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Holiday in Tsaritsyno on September 24. "Tsaritsyno" will become the site of the festival "Circle of Light

The Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve promises to become the most visited site of the VII Moscow International Circle of Light Festival, which will be held in the capital from September 23 to 27. According to the forecasts of the organizers, the total audience of impressive multimedia shows in Tsaritsyno Park over the 5 days of the Festival will be about 2 million people.

Visitors to the Tsaritsyno Park will be able to admire the fascinating light and music show of fountains on the Tsaritsyno Pond every day, which will be shown in a cyclical mode from 19:30 to 23:00.

On September 24, from 20:00 to 21:00, Mikhail Turetsky's art group SOPRANO will perform in the park, and on the rest of the days, the unique vocals of the female group will be recorded, accompanying video projections on the facade of the palace.

In addition, the audience will be treated to a stunning audio-visual performance "Palace of Senses" on the building of the Grand Palace, which will become the central element of the "Circle of Light" festival program at this venue.

For the entire festival period, Tsaritsyno Park will be decorated with original static installations from the world's leading lighting designers:

1. Giant Dandelions (France) - by Olivia d'Aboville

2. Large Pendulum Wave (Netherlands) by Ivo Shoofs

3. Message in a Bottle (Israel) by OGE Creative Group

“The complex architectural and color scheme of the facade of the Tsaritsyno Palace is not quite suitable for classic 3D mapping with realistic images and a linear history. Therefore, for the first time in the history of the Festival, we decided to build a performance based on the shape and geometry of the building, taking abstract images and effects as a basis, supplementing the visual part with suitable music, - explains the President of the LBL group of companies, which is the authorized organizer of the Circle of Light festival on behalf of Government of Moscow, Tatiana Lifantieva. “At the same time, the script is based on the familiar theme of emotions and feelings, which means that the perception of the production will be accessible and spectacular at the same time.”

Video mapping specialists will bring the façade of the Grand Palace to life with the help of projections and music. It is as if he will experience and tell the audience a story about changing feelings: excitement and serene peace, joy and anger, inspiring love and bitterness of the breakdown of relationships, rebirth from loneliness and finding unconditional happiness.

Interestingly, the dramatic "emotional experiences" of the Grand Palace are not without historical grounds. The Tsaritsyno palace complex was built according to the project of the famous Russian architect Vasily Bazhenov, according to the order of Empress Catherine II, as her residence near Moscow. Construction began in 1775. But when, after 10 years, most of the buildings of the monumental ensemble were ready for interior decoration, the empress made an unexpected decision to remove Bazhenov from business and transfer the project to his student Matvey Kazakov, whom she instructed to rebuild her main palace anew, wishing it to become a manifestation of her strength and greatness reign. In 1786, the palace of Bazhenov's authorship was dismantled, however, an unenviable fate awaited the building of his successor. Construction was suspended due to lack of funding, the project was greatly simplified, and after the death of Catherine II in 1796, her son Paul I finally stopped work. And only after almost two centuries, in 1984, the gradual restoration of the dilapidated Grand Palace began, which is now one of the main attractions of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve.

VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light" will be held at six venues in Moscow from 23 to 27 September 2017.

"Tsaritsyno" will become the site of the festival "Circle of Light"

From September 23 to September 27, the Tsaritsyno park will appear for visitors in a new fabulous light as part of the Circle of Light festival. Spectators will enjoy an audiovisual show on the facade of the Grand Palace, live performances by the art group Soprano Turetsky and pianist Dmitry Malikov to the accompaniment of light and music, a mesmerizing show of fountains on the Tsaritsyn pond and amazing light installations, according to the website of the festival organizer.

In the Tsaritsyno Park daily, from 19:30 to 23:00, visitors can see the impressive audiovisual performance "Palace of Senses" on the building of the Great Catherine Palace and the fascinating light and music show of fountains on the Tsaritsynsky Pond. On September 24, the art group SOPRANO by Mikhail Turetsky will perform here, and on the rest of the days the unique vocals of the female group will sound on the recording, accompanying video projections on the facade of the palace.

The next day, September 25, the People's Artist of Russia Dmitry Malikov will give a concert.

A show of fountains will take place on Tsaritsynsky Pond - accompanied by works by Russian composers, they will turn into a water orchestra. In the park, guests will also see original installations by leading lighting designers from around the world.

The Circle of Light festival will be held in Moscow for the seventh time and promises to be one of the most spectacular events of the upcoming autumn. By tradition, all performances, as well as training seminars by lighting design masters, are held at city venues in a publicly accessible free format, attracting millions of people every year, including residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, Russian and foreign tourists.

In 2017, the Circle of Light will be held at six venues. The opening ceremony of the festival will take place on September 23 in Ostankino. The technology of projecting three-dimensional images onto an architectural object - video mapping, will allow the birthday girl to "try on" the images of the highest buildings in the world. The famous skyscrapers and TV towers of France, the United Arab Emirates, Canada, the USA, China, Japan and Australia will appear before the audience against the backdrop of the natural attractions of these countries, which is due to the Year of Ecology taking place in Russia. Fountains, pyrotechnics, burners, lighting fixtures will be installed on the Ostankino pond. Guests will be presented with an extraordinary multimedia show combining light, lasers, choreography of fountains and fire, as well as a grandiose pyrotechnic show. An ice rink for figure skaters will be built on the pond.

Theater Square, familiar to the regular viewers of the Circle of Light, for the first time this year, will use the facades of both the Bolshoi and Maly theaters for performances. All days of the festival, two thematic light shows will be shown here: "Celestial Mechanics" - about loneliness and love, and "Timeless" - plots based on the works of outstanding Russian playwrights. Also on the facades of the leading theaters in Russia will show the work of the finalists of the international competition Art Vision, held as part of the festival.

The finale of the Circle of Light festival will be a grandiose fireworks display - the first show of Japanese pyrotechnics in Russia, which will be held in the Stroginskaya floodplain on September 27. To do this, barges will be installed on the water, on which pyrotechnic installations will be placed. The charges of Japanese fireworks are much larger than usual, each shot is made by hand, and the pattern is individual. They will open at a height of 500 meters, and the diameter of the light domes will be about 240 meters.

From September 23 to September 27, Moscow will host the VII Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light". Impressive light and sound productions will be presented free of charge at seven venues.

Architectural video mapping — projection of three-dimensional images onto city buildings and structures — can be seen on the Ostankino Tower, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. In addition to the Ostankino TV Tower, the program of the Circle of Light festival will include four more outdoor venues: Theater Square, the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve, Patriarch's Ponds and the Stroginskaya floodplain.

Ostankino tower

The Ostankino Tower will become one of the main venues for the Circle of Light Moscow International Festival. On September 23, from 20:00 to 21:15, the opening ceremony of the festival will take place here.

An amazing musical and multimedia show will unfold on the Ostankino Tower and the surface of the Ostankino Pond using video projection, choreography of fountains, synergy of light, lasers and fire.

With the help of modern water and pyrotechnic technologies, as well as the magic of light and music, viewers will be transported to the fabulous Lavender fields, at the foot of Niagara Falls, in the heart of the Yellowstone Park and the Bamboo Flute Cave, experience the heat of the Sahara desert or the refreshing breeze of the Great Barrier Reef, witness the bewitching power of Fujiyama volcano, the immense depth of Lake Baikal, the boundless beauties Ural mountains and the captivating charm of Sakhalin Island.

The opening ceremony will end with a 15-minute grandiose pyrotechnic show involving the Ostankino Tower.

As part of the festival, the Ostankino TV Tower with a height of 540 meters will alternately turn into the Eiffel Tower (300 meters), Dubai's Burj Khalifa (828 meters) and the New York Empire State Building (443 meters), as well as the Toronto TV Tower (553 meters). ), Shanghai (486 meters), Tokyo (332 meters) and Sydney (309 meters).

theatre square

This year, Theater Square united two buildings at once - the Bolshoi and the Maly Theatre. Especially for this, a unique light show was developed, where the interaction of two facades will become part of one love story.

In addition, the site will host a display of works by everyone's favorite ARTVISION contest. Participants from all over the world will demonstrate new works of light art to the audience at the Bolshoi Theater in the Classic nomination and at the Maly Theater in the Modern nomination.

On the facades of the Bolshoi and Maly theaters from September 23 to 27, from 19:30 to 23:00, a light show based on several works played on their stages will be shown. The audience will see fragments of plays by the classics of Russian literature - Alexander Ostrovsky, Nikolai Gogol, Anton Chekhov and others.

Museum-Reserve "Tsaritsyno"

From September 23 to 27, Tsaritsyno Park will appear for visitors in a new fabulous light. Spectators will enjoy an audiovisual show at the Grand Catherine Palace, a live performance by the Soprano Turetsky art group to the accompaniment of light and music, a mesmerizing fountain show on the Tsaritsyno Pond and amazing light installations.

In Tsaritsyn, on all festival days, you can admire the show of dancing fountains. Water jets will be illuminated with the help of special installations. The musical background of the performance will be works from the repertoire of Mikhail Glinka, Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Sergei Prokofiev and other Russian composers.

Also on September 24, the art group Soprano will perform for the guests of Tsaritsyno Park. The participants of Mikhail Turetsky's unique project will accompany their vocals to spectacular video projections on the building of one of the palaces. And from 25 to 27 September Soprano will sound on record.

Additional colorful touches to Tsaritsyno Park will be given by the best light installations by famous designers from all over the world.

Patriarch's Ponds

At the Patriarch's Ponds on September 25 from 20:30 to 21:30 Dmitry Malikov will perform his own works on the piano. Romantic music and elegant video images on the facade of the yellow pavilion on the pond will create a harmonious light and music composition.


On September 27, in the waters of the Strogino backwater, at the end of the Moscow International Festival "Circle of Light", for the first time in Russia, viewers will be treated to a large-scale 30-minute pyrotechnic show from Japanese manufacturers.

Spectators will enjoy a bright and unforgettable 30-minute Japanese pyrotechnic show, which has no analogues in Russia. Hundreds of pyrotechnic charges will be launched from four barges installed in the waters of the Stroginsky backwater, the largest of which, 600 mm caliber, has never been presented in Russia before.

Japanese fireworks are unique in their properties and have no analogues in the world. They surpass other fireworks in their color and brightness, and the hand-made process, passed down from time immemorial, makes each projectile a true work of art.

Digital October

From year to year, the Digital October venue remains the same meeting place for well-known professionals in the field of visual art and emerging lighting artists.

An educational program consisting of lectures, seminars and practical classes helps beginners learn the basics and reveals many secrets and subtleties in working with light.

On September 23 and 24, the center will host educational lectures by light designers and creators of laser installations. Admission is free, subject to prior registration on the festival website.

Concert Hall "MIR"

On September 24, the Art Vision VJing competition will take place at the Mir Theater and Concert Hall on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Teams from different countries compete in the skill of creating light images to the music.

The audience will witness the competition of the best light and music artists in the direction of VJing. Participants will demonstrate 10-minute VJ sets, where they will create completely new works to the music they perform in real time using unexpected visual images and video clips.

Admission is free, subject to prior registration on the festival website.

As part of the festival Circle of Light" in the museum-reserve Tsaritsyno" On September 24, Moscow will host a concert by Russian singer and musician Dmitry Malikov, the president of the LBL communication group, the authorized organizer of the festival, told reporters on Thursday. Circle of Light"

"On Monday, there will be a concert by Dmitry Malikov in Tsaritsyno. He is traditionally the composer of the festival. This year he will not only have an instrumental performance, but he will also sing"- said Lifantieva.

She noted that Malikov's concert in the museum-reserve " Tsaritsyno" will start at 20:00.

Eighth festival Circle of Light" will be held in Moscow from 21 to 25 September, the entrance to all festival venues will be free.

International Festival “ Circle of Light" has been held in Moscow since 2011. Last year's festival was remembered by the townspeople thanks to the light show on the facade of the Ostankino TV tower. With the help of light and laser, it was alternately turned into other tallest buildings in the world - the Eiffel Tower, Dubai's Burj Khalifa and the New York Empire State Building, as well as other buildings.

/ Thursday, September 20, 2018 /

Topics: culture Circle of Light

Residents and guests of the capital on the final day of the festival Circle of Light" will be able to watch a 45-minute Japanese fireworks show on the Rowing Canal, the president of the LBL communication group, the authorized organizer of the festival, told reporters on Thursday. Circle of Light" on behalf of the Moscow government, Tatiana Lifant'eva.

"On the last day of the festival, Japanese fireworks will take place on the Rowing Canal. This year the show will consist of two parts, the total running time will be 45 minutes. building a projection, which will tell what kind of charge, how it was produced and what it depicts "- said Lifantieva.

She noted that Japanese fireworks differ from Russian fireworks in that the charges are made by hand, and fireworks have fairly even shapes.

"The second part of the show will be traditional, that is, synchro and smaller charges"- added Lifantieva.

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The capital's motorists were urged to be especially careful when parking during the days of the festival. Circle of Light", as leaving cars in the wrong places can lead to emergencies, according to the Moscow parking website.

"From September 21 to September 25, Moscow will host the International Festival" Circle of Light". We ask motorists to be especially careful on the roads and when parking, as traffic in the city will be limited on several streets. In this regard, paid parking lots located in the places of overlaps will also be unavailable. This is 35 parking spaces, of which six are for the disabled., the message says.

So, Petrovka and Krylatskaya streets, as well as a section of the Novotsaritsynskoye highway and other streets will be blocked. Motorists were urged to follow the rules of the road and not to leave cars in the wrong places, so as not to create emergency situations.

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For the second time, one of the venues of the capital festival “ Circle of Light" will move to Sevastopol, Ekaterina Borisova, head of the tourism department of the Moscow Department of Sports and Tourism, told reporters on Thursday.

"The festival " Circle of Light" expands its boundaries this year. It will be held at seven sites, one of them has moved to the city of Sevastopol. There, from September 22 to 23, residents and guests of Sevastopol will be able to see light performances at the Palace of Pioneers, so we convey a colorful message to the whole of Crimea, its residents and guests" Borisova said.

In turn, Deputy Governor - Chairman of the Government of Sevastopol Yuri Krivov thanked the Moscow government for the fact that for the second time the festival " Circle of Light" will take place in Sevastopol.

"Visitors of the festival will be able to see a five-minute light show dedicated to the history of Sevastopol, which will be embodied in the image of a ship. After that, it will change to a 15-minute “ VJing ” is a performance that will last for four hours in a loop. We plan that about 14-15 thousand people will be able to watch (performance - ed.) within two days"- added Krivov.

He noted that on September 22 the festival “ Circle of Light" will end with a ten-minute fireworks display.

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Finalists of the Art Vision competition of the Moscow festival “ Circle of Light" were representatives of 16 countries, including Russia, Finland and Japan, told reporters on Thursday the head of the tourism department of the Department of Sports and Tourism of Moscow Ekaterina Borisova.

"35 works from 16 countries - Bulgaria, Germany, India, Indonesia, Spain, Italy, China, Mexico, Poland, Russia, Romania, Finland, France, Chile, Switzerland and Japan - made it to the final of the competition (Art Vision - ed.). Nominees for the victory in Art Vision Classic show their works from 21 to 25 September at Theater Square" Borisova said.

She noted that the audience will be able to see the colorful projects of the Art Vision Modern finalists on the facade of the Grand Tsaritsyno Palace.

"On September 22, lovers of club music and bright spectacles are invited to the cancer hall" World ", where at 22:00 competitions will start among the finalists of the Art Vision nomination - “ VJing ” Borisova added.

According to her, this year 148 applications from 36 countries were submitted for participation in the international competition Art Vision. For the first time, representatives of four countries took part in the competition: Honduras, Finland, South Africa and South Korea.

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