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Boat trip on the Teletskoye lake. Overview of excursions on Lake Teletskoye and its environs

They say that if the asphalt road ends, the fun begins for the motorist.

I'm not sure that every motorist will be delighted with the killed dirt road, but in our road trip across Altai best places, indeed, began after the end of the asphalt.

The village of Artybash is the second place where we went on our route. Everyone who comes to Lake Teletskoye from its northern part stops in the villages of Artybash or Iogach.

We left Belokurikha early in order to catch the 15-hour Pioneer of Altai motor ship, plying from a panoramic tour of Teletskoye lake.

Belokurikha - Artybash = 270km (4.5 hours)
Gorno-Altaisk - Artybash = 157km (2.5 hours)

But something went wrong (in the schedule I mixed up weekdays and weekends) and our ship left at 12-00. Late for some 30 minutes. But then they realized that everything was for the best.

Immediately, on the spot, we agreed with local carriers on an excursion around the lake and we had additional time for lunch and a walk along the banks of the Biya River.

The locals advised to dine in a cafe with homemade cuisine on the shore. Lunch turned out to be pretty decent. Mashed potatoes with beef, fried grayling, okroshka, pies and compote. For four, we got around 1300 rubles.

If you came to the lake without prior reservation, do not worry, there are enough people who want to earn money in the short summer season.
We have booked seats in a 10-seater boat, as in the photo.

We put on our life jackets and set off. The weather was not at all happy with drizzling rain. But we didn't really care.)

First stop - Estyuba waterfall.
It is located on the Bolshaya Estyuba River, originating at the foot of the mountain of the same name. Translated from the Altai "Big Mountain". The waterfall is located in a tectonic cleft, which can only be reached by water. It is a cascade of waterfalls, seething and bewitching. It is especially beautiful in spring, with melt waters, it was discovered by local hunters in 1938.

There are only four waterfalls on the lake tour. When disembarking, for each (except Kishte) they take 100 rubles for an environmental fee. For this money we get neat wooden paths, railings, trash cans, a clean and well-groomed path.

We were glad several times that we did not have time for the regular steamer. Would not see other waterfalls of the lake!

Next stop at Choodor waterfall, from the western side of Lake Teletskoye.
Translated from the Altai language Choodor is translated as "pockmarked, clumsy". The height of the fall is about eight meters, surrounded by age-old mosses and ferns.

This is where I like to walk the most. Perhaps due to the presence of equipped viewing platforms, which offer stunning views of Lake Teletskoye and wooded shores. Just unbelieveble!

Most of the eastern shore of Lake Teletskoye is part of the territory of the Altai Reserve, one of the largest reserves in Russia. You can’t just take a tent and stay for a couple of days in a place you like.
About seventy large and small rivers of Altai flow into the lake, and the famous beauty Biya flows out. The greatest depth is 325 meters in the Korbu waterfall area. Locals compare it to the size of the Eiffel Tower. The lake is strongly elongated from north to south, the length is 77 km.

Cafe in the national style.

Altai children.

Korbu Waterfall- located on the Bolshaya Korbu River on the eastern shore of Lake Teletskoye. The height of the waterfall is 12.5 meters, the fall angle is 65 degrees. The most visited waterfall of the lake! Only here comes the steamer for the disembarkation of tourists.

There was another waterfall - Kishte, but it is forbidden to land on it. It is located on the way to Korbu. For some reason the photo didn't show up.

On the way back we were brought to another popular place - a stone bay. You can get here along the trail from the village of Iogach, or by boat - 15-20 minutes.
The shores of the stone bay consist of massive boulders of various shapes and sizes. According to some sources, this is a funnel from a meteorite fall, according to others, it is a pit from a huge collapsed rock, and the Altai people believe in the myth of a hero who defeated a monster here.

Important! "Pioneer Altai" departs from the village of Iogach (from Artybash across the bridge), keep this in mind!

Small boats are parked all around.

The walk around the lake lasts approximately 3.5 hours. We still had free time in the evening. We left the car near the house and walked to the lake on foot.

For an overnight stay, I booked a house Manor in the forest in the village of Iogach. Great place for one or two nights. The room has everything you need (shower, toilet, water, bed linen, kitchenette, barbecue area, veranda). Very friendly hostess Taisiya Nikolaevna, who cooked us delicious millet porridge and a whole mountain of chebureks for breakfast. It turned out to be a royal breakfast.
The house is located in the forest, 500 meters from the lake, we considered this an additional bonus - peace and quiet. If you're in a car, distance doesn't matter.

I will show some photos of the village of Iogach.

Pay attention to the lawns in the village! Do you know why? The answer is in the next photo.

Because "live lawn mowers" work here. We were surprised how neatly the cows eat the lawn. I even thought that he was cut specially here))

The reinforced concrete bridge separating Artybash and Iogach was built in 2002 instead of the wooden one.

Looking at such shots, I instantly remember my carefree, barefoot childhood with my grandmother in the village.

Siberian cedar in Altai is very popular in the production of furniture, housing construction, and interior decoration. Cedar wood is soft, durable and light, does not succumb to moisture and is not corroded by bugs, and is almost not subject to decay. Easily amenable to various types of processing.
In Moscow and the region, cedar is a luxury, but here it’s quite an ordinary tree from which you can build a house and a barn. I wanted to grab a couple of logs home))

The second day in Altai passed almost imperceptibly and very richly. Early in the morning we moved to Manzherok.

The most interesting is ahead!
Stay in touch!

Teletskoye lake is one of the most amazing places Gorny Altai. In order to understand and appreciate all the beauty and uniqueness of this place, you need to see a lot, plunge into the mysterious world that Teletskoye Lake lives in.

Teletskoye Lake is one of the most amazing places in the Altai Mountains. It is no coincidence that the Altaians call it Golden, the lake can rightly be called the most important jewel in the collection of Altai "gems". In order to understand and appreciate all the beauty and uniqueness of this place, you need to see a lot, plunge into the mysterious world that Teletskoye Lake lives in. You can achieve insight into the essence of things with the help of small trips - excursions. In the vicinity of Lake Teletskoye there are a large number of different excursion routes. And, most importantly, every year something new appears in this direction. Let's take a look at the most popular ones.

Water excursions

Walk along Teletskoye Lake to Korbu waterfall is the most popular tour. Traveling on the lake is carried out on a boat of the "Yaroslavets" type (4 hours) or on a motor boat (2 hours). During the tour, tourists will be able to admire the beauty of Lake Teletskoye, its majestic mountains, rocky steep shores, a beautiful panorama of the southern reach, visit the Altai State Reserve and the Korbu waterfall located on its territory - one of the most famous waterfalls on the lake (height 12.5 m). There is a fee to enter the territory of the AGPZ. As the administration of the reserve assures, this summer a visit to the Korbu waterfall will cost significantly less than in the past. In addition, it is planned to organize trade at the berth of the Yailyu settlement. Thus, tourists will be able to visit the legendary village of Teletskoye Lake, and, perhaps, even take a tour of the central estate of the Altai Reserve, which is famous not only for its amazing orchards. An experienced guide on a boat will tell about the legends and stories of Lake Teletskoye, climatic and landscape features, guests will get acquainted with the theory of the origin of the lake from the point of view of science and Altai mythology.

The cost of the tour is 400-500 rubles / person (by boat).

On a motor boat - 2500-3000 rubles / boat for 5 people, 3500-4000 - for 8 people.

The owners of motor boats offer tourists a "bonus" program. In addition to Korbu - visiting the Chedor waterfall, viewing the Kishte waterfall from the water, entering the Idyp and Kamenny bays.

Excursion on Lake Teletskoye to Cape Kyrsai should be the most important excursion for those who first came to the lake. To understand why thousands of people are fascinated by the beauty of Lake Teletskoye, you need to see it from beginning to end. From north to south, the lake changes its shape very much - the mountains become higher, the lake expanse is wider, the rivers break down from sheer cliffs with crystal waterfalls. In the area of ​​Cape Kyrsay, the water in the lake is much warmer, in good weather you can safely swim without harming your health.

Here, its largest tributary, the Chulyshman River, flows into the lake.

Route length: 156 km

Tour duration:

By boat - 12 hours.

On a motorboat - from 5 to 8 hours.

Excursion cost:

On a boat - 700-1000 rubles / person.

By boat - 6000-6500 rubles / boat for 5 people, 7000-8000 rubles. - for 8 people

Very intriguing and mysterious excursion to Stone Bay.

Stone Bay is one of the most mysterious places on the lake. Even in the most inclement weather, the bay is always quiet, calm, birds sing. Stone Bay is a kind of country of huge stone boulders surrounding a small emerald bowl. Centuries-old cedars grow right on the stones, bergenia spreads like a velvet carpet under your feet. During the tour, tourists will find out who Delbegen is and how this place was formed. The water in the bay warms up well, in good weather you can swim in it. A walk to the Stone Bay is carried out on motor boats or motorcycles.

The duration of the tour is 2 hours.

Cost - 100-200 rubles / person.

Rafting on the river Biya(from the village of Artybash to the village of Kebezen - 22 km) is popular with lovers of mountain and water travel. The Upper Biya is a typical mountain river with a swift current, sharp turns, rapids and shivers. Alloy category - "two". Rafting passes through the most picturesque places of the Biya River and is considered a pleasant and exciting pastime.

Duration - from 2 to 3 hours.

Cost - from 300 to 350 rubles / person.

As for water travel, the list is not limited to these excursions. On the embankments of Lake Teletskoye you can rent catamarans and rowing boats (100 rubles per hour). There are also various options for fishing in the mouths of the rivers flowing into Lake Teletskoye, and on other lakes and rivers.

Walking tours

Walking tours, or trekking, are becoming more and more popular every year. There are a number of interesting destinations on Lake Teletskoye.

Tourists can take a walking tour "To the Canyon of the Oirok River", or on the "Third River". This is an easy walk along the shore of Teletskoye Lake, during which the guide will tell you about the flora and fauna of the Teletskoye taiga. "Unknown path" will lead to the gorge of a swift mountain river. If you climb along its bed, strewn with bizarre stones and roots of centuries-old trees, you can get to big waterfalls(1-2 meters) and natural baths. Natural bowls are filled with water, the temperature of which is always 10 degrees higher than in the lake. On a hot day, it's so great to take a dip in these baths!

On the way back you can visit house-museum of the artist L.A. Shilkin(50 rub/person)

The duration of the excursion to the Third River is 2 hours.

Cost - 70-100 rubles / person.

You can get to the Third River on horseback. The cost then increases significantly - from 500 rubles / person. But the feeling is completely different!

You can also ride a horse for a more reasonable price - for example, rent it for half an hour. And then it will cost only 100-150 rubles.

Climbing the observation mountain Tilan-tuu(“serpent mountain”) trains endurance and develops self-confidence. The height of the mountain is 741 m. In fact, the ascent is not difficult and very exciting. Weary travelers will be rewarded with a picturesque panorama of the northern reach of Lake Teletskoye, a view of the villages of Iogach, Artybash, and the source of the Biya River. On the observation deck, the guide will tell you a worldly wise legend about the Serpent Mountain. From the top of the mountain you can clearly see the valley of the Old Artybash. In this sunny valley is located Museum of local lore "Ermi-tash"(“ermi-tash”, translated from Altai, means “star stone”). The museum presents an exhibition dedicated to the history of Lake Teletskoye, a collection of minerals, works by local artists and craftsmen, old photographs and documents, Altai national costumes, in which you can take a picture if you wish. The museum organizes themed tours for groups. Museum visit - 70 rubles / person.

The duration of the excursion to Mount Tilan-tuu is 2 hours.

Cost - 60-80 rubles / person.

You can also climb Mount Tilan-tuu on horseback. It is much easier, more interesting, but also more expensive.

On the outskirts of the village of Artybash, right under the mountain, there Silver Spring.

In the middle of the 19th century, this spring was consecrated by the missionary of the Altai Spiritual Mission - Makariy Nevsky. The content of silver in the water of this source improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Voditsa is icy, purest, straight from the heart of the mountains - well, it’s a sin not to go and drink plenty. On the way to the source, tourists learn about the life and traditions of the indigenous population. On the way back, you can visit Art Salon of Valentina Petrova- a local artist. The salon has a permanent exhibition of her work. You can also buy souvenirs here.

The duration of the tour to the Silver Spring is 2 hours.

Cost - from 50-60 rubles / person.

The Silver Spring can also be reached by horse and bicycle, having previously taken either one or the other for hire. The cost of renting horses is 250-300 rubles per hour, a mountain bike is 150 rubles per hour.

There are also bike tours, for example, "Beyond the Third River," To the Source of the Biya River. The cost is from 300 rubles / person. and from 400 rubles / person. respectively.

Car tours

On an off-road vehicle (GAZ, UAZ) you can make a trip to the Obogo pass(about 40 km from Lake Teletskoye). A majestic panorama of the mountain ranges of the North-Eastern Altai opens from the pass. The boundless sea of ​​the cedar taiga and the "squirrels" of the Sumultinsky Range is truly amazing. During the tour, tourists will enjoy the aroma of healing taiga herbs, swimming in a cool mountain river, amazing landscapes.

The duration of the tour is 5-8 hours.

Cost - 400-500 rubles / person.

Excursion to Mount Kibitek takes three hours. Translated from Altai, “kibitek” means “a boat turned upside down”. The mountain is located on the side of the village of Iogach. Fanciful boulders of one of the screes of the mountain resemble either an ancient old man or a young girl - the mistress of the mountain. Who and why turned the boat upside down, the guide will tell. The mountain offers a panoramic view of Lake Teletskoye, the source of the Biya River, the village of Artybash. On the way up the mountain you can visit art gallery of the artist N.P. Sharagova in the village of Iogach.

The duration of the excursion to Mount Kibitek is 3 hours.

Cost - 100-150 rubles / person.

Excursion to the ethno-tourist center of the indigenous peoples of the Northern Altai b "Altai ail" will be interesting in terms of education for adults and children. "Altaisky Ail" is located in an amazing place on the banks of one of the most beautiful rivers in the Altai Mountains - the Biya, 22 km from Lake Teletskoye. The center offers a rich excursion program, which includes getting to know the life and culture of the Altaians through rituals and national dishes - tolkan, araku, chegen, teerpek, tut-pach. Everyone can visit the traditional dwelling of the Altaians - ail. The keeper of folk tales - kaichi - will tell amazing Altai legends.

Duration - 4 hours.

Cost - 350 rubles / person.

Car tour "On the Swan River"(village Turochak) - this is just a godsend for those who cannot imagine their vacation without swimming and fishing. The Swan River is the warmest river in the Altai Mountains. Its bizarre rocky shores, sandy beaches, abundance of fish are able to win the heart of any tourist. Rest on the Swan River is a great vacation for the whole family. Children simply love to swim in the warm and at the same time clean mountain river. So, when you go to Teletskoye Lake, don't forget to take with you inflatable rings and mattresses, as well as various "fish" and "dolphins" - so that the kids can frolic to their heart's content. An ear made from local fish right on the river bank will be an excellent result of a great and joyful trip. In addition, in s. Turochak can be visited art salon, get acquainted with the works of local artists and craftsmen, purchase Turochak souvenirs - birch bark products, ceramics, carved cedar dishes. visit Stone of Love on the banks of the Biya River can become an important event in the life of every couple in love.

Duration - 5-8 hours.

Cost - 400-600 rubles / person.

Excursion novelties of Teletskoye Lake:

Excursion to the Cedar garden.

The cedar garden is a cedar nursery of the Teletskoye experimental forestry, with an area of ​​98 hectares. A visit to the Kedrosad is a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the achievements of Soviet and Russian scientists in the field of plant breeding - here even cones grow on 10-12-year-old cedars, while in nature the cedar begins to bear fruit only from the age of 50. The cedar garden is a partial embodiment of the Kedrograd idea, which is the efficient use and restoration of the resources of the cedar taiga. The tour contains a story about the unique properties of cedar, about its important role in preserving life on earth, about the features of cultivation. In the garden, you can buy a cedar seedling and get advice on caring for it.

Duration - 3 hours.

Cost - 200-250 rubles / person.

Excursion to the cave "Great Bear".

The cave was discovered in 2005. Explored by speleologists in 2006. The route is not easy, it requires special physical preparation and fortitude. Not everyone is able to walk 14 km through the dense taiga. But on the other hand, this is the only way to feel like a real discoverer, because so far only a few have visited this cave.

Who knows, maybe this is where the entrance to Shambhala is located?

Duration - 10 hours.

Cost - 500-600 rubles / person.

To mountain lakes

There are a large number of lakes in the Teletskoye Lake basin, and each of them is beautiful in its own way. Of particular interest are the mountain lakes, hidden from prying eyes by the impenetrable taiga. A car tour to one of these lakes can be made during daylight hours. The total length of the route is 120 km (from the village of Artybash to the lakes - 60 km). A trip to the mountain lakes is a great opportunity to visit the remote, impenetrable taiga near Teletsk, to see the centuries-old cedars, to feel the power and power of wild Nature. You can fish on the lakes. The tour is scheduled for the whole day, so the cost of the tour includes dry rations.

Duration - 12 hours.

Cost - 850 rubles / person.

Excursion to the mine Kalychak

The Kalychak gold mine was once one of the largest in Altai. The mine was located on the Kalychak River (a tributary of the Samysh River, which in turn is one of the large tributaries of Lake Teletskoye), and operated from the end of the 19th to the middle of the 20th century. At one time, the mine was famous for its rich deposits of gold ore. They say that gold is still mined here, however, arbitrarily. The path to the mine is not close, but there are few places where you can get such impressions. Tourists will learn the secret of the treasures of Kalychak, the history of gold mining in the Altai Mountains, and immerse themselves in the atmosphere of the "gold rush".

Duration - 12 hours.

Cost - 850 rubles / person.


There are a large number of accommodation options on Lake Teletskoye.

From a room in the "private sector" to a comfortable room at the camp sites.

The cost in "green houses" - from 200 to 350 rubles / person.

At camp sites - from 300 rubles / person. (summer house) up to 900-1000 rubles / person. (suite").

To visit the shores of one of the great Siberian lakes and not ride on its water surface is an unforgivable omission. Therefore, water excursions are an obligatory part of the program for everyone who comes to Lake Teletskoye, especially since most of the local attractions can only be reached by water.

Most tourists prefer to relax in the north of Teletskoye, and stop in the villages or. Being here, you can organize a walk on the lake without any problems. In any hotel, several options for water excursions will be offered at once. In addition, local residents ride tourists privately - there is a boat in almost every yard. The choice of watercraft is the most diverse, from rowing boats to modern Japanese boats and even a motor ship.

We will consider the routes and prices for excursions on Lake Teletskoye using the example of the options that are offered to vacationers at the hotel. This is one of the best hotels in these parts and excursions are offered here on modern boats equipped with GPS, radar, echo sounders and other navigation and security systems.

(Hotel "Artybash")

In general, safety during water excursions on Lake Teletskoye should not be neglected. The weather sometimes changes just instantly. A storm can rise unexpectedly and at this moment it is still better to be on board a powerful, modern boat than in a fragile boat.

Excursions on Lake Teletskoye

Excursion "Small circle"

Price: 800 rubles per person + 100 entrance to Korbu waterfall

(Korbu waterfall)

The duration of the route is 3 hours. 100 rubles for the passage to the Korbu waterfall is a recreational fee that is charged by the Altai State Reserve, on whose territory this attraction is located. The funds are used to equip eco-paths, maintain cleanliness and order, so that the impact of a large number of tourists on this protected area is minimal.

Excursion "Five Wonders of Lake Teletskoye"

Route: Stone bay - Korbu waterfall - waterfall - Kishte waterfall - waterfall

Price: 1200 rubles per person + 100 rubles entrance to Korbu waterfall

(Stone bay)

The duration of the tour is 3.5 hours. During this time, you can get acquainted with the main waterfalls on Lake Teletskoye. One of the most popular routes.

Excursion "Yailinskaya terrace"

Route: Korbu waterfall - Stone Bay -

Price: 1950 rubles per person.

The duration of the tour is 9 hours. The route, which combines a water excursion and a walk through the territory of the Altai State Biosphere Reserve. In the village of Yailu there is his official visitor center. This is a unique opportunity to see truly pristine, untouched nature.

Sightseeing tour on a boat

Route: the main attractions of Lake Teletskoye

Price: 2000 rubles per person

The duration of the tour is 7-8 hours. Walking trip to the most remarkable places on Lake Teletskoye, accompanied by an experienced guide-instructor.

Excursion "Belinsky Terrace"

Route: Korbu waterfall - Kishte waterfall - Stone bay - Chedor waterfall - Bele cordon

Price: 2500 rubles per person

(Bele village)

The duration of the tour is 8-9 hours. This is a trip to the southernmost part of Lake Teletskoye. In addition to visiting the main sights, a stop is provided at the Bela cordon, which is also part of the Altai State Reserve.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the excursion to the Korbu waterfall on the ship "Pioneer of Altai".

Its duration is 4.5 hours. Ideal for a first acquaintance with Lake Teletskoye. "Pioneer Altai" makes sightseeing trips daily and can transport more than a hundred people at the same time. There are all amenities on board, including a buffet and even a small cinema.

Price: 1000 rubles per person

Based on these examples, you can determine for yourself the most popular water routes on Lake Teletskoye, as well as the order of prices for excursions.

Rest on Lake Teletskoye is first of all excursions.

You can swim more or less normally only in the south of the lake, and even then for a short time. You will hardly find any special and varied entertainment on the shore.

There are, of course, leisure and fishing, but they have a special audience, despite the fact that outdoor activities (hiking and horseback tours, ATVs, jeeping) are often combined with sightseeing.

There is also, let's call it that, an "exotic" vacation: on the cordons at the rangers (they were allowed relatively recently to let tourists into the cordon in order to somehow earn money for their own needs - gasoline, equipment repairs, etc.), in the village of Yailu and similar places - alone with nature, away from the benefits of civilization with a minimum of amenities, but such a vacation, in addition to meditation and relaxation in the fresh air and among wonderful landscapes, involves visiting local attractions.

So, whatever one may say, one cannot do without excursions on Lake Teletskoye, unlike other places in the Altai Mountains, where you can get on your own and see something interesting for free. Here it is almost always necessary to negotiate, hire transport - sometimes an SUV or the same horses, but most often it will be something water - a ship, a boat, a boat. Keep this in mind when you decide to rest on Teletskoye.

Excursions on Lake Teletskoye

At the height of the season, the banks of the Teletskoye, the streets of the villages, the piers resemble a disturbed anthill.

In early June, Lake Teletskoye greeted us with silence and desertion, as well as high water and paintings in the style of "You will not pass!"

Although at the same time, life on the shores was not just boiling, but quite beginning to boil: some workers were fussing, captains-tour guides were hanging around small boats, well, or their managers (who will sort them out there), someone constantly to someone called, arranged a ride for "crazy" tourists, etc.

But first we went to Iogach in the hope of getting on the Pioneer Altai, or, well, its smaller brother.

Pioneer of Altai Motor ship

"Pioneer of Altai" is a local legend. Who came here in 1968 from Moscow on his own (!!!) through the Canal. Moscow, the Volga-Baltic and White Sea-Baltic canals, the Northern Sea Route, the Ob and Biya, the ship served faithfully until the 1990s, transporting vacationers from Artybash to the mouth of the Chulyshman River on the southern shore of Lake Teletskoye.

Motor ship Pioneer Altai in 1979. Photo from the Internet

Then hard times came, there were fewer tourists, and, accordingly, flights, and in 1997, when a major overhaul was required, the ship was simply laid up.

Motor ship Pioneer Altai laid up. Photo from the Internet

In 2007, Pioneer was even planned to be disposed of as a threat to the lake.

But here in 2009, the entrepreneur I.V. Yuzhakov buys an essentially rusting hull, first arranges a cafe and a cinema hall with a museum there, and in 2012/2013 decides to restore the ship as close as possible to the original, but taking into account modern requirements for such ships.

And in 2014, the Pioneer of Altai motor ship again began to carry passengers, however, now only to the Korbu waterfall.

Schedule and prices of excursions on the ship "Pioneer of Altai"

In May-June and September, excursions are held on certain days (you need to find out on the website or at the box office), in July-August - daily (departure at 12 o'clock), and on Saturdays even twice a day (at 10 and 15 o'clock).

Ticket price for 2016: adult - 1,000 rubles, children (up to 12 years old) - 500 rubles, children under 7 years old (with parents) - free of charge.

Important: At the Korbu waterfall, you will have to pay another 100 rubles for a visit. per person, not included in the ticket price.

Departure from the Iogach pier, the total length of the route is 70 km, travel time is 4.5 hours (an hour of which is parking at the Korbu waterfall).

The ship is quite comfortable, it has a cafe, a bathroom and even a cinema, although I can’t imagine who will watch a movie when there is such beauty around. There are both glazed passenger decks and open ones. The audio tour is conducted through loudspeakers, so you can hear it wherever you are on the ship at that moment.

Boat excursions

Realizing that it didn’t work out with the Pioneer of Altai (it didn’t go on the day of our arrival), we went to Artybash to study other offers, which can be found on the lake shore.

Prices for excursions

We were not interested in any walking, horseback or car excursions, so we agreed on a boat right on the pier. It cost 1200 rubles per person, plus along the way we agreed to show us another waterfall, for which we paid an additional 100 rubles.

Boats waiting for tourists


  1. If you want to ride leisurely and comfortably, go to Pioneer Altai or a smaller boat.
  2. If you want to feel the speed and wind in your face (the boat gives out 60 km / h versus 20-30 for the ship), be closer to the lake and its environs, go ashore where the ships do not stop at all (Stone Bay, for example), then book a boat.
  3. Be sure to take something warm with you (jacket, sweater, jacket, windbreaker), it can be quite cool near the water even in summer.
  4. For personal convenience and good photos, put something on your head too (cap, bandana, scarf, etc.).
  5. Be sure to take a supply of money with you on the tour, a stop on Korba is 40 minutes (on the ship - an hour), there are souvenir shops, cafes, it is possible that you will want to buy something.

The boats are slightly different, but in general they are all quite comfortable for a 3-4 hour excursion, although some excursions on them can be much longer. There is a closed glazed "cabin" and an open "deck". Life jackets are mandatory, although I'm not sure that in the circumstances they would be of any practical use.

Perhaps the only inconvenience for some people may be the way passengers get off and on Korbu =)

I don’t know if all the captains of the boats are so knowledgeable (I don’t rule it out) or we were so lucky, but during the excursion we heard a lot of all sorts of interesting stories, stories, legends, tales, etc., I will talk about some of them below.

First of all, these are legends about the origin of the name of the lake itself, which the local peoples have long called Golden (Altyn Kel). Tourists are most often told the legend of how one local resident found a gold nugget the size of a horse's head, but in a famine year he could not exchange even a piece of bread for it, after which the upset man threw this ingot from the mountain into the lake, after which it became known as Golden. The mountain, by the way, also received the name Golden - Altyn Tuu.

We leave the "port" of two villages. In the distance you can see the bridge from which Biya originates.

On the way, we met a ferry plying between the northern and southern shores (7 hours of travel, by the way).

One of the cordons on the right, protected, shore of Lake Teletskoye. Recently, local rangers have been allowed to let tourists in. Conditions are very modest, but some like it. And it is quite cheap (about 500 rubles per day per person).

Rock exits. If I'm not mistaken, local granite, which they even wanted to use in the construction of the Moscow metro, but the granite turned out to be too soft for this. In general, it was replaced by granite from Chemal.

One of the two small islands of Lake Teletskoye is the Island of Love. They say that it got its name due to the fact that from above its shape resembles a heart, and also due to the fact that you can sail between the island and the shore only on a small boat designed for two people =)

The village of Yailyu is one of the oldest villages in the vicinity of Teletskoye (it was formed in 1812, although the Cossacks set up a prison here 150 years before the official date of foundation). Since 1932, there has been a management base for the Altai State Nature Reserve, and since 1965, the Teletskaya Lake Station for scientific observations of the lake.

There are no camp sites here, but you can stay with the locals, you just need to register. They can organize excursions for you to the nearest waterfalls, to the southern shore of the lake, and in general - they will tell and show a lot of interesting things.

And there is also a unique microclimate that allows you to grow fruits up to apricots and even grapes in a natural environment without greenhouses.

A bit of local beauty.

Waterfall Kishte

The Kishte waterfall is the first of 3 waterfalls that we saw on the lake.

The height of the water fall is 8 meters. You can’t go ashore near the waterfall, you can only look from the water, and the boat can come much closer to the waterfall than motor ships.

Rough rocks.

Korbu Waterfall

Perhaps the most famous and "promoted" of the 70 waterfalls of Lake Teletskoye. There is a good infrastructure: a pier, a trading platform, an observation deck, etc.

Mooring for several boats. The boat can also stop here.

Since this is the territory of the reserve, there will be a lot of background information.

Tea room and souvenirs.

We pay 100 rubles and we go to the waterfall, the noise of which is heard long before we see it. Along the way, we periodically meet information about the local flora.

We approach the observation deck, the waterfall is already visible.

View of the waterfall from the observation deck. The height of the water fall is 12.5 meters. During the period of high water (flood, rains), spray from the waterfall can reach right up to the observation deck, personally verified =)

If you wish, you can go down from the observation deck and come closer along the stones. The spectacle is much more impressive. In the summer, in the heat, some even swim here.

Right next to the waterfall is the Visitor Center, where you can buy souvenirs and learn something interesting if you have time, because parking is only 40 minutes. At first it seemed that this was too much, in the end we barely met the allotted time.

Waterfall Ayu-Kechpes

We agreed to visit this waterfall for an additional fee in excess of the prescribed "small circle". Needless to say, it was worth it.

This is one of the largest waterfalls on the lake. It is cascading, the fall of water, according to the guide, starts from a height of about 120 meters. The upper part of the waterfall can only be seen from afar.

Up close, only the lower part is visible, the upper part is covered by trees. By the way, you can only cross the river here below, although tourists are not allowed to land on the shore. It is impossible to cross anywhere above, hence the name of the river and the waterfall - Ayu-Chekpes, "The bear will not pass."

Road back

Opposite Korbu, on the opposite shore, one could see another waterfall - Chedor, with a fall height of 8 meters, at the same time go through the place with the deepest lake (325 meters), but our fellow travelers did not agree with the additional expenses, so we had to turn back.

A little more Teletskaya beauty:

An interesting sight along the way is a sleeping dragon. And indeed, if you look closely, it looks like.

stone bay

Another famous local attraction. According to one version - a trace from the fall of a meteorite, according to another - the result of the activity of ancient glaciers.

There is also a local legend about a duel between a hero and a one-eyed giant, during which the hero gouged out the giant's eye, and he, thinking that he had grabbed the hero, actually pulled out a mighty cedar from the ground, traces of which we observe today.

Summer timetable for water excursions:
10:00 - Journey to the south coast, 3000 r / person (6-7 hours)
10:00 - Five wonders of Lake Teletskoye, 1800 r / person (3.5 hours)
14:00 - Five wonders of Lake Teletskoye, 1800 r / person (3.5 hours)
17:00 - Small tour of Teletskoye, 1500 r / person (2.5 hours)
We start with a set of 5 people.

Boats on Lake Teletskoye

Boat Yamaha-VIP, CR-27, Japanese, two-cabin, speakerphone at the captain, carrying capacity 4.5 tons, 16 seats, width 3.05 m, length 9 m, large cargo compartment, executive class, toilet, refrigerator, comfortable soft seats, binoculars, the captain works as a guide .

New of the season!
Exclusive route to Stone Mushrooms on our all-terrain vehicle. Direct run without transfer Teletskoye lake + Chulyshman river. Set from 6 people (up to 10 people). Lunch included (second, salad or cold cuts, bun, bread, water, juice). 7500 r per person

List of excursions on boats on Lake Teletskoye:

Silver 630
6.3 x 2.4m
up to 11 people
Yamaha CR-27
9 x 3.1 m
up to 16 people

1. Small excursion

Korbu Waterfall, Kishte Waterfall, Love Island2.5 hours70 km1500 rub/person

16500 rub/boat

1500 rub/person

24000 rub/boat

2. Medium excursion
Individual romantic trip

Waterfalls Korbu, Kishte, Choodor, Love Island3 hours80 kmon requeston request

3. Nine wonders of Teletsky
Individual romantic trip

The program is reinforced with more information, more interesting places on the northern part of the lake: 1. marble shore 2. Love Island 3. waters. Kishte 4. water. Korbu 5. water. small Korbu 6. waters. Choodor 7. cape Kuan 8. waters. Estyube 9. keeper of the lake - Kedrogor. Exits to the waterfalls: 1. water. Estyube 2. water. Korbu 3. water. Choodor3.5 hours 1800 rub/person
19800 rub/boat
1800 rub/person
28800 rub/boat

4. Excursion "Touch the Teletskoye"
Individual romantic trip

Waterfalls Korbu, Kishte, Choodor, Island of Love, Ayu-kechpes waterfall, shale coast of Cape Cherlok, Kokshi River, Kurkure waterfall, shale coast of Cape Izhon. 2/3 of the water area of ​​Lake Teletskoye is visited.4.5 hours120 km2500 rub/person

27500 rub/boat

2500 rub/person

40000 rub/boat

5. big Adventure to the south coast
Individual romantic trip

Overview of the entire water area of ​​Lake Teletskoye with a stop at Karagay or Kyrsai (parking - 1 hour). Excursion along Teletskoye from north to south - the main and most interesting trip of these places, the southern coast is famous for its golden sand and warm water.7 hours160 km3000 rub/person

33000 rub/boat

3000 rub/person

48000 rub/boat

6. Fishing at the mouth of the Big Chile River

Individual corporate group

Fishing rods and everything for cooking fish soup (except fish) are given out.8 hours130 km
35000 rub/boat
50000 rub/boat

7. Excursion to Stone Mushrooms

New of the season! We offer from the Pearl! Exclusive route to Stone Mushrooms on our all-terrain vehicle. Direct run without transfer Teletskoye lake + Chulyshman river. Group of 6-10 people. Lunch included (second, salad or cold cuts, bun, bread, water, juice).12 hours
7500 rub/
per person

8. Boat rental

5000 rub/hour8000 rub/hour