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Why do Jews take Russian names and surnames? Facts of Jewish extremism in the government of the Russian Federation Russians in the government of Israel.


According to the halakha, Jews should not (if they have such an opportunity) allow a non-Jew to occupy any post that gives him even the most insignificant power over the Jews.

Jewish dominance in the “elite” of post-Soviet Russia is obvious. The list of high-ranking Jews of the Yeltsin era is endless.

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewess)

The heads of the Presidential Administration: Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin are Jews.


Gaidar, Kiriyenko - Jews

Economy Minister - Yasin - Jewish

Minister of Finance - Panskov - Jew

Deputy Minister of Finance - Vavilov - a Jew

Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish

Minister of Energy - Shafrannik - Jewish

Minister of Communications - Bulgak - a Jew

Minister for Natural Resources - Danilov-Danilyan - Jew

Minister of Transport - Efimov - a Jew

Minister of Health - Nechaev - a Jew ...


It makes no sense to give data about the government, because. they didn't rule at all. Perhaps, we will mention only Primakov (Mason and Jew). The country was ruled by seven bankers - Aven, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Potanin, Smolensky, Fridman, Khodorkovsky (six are Jews, data on Potanin differ).

The President and the Daughter of the President (a new position in the Jewish government) Tatyana Dyachenko ruled with them (according to Jewish law - as the daughter of a Jewess, a Jewess).


The main features indicating the preservation of Jewish power in Putin's time.


Prime Ministers: Fradkov - a Jew, Medvedev (he himself inadvertently mentioned his right to Israeli citizenship).

It is worth mentioning that Putin was brought to power by Jews: Chubais, Berezovsky and Abramovich. The first of this trinity (Chubais) plays the role of a shadow leader.

Chubais Anatoly Borisovich, a Jew, supposedly the only representative from Russia in the Bilderberg Club. "Thanks" to his activities in the positions of Chairman of the State Property Committee of Russia and Head of the Presidential Administration, most of the NATIONAL WEALTH of Russia passed under the control of the Jews. It was he who invited Putin to work in the Kremlin...

“You will know them by their fruits!”

“If those Jews who rule the world wished to liberate the Russian people and put out the corrosive fire of Bolshevism by putting an end to the participation of Jews in all revolutionary movements, then they could do this in a week. What is currently happening is being done with knowledge and consent of the Jewish world powers..."

From the book "International Jewry", which was published by Henry Ford in 1920-1922.

“The collapse of the USSR and the subsequent redistribution of its huge resources can be called without exaggeration the Second Great Jewish Revolution of the 20th century. The influence of Russian Jewry on post-Soviet reality grew so rapidly that in 1998 the well-known Jewish publicist E. Topol had every reason to publicly declare: “We have received real power in this country…”

The idea that it is the Jews who hold in their hands ideological and economic, and, consequently, political power in post-Soviet Russia has been voiced more than once. The former deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, Jew L. Radzikhovsky, titled one of his articles on this topic as follows: "The Jewish Revolution." He bluntly stated that it was the Jews who became the main ideologists of the collapse of the USSR, as once the Russian Empire. Then the Jewish clans carried out "privatization" and, in the end, took all the political power in the country into their Jewish hands.

“100% Jews are: the head of the presidential administration, the secretary of the Security Council, five ministers, the leaders of three Duma factions ... No other nationality is so abundantly represented in power ... This, probably, is not found anywhere else in the world. And this despite the fact that there are less than 300 thousand Jews in Russia ... "

This idea of ​​Jewish dominance in Russia was unambiguously confirmed by Rabbi Berl Lazar at the world congress of Hasidim: “Russia has known many revolutions, but the quietest and most effective is the revolution that our envoys made, despite the often hostile attitude of those around them…”.

In defense of Putin, one can say that by the time he became president, the real power in the country ALREADY BELONG to several Jewish oligarchic clans! But “after the arrival of Putin, the situation has not changed much. Rather, on the contrary: the Kremlin's Judophile sympathies have never been so obvious!

Putin himself has defined the priorities of his national policy quite clearly. In December 2003, answering questions from viewers on the air of central television channels, he announced to the whole country that the slogan "Russia for Russians!" - "the slogan of FUCKERS AND PROVOCATORS"!

And in April 2005, speaking on Israeli radio during his visit to Tel Aviv, Putin emphasized: “We are categorically against any manifestations of nationalism. It is necessary to constantly respond to them in order to protect the interests of national minorities ... the interests of the Jewish people. For us, the fight against anti-Semitism is the BASIS of our domestic policy.”

Berl Lazar, already mentioned earlier, stated: “Since Vladimir Putin came to power, punishments for anti-Semitic antics have become more frequent ... He promised to completely eradicate anti-Semitism ... President Putin feels RESPONSIBLE for the well-being of Russian Jewry, for the fight against anti-Semitism in all its manifestations and for the possibility of Russian Jews to move freely and to HAVE DUAL CITIZENSHIP…”.

Israeli President Moshe Katsav, during a visit to Moscow in January 2001, called Putin "a great friend of the Jewish people." Even the American press was shocked by the Kremlin’s attention to the slightest whims of the Jewish guest: “A kosher kitchen was equipped in the Kremlin, for which a whole army of rabbis was invited ... The kitchen was equipped in the building where Ivan the Terrible lived ... President Putin, in fact, from the moment of his election, proclaimed that the heritage of the Jews , Judaism ... has an unconditional value for Russia "The New York Times

However, some sane Jews warned: “It is especially dangerous for the Jews in Russia that more and more Russian people believe that the Jews have seized the Russian media, banks, aluminum, oil, gas ... which for a significant part of the Russian people symbolizes the seizure of Russia by the Jews.”

In addition, Jews have the right to dual citizenship, which allows them to evade Russian law...

True, in recent years, the most politicized part of Russian Jewry has been subjecting Putin to crushing criticism! Depicting Putin in the image of the Antichrist (as always in Jewish talent), Jewish publicists in every way call for a "popular revolt against the regime of thieves." "For the sake of this longed-for goal, they are even ready for a while to give up the foundation, so to speak, the foundations - the fear of the Russian people."

year 2000. Could Putin come to the Kremlin without the approval of the Jewish clans that run the country? The most influential figures among Russian Jewry did not even hide the fact that for them Putin is a "technical president", a nominal figure whose main task is to legalize their actual domination over the country. It is to this era that the famous formula of the all-powerful Berezovsky belongs: “Private capital hires power. The form of employment is called democratic elections.” Another most influential Jewish oligarch of that time, Gusinsky, the head of the Russian Jewish Congress, spoke in the same spirit: “the authorities in Russia should serve Jewish business interests, and no others ...”

“The most frankly this strategy was formulated by another Jew - Oleg Deripaska. In his interview, stunning in its frankness and cynicism, to the Vremya Evraziya bulletin, he, in particular, said: “Power is a group of people, an elite capable of making decisions and implementing them ... Russian President Putin is a kind of top manager who runs the whole country . We are Russian real power. The bearers of real power make a decision - who will be at the head of the management structure, one of them, or someone hired. In Russia, for example, it's a hired manager, Putin... We must discard all sorts of fairy tales about democracy, supposedly someone decides something by going into the voting booth. I will clarify in order to understand the technology of managing society. The group of people exercising power decides on the form of this power. Now, for example, it is a form of democracy where the general public is convinced that they are controlled by whoever they chose in the voting booths.”

This frank and defiant interview is indicative of the fact that Deripaska is so confident in his abilities that he did not even consider it necessary to be afraid of a reaction to his words.

So in the early 2000s, Putin is “just a technical president.” But then a very powerful ally unexpectedly came to his aid and drew him into HIS game...

Putin found an ally not in the Russian people, which the century-old Jewish yoke turned into a herd, but in the most seemingly unexpected place - in the radical Jewish sect of the Hasidim "Chabad", with which the "Kremlin wallet" R. Abramovich had become close friends by that time! The President quickly and profitably exchanged his support for the Hasidim in their struggle for power over Russian Jewry (and, accordingly, Russia) - for the support of OWN POLITICAL FIGURE...

Hasidim - a small minority in modern Judaism (about 5 percent) are perhaps the richest and most influential part of world Jewry. Recently, they are increasingly claiming the role of spiritual and political leaders of the entire Jewish people.

The most influential Jewish organization in Russia at that time was the Russian Jewish Congress (RJC), headed by Gusinsky, and the religious structure that supported him, headed by Chief Rabbi Shayevich.

But the REAL FIGHT between Putin and CHABAD for REAL POWER has begun! Berezovsky was the first to fall in this struggle - a reward to Abramovich! Being a cross and a personal enemy of Gusinsky, Berezovsky could not count on the support of Russian Jewry, and even more so - of the world. Orthodox Jews reacted to his problems rather indifferently. Rabbi Shayevich spoke of such "traitors to the Talmud": "To be baptized for a Jew is a great sin!"

With Gusinsky, it was much more difficult. In addition to being one of the richest oligarchs and a media tycoon with enormous influence in the media, Gusinsky was also the recognized leader of Russian Jewry, the head of the RJC, and a member of the Presidium of the World Jewish Congress. It seemed impossible to topple such a figure without entering into open conflict with world Jewry. It was then that Putin's Hasidic allies, in the person of their representative, Rabbi Berel Lazar, stepped onto the scene.

“There are two chief rabbis in Russia, and the conflict between them does not subside,” Gazeta wrote. Adolf Shayevich is the head of the traditional and most massive trend in Judaism. But the president gave preference to the head of the Hasidic community - Rabbi Berl Lazar.

In his interview with Gazeta, Shayevich was more frank than ever. “The Hasidim want me to leave… They want everything to be under them and they would be THE ONLY OWNERS HERE. It would be possible to divide the spheres of influence - and work! And here we are not talking about work, but about the general's shoulder straps and a white horse.

It is worth noting here that in the person of the Hasidic rabbi, Putin received a channel for informal communication with the most influential Jewish clans in the world! And Putin took advantage of this!

In vain Shayevich complained: “Is it really not interesting for anyone to know why Berl Lazar became the chief rabbi of Russia on the day Gusinsky was arrested? What, tell me, is it necessary for a person who does not speak Russian well to give Russian citizenship within two weeks? They had a conference, there were no elections of chief rabbis on the agenda. Someone came from the Kremlin, called Lazar, and ten minutes later they announced that the elections of the Chief Rabbi of Russia would now be held. And here are two dozen rabbis, of which 18 are not even citizens of Russia, they chose him. And that didn't surprise anyone either! The elections were at two in the afternoon, and Gusinsky was arrested at six ... "

At the same time, Shaevich does not try to hide: the root cause of the conflict between Putin and Gusinsky is that Gusinsky claimed to consolidate Russian Jews under his own leadership...

With Khodorkovsky it turned out differently. “The Yukos company became for him not only and not so much an instrument of personal enrichment, but an instrument of political influence and, even more so, an instrument of a political conspiracy, the result of which should have been the complete and final removal of Putin from the political arena. At the same time, Khodorkovsky's plans were given particular weight by his close personal friendship with the then US Vice President Richard Cheney, who represented the interests of the American oil giant Halliburton, with which Yukos intended to merge into a single global supercorporation.

The acuteness of the situation that had developed by 2003 is best characterized by an article by a very informed Jewish political scientist S. Belkovsky under the eloquent title “Putin's Loneliness. The President of Russia is going into political oblivion.”

“In early 2003, the oligarchs sent a clear message: they were going to change state structure Russia and personally take power, getting rid of an unnecessary intermediary in the person of a popularly elected president ... "

The main goal of such a REVOLUTION was to eliminate the only political institution that in the foreseeable future could limit the undivided power of the oligarchs - the president!

“The head of state, endowed with broad powers, was needed as a guarantor of closed privatization. Today, this mission has been fully accomplished, and the presidential power with its huge formal powers is becoming a source of threat to the oligarchic world. What if the owner of the Kremlin wants to revise the division of the country? What if he accumulates a huge HIDDEN ENERGY of national and social protest? ... "


Khodorkovsky was promised tacit support from the only superpower in the modern world - the United States. America's dividends are quite obvious. First, the coup guarantees the complete transformation of Russia into a satellite of Washington. Secondly, in the coming years, the largest raw materials, and then infrastructure companies in Russia will become the property of US corporations.

In that situation, for Putin, delay was like death. A little more, and the mandate of "watching Russia", issued to Khodorkovsky, would have made him inaccessible to the "technical president" Putin...

But this development did not suit everyone. “The transformation of Russia into a submissive vassal of the United States automatically turned the United States into the undisputed world hegemon for many decades to come. Meanwhile, the global course of American politics at the beginning of the 21st century began to change tangibly. As part of Washington's new concept of maintaining world hegemony, the US political elite (more precisely, representatives of the Jewish Rockefeller clan) began an active search for ways to establish a long-term alliance with the so-called "radical Islam", which later resulted in the "Arab Spring".

The transformation of the "Islamic world" into the territory of "controlled chaos" under the control of the United States was conceived even then. Israel, within the framework of this new strategy of Washington, ceased to be the main and indispensable ally of the United States in the Middle East. These fears were voiced in most detail in Russia by another Jew, Satanovsky (president of the Institute of the Middle East): “As experience shows, Jews are sold cheaply and with great bloodshed for them. They were sold in the late 1930s to the Nazis, and they will be sold now to the Islamists. Therefore, the Islamists will do what they consider necessary with regard to Israel ... The United States and Europe believe that without Israel, everything in the Middle East will be fine ... ". [This is the same "rabid Satanovsky" who threatened Maxim Shevchenko with murder on the air for revealing by the latter the Zionist origins in the actions of Andreas Breivik, who sacrificed children on the island of Utoya note SS ]

Kissinger is a Jew and Nobel laureate made a sensational statement in the New York Post that, most likely, in 10 years Israel will cease to exist as a state. Kissinger is the real creator of modern history. Most likely, his statement was planned at a very high political level, higher than the level of leaders of individual countries.

What does it mean? The political configuration in the Middle East is changing! The United States, despite all its potential, is experiencing a serious overstrain of forces. “Naturally, the US is not going to leave the Middle East. However, they will have to leave in their former capacity, change the management model to a new model - controlled chaos. There is no better candidate for its creation than the Islamists. The so-called “Arab Spring” brought the Islamists to power…”

It turns out so, although the real situation is much more complicated and tricky. In any case, with the new allies (Islamists), America no longer needs Israel. "It was needed in the conditions of the Cold War, when most of the Arab regimes were guided by the USSR."

Today, the situation in the Middle East has changed radically…and so have the US allies. And under these conditions, the "Israeli friend" is no longer needed, moreover, he begins to interfere. Most likely, the US will "dismantle" Israel as unnecessary, as Kissinger frankly hinted at. "There is no room for Israel in Obama's blueprint for a new Middle East."

The future dismantling of the "Promised Land" means the subsequent resettlement of its people!

Question: where? To Russia, where the Jews hold real power in their hands?

“1,600,000 Israelis who arrived from the former USSR will return to their countries of origin,” the CIA report emphasizes. They will return, but hardly to the Jewish Autonomous Region...

[In 1991, the Soviet Union, in the construction of which millions of Soviet people had invested so much work, was destroyed by the Jews, just like Russia in 1917. In 2007, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert openly admitted this. He publicly thanked the Soviet Jews for the collapse of the USSR! note SS ].

Many Jewish historians today are actively promoting the theme of the Great Khazaria. They believe that part of modern Russia and Ukraine are the ancestral lands of ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the 10th century. The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to subsequent eviction. "We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, just as we created Israel 50 years ago, ousting the Palestinians."

“The role of the aggressor in relation to Jewry is ceremonially assigned to the Islamic world, the role of the victim, as usual, again falls on the Jewish inhabitants, who, as a rule, understand nothing about geopolitics, the role of the savior and donor is for the Russian people, ready to forgive everything.”

But the sharp strengthening of the Rockefeller clan in connection with access to new "oil assets" as a result of an alliance with "radical Islamists" and the possible "purchase" of Russia from Khodorkovsky became extremely unprofitable for the Rothschild clan, which had its own views not only on the future of Israel and Russia, but also their views on US geopolitics.

And the Kremlin, in the person of President Putin, was able to brilliantly take advantage of these contradictions - IN ITS PERSONAL INTERESTS! Khodorkovsky was not helped either by his Jewish origin, or wealth, or close friendly relations with the US Vice President. This question was closed. Khodorkovsky ended up in prison, and Putin remained in the position of president - now of HASIDIAN RUSSIA.

As a result of all these events, castling took place in the ranks of the Jewish oligarchs in Russia. Instead of Khodorkovsky and others like him, the Rottenberg brothers and the new oligarchs of the “Putin wave” joined the ranks. Also, the person who helped Putin to carry out this whole operation of rapprochement with the Hasidim was bound to appear, this “hero” was waiting for a “deserved reward”. And the "face" appeared! Roman Abramovich received $13 billion for his company Sibneft, much higher than its market price!

It is worth adding to this that, in contrast to the tough fight against manifestations of Russian nationalism, Putin's fight with that part of the Jewish oligarchy that planned his subsequent removal was rather soft. And Berezovsky, and Gusinsky, and others, Putin gave the opportunity to withdraw most of their capital abroad and go there themselves ...

And specially "for Lazar" a new organization was created - the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia, which became the main mediator in relations between Jews and the Kremlin.

At the same time, Putin KNEW perfectly well - with WHOM he enters into an alliance! Lazar did not even think of hiding his Russophobic and Christophobic views. Lazar's position on this issue is clearly drawn to "incitement of inter-religious hatred": "It is necessary not only deep and sincere repentance of Christians for all the evil that they have done to the Jews for 2000 years. It is necessary to introduce a new understanding of the attitude of Christians towards Jews into the very doctrine of the Christian Churches... These deeds must be proportionate to the entire gravity of the guilt of Christians. Among such useful deeds one could name a ban for Christians to distribute any anti-Semitic literature - after all, until now Jews were treated as "servants of the Antichrist" - as well as the introduction of a prayer of repentance in the daily service of Christians in memory of the innocent victims of the Jewish people, holy places of Judaism, etc.”

Putin, congratulating Lazar on his 40th birthday, said: “A respected spiritual leader and public figure… it is important that your work serves to strengthen INTER-REFESSIONAL DIALOGUE, CIVIL PEACE AND ACCORD IN THE COUNTRY”?!

The President personally presented Lazar with the Order of Friendship of Peoples, the Order of Minin and Pozharsky "for his great personal contribution to the strengthening of the Russian state, the unity of nations and the revival of the spiritual strength of the Fatherland." In 2005, the "Chief Rabbi of Russia" was awarded the Order of Peter the Great, I degree. This order "is awarded for a selfless deed, courage, courage and heroism committed in the performance of military, official and civic duty."

Another fact related to the Russian Jewish oligarch Fridman is also indicative. In 2012, at a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he announced the establishment in Russia of a special award - "only for Jews" - in the amount of $1 million.

The Israeli publicist I. Shamir wrote about this: “That's right! Million dollar prize for smart Jews. He needs it so that on the walls of Alfa-Bank they write: “The Friedman Bank takes money from the Russians, and gives it to the Jews?” Where is his mind?

What is this - the first open manifestation of Jewish Nazism?! Or did it already exist (remember the fourth decree of the Bolsheviks)?!


During 2004, the media reported six official meetings between Berl Lazar and President Putin. In 2005, their number increased to seven and began to grow from year to year. Lazar, as part of the Russian delegation, accompanied Putin during his visit to Israel and during the president’s visit to the former Auschwitz concentration camp ...

And on February 27, 2008, speaking to his associates in England, Berl Lazar said: “A little more than 50 years ago, a boy was born in Leningrad, whose neighbors turned out to be a Jewish family. The neighbor boy was warmly received by the Jewish family and from a young age absorbed respect for the Jewish world. There he was fed with Jewish food, there he saw how the head of the family reads Jewish books, there he appreciated the respectful attitude of the members of the Jewish family towards each other. This man's name was Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin.

No leader of Russia or the USSR has done so much for the Jews as Vladimir Putin. In every way. Unprecedented. Now in Russia, many mayors of cities, heads of regions and government ministers are Jews. IT BECAME THE NORM.”

After several meetings with Putin, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon repeatedly emphasized that "we, the Jews, and Israel, IN THE KREMLIN - THE GREATEST FRIEND ..."

Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai said: "The best of non-Jews - kill him, the best of snakes - crush her head" ...

And all this Russian-Jewish friendship - against the backdrop of a clear increase in anti-Semitic sentiments IN THE REST OF THE WORLD!

"The new organization sees its task in organizing a boycott of Israel, creating a regime of anti-Israeli sanctions, and legally prosecuting Israeli politicians and officers for "war crimes."

This task was proclaimed not at all by some fascist anti-Semitic group, but (what a surprise!) The Jewish Voice for Peace organization, organized in 1996 in the USA and gathered under its banner over 85,000 supporters of exclusively Jewish nationality!

"Anti-Semitism is a trump card that the Zionists use to cut off discussion."

The Secretary General of the Eurasian Jewish Congress M. Chlenov emphasized that against the background of the EU countries - both "old Europe" and "new Europe", in which there is a rapid increase in attacks motivated by anti-Semitism, Russia remains an "island of calm"!

As for the activities of law enforcement agencies in the fight against anti-Semitism, “the situation in this area has noticeably improved over the past few years”!

The establishment in 2008 of the "E" Center was decisive. “If earlier a policeman brushed aside the demands to prosecute xenophobic and anti-Semitic literature or appeal, saying: “I have three unsolved murders here, and you are climbing with your papers,” then after that a group of policemen (now policemen) appeared, for whom the fight against xenophobia is their awards, ranks and titles"!

At the end of 2008, the Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for combating extremism was created in Russia - the so-called "E" centers. During the year of its existence, the "E" centers managed to establish themselves as a socially dangerous structure that creates arbitrariness and violates the rights of citizens. The breadth and vagueness of the concept of "extremism" allows you to sum up anything you like under it. Using "anti-extremist" legislation, the "E" centers, the prosecutor's office, and the FSB are engaged in persecution of the political opposition and members of social movements.

Criticism of the authorities' actions, exposing the corruption of officials, fighting the arbitrariness of the police, and even quoting classics can be interpreted by law enforcement agencies as "extremism" and inciting social discord. The "E" centers are turning into political police in the service of the bureaucratic apparatus of power!

The number of anti-Semitic offenses in Russia has been at an all-time low for the past two years amid growing Islamophobia. This conclusion was reached by experts in their report "Antisemitism in Russia (2011-2012)".

According to experts, in its mass xenophobia in Russia really wears anti-Muslim, anti-Caucasian rhetoric.

Many citizens have long noticed that Jews occupy the vast majority of positions in the leadership of Russia and many other countries. Not proportional to the number of Jews living in Russia, but an absolute majority in all spheres...

Most religions consider themselves to be true. But there is one religion that does not just consider others false, but proclaims only its fellow tribesmen as people, while the rest are like cattle. She claims that God loves only their fellow tribesmen and therefore gave them the promise of earthly domination over all other peoples who are destined for the fate of slaves. This religion is Talmudic Judaism. And it is especially directed against Christianity, which proclaimed that the promises and laws of God are intended for all people, regardless of nationality, thereby Christianity is perceived by the Jews as the abolition of the Jewish God's chosen people. In relation to Christians in Judaism, all sorts of insults are prescribed and the attitude is even worse than towards cattle.

Strange "compatriots"

The time is coming in Russia today, about which even one of the moderate figures of Russian Zionism M. Agursky wrote to the leaders of the state of Israel back in 1974: “Now, having received the strongest support in the person of this state, we can set ourselves a new national task, namely – it is unheard of to increase the Jewish influence on the world civilization... Israel must become... the spiritual and cultural center of all mankind... the beacon of all peoples...” (Zion, Tel Aviv, No. 19, 1977).

Look at our political life from this point of view. From the deputies of the State Duma they demand special (in comparison with all other nations) reverence for the Jewish victims of the Second World War (only a few dozen deputies refused). The Jewish Minister Matviyenko, who participated in a grand foreign conference on the "Holocaust", said that "the attitude of a country to the tragedy of the Holocaust is an indicator, a kind of litmus test by which other states judge the country's right to be called a civil democratic society" ( News time, 20.4.2001). Returning from the conference, with unusual excitement, she promised on Russian television (RTR, Svanidze's program "Zerkalo") to hammer the Jewish version of the war and the Holocaust into the heads of Russian schoolchildren and "fight against anti-Semitism."

Appropriate textbooks have already been prepared - one of their developers was the famous professor of Moscow State University A. Asmolov, a descendant of prominent revolutionaries and a member of the presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress; he had previously drawn up the corresponding curricula on Russian history and on "counteracting Russian nationalism", and the decision on this was "the first thing that Putin signed when he became president" (see the Jewish magazine Aleph, 2001, August). On Poklonnaya Hill in Moscow (from which pilgrims who once approached the capital from afar worshiped all its temples and shrines), with the participation of the Moscow government, a memorial museum Holocaust and synagogue.

This policy was formulated by President Putin himself. Chief Rabbi of Russia Berel Lazar states: “Since Vladimir Putin came to power, penalties for anti-Semitic antics have become more frequent… In a congratulatory message sent by President Putin in September for Rosh Hashanah, he promised to completely eradicate anti-Semitism… President Putin feels responsible for the well-being of Russian Jewry, for the fight against anti-Semitism in any of its manifestations and for the possibility of Russian Jews to move freely and have dual citizenship…” (“Jewish Word” No. 47, 21-27.11.2001).

The President of the Russian Federation celebrates Hanukkah at the Hasidic Jewish Community Center and participates in a Jewish ritual by lighting a Hanukkah candle with Rabbi Lazar. There, Putin was presented with a menorah, to which he said that “the light and goodness that the Hanukkah menorah will radiate will also illuminate the Kremlin.” Moreover, the newspaper article reporting this has a very revealing title: "The President celebrated the victory of the Jews over the Hellenes" (NG-Religion, 12/27/2000). And yet, for some reason, Putin “feels responsible ... for the possibility of Russian Jews to move freely and have dual citizenship” (“Jewish Word” No. 47, 21-27.11.2001).

On this holiday, the President of the Russian Federation met with former Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu and stated that he "shared" the Jewish attitude to the conflict with the Palestinians, because "in Israel there are almost a million of our people." As a justification for military action in Chechnya, Putin told Western journalists: "This is a war against anti-Semitism" (NG-Religion, 25.07.2001).

The president is echoed by a person close to him, Sergei Mironov, chairman of the Federation Council: during a trip to Israel in March 2002, he compared the Palestinians to Chechen terrorists, defiantly refused to meet with the Palestinian leader and later said that Israel is closer to us, because they live there “our compatriots”… (What kind of compatriots are they if they chose a different fatherland and a different father? Or do the first persons of our state mean that many members of the ruling stratum of the Russian Federation consider their fatherland not Russia, but Israel?). Looking at this, the Russian Ambassador to Israel M.L. Bogdanov also lavishes praises on Jewish terror: “I never cease to admire the courage of the Israeli people” (MEG, No. 1, 2002). But how much courage does it take to shoot women and children from tanks?

Kosher Kremlin

Israeli President Moshe Katsav, during a visit to Moscow in January 2001, also praised Putin, calling him "a great friend of the Jewish people." The head of the racist state was particularly touched by the fact that in the Kremlin "for the first time in history they made kosher cuisine, all food was kosher ... For the first time outside the walls of the Kremlin, a Jew put on tefillin and prayed" (Lechaim, February 2001).

It also describes how this historic event was being prepared: “The rabbi and the wonderful shochet (carver) Kogan spent Sunday January 21 at the slaughterhouse, doing everything necessary so that the meat and poultry that would be served to the president of Russia, who previously worked in the KGB, were butchered in accordance with Jewish dietary laws - the laws of koshrut ... In the Kremlin, a completely kosher kitchen was equipped, for which they invited a whole army of rabbis ... The kitchen was equipped in the building where Ivan the Terrible still lived ... Even in the USA, despite the fact that the White House patronizes Israel for 50 years, they have not made such broad gestures, only ordered the delivery of kosher dishes for the receptions of Israeli officials ... President Putin, in fact, from the moment of his election, proclaimed that the heritage of the Jews, Judaism ... is of unconditional value for Russia ”(original article see: The New York Times, 24.1.2001).

Here it is appropriate to recall that for their kosher cuisine, the Jews kill an animal according to an extremely cruel ritual prescribed in the Talmud, exuding blood from it during a long and painful agony (therefore, for example, in Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Holland, kosher slaughter of cattle is prohibited) – apparently, these torments of living beings are pleasing to the father of the Jews, mentioned by Christ: “Why do you not understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My words. Your father is the devil; and you want to fulfill the lusts of your father. in truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies. But when I speak the truth, do not believe Me."

Was it pleasant for the President of the Russian Federation to eat this ritual food? I would also like to remind him of the Jewish legislative prescriptions about treating non-Jews like cattle, which is why Jews are prescribed a kitchen separate from Akum and even separate dishes (it was also brought to the Kremlin, and the oven and sinks were ignited with a blowtorch and “treated with boiling water "). It seems that they prepared it for the hospitable owner of the Kremlin according to the rules of Shulkhan Aruch: in a separate pot. It is difficult to imagine a greater humiliation for the Akum President. (As for the Kremlin, and for Red Square, not far from which the Jews opened a "high-class kosher restaurant.")

Undoubtedly, this whole “army of rabbis” was supposed to fulfill in the Kremlin, even if imperceptibly, other Talmudic instructions of the Shulchan Aruch: when they saw Orthodox churches, call them “shameful names”; and on the site of the destroyed temples, where, for example, a concert hall was erected, say: “Praise be to Thee, Lord our God, King of the universe, who eradicated idolatry from this place!”.

The rabbis were obliged to behave in exactly the same way on December 13, 2001 in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior at the opening of the VI World Russian People's Council, where they were invited to the presidium. Speaking at this Russian People's Council, that is, addressing the Russian people, the President of the Russian Federation once again recalled that Russia has always united and unites Orthodoxy, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism, which are in harmony. It is these four confessions that are officially recognized as traditional for Russia, although Jews, according to official data, make up less than 1% of the population of the Russian Federation, and even fewer Jews among them.

Putin’s struggle against anti-Semitism, the need for which he declares much more often than about the problems of other peoples of Russia, is clearly beyond common sense: the president awards an accidentally injured woman who tried to remove an anti-Semitic poster, but did not suspect an explosive device planted there, with the Order of Courage . And this despite the fact that in Chechnya they stopped rewarding soldiers for really showing courage in battle: out of a thousand servicemen presented for an award from the 42nd division, only 92 awards were approved (Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 31.5.2002.)

The same newspaper (NG, 25.3.2002) published a survey of well-known political scientists: why does Putin make such curtsies to the Jews? The answers were dominated by the following explanations: “A powerful Jewish lobby exists both in politics, and in the economy, and in other spheres of life. That is, it is an objective reality that Putin has to take into account” (A. Fedorov); the goal is “building relations with the Jewish community, which is exceptionally influential in the modern world in financial, political and media circles” (S. Markov); “in a broader sense, this is the intention of President Putin to continue moving to the West” (A. Ryabov), since “there is undoubtedly a huge influence of Jews, especially in the USA” (R. Abdulatipov). These explanations were reprinted with satisfaction by Rabbi Lazar's newspaper under the heading: "Each of us is a little Jew" (Jewish Word No. 14, 10-16.4.2002).

Thus, the curtsy of Russian rulers to anti-Christian Jewry became a sign of "good form" - because of the financial, political and informational power of international Jewry. And Putin is not the only one who makes them. Thus, at the celebration of Hanukkah in 2001 in the Ice Palace in St. Petersburg, 600 cadets of the Naval Institute were forced to participate, who were taken away from classes for a month for this. Some parents tried to protest, but they were threatened with bad evaluations and hinted that the order came from above ...

"Not enough last effort"?

In November 2001, the second congress of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia (FEOR) was held in the Moscow Jewish Center. On it, according to the description of the Kommersant newspaper, the presidium was sitting and greetings were given by Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration, Secretary of the State Council S. Abramov, Minister of Culture M. Shvydkoy, Israeli Ambassador. Greetings to the congress were sent by US Ambassador A. Vershbow, and from the Russian heads of regions Luzhkov, Shaimiev, V. Yakovlev (Petersburg), E. Rossel, A. Lebed, and Governor K. Titov came on stage in a yarmulke. “Representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church also took part in the work of the congress,” states the International Jewish Newspaper with satisfaction (No. 43, 2001). FEOR Chief Rabbi B. Lazar thanked: “We highly appreciate the support of the administration and governors and the outstanding role of Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. The Jews of many countries of the world can envy us!

The President of the Russian Federation addressed this Hasidic congress with an official letter on the need to “combine the efforts of the state, all the constructive forces of society to counter the global threat of terrorism and extremism. The manifestations of anti-Semitism must also be met with the most resolute rebuff... Your organization is actively working to familiarize Russian Jews with eternal spiritual values” (Jewish Word No. 48, 28.11-4.12.2001).

But is it possible to "fight extremism" by uniting with the main extremist religion that is preparing the coming of the Antichrist? How can such a religion introduce someone to “eternal spiritual values” and be recognized as traditional in Russia? How can state, regional and city budgets finance the construction of dozens of synagogues, the Jewish University at Moscow State University and the State Jewish Academy (with an area of ​​​​28,000 square meters, 3,500 students, a hostel for non-residents), transfer buildings for Jewish community centers and schools (to at the beginning of 2002 there were about 250) in which hatred of non-Jews is taught “in an ideally complete manner”?

But all this is happening at public expense “in almost all regions of Russia,” according to the report of the Executive Director of the Federation of Jewish Communities of Russia. “In Russia, the state helps Jews more than in other countries,” Rabbi Lazar is pleased (Jewish Word No. 48, 28.11-4.12.2001; NG, 28.6.2000).

Meanwhile, the newspaper Berl Lazar, the main Jewish newspaper of the Russian Federation, expresses a completely traditional attitude towards Christianity for Talmudists, clearly showing how the Jews intend to interpret Putin's law on extremism. To “strengthen trust and mutual understanding” between Jews and Christians, they believe, “it is necessary not only to deep and sincere repentance of Christians for all the evil that they have done to the Jews for 2000 years. It is necessary to introduce a new understanding of the attitude of Christians towards Jews into the very doctrine of the Christian Churches... These deeds must be proportionate to the entire gravity of the guilt of Christians. Among such useful deeds one could name a ban for Christians to distribute any anti-Semitic literature ... as well as the introduction of a prayer of repentance in memory of the innocent victims of the Jewish people into the daily service of Christians, the veneration of the holy places of Judaism, etc. ” (Hebrew Word No. 15, 17-23.4.2002)…

Well! The holy places of Judaism with participation in the Talmudic rituals, President Putin regularly visits no less than Orthodox monasteries, and congratulates the Jews on their holidays. And many bishops calmly sit on the podium together with the servants of the Antichrist, not considering them as such. It remains, apparently, to achieve daily repentance before the Jews in a live television show from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior? ..

The most sensible Jews understand the danger of this state of affairs. Thus, the Israeli Yu. Nudelman writes (Soviet Russia, 20.6.02):

“In my opinion, it is especially dangerous for the Jews in Russia that more and more Russian people believe that the Jews run Russia, that they have seized aluminum, oil, gas, nickel, potassium, diamonds, the media, banks. The names of Abramovich, Moshkovich, Mogilevich, Goldovsky, Gaydamak, the Cherny brothers, Leviev, Rybolov, Berezovsky, Gusinsky, Rabinovich, Kobzon, Bernstein, Khodorkovsky, Feldman, Khait, Friedman, Smolensky for a significant part of the Russian people symbolize the seizure of Russia by the Jews.

According to the Russian people, privatization, the cheap sale of national, state property, the management of the economy and politics are carried out by Jews and half-breeds - Chubais, Gref, Klebanov, Braverman, Volsky, Borovoy, Kiriyenko, Nemtsov, Yavlinsky, Khakamada, Primakov, Gaidar, Livshits. The Russian people are annoyed that the barristers, the padvas, the Yakubovskys rule in the bar, and the Khazanovs, Zhvanetskys, Shifrins, Galkins, Yakubovichs are in command on the stage ... In addition, these rulers, the oligarchs, manage to obtain dual citizenship, which allows them to evade the law ...

The opening of purely Jewish schools, centers, camps against the backdrop of 4 million homeless Russian children will not lead to anything good, except for hatred of Jews. Gentle meetings between Lazar and governors and mayors will not close the eyes and ears of the Russian people. They won't fill his stomachs. They won't dress him. They will only exacerbate the Jewish problem in Russia…”

Dear readers, this article is written for review, but in no way warms up interethnic protest and indignation.

Living in Russia, we praise and scold our government .. But wherever you look, only Russians are at the helm of power, and we are proud of our nation and leadership that such smart and promising people run the state. But is our government Russian, in this article I will try to reveal the true nationality of the ruling elite.

Putin's successor, Dmitry Medvedev, is a halachic Jew, his mother, Yulia Veniaminovna, was a 100% Jewish teacher of literature at the Herzen Pedagogical Institute, and his wife, Svetlana, nee Linnik, is also Jewish. As you know, among the Jews, the nationality of children is determined by the mother, so we have a 100% Jewish Medvedev.

As also became known from the Stringer news publication, earlier Medvedev's biography differed from today's, namely in this:

The real name of Medvedev's father is David Aaronovich Mendel. Born September 14, 1965 in Leningrad in a "simple" family, Russian according to his passport. Father - Aaron Abramovich Mendel, professor, Russian by passport. Mother - Tsilya Viniaminovna, philologist, Jewish by passport. These are the original names from birth.

It should be noted that the concealment of the Jewish origin of David Aaronovich Mendel (“Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev”) by the Chekist media of Russia is the grossest manifestation of the most rabid, rabid state anti-Semitism, as if there is something shameful in Jewry that needs to be hidden.

And now consider the government of Moscow by nationality

President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev (JEW)
Composition of the Government of the Russian Federation (2009)
Chairman of the Government - Putin (Shalomov) Vladimir Vladimirovich (JEW)
First Deputy Prime Minister - Zubkov Viktor Alekseevich (GENTLE)
First Deputy Prime Minister - Shuvalov Igor Ivanovich (JEW)
Deputy Prime Minister - Sergey Borisovich Ivanov (JEW?)
Deputy Prime Minister - Kozak Dmitry Nikolaevich (JEW)
Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Finance - Aleksey Leonidovich Kudrin (NON-JEW?)
Deputy Prime Minister - Igor Ivanovich Sechin (JEW)
Deputy Prime Minister - Sergei Sobyanin (NON-JEW?)
Deputy Prime Minister - Zhukov Alexander Dmitrievich (JEW?)
Ministry of Internal Affairs - Nurgaliyev Rashid Gumarovich (JEW)
Ministry of Health and Social Development - Golikova Tatyana Alekseevna (NON-JEW)
Ministry of Energy - Sergei Ivanovich Shmatko (GENTLE)
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Sergey Lavrov (JEW)
Ministry of Culture and Mass Communications - Avdeev Alexander Alekseevich (JEW)
Ministry of Defense - Anatoly Eduardovich Serdyukov (JEW?)
Ministry of Regional Development - Viktor Fedorovich Basargin (NON-JEW?)
Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications - Shchegolev Igor Olegovich (JEW)
Ministry of Agriculture - Skrynnik Elena Borisovna (JEW)
Ministry of Education and Science - Andrey Fursenko (JEW)
Ministry of Industry and Trade - Khristenko Viktor Borisovich (JEW)
Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief - Sergei Shoigu Kuzhugetovich (JEW?, mother- Alexandria Yakovlevna Shoigu)
Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy - Mutko Vitaly Leontyevich (JEW)
Ministry of Transport - Levitin Igor Evgenievich (JEW)
Ministry of Justice - Konovalov Alexander Vladimirovich (JEW?)
Ministry of Economic Development - Nabiullina Elvira Sakhipzadovna (JEW?)

I do not call for nationalism, I cite historical facts. Today, the truth is this: practically only Jews sit in the government of the Russian Federation, and all the main leadership positions in the country are also occupied by Jews. Some of them are hiding their nationality, some are not.

If you look into history, then the Jews got into the government through the October Revolution of 1917, this is no longer a secret either. International communism was an invention of the Jews, the Russian revolution was not, in fact, Russian at all, any historian will tell you that. If there are errors here, it is only in the details, but on the whole the picture is clear and meaningful. It should be added that the “way up” for a non-Jew, as a rule, is “opened” by a Jewish wife. Examples of this are Voroshilov, Molotov, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Eltsin, etc. they will not make claims about seized property, about genocide, and also serve as a lightning rod for the "elite" - let the Russians fight with them, protest against "illegal immigrants" who bring crime and disease, take jobs, knock down salaries.

Historical reference

(relevant today more than ever).

Personnel of the Soviet bureaucracy.

Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of the Bolsheviks (all Jews): In the first place, and this is important, in the list of Victor Marsden is Trotsky (Bronstein). In second place is Lenin (Ulyanov. At least a Jewish mother Blank). In third place is Zinoviev (Apfelbaum. He wrote works for Lenin and edited them). Then in turn: Lurie (Larin), Krylenko (nickname - "Abram", later People's Commissar of Justice, and the first chairman of the USSR Chess Federation), Lunacharsky (Bailikh-Mandelstam), Uritsky, Volodarsky, Kamenev (Rosenfeld.

He is the husband of Trotsky's sister and also an editor of Lenin's works). Smidovich. Sverdlov. Steklov (Nakhamkes).

Bureau of the First Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies of the City of Moscow (all Jews): Three co-chairs: Chairman of the first Moscow Soviet after the revolution - Leiba Khinchuk. Chairman of the Council of Workers and Red Army Men - Smidovich. Chairman of the Council of Workers' and Soldiers' Deputies - Moder.

1. ULYANOV, Vladimir Ilyich (Lenin);

2. SULISHVILI, David Sokratovich;

3. ULYANOVA, Nadezhda Konstantinovna (Krupskaya);

4. ARMAND, Inessa Fedorovna;

5. Safarov, Georgy Ivanovich;

6. Safarova - Martoshkina Valentina Sergeevna;

7. KHARITONOV, Moses Motkovich;

8. KONSTANTINOVICH, Anna Evgenievna;

9. USIEVICH, Grigory Alexandrovich;

10. Usievich (KON), Elena Feliksovna;

11. RAVVICH, Sarra Naumovna;

12. Tskhakaya, Mikhail Grigorievich;

13. SKOVNO, Abram Anchilovich;

14. Radomyslsky, Ovsei Gershen Aronovich; (Zinoviev);

15. Radomyslskaya, Zlata Evnovna; (with son 5 years old)

16. Boytsov N. (Radek K.B.) (Sobelson)

17. RIVKIN, Zalman Berk Oserovich;

18. SLYUSAREVA, Nadezhda Mikhailovna;

19. GOBERMANN, Mikhail Vulfovich;

20. ABRAMOVICH, Maya Zelikov;

21. LINDE, Johann Arnold Joganovich;

22. BRILLIANT, Grigory Yakovlevich; (Sokolnikov);

23. Miringof, Ilya Davidovich;

24. MIRINGOF, Maria Efimovna;

25. ROSENBLUM, David Mordukhovich;

26. PEYNESON, Semyon Gershovich;


28. POGOVSKAYA, Bunya Khemovna; (with son 4 years old)

29. AISENBUND, Meer Kivov.

30. Rubakov (Anders).

31. Egorov (Erich).

I. TIME 1917-1926.

In total, officials of the highest administration who decided the fate of Russia after October 1917 - 539. By national composition Jews - 442 (82%), Latvians - 34 (6%), Russians - 31 (5%), Germans - 11 (2%), Armenians - 10 (2%), Poles - 3, Finns - 3 , Georgians - 2, Chekhov - 1, Hungarians - 1.


1. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars - Ulyanov (Lenin). Listed as Russian. In fact, Lenin was a half-Jew by his mother (Blank), and according to rabbinical laws, this is a complete Jew.

2. Commissar of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin. Listed as Russian. Chicherin's father was from the old tribal nobility, and his mother was a Jew. He was married to a Jewess.

3. Commissioner for Nationalities - Dzhugashvili (Stalin). Listed as Georgian.

4. President of the Supreme Economic Council - Lurie (Larin). Jew.

5. Restoration Commissioner - Schlichter. Jew.

6. Commissioner of Agriculture - Protian. Armenian.

7. Commissioner of State Control - Lander. Jew.

8. Commissar of the Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky). Jew.

9. Commissioner of State Lands - Kaufman. Jew.

10. Commissioner of Public Works - Schmitt. Jew.

11. Commissioner of Public Procurement - E. Lilina (Knigisen). Jewish.

12. Commissar of Public Education - Lunacharsky. Listed as Russian. Actually - a Jew from vykrestov. He was married to a Jewess Rosenelle.

13. Commissioner of Religions - Svalbard. Jew.

14. People's Commissar - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev). Jew.

15. Commissioner of Public Hygiene - Anvelt. Jew.

16. Commissioner of Finance - Gukovsky. Jew.

17. Commissioner of the Press - Cohen (Volodarsky). Jew.

18. Commissioner for Election Affairs - Radomyslsky (Uritsky). Jew.

19. Commissioner of Justice - Steinberg. Jew.

20. Commissioner for evacuation - Fenigstein. Jew.

21. His assistants are Ravich and Zaslavsky. Jews.

In total, out of the 22 two top leaders of the country, 17 people were Jews, 3 were Russians (Lenin, Chicherin, Lunacharsky), 1 Georgian (Stalin) and 1 Armenian (Protian).

The MILITARY COMMISSARIAT consisted of 35 Jews, 7 Latvians and 1 German, there were no Russians.

The COMMISSARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS consisted of 43 Jews, 10 Latvians, 3 Armenians, 2 Poles, 2 Germans and 2 Russians.

The COMMISSARY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS consisted of 13 Jews, 1 Latvian, 1 German and 1 Russian.

The Commissariat of Finance consisted of 24 Jews, 2 Latvians, 1 Pole and 2 Russians.

The COMMISSARY OF JUSTICE consisted of 18 Jews and 1 Armenian, there were no Russians.

PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONERS - 21 Jews, 1 Latvian and 1 Russian.

THE BUREAU OF THE FIRST COUNCIL OF WORKERS' AND SOLDIERS' DEPUTIES IN MOSCOW consisted of 19 Jews, 3 Latvians, 1 Armenian, there were no Russians.


Of the 42 employees (editors and journalists) of the newspapers available at that time (Pravda, Izvestia, Znamya Truda, etc.), only one Maxim Gorky was not a Jew.

2. REPRESSIONS 1917 - 1926.

The exact figures of post-revolutionary repressions have yet to be clarified. However, their order can be assessed on the basis of the crimes of only one family clan - the clan of "border guards" Mikhail Petrovich Frinovsky. We give this example as the most fully characterizing the systemic actions of the Jewish authorities. In the review below, Zalman, Berka, and Israel Borukhovichi Katznelson are siblings. They are also cousins ​​to the head of the Main Directorate of the Border Troops of the Russian Republic, Mikhail (Mordukh) Petrovich (Mordok) Frinovsky himself. Isaak Semenovich Mezhericher and Wolf Yakovlevich Gurevich are the husbands of Bronia and Tsili, Frinovsky's sisters. And Myakotenok is his nephew.

So, let's go through the archives of the border districts - Time - December 1919. Location - Arkhangelsk province. The hero is Katsnelson Zalman Borukhovich, the head of the Northern Border District, the chairman of the provincial Cheka and the very “troika”, the “judicial” body, where everything is absolutely decided by its chairman! The members of the "troika" are trusted members of the collegium of the Cheka, who must demonstrate collegiality:

Vilenchik Willy Moiseevich and Norinsky (Grobman) Nokhem Osipovich. Results - for a year and a half of the "work" of the "troika" - 25,400 death sentences with "immediate execution". Without the “troika”, Katsnelson shot more than 34,200 Russian soldiers, officers, generals and admirals brought from the Kholmogor, Arkhangelsk, Pertominsk, Plyasetsk, Elninka concentration camps. The aforementioned concentration camps were organized on December 9, 1919. Organized long before the Solovki and the Gulag.

The next archive is the Petrograd province. Time - January 1921 - July 1922. Petrograd. Hero - Mezhericher Isaak Semenovich, head of the North-Western border district, deputy chairman of the provincial Cheka, chairman of the "troika". The members of the "troika" are Craig Pinkhas Solomonovich and Mints Nikolai (Evzer) Grigorievich (Yerukhimovich). The result of the actions of the "troika" is 47,680 death sentences with immediate execution. Information on "non-judicial" executions is scary, but the papers are vague.

Next - Smolensk. Time - January 1922 - August 1923. Hero - Katsnelson Boris (Berka) Borukhovich, head of the Western Border District, chairman of the provincial Cheka, chairman of the "troika". The members of the Troika are Israel Yakovlevich Kuts and Moses Lvovich Kriegsman. The result of the actions of the "troika" is 22,734 death sentences with immediate execution. There is no information about "non-judicial" executions. But in the GAOR there is a copy of the report of the deputy B. B. Katsnelson S. Voznitsyn about the executions of "White Poles and their accomplices from the citizens of the RSFSR." The number is 8674. However, the report says: "... in addition to our Nos. from ..." There is no need to speculate.

Baku. Time - March 1921 - January 1924. Hero - Gurevich Vladimir (Wolf) Yakovlevich, head of the Transcaucasian border district, chairman of the Transcaucasian Cheka, chairman of the "troika". The members of the "troika" are Bagirov Mir Jafar and Gnesin Pavel Gavrilovich (Moiseevich). The result is 67,452 death sentences with immediate execution. "Not a ship" shot "more than 44,600 ...".

Tashkent. Time - August 1925 - May 1926. Hero - Katsnelson Israel Borukhovich, head of the Turkestan border district, chairman of the TurChK, chairman of the "troika". Members of the "troika" - Yegorov Vasily Petrovich (the only Russian among all the border guards ") and Mirzoev Ilya Davidovich. The result of the work is 7,420 death sentences with immediate execution. (In nine months!) About "non-judicial" murders: in the papers of the Cheka apparatus there are a lot of them .

Further. Blagoveshchensk. Time - March 1923 - March 1925. Hero - Gurevich Ilya Yakovlevich, head of the Trans-Baikal border district, chairman of the Trans-Baikal Cheka, chairman of the "troika". The members of the "troika" are Elkin Moisei Shlemovich and Gitelman Ego (Pinkhas) Samuilovich. The result of the work is 21,420 death sentences with immediate execution. The archive is silent about "non-judicial executions". But there is a list of decommissioned "vessels" - eight hundred and seventy names or numbers of "watercraft", "hijacked" in the "downstream" with an exhaustively designated cargo: "special contingent" (so in the list and in the bills of lading!). And before the "Baku stage" we were aware of the "fashion" of "driving peoples into the holds and drowning"! Moreover, the geography of "drowsing" was also not "Newton's binomial": they were "dumped" in the lower reaches of the northern and Siberian rivers. But for some reason, it was Amur who was considered the champion in this type of "sport".

Finally, Khabarovsk. Time - January 1923 - November 1924. The hero is Myakotenok Ilya Kharitonovich (Khaimovich), head of the Far Eastern Border District, chairman of the DalChK, chairman of the "troika". The members of the "troika" are Liepa August Petrovich and Glikman Khaim Nusinovich. The result - 5214 death sentences and something like three thousand "non-judicial". The meagerness of these figures is in the meagerness of the population of the Far East in those distant years: one person per square fifty miles of taiga and tundra. The total number of those executed by border guards in the early 1920s in all seven districts does not include the routine, operationally conducted, liquidations of countless "border violators", tens, perhaps hundreds of thousands, who tried to escape from Soviet Russia.

The given figures of the Jewish contribution to the beneficence of the Russians by the “border department” alone are a small fraction in comparison with the “achievements” of the Jews in much more serious departments, in the Gulag, for example, which acted on immeasurably larger than the “border zone”, and incomparably more densely populated spaces of our homeland.

II. TIME 1935-1938.


The CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the national composition consisted of: Jews - 61, Non-Jews - 17, It is not clear. -7.

COUNCIL OF PEOPLE'S COMMISSIONERS: Jews - 115, Non-Jews - 18, Not clear. - 3.


ALL-RUSSIAN CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (VTsIK): Jews - 17, Non-Jews - 3, Unexplained. - 2.

COMMISSARIAT OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (OGPU-NKVD): Jews - 53, Non-Jews - 6, Not found out. - 8.

POLITICAL ADMINISTRATION of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army: Jews - 20, Non-Jews - 1, Not found out. - 1.

CULT. CLEARANCE. AND THE UNION OF MILITARY GOTHINS: Jews - 40, Non-vrei - 0, Not found out. - 1.

PRINT: Newspaper editors: Jews - 12, Non-Jews - 0, Not clear. - 0.

In the GOVERNMENT of the USSR, 9 People's Commissars and 12 of their deputies were Jews. Of the 8 diplomats in the "LEAGUE OF NATIONS" - there were 7 Jews and 1 Georgian, Russian - 0. Plenipotentiary representatives in foreign countries also predominantly consisted of Jews. The OGPU (NKVD) and all other executive and punitive bodies, including the main directorate of the camps (GULAG) were also under the complete control of the Jews.

Here is the answer to all questions. During the times of the greatest repressions (1935-1938), power was in the hands of the Jews. They destroyed the "best of the goyim", as they were taught by the Talmud and the Torah, and at the same time in the struggle for power and each other!


persons of the Soviet Union abroad -

1. Head of the USSR delegation - Litvinov-Finkelstein. Jew.

Members of the delegation -

2. Rosenberg. Jew.

3. Stein. Jew.

4. Marcus. Jew.

5. Brenner. Jew.

6. Hirshfeld. Jew.

7. Galfand. Jew.

8. Svanidze. Georgian.

And so: Jews - 7, Georgians - 1, Russians - 0.


People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in the USSR - Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda, Lithuanian Jew.

Yezhov, who replaced Yagoda, was married to a Jewish woman (according to Halakha, the offspring from this marriage are Jews).

First Deputy - Agranov (Sorenzon) Yakov Saulovich, Jew.


Head of the Special Department - Guy Miron Ilyich

Head of the Economic Department - Mironov Samuil

Head of the Foreign Department - Slutsky Arkady Arkadyevich

Head of the Transport Department - Shanin Abram Moiseevich

Head of the Operations Department - Pauker Karl Veniaminovich

Head of the Special Department - Dobroditsky Veniamin Isaakovich

Head of the Anti-Religious Department - Ioffe Isai Lvovich.

Head of the Main Directorate of Workers' and Peasants' Militia - Byalsky Lev Naumovich.

Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the NKVD of the USSR - Vul Leonid Iosifovich.


Head - Mogilsky Boris Efimovich, a Jew.

Inspector of the border troops of the NKVD of the USSR - Shirvindt Semyon.


In "Izvestia" dated November 29, 1935, it was printed (Jews are marked) - "The following ranks are assigned to NKVD workers":

GENERAL COMMISSIONER OF STATE SECURITY - Yagoda G. G. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Jew).

STATE SECURITY COMMISSIONERS of the 1st rank Agranov Ya. S. - Deputy. People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Jew) Balitsky V. A. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR Deribas T. G. - Head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the NKVD. Prokofiev G. E. - Deputy. People's Commissar of the USSR VD (Jew).

Redens S.F. - Head of the Moscow Department of the NKVD (Jew).

Zakovsky L. M. - Head of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKVD (Jew)


Guy M. S. - Head of the Special Department of the GUBG NKVD of the USSR (Jew)

Goglidze S. A. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the ZSFR

Zalkis L.V. - Head of the NKVD Department of the Kazakh ASSR (Jew)

Katsnelson - Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR (Jew)

Carlson K. M. - Head of the Kharkov Department of the NKVD

Leplevsky - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the BSSR (Jew)

Molchanov G. A. - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR

Mironov Ya. G. - Head of Economy. Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)

Pauker B. V. - Head of the Operational Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)

Slutsky A. - Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)

Shanin A. I. - Head of the Transport Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)

Belsky A.I. - Head of the Main Directorate of the R.K. Militia (Jew)

Pilar R. A. - Head of the Saratov Directorate of the NKVD

Total: Jews - 14; non-Jews - 6.

In addition, the NKVD at the end of 1935 and the beginning of 1936 consisted of Jews - Frinovsky, Komkor - Deputy. People's Commissar V.D. and commander of the border troops. Berman Boris, Commissar III rank - Head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR. Berman Matvey, commissar III rank - Head of the Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps (GULAG). Ostrovsky Joseph - Head of the NKVD Department of the USSR. Shpigelglas - Deputy Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD. Shapiro - Secretary of the People's Commissar V.D. THE USSR.

So - what do we see from these lists? Some Jews, having seized power in Russia, ruled the country and the peoples of Russia, while other Jews from the OGPU (NKVD) shot and repressed the Jews in power.

II.2. REPRESSIONS 1936-1939.

In the West (and later in Russia) the semi-Jewish Solzhenitsyn, the Nobel Prize winner, made a lot of noise. He made a fuss mainly with his book The Gulag Archipelago. By the end of Stalin's rule, there were about 20 million people in the camps. Today in the West, the expression "Gulag Archipelago" has come into use as a symbol of the Soviet Union and the Red Terror. And now let's see who were the inspirers and leaders of this Archipelago? About whom this half-Jew Solzhenitsyn bashfully kept silent.


Head - Berman Yakov Matveevich.

Until 1936, the Head of the Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps - GULAG - was Commissar III rank Berman Matvey, and the head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR was another Commissar III rank Berman Boris. Obviously it was a Berman family contract.

Deputy and head of the free-settlement department of the NKVD of the USSR - Firin Samuil Yakovlevich.

The head of the camps and settlements on the territory of the Karelian ASSR, at the same time the head of the White Sea political camp - Kogan Samuil Leonidovich.

The head of the camps and settlements of the Northern Territory is Finkelstein.

The head of the camps and settlements of the Sverdlovsk region - Pogrebinsky.

Head of camps and settlements in Western Siberia - Sabo.

The head of the camps and settlements of Kazakhstan - Volin.

Head of the SLON (Solovki Special Purpose Camp) - Serpukhov.

Head of the Upper Urals political detention center for special purposes - Mezner.

That is, the leadership of the Gulag Archipelago consisted only of Jews.

The "honor" of inventing these famous death camps belongs to the Jew Nathan (Naftaliy) Aronovich Frenkel, which out of "modesty" the Western press never mentions, blaming the "camps" on Stalin's "scapegoat"...


Moscow region - Redens

Leningrad region - Zakovsky

Western area - Blat

Northern Territory - Ritkovsky

Azov-Black Sea Territory - Friedberg

Saratov region - Pilyar

Stalingrad region - Rappoport

Orenburg region - Raisky

Gorky region - Abrampol

North Caucasian Territory - Faivilovich

Sverdlovsk region - Shklyar

Bashkir ASSR - Zelikman

Western Siberia - Gogol

Eastern Siberia - Trotsky

Central Asia - Krukovsky

Belarus - Leplevsky

Not many WILL UNDERSTAND ... But whoever understands ... WILL BE HORRIFIED ...

daughter of a Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev


1. Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars (Prime Minister) - Ulyanov (Lenin). Listed as Russian. In fact, Lenin was a half-Jew by his mother (Blank), and this is according to rabbinical laws: a complete Jew. Why do you think the mausoleum has not been demolished so far? Because there is a Jew. Jewish tomb near the Russian Kremlin.

Next - ministers (commissioners)
2. Commissar of Foreign Affairs - Chicherin. Listed as Russian. Chicherin's father was from the old tribal nobility, and by his mother he was a complete Jew. He was married to a Jewess.
3. Commissioner for Nationalities - Dzhugashvili (Stalin). Listed as Georgian.
4. President of the Supreme Economic Council - Lurie (Larin). Jew.
5. Restoration Commissioner - Schlichter. Jew.
6. Commissioner of Agriculture - Protian. Armenian.
7. Commissioner of State Control - Lander. Jew.
8. Commissar of the Army and Navy - Bronstein (Trotsky). Jew.
9. Commissioner of State Lands - Kaufman. Jew.
10. Commissioner of Public Works - Schmitt. Jew.
11. Commissioner of Public Procurement - E. Lilina (Knigisen). Jewish.
12. Commissar of Public Education - Lunacharsky. Listed as Russian.
Actually - a Jew from vykrestov.
He was married to a Jewess Rosenel.
13. Commissioner of Religions - Svalbard. Jew.
14. People's Commissar - Apfelbaum (Zinoviev). Jew.
15. Commissioner of Public Hygiene - Anvelt. Jew.
16. Commissioner of Finance - Gukovsky. Jew.
17. Commissioner of the Press - Cohen (Volodarsky). Jew.
18. Commissioner for Election Affairs - Radomyslsky (Uritsky). Jew.
19. Commissioner of Justice - Steinberg. Jew.
20. Commissioner for evacuation - Fenigstein. Jew.
21. His assistants are Ravich and Zaslavsky. Jews.
In total, out of the 22 two top leaders of the country, 17 people were Jews, 3 were Russians (Lenin, Chicherin, Lunacharsky), 1 Georgian (Stalin) and 1 Armenian (Protian).

The MILITARY COMMISSARIAT (Ministry of Defense) consisted of 35 Jews, 7 Latvians and 1 German, there were no Russians.

The COMMISSARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS (MVD) consisted of 43 Jews, 10 Latvians, 3 Armenians, 2 Poles, 2 Germans and 2 Russians.

The COMMISSARY FOR FOREIGN AFFAIRS (MFA) consisted of 13 Jews, 1 Latvian, 1 German and 1 Russian.

The Commissariat of Finance consisted of 24 Jews, 2 Latvians, 1 Pole and 2 Russians.

The COMMISSARY OF JUSTICE consisted of 18 Jews and 1 Armenian, there were no Russians.

PROVINCIAL COMMISSIONERS - 21 Jews, 1 Latvian and 1 Russian.

THE BUREAU OF THE FIRST COUNCIL OF WORKERS' AND SOLDIERS' DEPUTIES IN MOSCOW consisted of 19 Jews, 3 Latvians, 1 Armenian, there were no Russians.

CONGRESS (CONGRESS) OF WORKERS' AND PEASANTS' DEPUTIES consisted of 33 Jews and 1 "Russian" - (Lenin).

Of the 42 employees (editors and journalists) of the newspapers available at that time
(Pravda, Izvestia, Znamya Truda, etc.) only Maxim Gorky was not a Jew.


(Years of "Stalin's" repressions)

The CENTRAL COMMITTEE of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks on the national composition consisted of: Jews - 61, Non-Jews - 17, It is not clear. -7.

Jews - 115, Non-Jews - 18, Not clear. - 3.

Jews - 106, Non-Jews - 17, Not clear - 8.

ALL-RUSSIAN CENTRAL EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (VTsIK): Jews - 17, Non-Jews - 3, Unexplained. - 2.

Jews - 53, Non-Jews - 6, Not clear. - 8.

POLITICAL ADMINISTRATION of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army:
Jews - 20, Non-Jews - 1, Not clear. - 1.

Jews - 40, Non-Jews - 0, Not clear. - 1.

PRINT: Newspaper editors:
Jews - 12, Non-Jews - 0, Not clear. - 0.

In the GOVERNMENT of the USSR, 9 people's commissars (ministers) and 12 of their deputies were Jews.

Of the 8 diplomats in the LEAGUE OF NATIONS, there were 7 Jews and 1 Georgian, Russians - 0.

Plenipotentiary representatives (ambassadors) in foreign countries also predominantly consisted of Jews.

The OGPU (NKVD) and all other executive and punitive bodies, including the main directorate of the camps (GULAG) were also under the complete control of the Jews.

Here is the answer to the question of who is to blame for the mass executions during the times of the greatest repressions (1935-1938) - the power was in the hands of the Jews. The Jews staged a massacre in Russia, as they were taught by the Talmud and the Torah!

(face of the Soviet Union abroad)

1. Head of the USSR delegation - Litvinov - Finkelstein. Jew.
Members of the delegation:
2. Rosenberg. Jew.
3. Stein. Jew.
4. Marcus. Jew.
5. Brenner. Jew.
6. Hirshfeld. Jew.
7. Galfand. Jew.
8. Svanidze. Georgian.
And so: out of 8 people - Jews 7, Georgians - 1, Russians - 0.

People's Commissar of Internal Affairs in the USSR - Genrikh Grigoryevich Yagoda, Lithuanian Jew.
Yezhov, who replaced Yagoda, was married to a Jewish woman (according to Halakha, the offspring from this marriage are Jews).
First Deputy - Agranov (Sorenzon) Yakov Saulovich, Jew.

Head of the Special Department - Guy Miron Ilyich
Head of the Economic Department - Mironov Samuil
Head of the Foreign Department - Slutsky Arkady Arkadyevich
Head of the Transport Department - Shanin Abram Moiseevich
Head of the Operations Department - Pauker Karl Veniaminovich
Head of the Special Department - Dobroditsky Veniamin Isaakovich
Head of the Anti-Religious Department - Ioffe Isai Lvovich.
Head of the Main Directorate of Workers' and Peasants' Militia - Byalsky Lev Naumovich.
Head of the Criminal Investigation Department of the NKVD of the USSR - Vul Leonid Iosifovich.

Head - Mogilsky Boris Efimovich,
Inspector of the border troops of the NKVD of the USSR - Shirvindt Semyon.


In Izvestia of November 29, 1935, it was printed: “The following ranks are assigned to employees of the NKVD”:

GENERAL COMMISSIONER OF STATE SECURITY - Yagoda G. G. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR (Jew).

Agranov Ya. S. - Deputy. People's Commissar of the USSR VD (Jew)
Balitsky V. A. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR
Deribas T. G. - Head of the Far Eastern Directorate of the NKVD.
Prokofiev G. E. - Deputy. People's Commissar of the USSR VD (Jew).
Redens S.F. - Head of the Moscow Department of the NKVD (Jew).
Zakovsky L. M. - Head of the Leningrad Directorate of the NKVD (Jew)

Guy M. S. - Head of the Special Department of the GUBG NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Goglidze S. A. - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the ZSFR
Zalkis L.V. - Head of the NKVD Department of the Kazakh ASSR (Jew)
Katsnelson - Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the Ukrainian SSR (Jew)
Carlson K. M. - Head of the Kharkov Department of the NKVD
Leplevsky - People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the BSSR (Jew)
Molchanov G. A. - Head of the Special Department of the NKVD of the USSR
Mironov Ya. G. - Head of Economy. Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Pauker B. V. - Head of the Operational Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Slutsky A. - Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Shanin A. I. - Head of the Transport Department of the NKVD of the USSR (Jew)
Belsky A.I. - Head of the Main Directorate of the R.K. Militia (Jew)
Pilar R. A. - Head of the Saratov Directorate of the NKVD

Frinovsky, Komkor - Deputy. People's Commissar V.D. and commander of the border troops.
Berman Boris, commissar III rank - Head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR.
Berman Matvey, commissar III rank - Head of the Main Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps (GULAG).
Ostrovsky Joseph - Head of the NKVD Department of the USSR.
Shpigelglas - Deputy Head of the Foreign Department of the NKVD.
Shapiro - Secretary of the People's Commissar V.D. THE USSR.

REPRESSIONS 1936 -1939

By the end of Stalin's conditional rule, there were about 20 million people in the camps, "enemies of the people."


Head - Berman Yakov Matveevich.
Until 1936, the Head of the Main Directorate of Correctional Labor Camps - GULAG - was Commissar III rank Berman Matvey, and the head of the Department of the NKVD of the USSR was another Commissar III rank Berman Boris. Obviously, it was a Berman family contract.
Deputy and head of the free-settlement department of the NKVD of the USSR - Firin Samuil Yakovlevich.
The head of the camps and settlements on the territory of the Karelian ASSR, at the same time the head of the White Sea political camp - Kogan Samuil Leonidovich.
The head of the camps and settlements of the Northern Territory is Finkelstein.
The head of the camps and settlements of the Sverdlovsk region - Pogrebinsky.
Head of camps and settlements in Western Siberia - Sabo.
The head of the camps and settlements of Kazakhstan - Volin.
Head of the SLON (Solovki Special Purpose Camp) - Serpukhov.
Head of the Upper Urals political detention center for special purposes - Mezner.



Moscow region - Redens
Leningrad region - Zakovsky
Western area - Blat
Northern Territory - Ritkovsky
Azov-Black Sea Territory - Friedberg
Saratov region - Pilyar
Stalingrad region - Rappoport
Orenburg region - Raisky
Gorky region - Abrampol
North Caucasian Territory - Faivilovich
Sverdlovsk region - Shklyar
Bashkir ASSR - Zelikman
Western Siberia - Gogol
Eastern Siberia - Trotsky
Central Asia - Krukovsky
Belarus - Leplevsky

The repressions of the Russian population, organized by Jews in the 1930s, continue today.

President - Yeltsin (married to a Jewess).
Naina Iosifovna Yeltsina, Jewish wife of former Russian President Boris Yeltsin
Presidential adviser on economic issues - Livshits - a Jew.
Throughout Yeltsin's reign (1991-1999), most of his advisers were Jews.
Heads of the Presidential Administration Filatov, Chubais, Voloshin - all Jews

Economy Minister - Yasin - Jewish
Deputy Minister of Economy - Urinson - Jew
Minister of Finance - Panskov - Jew
Deputy Minister of Finance - Vavilov - a Jew
Chairman of the Central Bank - Paramonova - Jewish
Minister of Foreign Affairs - Kozyrev - a Jew
Minister of Energy - Shafrannik - Jewish
Minister of Communications - Bulgak - a Jew
Minister for Natural Resources - Danilov-Danilyan - Jew
Minister of Transport - Efimov - a Jew
Minister of Health - Nechaev - a Jew
Minister for Science - Saltykov - a Jew
Minister of Culture - Sidorov - a Jew

Chairman of the Media Committee - Gryzunov - a Jew

"Izvestia" - Golembiovsky - a Jew
"Komsomolskaya Pravda" - Fronin - a Jew
"Moskovsky Komsomolets" - Gusev (Drabkin) - Jew
"Arguments and Facts" - Starkov is a Jew
"Labor" - Potapov - a Jew
"Moscow News" - Karpinsky - a Jew
"Kommersant" - Yakovlev (Ginzburg) - Jew
"New Look" - Dodolev - a Jew
"Nezavisimaya Gazeta" - Tretyakov - a Jew
"Evening Moscow" - Lisin - a Jew
"Literaturnaya Gazeta" - Udaltsov - a Jew
"Glasnost" - Izyumov - a Jew
"Interlocutor" - Kozlov - a Jew
"Country Life" - Kharlamov - a Jew.
"Top Secret" - Borovik is a Jew.

State Television and Radio Company, Ostankino - A. Yakovlev - a Jew.
Russian television and radio company - Poptsov - a Jew.


It's pointless to talk about the government.
All the finances of Russia were concentrated in the hands of the Jews.

The country was ruled by seven bankers, six of whom were Jews:
1. Aven - a Jew,
2. Berezovsky is a Jew,
3. Gusinsky is a Jew,
4. Potanin (according to Potanin, the data differ).
5. Smolensky is a Jew,
6. Friedman is a Jew,
7. Khodorkovsky is a Jew.
The heads of the Presidential Administration are Jews: Chubais, Voloshin and the President's Daughter (a new position in the Jewish government) Tatyana Dyachenko (according to Jewish law - Halakha, as the daughter of a Jewess - a Jewess).


Politprosvet - Central Jewish Resource - claims that Putin's mother: "...tired of constant moving, she left Pechersky and married a Jew Epstein (he, Epstein, took his wife's surname), who adopted Vova Putin - Putin's father."
The electronic newspaper Peterburgskiye Novosti wrote: “Putin has already said that Jews have long aroused sympathy in him, and he recalls with joy how he grew up in a communal apartment in Baskov Lane among Jewish neighbors, the sweetest and most pleasant people.”
Putin's wife, Lyudmila Abramovna (Alexandrovna) Shkrebneva, is Jewish,
daughter of Ekaterina Tikhonovna (Mikhailovna) Shkrebneva,
daughter of a Jew Alexander (Abram) Avraamovich Shkrebnev

Now the Jews simply bought up the entire cabinet and deputies.
The appointment of a new cabinet is an election comedy.

Chairman of the Board of RAO "UES of Russia" - Chubais - a Jew
Chairman of the Board of OJSC "GAZPROM" - Miller - a Jew

During Putin's tenure as President of the Russian Federation, there has been a concentration of mass media in the hands of Jews, who are deliberately identified with the state (they say - in the hands of the state).
Data are provided only for "state" channels or channels controlled by companies with a controlling stake in the "state". The vast majority of them are under the control of Jewish leaders (who invite the relevant "experts"):
"Times" (Channel 1) - Posner is a Jew.
"To the Barrier" (NTV) - Solovyov is a Jew. Submissive in the same way as Posner.
"Sunday Evening" (NTV) - Solovyov (by the way, Vladimir Rudolfovich, on the basis of a fanatical passion for Jewish mystical teachings - Kabbalah, "the roof has gone", therefore the transfer begins at 22.22)
"What to do" (Culture) - Tretyakov - Jew
"In the meantime" (Culture) - Arkhangelsky - Jew
"Cultural Revolution" (Culture) - Shvydkoi - Jew
"Versty" (TVC) - Mlechin - a Jew
"Week" (REN-TV) - Maksimovskaya - Jewish