comes from. Processing the edges of the fabric is a very painstaking and requiring a large consumption of material.

Because of this, questions often arose about how best to tie two threads. For the solution, they began to try various nodes and settled on one. Which are called "weaving knots". Next, we will analyze the step-by-step instructions.

Classic scheme

  • Step 1. So, let's start knitting this knot. We take in both hands the threads that need to be fastened. From the right thread, we only need the tip, the main work is done with the left thread. It is from it that we make a loop.
  • Step 2. Next, we thread the right thread through the left loop. The tail that we leave behind the loop does not need to be made too long. A small length will not work either, because further we will knit weaving knots with this tail.
  • Step 3. Having tightly connected our left thread, we clasp it with the right tail. Therefore, we said that a small length would not work.
  • Step 4. Here we come to the final stage. The right tail must be threaded into the loop that was formed above the same right thread. It remains only to tighten our knot and cut off both tails. You can cut it off just below the knot, it won't hurt it.

Simplified way "On the finger"

We decided to consider another option. So, you need a weaving knot? How to tie it using your finger? To do this, take the two threads to be connected in your left hand. Fold it crosswise, and then tie the right end around your finger. The thread from this end should be on top of the other. Next, we direct the tail into the loop that wraps around the thumb of the left hand, and thread it through it. It remains only to pull both ends, tighten tighter. Weaving knot is ready. If you fill your hand and use it often, you can achieve great speed in execution.

What kind of thread is the knot suitable for?

The weaving knot, the diagram of which is shown in the figure, is suitable for almost all types of threads. That is, when knitting with woolen yarn, you no longer have to puzzle over how to connect two threads. This is especially true in connection with the new fashion in knitwear. A trend is a smooth transition from one color to another. For example, a sweater made using this technique can have about five or six colors that smoothly replace each other. The weaving knot will help to imperceptibly, and most importantly, securely connect threads of various colors. Angora, linen, wool, cashmere, bamboo, microfiber, nylon, pile yarn and many other popular types of knitting thread can now be fastened together without much difficulty.

Also, the weaving knot is widely used in the sewing business. This is especially convenient when a seamstress needs to move from ordinary sewing to overlocking things. After all, different threads are used for these two types of sewing, and it is necessary to connect them tightly. The weaving knot is one of the few that passes through the eye of a sewing needle without any problems. And this is a very significant indicator at work.

In other areas of needlework, for example, embroidery, knots occupy an important part. Acrylic threads, as well as floss, can be knitted with a weaving knot. Situations are different, and needlewomen should be ready to tie two threads. An important feature of this knot is that after tying it, there are no "tails" left. After all, they can be cut to the very "root" and only a barely noticeable tubercle will remain, which will not bring inconvenience when embroidering.

The easy way

We bring to your attention another way to help tie a weaving knot. It is slightly different in execution from the above schemes, but the properties remain the same.

At first we will work with only one thread, to do this, wrap it around your index finger, and then hold the loop formed. The end of the thread should remain on the left, and thread the right through the loop. Tighten a little to get a small loop with an open knot below.

Now let's take our second thread, which we need to attach to the first one. Pass it through the top loop so that it is perpendicular to the right main thread. It turns out that the tail from the first thread is on the right, and the second is on the left.

Slowly pull on the two main threads, a knot should appear, which will slowly move to the right. Tighten the resulting knot until it stops so that both tails remain on top of the main thread. It remains to cut them off and continue working.

Basic Mistakes

If you adhere to the schemes that were described above, then there should be no questions about how to tie a weaving knot. However, there are times when it doesn't work. The main mistake that is observed when knitting knots is the confusion with the main and driven thread. If you confuse the threads and tie them the other way around, then nothing will work.

The reason for breaking the threads is often a sharp weave. There is no need to hurry in this matter, carefully study the scheme and repeat. The more often you use this node, the faster and more correctly it will turn out.