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History of architecture. Villa Adriana - the country residence of the Roman emperors Villa Adriana - the centuries-old history of the imperial residence

Hotel “Villa Adriano” 4\*, located on the approaches to the central part of Estosadok, is located one and a half kilometers from the Mountain Carousel ski lift. This lift is capable of transporting hotel guests to an altitude of up to 2200 meters above sea level. Ski passes providing access to the local cable car can be purchased at prices ranging from 900 rubles for children in the spring season to 2,500 rubles for adults on New Year's Eve. Every day the ski lifts of the Mountain Carousel operate from 9:00 to 16:30. Under favorable weather conditions, they can be used until 23:00. However, in the evening, the lift can take guests of “Villa Adriano” 4\* only to a height of 1660 meters - there are no floodlights installed above to illuminate the slopes. The hotel is located one kilometer from Alpika Service. Most shopping facilities in this resort are open from 9:00 to 21:00 on any day. The lifts usually start operating at 9:30 am and stop at 5:30 pm. Work starts on Monday cable car“Alpika service” is usually postponed to 11:30. Next door to Alpika Service there is a railway station. There, guests of the Villa Adriano 4\* hotel can book Aeroexpress tickets to quickly get to the center of Greater Sochi or the airport. In 15 minutes from the hotel you can get to Rosa Khutor. Most of the infrastructure of this resort is located on the Olympic Records Street. There you can have a snack, buy or rent ski equipment, and buy a ski pass. The price of the pass depends on the date of its purchase and varies from 1000 to 2500 rubles. By booking a ski pass for the whole family, for a child or for a student, you can get a discount. When purchasing each pass, you must pay an additional 100 rubles for a contactless smart card.

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One of the most famous Roman emperors was Hadrian. He gained his popularity as an architect, artist and philosopher. Many famous buildings of that time were built thanks to him. The emperor also loved to travel, where he was always accompanied by a retinue of artists sketching the sights they saw. It is not surprising that a person with such interests in his declining years decided to build for himself something amazing and at the same time calm, conducive to solitude and self-immersion. The villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli became such a structure.

Villa Adriana in Tivoli

The site chosen for construction was a plot that belonged to Adrian's wife. It was located on the slope of the Tiburtine Mountains, 30 kilometers from Rome. It was here that the construction of Hadrian's Villa at Tivoli began in 125 AD. Construction continued until Adrian's death. They say that the emperor personally developed the design for his creation.

On huge territory Picturesque ponds and parks spread over 120 hectares. There are also various buildings located here - libraries, a theater, gardens, the emperor's chambers, baths, a museum, a tower, a temple, an academy, buildings for guards, slaves, and service personnel. All the travels of Emperor Hadrian were reflected here; the villa of Emperor Hadrian united Egyptian, Greek, and oriental cultures. The local porticoes are also interesting; they were deliberately lowered so that the emperor could feel taller.

To decorate the villa of Emperor Hadrian in Tivoli, copies and originals of works of art known at that time - frescoes, caryatids, sculptures - were delivered here. The general thoughtfulness of the structure also stands out; everything here is intended specifically for peaceful life Emperor. Even in order to get rid of unnecessary noise and annoying personnel, underground roads were equipped for carts and people.

Hall of Philosophers


Villa Adriana in Tivoli, in terms of its size and number of buildings, is truly a unique structure and a treasure of human culture.

There is a desire for beauty in the human soul; there is no other way to explain the fact that at any time people strived for beautiful landscapes that pleased the eyes, and not just those that the mind urged them to choose for the sake of convenient protection from opponents and wild animals. Life in a metropolis, such as Rome was at the beginning of the first millennium, was somewhat similar to life in the capital now; it is not surprising that a rich Roman sought to have a villa on Rublyovka by the sea or in the mountains, where there was silence, beautiful views and clean air restore mental balance. In general, you can quote Brodsky here: " If you happen to be born in an empire , It’s better to live in a remote province, by the sea."
It is worth remembering that in Ancient Rome For two hundred years, May 1 was celebrated as Cabbage Day, because Emperor Diocletian abdicated the throne on May 1, 305 in order to sit quietly in his villa and grow cabbage.

Tivoli, a place 24 kilometers from Rome, became one of favorite places for the construction of villas thanks to its wonderful landscapes. During the times of romanticism, when painters traveled in search of marvelous views for paintings, it attracted many.
Van Wittel. View of Tivoli.

Jacob Hackert. Villa Maecenas.

Jacob Hackert. Grand Cascade at Tivoli.
Tivoli greets you with fields of poppies.

The largest was the villa of Emperor Hadrian. What it was like can be seen from the reconstruction model. Excavations of ancient villas began in the 16th century, and many were found at Hadrian's Villa antique statues, it was here that the Discobolus, Antinous, Capitoline Centaurs, and Diana of Versailles were found. Much was taken from here later to the villa of Cardinal D. Este, which we will see later.
A huge estate with palaces, libraries, guest houses, public baths and two theaters occupied the valley that lies under the hill where the city stands. Emperor Hadrian ruled the Roman Empire right from here at the end of his life.

The villa was built between 118 and 134. on the edge of a limestone terrace stretching from the Tiburtine Mountains to the Roman plain. Today, only a fifth of the 300 hectares of the original area of ​​the villa has been preserved.

The names of many parts of the villa were given by Emperor Hadrian in honor of the most memorable places of the Roman Empire. Their list was placed in the book “Augustan History” by Elio Spartiano.

Publius Aelius Trajan Hadrian was a glorious warrior, the successor of Trajan, who adopted him before his death for the continuity of power. During his life, he visited all parts of the empire on business, including Africa, Mauritania, the Rhine, Gaul, Athens and Jerusalem. Under Hadrian, the provinces were actively built up, Hadrian's mausoleum was built in Rome (now the Castle of the Holy Angel), he erected Hadrian's Wall to protect the borders from Gaul, divided the empire into 4 parts with his consuls, who were supposed to be exclusively Romans.
This active emperor also went down in history by being the first to wear a beard to hide facial defects and keeping the handsome Antinous, who drowned under unclear circumstances, among his favorites. Antinous was so dear to him that about five thousand sculptural images of him were found, which the emperor installed throughout the empire.
Many people drew this antique head when they were learning academic drawing; from it one could understand the ideals of beauty of that time.

As for the habit of having a favorite, then this was commonplace. Plato, in his dialogues with Socrates, namely in the Symposium, explains attraction to persons of the same sex simply. If we know the story of the apple that the gods divided and the fact that everyone strives to find their half of the apple, then in ancient times they looked at this more broadly than now. An apple could consist of two females, or it could also consist of two males, so it was not at all necessary to look for a half of the opposite sex.

From the remains of the past one can get an idea of ​​the beauty of the villa in those days when it was not yet a majestic ruin.

A particularly pleasant place is the swimming pool surrounded by statues. The space here is cozy and proportionate to the person. The architects knew a lot about building villas.