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A comprehensive lesson for kids on the theme of airplane. Airplane, lesson notes for the middle group

Lesson summary for 1st grade children “Making an airplane”

The lesson can be held at school, additional education institutions: clubs, sections, associations with children 6-7 years old.
Target: develop skills in working according to a pattern, develop fine motor skills and an eye; introduce types of aircraft and their purposes; foster a sense of responsibility and collectivism.
Progress of the lesson:
1.Greetings. Organizing time.
Hello guys.
Silver in the clear sky
Amazing bird.
I flew to distant countries,
This bird is made of metal.
Makes a flight
Miracle bird….Airplane
Today we will make a model of an airplane.
2. Conversation about airplanes and their purpose.
Guys, have any of you ever flown on an airplane?
- What do you think, what are airplanes for? (to transport cargo and people)
-What does the plane look like? (per bird)
- How are birds and planes similar? (have wings, fly)
Military aircraft are divided into
- Fighters
- Bombers
- Scouts
- Fuel tankers
Civil aircraft are divided into:
- Passenger
- Transport
- Firefighters
- Sports

The art of origami has its roots in ancient China, where paper was discovered.
3.Practical part. Making an airplane.
Today we will make an airplane, but not an ordinary one. Which one should you say after solving the riddle?
Hide, chickens!
In the clear sky
Black shadow
What kind of plane will we make?
Now, listening to the fairy tale, we will make an airplane with you.
There lived a leaf in the world and it lay idle. There was nothing for him to do. He decided to get down to business.
1) Take a piece of paper and place it in front of you.
I decided to fold the sheet in half.
2) Fold a sheet of paper in half lengthwise, so that the right corners of the sheet meet the left. Smooth out the fold line.
I didn’t like the sheet being folded in half, so I decided to return to its previous form.
3) Unfold a sheet of paper.
The leaf lay there for a while and curled up its corners.
4) Fold the top 2 corners towards the fold line.
The leaf is tired again. The piece of paper lay there for a long time or for a short time and decided to get back to work. The leaf was bent.
5) Bend the sharp end so that you get a rectangle.
But this time the leaf didn’t like the shape of the rectangle, so it decided to fold its corners again.
4) Fold the top 2 corners towards the red dot.
The leaf became interested in what would happen to it next.
5) Bend the small corner located below the red dot up.
The plane became even more interesting. He decided to continue his business.
6) Bend the workpiece in half. Turn the workpiece over. Fold the shape along the fold lines.
I looked at the sheet and realized that his calling was to be an airplane.

or second option

Raise your hand those who managed to make a hawk airplane.
Self-made model.
4. Physical education minute
We put our hands all together:
A plane appeared.
Flapping the wing back and forth,
Do "one" and do "two".
One and two! One and two!

Keep your arms at your sides,
Look at each other
One and two! One and two!
Put your hands down
And everyone sit down!
5. Model testing.
Now comes a very important moment for all aviators - this is the testing of the aircraft. Before starting to test the aircraft, sign your model so as not to be confused.
So, our airliner is landing. We kindly ask the crew members to restore order in the workplace. We landed safely.
6. Reflection
What did you build in class?
What material did you work with?
What technology did you use during the lesson?
In what country did it appear?
What did you learn in the lesson?
Let's remember what parts the plane consists of? (fuselage, fin, stabilizer, wings, landing gear)
- Guys, class is over. Airplanes can be taken.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world “Air transport”

Fetisova Ekaterina Sergeevna, teacher, Gymnasium No. 1551 (preschool department) in Moscow
Target: introduction to different modes of transport
-expand ideas about transport;
- to activate the dictionary on the topic “Air transport”;
-develop visual attention, perception and thinking;
-develop skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill
Materials: illustrations on the topic, cards for the game “Third Wheel”
Age: 5-6 years
Progress of the lesson:
- What we will talk about today, you have to guess for yourself. Listen to the riddles:
1.What a miracle the blue house is,
The windows are bright all around,
Wears rubber shoes
And it runs on gasoline. (BUS)
2.What kind of bird:
Doesn't sing songs
Doesn't build a nest
It carries people and cargo. (AIRPLANE)
3. The brothers got ready to visit,
They got caught up in each other.
And they rushed off on a long journey,
They just left the beep. (TRAIN)
4.At sea, in rivers and lakes,
I'm swimming, agile fast,
Among the warships
Known for his speed. (BOAT)
- Guys, what is the name of a train, plane, bus, boat in one word? (TRANSPORT)
-What ground transport do you know? (BUS, TROLLEYBUS, TRAM, PASSENGER CARS, TRUCKS)
-What kind of transport goes underground? (METRO)
-What is the name of a vehicle that moves on water? (WATER)
-What kind of water transport do you know? (BOAT, BOAT, SHIP, YACHT)
- Guys, what is transport for? (TRANSPORT PEOPLE AND CARGO)
-Well done boys! You remembered everything we went through before. And now, we will talk about air transport.
-What kind of transport do you think this is? (PLANE, HELICOPTER, BALLOON)
-Why is it called air? (FLYING)
-Why is air transport needed? (TRANSPORT PEOPLE AND CARGO)
-Who flies the plane? (PILOT)
-What is the name of the team of pilots? (CREW)
-What do you guys think, do airplanes have parachutes? What are they for? (IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT, SAVE PEOPLE'S LIVES)
-Where do planes fly from? (AIRPORT)
-Let's rest and have some physical education.
“Planes” The planes hummed (rotating in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows)
The planes flew off (arms to the sides, alternating tilts left and right)
They sat down quietly on the platform (sit down, hands to knees)
And they flew again (arms to the sides)
-And how many of you know what parts an airplane and a helicopter consist of?
-Look at the picture of the plane. Which one of you will show the wings of an airplane? tail? frame? cabin? door? portholes? chassis?

-Look at the picture of the helicopter? Let's see what parts a helicopter consists of. Who will show me the cabin? tail? screw? wheels? portholes? door?

-Now you know what the main parts of the aircraft are called. And so that you can rest a little, we will play with you. Game: “The third odd one” (the child must find an extra vehicle and justify his choice) For example, on the card: plane, helicopter, car; car - “The third wheel”, because ground mode of transport.

And finally, let’s play an outdoor game: “It flies - it doesn’t fly.” I will name various objects, if the word means a flying object, you should “flapping your wings”, if the object does not fly, stand quietly. For example: a dragonfly - everyone is “flapping its wings”, a book - everyone is standing.
- Guys, what did we talk about today? What new have you learned?
-You did a good job today. Well done! Thank you! Goodbye!

Topic: “How an airplane flies”
Goal: to create conditions for the development of cognitive and research interests through familiarization with the structure of the aircraft.
to form children’s primary ideas about the structure of an airplane, teach them to compare it with the structure of a bird; give children an idea of ​​which shape is best suited for an aircraft;
develop imagination, perception, observation, the ability to analyze, compare, highlight characteristic, essential features of objects, and make simple generalizations and conclusions.
develop social and communication skills.
Equipment: small multi-colored box, toy airplane, paper airplane.
Handout: sheets of double-sided colored paper according to the number of children.
Preliminary work: conversation about birds, looking at illustrations.
Move. Organizing time.
Greeting “How are you?”
Motivational – orientation stage.
The teacher invites the children to look around. The children notice a box on the table, come up and look at it.
- What is this? (box)
- Look carefully at the box, what is it like? (multi-colored, smooth, small, light).
D/N: “Guess what?”
- What could be in the box? (children's assumptions). Guess the riddle and find out what is in the box:
Not a bee, but buzzing,
Not a bird, but flying
Doesn't build a nest
It carries people and cargo.
Children open the box and take out a toy airplane. Examination of the airplane: interior (fuselage), two wings, tail.
-What does the plane look like? (per bird).
D/I: “Find similarities”
The teacher invites the children to the laptop, on the monitor there are images of an airplane and birds flying in the sky. Children find similarities between an airplane and a bird: an airplane has two wings and a bird has two wings, an airplane has an interior and a bird has a body, an airplane has a tail and a bird has a tail, a bird has a head - an airplane has a cabin, a bird has a beak and an airplane has a nose .
Creating a problematic situation
“Why does a plane look so much like a bird? (a bird can fly and a plane can fly). What kind of beak does the bird have? (spicy). Why do airplanes and birds need such a sharp nose? Do you want to know about this?
Research activities. Proposing hypotheses.
Educator: “Guys, do you like to launch paper airplanes? We have colored paper sheets on our table, choose the one you like best - this is your airplane, launch it.” Children launch an unfolded sheet of paper and watch its flight. “Is your plane flying? (No). What needs to be done to make it fly? (fold, make an airplane).” The teacher shows the finished paper airplane: “What does he have? (nose, wings). What shape is it? (triangular). Let's check if such a plane will fly? The teacher launches the airplane, the children watch its flight.
- How did flat planes fly? How did the triangular plane fly?
Result: an unfolded sheet of paper flies through the air randomly and quickly falls to the floor. A paper plane, on the contrary, flies for a long time and along the correct trajectory (smoothly).
- Why is this happening? (The teacher gives the children the opportunity to draw their own conclusions.)
This is because the shape of the paper airplane is suitable for flying. As it glides forward, the plane's sharp nose slices through the air, while its wings keep it aloft. But a simple leaf has a too wide nose, so it strongly resists flight.
P/I "Airplanes"
“Guys, imagine that you are airplanes. Start the engines, spread your wings, and fly through the group.” Children return to their place and talk about their feelings: during the “flight” the air blows on their face.
Independent activity of children.
Children make paper airplanes using the origami technique according to the teacher’s instructions. The child who completed the job before everyone else goes to test his plane (checks the result of his work). Then the teacher invites them to play the role of a teacher and help children who have difficulty folding an airplane (work in pairs).
Joint generalization of results, summing up.
Children play with their planes, then “drive them into the hangar” (on the windowsill). “Guys, what beautiful planes you have created, but how do they fly?” Children inform the teacher about the result.
Reflective-evaluative stage.
- What was the most interesting for you? complicated?

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten "Rodnichok"

OOD summary:

“We’ll build the plane ourselves and fly over the forests.”

Tambov 2016

Annotation. One of the interesting hobbies can be considered paper modeling. This activity is very accessible for children. You will always have the necessary tools at hand: scissors, brush, glue. You can make whatever you want: buildings and cars, ships and planes.Paper modeling helps strengthen: perception, attention, memory, thinking. The activity involves mastering techniques for working with paper, tools, and diagrams. The skills of teamwork and communication, the ability to listen and hear, see and observe, and accurately follow the teacher’s instructions are developed.

Target: development of constructive and model actions of children.

Tasks .

1. To acquaint children with basic information about the emergence and development of aviation; introduce the following words into the children's active dictionary: balloon, airplane, body, fuselage, chassis, pilot, cockpit , fuel tanks , passenger compartment, luggage compartments, cargo compartments; hstrengthen the ability to cut out a model from paper, connect parts, creating an airplane; practice design using graphic models; update the use of the received information in gaming activities.

2. Develop visual-figurative perception; improve memory, fine motor skills, thinking, creativity.

3. Develop the ability to work in a team, mutual assistance;
perseverance; the ability to bring a job started to completion.

Integration of educational areas: cognitive development, artistic and aesthetic development, social and communicative development, physical development, speech development, constructive model.

Methods and techniques:

Guessing a riddle, a surprise moment "Magic Box", "The Arrival of Carlson",problematic situation“Why does a plane look so much like a bird?”, ddynamic pause “Airplane”,outdoor game "Planes".

Demo material: sample, illustrations depicting a hot air balloon, various airplanes, designers-inventors, toy airplane.

Handout: templates, scissors, brush, glue, paper napkins.

Preliminary work:

Reading: Russian folk tale “The Flying Ship”,Astrid Lindgren

“Carloson who lives on the roof”, N. Nosov “Dunno in a Balloon”; S. Mikhalkov “From carriage to rocket.” Guessing riddles about air transport. Word game "Flies - doesn't fly." Designing an airplane from Lego. Role-playing game "Pilots".

OOD progress:

Organizing time. The children are sitting on the rug.

- Guys, I have this magic box, and to find out what is in it, try to guess the riddle.

An iron bird flies in the sky,
Leaving a trail, making noise and buzzing -
It takes people to distant lands...
This is not a dove or a sparrow.

What words of the riddle helped you solve it?

What is an airplane? This is an aircraft designed to move various cargo and people through the air.

Today we will learn a lot of new things about airplanes and even learn how to create them like real aircraft designers. But first listenAncient Greek legend about Icarus: “Father Daedalus and son Icarus worked for one king. Daedalus was a skilled craftsman. Daedalus decided to escape from the king and made wings for this purpose - two pairs, for himself and his son. The time has come to escape, Daedalus and Icarus put on wings and flew. Before the flight, Daedalus warned his son - do not rise high to the sun, otherwise the wings will melt (since they are made of wax) and you will fall and break. Also, do not go low to the sea - the water will wet your wings and make them heavy. So they flew. Icarus forgot his father’s instructions and rose high - the sun melted the wax, the wings broke, Icarus fell into the sea and was broken.”

This was the first experience of human flight.

Time passed and an airplane was invented, which was controlled by a pilot.(Show picture).

Listen to the hum of the plane's engines in flight.(Audio recording)

Carlson runs in to the audio recording:

Hello guys! And I can fly too.So, I am a flying machine. I don't need fuel, I eat buns and get a lot of energy for my little engine. I fly very fast and therefore it is difficult to catch me. This motor was made by the best inventor in the world! (Points to himself). Since I came to visit you, now I’m supposed to be naughty. The best aircraft in the world, i.e. me, is being tested. Try to catch up with me! (Game with Carlson)

Landing! (Children sit on the mat).

The teacher asks to look at images of an airplane and a bird. (Show picture)flying in the sky. Children find similarities between an airplane and a bird: an airplane has two wings and a bird has two wings, an airplanebody, andThe airplane has a tail and the bird has a tail, the bird has a head - the airplane has a cockpit, the bird has a beak - the airplane has a nose.
Creating a problematic situation.
“Why does a plane look so much like a bird? (a bird can fly and a plane can fly).”

The world's first aircraft was created in Russia.(Show picture).The world's first aircraft was built and tested by Alexander Fedorovich Mozhaisky.(Show picture).Only many years later did airplanes become like this.(Show picture).

Modern aircraft designers worked hard to develop our aviation.

Aircraft designer Artyom Ivanovich Mikoyan and his planes.
(Show picture).

Andrey Nikolaevich Tupolev.PMore than one and a half hundred types of aircraft were created under his leadership.(Show picture).

Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev.(Show picture).He created more than 200 types of beautiful, reliable aircraft.

Sergey Vladimirovich Ilyushin designeraircraft with the brand "Il".
(Show picture).

The work of these talented engineers created a wide variety of aircraft, which made our country a great aviation power. Russian aircraft are widely known throughout the world.
Now imagine that you are future designers - inventors and are creating a model of an airplane. What is a model? A model is an image of an object.

In his activities, a person very often uses models, i.e. creates an image of an object. Could this airplane toy from our box be a model? Yes. Give examples. (Doll, globe, car, etc.)

Let's look at a model airplane.

The fuselage is the “body” of the aircraft. It contains cockpit , fuel tanks , passenger compartment and luggage compartments or cargo compartments.

The plane has two wings. They are attached to the central part of the fuselage.

The tail unit is a vertically located keel .

By using chassis the plane is carrying out takeoff And landing , taxiing .

The teacher invites the children to take their jobs.

Completing of the work.

What will we design with you?(Airplane)

What lies before you(Paper)

What is shown on it?(Airplane template)

Where do we start?(A work plan is being drawn up)

1. Cut out the template along the contour.

2. Bend the part along each fold line. Ironing the fold line.

3. Glue the parts together using glue.

Dynamic pause "Airplane"

Let's fly, fly,Legs apart.

They twirled their arms forward.Rotate your arms in front of your chest.

Hands to the sides - fly

We're sending a planeExtend your arms horizontally to the sides.

Right wing forwardTurn your torso to the right while moving your right arm forward.

Left wing forward.Turn your torso to the left with your left arm moving forward.

One two three four -

Our plane took off.

Wonderful pilot

The plane was sent on its way.Free running with your arms out to the sides.

Performance evaluation.

Children look at the finished planes on the table.The teacher pays attention to the accuracy of gluing and the clarity of the fold line.

Acting out.

Carlson: " Guys, let’s play and test our airplanes.”(Audio recording).

Outdoor game "Planes".

Children run around randomly with airplanes in their hands. The teacher gives the commands: “Planes, land,” “Planes, take off,” “Planes, gain altitude,” “Planes, descend.”


Guys, what new did you learn today?

What have you learned?

What did you like most?

What was the most interesting thing for you? What's difficult?

Conclusion. During the lesson, children gained knowledge and skills in aircraft modeling. The activity teaches children to control their work, make a simple model, and use simple tools. The modeling process is accessible to children and develops their mental abilities, enriches their vocabulary, develops memory, activity and independence in assimilation of new information.

By engaging in this type of activity, children feel more free, liberated, and acquire the ability to peer and observe, to see the novelty of the activity.Thanks to modeling, children develop strong-willed qualities:

Bring the job you started to completion;

Ability to overcome difficulties;

Appreciate and respect your own and others’ work.


A. P. Zhuravleva, L. A. Bolotina. "Initial technical modeling". Moscow "Enlightenment", 1982.

Children's technical magazines: “Model Designer”, “Young Technician”.

3avorotov V.A. "From idea to model." - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1988.

Timofeeva M.S. “Create, invent, try.” - M.: “Enlightenment”, 1981.

Lesson 1

Objectives: expanding the active and passive vocabulary of nouns on the topic; exercise in matching objects by size; practical mastery of antonyms “far - close”, “high - low”; development of visual perception, fine motor skills; development of auditory attention and memory, coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: toy plane with passengers, toy airplanes and boxes of different sizes, counting sticks.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment

Repetition of covered speech material.
On the speech therapist's table is a car (or a picture of a car). Children answer the speech therapist’s questions:
-What can a machine do? (- Drive, buzz, transport people, loads.)
-What kind of cars do you know? (- Truck, car, bus.)

2.Introduction to the topic of the lesson

The speech therapist shows the children a toy plane with passengers and asks:
-What it is? (- Airplane).
The speech therapist explains that the plane can also transport people and cargo.

3. Clarification of vocabulary on the topic

Children look at a toy plane, name its parts: wings, tail, cockpit, wheels, steering wheel. The following words are introduced into the children's active dictionary: pilot, pilot, passive - passengers, hangar (house for an airplane).

4.Construction of the “Airplane” model
Children lay out a model airplane using counting sticks, then show and name (either on their own or repeating after the speech therapist) its parts.

5. Didactic game “Each plane goes to its own house”
On the speech therapist’s table there are cardboard boxes of different sizes. The speech therapist distributes toy airplanes of different sizes to children. Children come to the speech therapist's table and choose from the arranged boxes the one that suits their airplane.

6. Game with the movement “Airplane”

The speech therapist reads the rhyme, the children perform movements in accordance with the words (for the speech therapist). When reading again, perform the movements and pronounce the words:

Airplane, airplane. They spread their arms to the sides.
There's a plane here and there. Side turns.
The plane is far away, arms extended forward.
The plane is close, hands are pressed to the chest.
The plane is high, hands are raised up.
The plane is low. Children squat.

7. Lesson summary

Lesson 2

Tasks: activation of the verb dictionary on the topic (fly, take off, land, rise, fall, fly away, arrive); development of speech hearing; development of general and fine motor skills, dexterity.

Equipment: pictures of an airplane (taking off, flying high in the sky) - two for each child, paper airplanes - according to the number of children; sticks with attached toy airplanes, large cubes.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

The game “Whose plane will arrive faster?”
The children have sticks with ribbons in their hands, and airplanes are tied to the ends of the ribbons. At the signal from the speech therapist, the children begin to rotate the stick, winding a ribbon around it.

2. Didactic game “Guess whether the plane is close or far?”

Children have two cards with a picture of an airplane (takes off, flies high in the sky). The speech therapist explains that when the plane takes off, it hums very loudly, when it flies high, the hum is quieter. Then he pronounces the sound “u” with different voice strengths, the children pick up the desired picture. Next, the speech therapist himself shows one of the pictures, and the children, respectively, loudly or quietly draw out the sound “u”.

3. Didactic game “Obedient Airplanes”

The children have paper airplanes in their hands, and the speech therapist gives tasks (while simultaneously demonstrating the actions). Children perform actions with airplanes: airplanes take off, fly, buzz, rise high, descend low, land. Then the speech therapist only demonstrates actions with the airplane, and the children say what the airplane does.

4. Outdoor game with speech accompaniment “Airplanes”

Reciting A. Barto’s poem “Airplane” with imitation of actions:
We'll build the plane ourselves -
Let's rush over the forests, Let's rush over the forests,
And then we'll go to mom!

“Airplane” children fly past trees, houses, and gates built from cubes, trying not to knock them over.

5. Summary of the lesson


Tasks: activation of the dictionary of nouns and verb dictionary on the topic; exercise in forming the plural of nouns; development of phrasal speech; practical mastery of the prepositions “on”, “under”, “in”, “for”; development of fine and general motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Equipment: toy or paper airplanes according to the number of children, a picture of an airplane, counting sticks, a ball.

Progress of the lesson

1.Organizational moment
Construction of an “Airplane” model from counting sticks

2. Didactic ball game “One - many”

The speech therapist, throwing a ball to the child, names a noun in the singular. The child, returning the ball, pronounces this word in the plural: airplane - airplanes, pilot - pilots, cabin - cabins, tail - tails, wing - wings, wheel - wheels, window - windows.

3. Didactic game “Where did the plane land?”

The speech therapist performs actions with a toy or paper pilot, pronouncing them:
-The plane landed (sat) on a table (on a chair, under a table, behind a chair, in a box). Children repeat the actions with their airplanes. Then they do the same actions
without relying on clarity, verbalizing them whenever possible.

4. Conversation based on the picture “Pilot on an airplane”

Children look at a picture of an airplane flying over the ground. The pilot is sitting in the office. Children answer the speech therapist’s questions (in full sentences if possible):
-What is this?
-Where are the wings of the plane (tail, cockpit)
-Who is sitting in the cockpit?
-Who flies the plane?
-Where is the plane flying?

5. Game with the “Pilot” movement
The speech therapist reads a poem, the children perform movements in accordance with the text:

Here's a plane flying, hands to the sides.
Dad is a pilot there. Simulates the movement of the steering wheel.
Airplane high, Hands up.
Dad is there - far away. Hands forward from you.

Lesson 4

Objectives: development of phrasal speech; development of logical thinking; development of long, smooth oral exhalation; development of visual auditory attention; development of fine motor skills.

Equipment: paper airplanes according to the number of children, subject pictures (airplane, bird, butterfly, cow, cat, table), cut pictures of four parts depicting a bird, an airplane.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizational moment.

There are paper airplanes on the children's tables. Children blow on them (airplanes are at the level of the children's mouths). Pre-train: inhale through the nose, exhale smoothly through the mouth.

2. Didactic game “Flies - does not fly”

The speech therapist demonstrates subject pictures (one per child):
“airplane”, “bird”, “butterfly”, “cow”, “cat”, “table”.
The speech therapist shows the picture and asks:
- Who (what) is this?
Then he clarifies whether this object flies or not.
Next, the game is played without relying on pictures. Children stand in a circle. The speech therapist gives a task: if he names an object that flies, the children raise their hands up, if the object does not fly, they squat.

3.Folding cut pictures “Bird”, “Airplane” from four parts

4. Comparison of a bird and an airplane

Pictures depicting a bird and an airplane in which the pilot is sitting are displayed on the board. Children compare a bird and a plane, answering questions from a speech therapist. At the end, the conclusion is drawn: the bird is alive, it flies, flaps its wings, pecks grains, etc., the plane is not alive, it was made by people, it is controlled by a pilot (pilot)

5. Game with the “Pilot” movement