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Lake Geneva. lake geneva, france lake geneva height above sea level

  • Tours for May Worldwide
  • Located east of Geneva, this largest lake in Western Europe is often compared to a huge mirror lying between the French-speaking canton de Vaux to the north and France to the south. Why a mirror? Because the waters of Leman often remain perfectly calm throughout the day, reflecting every bush and house on the shore like a mirror.


    Most of the cities have water connections on the Compagnie Génerale de navigation (CGN) ferries. These are good modern vessels, despite the fact that CGN was founded in the early 20th century. In some cases, boats are faster than other transport (between Lausanne and Evian, for example). In other cases, boats, of course, are slower than trains, but much more picturesque.

    The waters of Lake Geneva often remain perfectly calm throughout the day, reflecting every bush and house on the shore like a mirror.

    The main resorts of Lake Geneva

    There are resorts on Lake Geneva for all categories of vacationers: Montreux is aristocratic, mainly for older people, Lausanne is more youthful. The shores of the lake are considered one of the most beautiful in the world, and the surrounding towns are full of ancient monuments. This area is often and deservedly called the Swiss Riviera, because its banks are emerald vineyards on lime hilly slopes.

    Lake Geneva

    Regional Pass

    Regional Pass (for 7 days 1/2 class 190/130 CHF) allows you to travel free on buses and trains throughout the canton for 3 days, and half price for 4. The pass also gives a 50% discount on CGN ferries and about 25% on the Diableret lifts. There is also a five-day pass (1st/2nd class 155/105 CHF). Swiss Rail Pass holders have a 20% discount on the Regional Pass.

    Prices on the page are for November 2019.

    4 things to do on Lake Geneva

    1. Take a walk through the emerald meadows on the slopes of the hills.
    2. Swim in the always calm but cool water of Lake Geneva.
    3. Find your charm both in aristocratic Montreux and in youthful Lausanne.
    4. Arrange a feast for the stomach and rest for the soul, enjoying fondue, tiramisu and wines.


    In the resorts of Lake Geneva, you can find hotels not only for every taste and budget, but also for any "liveness" of the spirit - whether it's respectable Montreux, youthful Lausanne or universal Geneva.

    Cuisine and restaurants

    In the cities and resorts of Lake Geneva, as well as everywhere in Switzerland, it is worth eating fondue, drinking wine, and having a bite of excellent tiramisu. Particular attention should be paid to wines from lands grown to the west of Lausanne. You can try them in local caveaux (wine cellars).

    Guides on Lake Geneva

    Entertainment and attractions of Lake Geneva

    Fans of thermal baths, spas and similar delights can head north to Yverdon-les-Bains, where Lake Neuchâtel and its thermal springs are located.

    And in the southeast of the canton and the lake, the path opens to the beautiful Alpine mountains of Vaudoises (Vaud Alps) - a paradise for travelers in spring and summer, and in winter - a ski paradise. In the summer, by the way, they also ride here, on the Diableret Glacier. Finally, Lake Geneva is home to many famous international events, such as the Montreux Jazz Festival, which takes place every July.

    A Deep Purple song titled Smoke on the Water was recorded in December 1971 in the aftermath of the Montreux Casino fire.

    The park is a paradise. Multi-colored paragliders soar in the air, yachts and boats surf the blue expanse of the lake. Here you can just walk, enjoying the murmur of fountains and the fragrance of flowers.

    And you can visit the Olympic Museum - the exhibition site of the Olympic Movement, with permanent and traveling exhibitions, a unique collection of objects related to the Olympics, the Olympic Learning Center, a library, a video library, an educational department, an auditorium, meeting rooms, a restaurant and a souvenir shop.

    Coordinates: 46.51209800,6.63291900

    Lake Geneva

    Cozy beaches are located along the shores - grassy or in the form of platforms raised above the ground. Here you can rent a yacht, a pedalo or a boat.

    The water in Leman is very clean, but cold: it warms up only in July. Travelers are attracted here by the mild warm climate, clean air, emerald vineyards on the slopes of the mountains and lush vegetation against the backdrop of the snow-capped Alps. Lake Geneva has many world-renowned medical institutions that use high-tech treatment methods.

    Many small towns near Lehman are full of ancient monuments. The area near the lake is called the Swiss Riviera, paying tribute to its beauty.

    Coordinates: 46.48893800,6.55334500

    And what sights of Lake Geneva did you like? There are icons next to the photo, by clicking on which you can rate a particular place.

    Chillon Castle

    Chillon Castle stands on a rock that rises slightly above the surface of the lake, and is connected to the shore by a bridge. The combination of natural conditions and features of the building allowed the castle to control the strategically important road that ran between the lake and the mountains. For a long time, this road to the St. Bernard Pass served as the only transport route from Northern to Southern Europe. It has not lost its significance so far.

    The device of the castle is striking in its luxury. In the Great Hall with the coat of arms of Savoy, there is a magnificent ceiling and an imposing fireplace of the 15th century. Oak columns, beautiful furniture and a collection of pewter draw attention. In the old Celebration Hall, decorated with a wooden ceiling in the shape of an inverted underwater part of the ship, there is currently a museum of weapons (a musket decorated with mother-of-pearl and bone, in the butt of which you can store gunpowder), armor, pewter, and furniture. In the spacious Knight's or Armorial Hall, there are coats of arms of Bernese officials on the walls.

    From the roof of the donjon, which can be reached by climbing a narrow staircase, offers a beautiful view of the lake and the Alps.

    Coordinates: 46.41416700,6.92750000

    Lake Geneva (Leman) is located on the border of Switzerland (northern coast - the cantons of Geneva and Waadt) and France (Department of Savoy). This is the second largest (after Balaton) freshwater lake in Central Europe, its area is 581.3 km².

    The average difference between water levels in February and August is 1248 mm. The lake has the shape of a crescent with a bend in the area of ​​the village of Yvoire.

    Unlike other alpine lakes, the waters of Leman are surprisingly blue. The picturesque view of the lake, surrounded by mountain slopes, combined with a warm climate (heat-loving pomegranates grow here in open ground) makes the northeastern coast a favorite vacation spot. The abundance of various cultural and historical sites (for example, the Chillon Castle) also attracts tourists.

    Coordinates: 46.44353500,6.55128500

    fountain of justice

    The Fountain of Justice is located on Place Palud in Lausanne, 300 meters from the Cathedral. This is the oldest fountain in Lausanne - the fountain's pool dates back to 1557.

    The originality of the fountain is expressed in the unusual colored central statue of the goddess Justice, which is unusual for the Russian eye. This is a copy installed during the reconstruction of the fountain in the 19th century. But the original statue, created in 1585, was also in color. The fountain is the center of the architectural ensemble of Palud Square and creates a unique atmosphere of a medieval European town. Behind the fountain "Justice" there is a covered picturesque staircase leading to the Cathedral.

    Coordinates: 46.52174700,6.63325600

    Market Square

    The Market Square opposite Lake Geneva is a place where travelers can observe countless shopping ideas, both in large department stores and in small shops.

    Every Saturday, in July and August, picturesque peasant fairs take place on the cobblestones of the square. And in the fall, local winegrowers gather here on weekends, most of whom are dressed in national costumes. In addition, the square hosts the annual International Comedy Film Festival in August. Surrounded by the square, you can find rich, exquisite villas, lost among the green vineyards.

    Coordinates: 46.45891700,6.84691600

    Palud Square

    Palud Square (Palyud, Palyu) is an excellent example of medieval stone architecture. The main building of the square dates back to the 18th-19th centuries.

    The multi-colored old houses combine the general Renaissance style and the pastel colors of the shutters on the windows. The heart of the architectural ensemble of the square is the City Hall building and the Justice fountain. The town hall is adorned with a clock tower, arcades and ancient roof silhouettes. From 8.00 to 19.00 the clock plays a melody hourly. Then small figures come out of the clock, illustrating some episode from the history of the city. Behind the fountain "Justice" there is a covered picturesque staircase leading to the Cathedral. The square itself is paved with stone. Historically, there was a market on Place de la Palud, but even today, fresh vegetables and fruits are sold here on weekends.

    Coordinates: 46.52175900,6.63324500

    Are you curious to know how well you know the sights of Lake Geneva? .

    Town Hall of Lausanne

    The City Hall building was erected in the 17th century and is considered one of the sights of Lausanne. The Town Hall is located 300 meters from the Cathedral on Place de la Palud.

    The building of the City Hall was built on the old foundations left over from the previous buildings. Despite the fact that the guidebooks indicate the year of construction as 1675, the part of the building overlooking the market dates from the fourteenth century. In addition to its direct purpose, the Town Hall was used for other purposes. For example, there was a grain market on the ground floor. And in 1766, a Mozart concert was held in the City Hall. In addition, the tower of the Town Hall was used to warn the citizens of danger.

    Coordinates: 46.52198100,6.63260900

    The most popular attractions on Lake Geneva with descriptions and photos for every taste. choose best places to visit the famous places of Lake Geneva on our website.

    More sights of Lake Geneva

    Lake Geneva is the largest in Western Europe. If you look at it from a height or on a map, then the shape of the reservoir resembles a croissant. Its northern shore and two ends belong to Switzerland, and the southern shore belongs to France. The border between the two countries runs in the middle of the lake. The surface area of ​​the lake is 582.4 sq. km, of which 348.4 sq. km. km in Switzerland and 234 sq. km in France. The maximum depth is 310 m in Grand Lake between the cities and Evian. Due to its unique location at the crossroads of European transport routes, the presence of a modern international airport, developed infrastructure, a large number of historical sights, gourmet cuisine, favorable climate, this place is very attractive for tourists from all over the world.

    Many famous people have chosen this place as their new home, among them, Audrey Hepburn, Freddie Mercury, Graham Greene, Charlie Chaplin, Vladimir Nabokov and many others.

    Transport for tourists

    Travelers will find it convenient to take the train or bus. In the summer of 2014, they introduced a new fare - a day of travel, especially so that tourists can enjoy the beautiful Lavaux region in all its splendor, this is an area strewn with vineyards between Lausanne and.

    During the day, the ticket allows you to make an unlimited number of trips in the region using commuter trains and buses. A nice bonus for passengers with such tickets will be a free glass of wine at some stops, discounts on excursions and a brochure, however, only in French. It lists attractions and the opening hours of wine cellars for tasting.

    Nature of Lake Geneva

    Located in the heart of preserved nature between lakes and mountains, the Lake Geneva region () is a green paradise on Earth. Breathtaking mountain panoramas, countryside scenery, leisure parks and medieval castles guarantee unforgettable impressions and incomparable moments of joy.

    The Lake Geneva region boasts natural parks and reserves where flora and fauna are in complete peace. It is worth visiting the botanical gardens both in the cities and in the mountains.

    La Pierreuse Nature Reserve is located in the foothills of the Alps. Occupies an area of ​​34 sq. km. and includes several valleys dominated by calcareous rocks. Here are found: ibex, chamois, marmots, bears, woodpeckers, owls, royal eagles, lynx and black grouse.

    Perch, whitefish, trout, pike, burbot, roach, crayfish live in Lake Geneva. Grayling is endangered. Fishing requires a license. There are two types of fishing permits: a lure license (annual only) and a-la gambe licenses (annual, monthly, weekly and daily). Without a license, fishing is allowed on a rod with a float and a single hook. Youths (under 14) may fish without a license if they are accompanied by a permit holder.

    The peculiarity of the region is wild nature with a great abundance of subalpine vegetation, as well as traditional alpine meadows. The famous Alpine cheese Etivaz is produced here.

    Sauvabelin Park. Ideal for walks and picnics. It is located near Lausanne and offers visitors to enjoy the beautiful view that opens from a high wooden tower on the surroundings. Oak forests surround the enchanting Lake Sauvabelin. It offers a restaurant, a park with goats, ducks, woolly pigs, wild boars, geese and black swans. The park also boasts an authentic Swiss Chalet.

    La Garenne zoo in Le Vaux, specializes in European fauna, wild animals, birds of prey and breeding of protected predators. Open for visiting all year round.

    Gastronomy and winemaking

    The Lake Geneva region offers an endless variety of landscapes, breathtaking views and inexhaustible gourmet opportunities. Did you know that this part of Switzerland is among the most famous gastronomic regions in the world?

    Wide network tourist routes criss-cross the impressive slopes of the Lavaux, terraced vineyards between Lausanne and the Château de Chillon.

    The stunning beauty of Lavaux is a treat for the soul and attracts a large number of artists who settle in small picturesque villages. Lavaux is part of the UNESCO World Heritage Program. The mosaic areas of the vineyards attract many tourists in search of relaxation and tranquility.

    Winemakers invite you to discover the exceptional and pristine beauty of the vineyards at any time of the year. Wine tours for individuals or groups are very popular.

    The Lake Geneva region is prized by gourmets for its abundance of upmarket restaurants, the variety of its national cuisine and its local high quality products.

    The gastronomic hit parade is shared by Philippe Rocha at Crissier and Bernard Ravet at VuffLens-le-Chateau, they have been awarded 3 Michelin stars. Apart from these two persons, there are about twenty young cooks scattered in the four corners of the canton. They masterfully and virtuoso represent the inventive and daring cuisine appreciated by GaultMillau.

    On the shores of Lake Geneva, you will be served a variety of fish dishes, sausage roast, traditional pies, cheese dishes, homemade cakes. All these dishes are accompanied by excellent local wines, in particular from Lavaux. In the canton of Vaud, the art of living goes hand in hand with gourmet cuisine.

    Entertainment and recreation

    It offers tourists cruises on ships, pleasure yachts, bike routes, comfortable beaches with water sports.

    Hiking trails in the mountains, horseback riding, tennis courts and many other useful and exciting activities. You can improve your body and enjoy the thermal springs in spa centers, one of which is located near the main highway, next to the Rhone River in Valais. Easy access from Montreux and Lausanne as well ski resort in the Valais Alps. Les Bains de Lavey is a spa, the owners claim to have the warmest thermal waters in Switzerland (children under the age of 4 are not allowed in the complex at all).

    Culture and heritage

    The Lake Geneva region is a remarkable area steeped in centuries of history. And much of this history is still pleasing to the eye: Roman ruins, amphitheaters, fortresses, churches, monuments and about 200 archaeological sites.

    The remains of pile dwellings have been recorded in the waters of Lake Geneva, which became the second site in the UNESCO World Heritage program after the recognition of Lavaux in 2007.

    Attractions in Lausanne:

    • Tower Al.
    • Former episcopal palace.
    • Castle of Saint-Mer.
    • Church of Saint Francis.
    • Beaulieu Castle.
    • Olympic Museum.
    • Museum of the Hermitage Foundation.
    • Museum of Archeology and History.

    Attractions in Geneva:

    • Saint Paul's Cathedral.
    • Wall of the Reformation.
    • Museum of Fine Arts and History.
    • House Tavel - City Museum.
    • English park and flower clock.
    • The Mont Blanc Bridge and the Geneva Fountain, the tallest fountain in the world, is a well-known symbol of the city.

    Events and festivals

    When it comes to special events, the Lake Geneva region boasts a long tradition of cultural attractions and events that are fun and festive. Throughout the year, the region swings to the beat of major festivals and other events:
    • January - International Balloon Festival.
    • April - Jazz Festival and International Film Festival.
    • April - May - Tulip Festival.
    • May and December - Ballet Festival.
    • June - Grand opening of wine cellars.
    • July - Jazz Festival, Opera Festival, Children's Festival.
    • July - Music Festival.
    • September - Art Festival.
    • October - Lausanne Marathon.
    • December - Christmas market.

    - (Leman) in Switzerland and France. 582 km & sup2, length 72 km, depth up to 310 m. Located between the Alps and the Jura in an ancient glacial valley at an altitude of 372 m. The river flows through Lake Geneva. Ron. Shipping. On the banks of the city of Geneva, Lausanne; ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (Genève, French name Leman), the largest of the Alpine lakes, located on the border of Switzerland and France, at an altitude of 372 m above sea level. Pl. catchment area 582 km², length 72.3 km, width up to 14 km, max. depth 309 m, water volume 89 km³. Lake… … Geographic Encyclopedia

    - (Leman), in Switzerland and France. 582 km2, length 72 km, depth up to 310 m. Located between the Alps and the Jura in an ancient glacial valley at an altitude of 372 m. The river flows through Lake Geneva. Ron. Shipping. On the shores of Geneva, Lausanne; ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (lat. Lemanus, French lac de Genève, Léman) is the largest lake in Central and Southern Europe, on the border of Switzerland (northern coast, cantons of Geneva and Waadt) and France (south coast, Savoie department). It has the appearance of a crescent, with a bulge on ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    Leman (German Genfersee, French Lac de Geneve, Lac Leman), a lake in Switzerland and France, the largest of the Alpine lakes. Area 582 km2, length 72 km, maximum width 14 km, depth up to 309 m (according to other sources, up to 330 m), water volume over ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Lake Geneva- Lake Geneva ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Lake Geneva- (Leman) (Geneva, Lake, French Lac Léman)Geneva, in the southwest of Switzerland and East of France, surrounded by the ridges of the Savoy Alps, Alps Vaud and the Jura Mountains; sq. 581 sq. km. The Rhone River flows into the lake, which flows out of it near Geneva. South shore J. o. ... ... Countries of the world. Dictionary

    Coordinates: 46°27′00″ s. sh. 6°31′00″ in.  / 46.45° N sh. 6.516667° in. etc. ... Wikipedia

    A body of water surrounded by land. Lakes range in size from very large ones, such as the Caspian Sea and the Great Lakes in North America, to tiny bodies of water a few hundred square meters or even smaller. The water in them can be fresh, ... ... Collier Encyclopedia


    • Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the wheel. 33 amazing routes (+ map)
    • Germany, Austria and Switzerland at the wheel. 33 amazing routes, . This book is a special one in the Lonely Planet series. She will guide you the most beautiful roads Germany, Austria and Switzerland - in 33 routes. The coast of the Baltic, the luxurious Danube, the romantic Rhine, ...

    Location: France, Switzerland
    Square: 582 km²
    Maximum depth: 310 m
    Coordinates: 46°27"35.9"N 6°31"51.5"E

    Leman or Lake Geneva is considered the largest in Europe. The picturesque reservoir lies on the border between Switzerland and France and is almost equally divided between these two countries. Crystal water, transparent mountain air, beautiful nature and magnificent resorts attract many tourists from different parts of Europe to the shores of the lake.

    Chillon Castle on Lake Geneva

    Geographic features

    From a height, Lake Geneva looks like a huge crescent moon, the horns of which look south. It stretches for 72 km and reaches a width of 13 km. The reservoir has a glacial origin and a depth of up to 310 m. Leman is famous for its clean water, but it is quite cool, so they swim here only in July and August, when the water temperature warms up to + 19 ... + 23 ° С. The main beaches along the shores of the lake are grassy or platforms.

    Due to the fact that the wall of the Alps protects Leman from the cold northern winds, a unique climate has formed on its shores, reminiscent of the subtropics. Palm trees grow on the streets of the resorts, and coastal terraces are actively used for growing grapes. In summer, the air temperature in the area of ​​Lake Geneva reaches + 32 ... + 36 ° С, however, due to the proximity of the mountains, no one suffers from the heat.

    The shores of the reservoir are surrounded by green peaks, behind which snow-white caps are more visible. high mountains. Lake Geneva is compared to a huge mirror, because it remains calm throughout the day, and the flat surface reflects every house and tree growing on the shore. It is noteworthy that 22 lighthouses are installed around Leman, which serve for navigation and signal to fishermen and lovers aquatic species sports about the approach of bad weather.

    The terraced vineyards of Lavaux on Lake Geneva

    Main resorts

    Leman is not accidentally referred to as the most visited lakes in the world. On its shores there are resorts, entertainment and attractions for every taste, so the picturesque surroundings of the reservoir are called the Swiss Riviera. These places have long attracted wealthy people, incorrigible romantics and artists. The resort towns located around the lake have been visited by the Empress of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Sissi, the English poet Lord Byron, writers Ernest Hemingway and Vladimir Nabokov, composer Igor Stravinsky, film director Alfred Hitchcock and other celebrities.

    On the northern coast of Lehman lies one of the cultural centers of Switzerland - the beautiful Lausanne. People come here to admire the beautiful cathedral - the largest Gothic church in the country, built in the XII-XIII centuries. Here you can hear a beautiful sounding organ, consisting of 7000 pipes. Travelers like to walk in the medieval quarter of Ville Marche, visit the art museums of the city and spend time in the green parks Mon Repos, Olimpiysky, Hermitage and Elysée.

    View of the vineyards against the backdrop of Lake Geneva

    Located on the eastern end of Lake Montreux, it is world famous for its beauty institutes, cabarets, bars and private schools. People come here for beauty and health, and the main guests of this prestigious resort are people who are not used to saving. Montreux clinics provide a full range of cosmetology services and perform the most modern plastic surgeries. In them, you can go through programs to get rid of excess weight and to restore the nervous system.

    The resort town of Vevey lies between Lausanne and Montreux and is known for its silence and excellent ecology. It is here that the headquarters of Nestle, the favorite company of the sweet tooth and fans of good coffee, is located, and the museums of the Old Town, Clock, Photography and Games are open. The world-famous comedian Charlie Chaplin spent the last 25 years of his life in Vevey, so a monument to the great artist was erected in the city square.

    Statue of Freddie Mercury in the city of Montreux on the shores of Lake Geneva

    Those who want to get involved outdoor activities find a lot of interesting things on Lake Geneva. Many travelers go water skiing, windsurfing and sailing along the Leman. In coastal resorts they play tennis, learn the basics of equestrian sports and take long walks in the mountains.


    A large Swiss city is located on the southwestern tip of the lake. Geneva is often referred to as the "capital of the world", because it is in this city that the headquarters of the UN and the Red Cross are stationed. It is noteworthy that almost 200 people live here and 40% of them are foreigners.

    There are a lot of attractive places for tourists in Geneva. The hallmark of the Swiss city has become a huge Jet d'Eau fountain, which hits a height of 147 m directly from Lake Geneva. One of the most large fountains in the world is impressive! The flow rate in it reaches 500 liters per second, and the water jet accelerates to 200 km/h. Thanks to small splashes on a sunny day, a bright rainbow can be seen near the fountain, and at night, a spectacular colored illumination appears around the man-made miracle. Zhe-Do works daily, and it is turned off only in severe frosts or when there is a big wind.

    View of the statue of Freddie Mercury from Lake Geneva

    Once in Geneva, most travelers rush to the picturesque Old city. Self guided tour it is best to start from the historic Bourg de Four square, which was founded in the days of Ancient Rome. Not far from it is a popular meeting place for residents of the city and tourists - the Promenade de la Trey. This street is famous for the longest wooden bench, the length of which is as much as 120 m!

    An interesting architectural monument of the Swiss city is the ancient St. Peter's Cathedral, founded at the beginning of the 13th century. The Catholic church was rebuilt several times, so on its facades you can see a mixture of the traditions of Romanesque architecture, baroque and classicism. Directly behind the cathedral building is Archaeological Museum, whose exhibits tell about the ancient history of Switzerland.

    Another iconic landmark of Geneva is located on the opposite bank of the Rhone River. The Catholic Basilica Nord-Dam is a couple of minutes walk from the train station. It was built in the 19th century in the Gothic tradition, and today a white-stone statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary is kept here.

    Jet d'Eau fountain on Lake Geneva

    Near the Mont Blanc bridge, on the Promenade du Lac, you can see an unusual flower clock. Time on them is determined not only by the position of the arrows. You can find out what time it is by what kind of flowers bloomed in the flower beds near the dial.

    What else to see on Lake Geneva

    On a small rocky island, 3 km from Montreux, the romantic Chillon Castle rises. It was erected in 1160 to control the road between the mountains and the lake. From the beginning of the 19th century to the present day, a museum has been opened in the castle, where many tourists visit.

    The places around Lake Geneva are famous for their food and wine festivals. For gourmets, wine, cheese and chocolate tours are held here. Fans of gastronomic tourism will certainly visit the Lavaux region, stretching between Lausanne and Vevey. The local terraced vineyards and quality wine are so popular that in 2007 the wine region was included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

    Birdwatchers come to Leman to watch waterfowl. Near its banks you can always meet gulls, divers, swans and ducks.

    Transport on the lake

    Most of the cities located on the shores of the lake are connected by ferries of the shipping company CGN. This company was founded in 1873 and uses 16 ships to transport passengers, including 5 wheeled vintage steamers built at the beginning of the last century.