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Which bank to get tax free. Tax free: what is it and how to use it

Brief description of the tax-free process: when making a purchase in a store abroad, the tourist receives a special check, on which, when leaving the country (at customs), a special stamp must be put (it confirms that the goods have been exported). After that, the buyer has the right to return the VAT. Money can be received immediately after customs clearance or upon arrival home. The tax-free system operates in Europe and in about 20 countries outside of it. The procedure for returning tax-free is approximately the same, but the restrictions on the minimum value of the purchased and the validity of the check in each country are different.

Tax-free process diagram

Tax free systems

All work on the return of VAT is entrusted to private tax-free systems, which are intermediaries between tourists and the state. Each of them includes a network of partner stores and a number of refund offices. As a reward, the system withholds a small commission. Main systems:

Attention! If the product was purchased in an EU country, then it is necessary to stamp the tax-free check not when leaving this country where the product was purchased, but only when leaving the EU itself (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway are not included in it). Additional hassle may arise if you leave the EU through a transit stop (more on this at the end of the article). EU members are Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia , Spain, Croatia, Sweden and UK.

Refund amount

It should be noted that the return of tax-free does not mean that you will receive the amount of VAT paid in full. Part of the money will go to administrative costs and a commission to an intermediary (each country has its own rules). If you receive from a bank, you will have to pay for the acceptance of a check for collection and a percentage for issuing cash. In some rare cases, the amount of costs can reach up to half the amount of the refund. The Global Blue website has a handy calculator for a more or less accurate calculation.

Ways to return tax-free (cash checks):

  • at the airport - the fastest way to get your money back;
  • by mail - you need to send a tax-free check to the office of the tax-free system. The money will go to a card or bank account. Takes quite a lot of time (2 - 4 months);
  • at any point of issue of tax-free - sounds like an option with a wide choice, but in practice it all comes down to getting a refund in the city of residence. Available only to residents of large cities.

Return (receipt) of taxi-free at the airport

The main mistake when getting tax-free at the airport is to check in the purchased goods as baggage when checking in for the flight, because you will need to demonstrate the purchase at customs. Sometimes a special tag can be attached to such baggage, but they are obliged to return it to you.

Try to simplify your life even before arriving at the airport, for which:

  • find out exactly where in the departure area there is a customs window, in which stamps are affixed to tax-free receipts, and where money is then issued (in the common hall of the airport or in the neutral zone after passport control). Usually the queues at these points are such that you don’t even dare to get up in them. Also, not all locations are open 24/7. The location of the points with the work schedule is on the website;
  • do not cut off tags and labels from purchases. At the same time, stow the suitcase so that it is easy to present the acquisitions if the customs officer asks for it. And best of all, carry your purchases separately - hand luggage;
  • be sure to fill out tax-free checks (if the seller in the store did not do this) and keep the latter along with cash receipts, passport and tickets.

Upon arrival at the airport, the first thing to do is to get in line to go through customs. At the control it will be necessary to present a tax-free check, a cash receipt, a passport and goods. If your purchases do not fit in your hand luggage, you will have to go through customs before checking in for a flight and checking in your suitcases. Therefore, spending time and money on pre-packing suitcases in this situation does not make sense.

You just need to get the money and go through passport control. In this order, because in some countries the VAT refund points are located in the common room. You can be left without money if you remember about it after you have already passed passport control, because you will not be allowed to go back to the common room. In countries where these points are beyond the passport control line, you will receive the money when you go to board the plane.

Receiving the money

After receiving a customs stamp, go to the tax-free return office (it can be called differently; sometimes this role is played by one of the cash desks of the Duty Free store). In order not to pay a commission for currency conversion (sometimes up to 5%), you must take a refund in local currency. Tip: if the refund point is located in front of passport control, then it’s worth waiting in line before going through customs.

Once you're done with the taxi-free, go through passport control. By the way, if less than 10 minutes are left before its end, you can go to the counter without a queue, or use the check-in window for late passengers, and check in your luggage at the Drop Off counter.

If you do not have time to get money at the airport and you know for sure that there is no tax-free pick-up point in the city of your residence, then the only option is mail.

Tax-free return by mail (to a bank card)

To receive a tax-free refund on a credit/debit card, its details must be indicated on the customs-stamped tax-free receipt. You must put it in a special envelope and in a special tax-free mailbox at the airport. The envelope can be received in advance at the purchase store or already on the spot (at the tax-free system office at the airport). Of course, it is acceptable to use a standard envelope and a regular mailbox, but then you will need a postage stamp and the address of the recipient. And if you are sending a letter already from the country of residence (or any other), then an international stamp is required.

The return of tax-free mail is not only the longest (2-4 months), but also the most unreliable. Use it only if you do not have time to process a refund at the airport and you know that there are no taxi-free offices in your hometown. Be sure to scan or photograph your receipts before sending them - in case of problems, they will be the only, solid evidence of your right to a tax refund.

Tax-free return by mail (to a bank account)

This method repeats the previous one, with the only difference that if the details of the card account are not filled in the tax-free check sent by mail, then the tourist will receive an international bank check marked “to the recipient's account” at the specified address. Such a bank check can only be cashed at the bank where you have a current account. The check does not have a statute of limitations, but each bank decides to accept it or refuse it individually.

Tax-free refund upon transit departure

When traveling in Europe, it is necessary to put a customs seal on tax-free receipts in the last country of the European Union (Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Norway are not part of the EU). But what if the last country is only a transit stop for you? In this case, there may simply not be enough time for the tax-free procedure. Yes, there may not be a customs point in the transit zone. In addition, baggage is sent immediately to its destination, which makes it impossible to demonstrate it. Therefore, be sure to return the tax-free at the airport of the first departure. Show your ticket and say that you don't have much time to transfer.

Return of tax-free at the point of issue of any country

To receive a refund, you must have a tax-free check, a cash receipt, foreign and internal passports (for CIS countries) with you. Funds are paid out exclusively in national currency (the exchange rate is usually not favorable).

Tax-free refund when leaving the country by car, train, ship

The easiest way is to put a customs seal on tax-free checks for motorists. It's the only way it's hard to be late. When leaving the country by train / ship, you can get a customs stamp at the point of departure (station / port) or at the direct border crossing. The inconvenience of the first method is that the luggage will travel separately from you. The second method is not particularly reliable, since when crossing the border, customs officers may simply not have time for you. Be sure to find out in advance whether there will be customs officers on the train or on the ship, and whether you can get a stamp on the tax-free receipt.

The subtleties of tax-free returns in different countries

  • if you forgot to put a customs stamp on the tax-free check, then you can do this upon arrival home at the embassy / consulate of the country in which the purchase was made. This service is not cheap (at least 20 euros);
  • for checks issued in Poland, the money is returned only in cash;
  • when leaving Slovenia, you need to put two official stamps: the first - on the tax-free form, the second - on the check;
  • in Iceland, a stamp is not required to receive tax refunds on wool purchases;
  • in Israel, VAT refunds are carried out according to the tax (VAT) scheme, which has its own characteristics;
  • Croatia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark have their own national stamps. This means that checks from these countries may not be accepted in other European countries. This is especially true for Croatia and Norway, as they are not members of the EU. Therefore, if you have a direct flight to your homeland, you need to get taxi-free immediately at the airport. In the case of a flight or travel through other countries, you can only issue a refund at home;
  • in Norway, the stamp must be put not at customs, but at the office of the tax-free system. This is the only country in which food products are returned (more than 285 kroons), but, like all other purchases, they must be presented at customs, therefore, they cannot be consumed before departure;
  • It is impossible to issue a tax-free in the USA, since there is no value added tax in this country. However, in large department stores, non-residents can receive an 11% discount. To do this, you need to find a Customer Service employee and show him your passport, after which you will be given a special card that you will need to present at the checkout;
  • at German airports, you must first register and then go to the customs officers. In this case, when registering, you need to say that you will issue a taxi-free: the luggage will be checked in and returned to you. After issuing checks, it will need to be handed over in another place (customs officers will explain where).
  • In the Netherlands, you can return VAT by making a purchase in any store, even if it is not included in the tax free shopping system, but for this you need to return to the country. Conditions: if you buy goods worth more than 300 guilders, then put a customs stamp on a regular cash receipt. When you come to Holland again, go to the store where the purchase was made. There you will be able to receive the full amount of VAT without deducting commissions. For comparison: on a tax-free check when leaving the Netherlands, you will be refunded only 10% of the cost of the goods, and in the store - all 17%.

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In simple terms, the term tax-free (Tax Free) means the tax refund procedure for goods purchased abroad.

general information

Tax free is a refund to a foreigner tax embedded in each product. In our state, this tax is called or abbreviated VAT. In England - VAT, in France - TVA, in Spain - IVA, etc.

For some reason in our country tax on goods called value added tax and thereby confused ordinary people. The terminology "value added tax" without explanation from the outside is completely incomprehensible. Either they translated tracing paper from other languages, or “it was necessary” to make the simple complex.

It is customary to return tax free due to the fact that VAT is a tax, the proceeds of which are used to support the lives of its citizens. Given that most tourists from other countries come for a short time, they do not have time to take advantage of these social benefits. So it's fair to give them the money. This is where one of the rules comes from. You may be denied the issuance of tax-free if you have stayed in the country for more than a certain period. Usually more than 90 days. Or you have residence permits in this country.

The amount of Tax-free varies from one state to another and on average ranges from 10 to 20 percent.

Each country has restrictions on the minimum amount of goods after which you are entitled to a tax-free refund.

Tax-free is returned for clothes, household appliances, jewelry and some other types of goods. There are exceptions, for example, in Norway you can return tax-free for the money spent on food if it is more expensive than 285 crowns (about 20 euros).

How to return Tax Free

1. The product must be purchased in a store operating under the Tax Free system. Company logos of tax-refundable companies may be pasted on or inside shop windows. In the store, you can check with the sellers if they have taxi-free.

There are several companies involved in the return of tax-free. The best known and most widely networked is Globalblue. In fact, it does not matter who exactly is responsible for returning the money to you. Just remember their icons. Seeing in the store, it will become clear to you without words that you can get tax-free here.

2. When making a purchase in such a store, ask for a tax-free. You must be given special Tax Free Checks.

3. The tax-free check must be filled out (not necessarily in the store), you must indicate your data: full name, passport number, residential address, email address, and also sign. Keep in mind that if you want to receive money at the airport upon departure, then the checkbox should be next to the Cash (cash) item.

4. Stamp the customs office at the airport on the tax-free receipt. This is done either in special offices that are available at the airport (sometimes before going through customs). Or, if they are not there, then the seal must be placed where you are marked in your passport about passing customs, i.e. at the border guards. Very important: without this seal, you will not be refunded!

According to the rules, you must show: a completed tax-free check, a regular sales receipt, goods in their original packaging. Sometimes customs officials may neglect the latter, but they have every right to refuse to print you on the tax-free receipt if you already use the item or do not have it with you.

5. Collect money by giving a check with a seal to special tax-free pick-up points, which are called Tax Free Cash Refund.

Sometimes the taxi-free points at the border run out of cash. In this case, you will be given an envelope in which you put the completed tax-free check. In the tax-free receipt, it should be ticked that you want to receive money on a plastic card and indicate which one. After that, the envelope must be lowered into a special box, which, as a rule, is located here. And forget about it for a couple of months. Money can go up to 4 months.

You can also use this method (send an envelope) if you do not have time to receive money at the issuing point due to a long queue. A special envelope for sending, where stamps are not required, is usually given in the store along with a tax-free receipt.

For each place (country or city), it is better to find out in advance how the procedure for issuing tax-free is carried out. Each place may have its own rules. For example, sometimes you need to put a stamp on the tax-free receipt before passing through any checkpoints and it’s not far to get cash there. And if you pass customs, then you will either have to go back or receive money in another way.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Forgot to stamp tax-free at the border

In this case, there are several options. Get stamped at customs on your next trip. As mentioned above, you must have the product in the original packaging. Or, already in your own country, go to the embassy of the country where the purchase was made and put a seal. For this process, a commission is taken in the region of 20 euros.

Where can I return tax-free in Moscow

Banks returning tax-free are listed on the website You can also look for other cities there.

Deadlines for obtaining tax-free

Each country has its own deadlines for obtaining tax-free. There are two deadlines:
– Tax-free check period — the time during which you need to put a customs stamp on the check. On average 3 months, but there are exceptions up to 30 days or six months.
– Validity of the customs seal itself on this check. From 2 months and unlimited.

The minimum amount for registration of Tax Free and more

The data in the table is for informational purposes and may not correspond to the latest changes, if any. If you need absolutely accurate data, please contact tax-free refund companies or other official sources for information.

A country The minimum amount for issuing a Tax Free check Estimated refund amount The period for which you need to put a customs stamp on the Tax Free check Validity of Tax Free checks with a customs seal affixed
Austria 75 EUR 15% 3 months 3 years
Belgium 125 EUR 15% 3 months 3 months
Great Britain 30gbps 16.5% 3 months is not limited
Hungary 52001.01huf 19% 3 months 6 months
Germany 25 EUR 14.5% 3 months 4 years
Greece 120 EUR 17.5% 3 months 3 months
Denmark 300 dkk 19% 3 months 1 year
Ireland any amount 17.5% 3 months 3 years
Iceland 4000 isk 15% 3 months is not limited
Spain 19.15 eur 15.7% 3 months 5 years
Italy 154.94 eur 15% 3 months 3 months
Cyprus 50 EUR 12.5% 3 months 1 year
Latvia 44 EUR 12.4% 3 months 1 year
Lebanon 150000 lbp 7.42% 3 months is not limited
Lithuania 200ltl 13.5% 3 months is not limited
Luxembourg 74 eur 11.8% 3 months 3 years
Morocco 2000 mad 15% 30 days 3 months
Netherlands 50 EUR 16% 3 months is not limited
Norway 290 nok 19% 1 month 1 year
Poland 200 pln 16.5% 3 months 7 months
Portugal 61.35eur 15% 3 months 150 days
Singapore 100sgd 6.08% 2 months 2 months
Slovakia 175 EUR 13.5% 3 months 5 months
Slovenia 50 EUR 15% 3 months 6 months
Türkiye 108 try 12.5% 3 months 3 months
Uruguay 500 yuu 14.4% 3 months is not limited
Finland 40 EUR 17% 3 months 5 months
France 175 EUR 13% 3 months 6 months
Croatia 740 hrk 17.9% 3 months 6 months
Czech 2000 czk 17% 3 months 5 months
Switzerland 300 chf 7.3% 30 days 4 years
Sweden 200sec 19% 3 months 1 year
Estonia 38 EUR 14% 3 months 1 year
South Korea 30000 krw 8.18% 3 months 3 months


In order to issue Tax-Free, purchases must be made only in those stores where there is an appropriate one. If there is no icon, check with the seller if the store issues Tax-Free receipts.

Each country has a minimum amount for issuing Tax-Free. The lowest fare in Germany is 25 euros. In Switzerland, the tariff is the highest and is equal to 400 euros. All purchases must be paid for with one check. If you made purchases in a supermarket and purchased non-food and food products at the same time, then Tax-Free can be issued for each group separately. However, the amount of each group of goods must correspond to the minimum amount of Tax-Free in a given country.

After making a purchase, you must ask the seller to issue Tax-Free. To do this, you must present your passport. The seller will issue you a receipt, which will indicate the purchases, their cost and the amount of the return. You will need to enter in the surname, name, passport details and your address and sign. A check is attached to the receipt form. In large shopping centers, the Tax-Free check is issued at the central cash desk or at the customer service bureau.

On the day of departure, you must arrive in advance in order to have time to return the money. Arriving at the airport, check where the refund point is. In some countries, it is up to the passport control line, in others - beyond the line.

It is advisable to pack purchased goods with price tags in one place, as you may be asked to show purchases.

If you are leaving the country by train, then the money back procedure can be completed at the station or in the compartment, when customs officers will check your documents at the border.

If you are traveling to multiple EU countries, you will need to have your receipt stamped when leaving the country where the purchases were made.

If you are traveling by ferry, you will need to contact your local customs office and show your purchases before boarding.

Tourists traveling by car need to present their purchases and receive a customs stamp on the check at the last border.

If you did not have time to apply for Tax-Free when leaving the EU, upon returning home, you need to contact the representative office of the country where the purchases were made and show them your passport, receipt and purchases. After receiving the customs stamp, you will need to contact the Europe office in the currency of your choice, however, you will be charged a commission. Value Added Tax Refund Offices are located at all major airports, railway stations and highways.

The period between the purchase of goods and their export should not exceed three months.

VAT is a value added tax that is present in any Belarusian and European store. But tourists have the opportunity to buy goods without this extra charge. After all, for example, you do not live in Warsaw and do not use state benefits. Therefore, you can buy, say, a refrigerator without VAT. Elina Lavrentyeva, head of the sales department of the Eldivi travel company, told the TAM.BY team how to do this.

What is Tax Free?

Really. Tourists do not travel for free in public transport, do not receive free treatment. Therefore, they do not need to pay VAT. Plus, the tax refund also serves to attract tourists.

But you can not pay tax in the store. Therefore, when buying a product, you give the entire amount, and the VAT refund occurs already when crossing the border. This is the tax-free (tax-free).

This is a good way to save money and get the right product at a better price.

How it works?

Tax refunds are not available for all categories of goods. For example, it is easier to do this with household appliances and clothes than with food. Also, the refund does not apply to services. Renting a car, renting a hotel room or having dinner cheaper than the declared cost will not work.

To return your money, the state must make sure that you are really a tourist and have spent money on these goods. Therefore, there are three main links in the tax-free return chain:

Shop. Here you buy goods and draw up documents for the return. They will help you with this.

Customs. When you leave the country, your documents and purchases will be checked, and then your right to a tax refund will be confirmed.

Tax free operator. He will pay you money. You can transfer them to a card, you can get cash.

The difference between customs and a taxi-free operator is that the former make sure that tourists do not get tax refunds for purchases that they did not make. Therefore, customs checks checks and goods. The rigor of the verification process varies by country. Somewhere they find fault even with opened packaging, and somewhere they look at purchases selectively.

The taxi-free operator will not refund the money without the permission of customs. The operator's office is located right at the airport. In the case of land travel, you can return the money at a bank near customs or at a bank in your home country. But we'll talk about this below.

In some cases, taxi-free operators open offices in the city: at a bank or a large shopping center. In this case, the tourist can receive a refund even before leaving the country. But upon departure, he will still have to certify the documents at customs and send them to the operator. When receiving money at the city cash desk, the tourist provides the details of his bank card. If the documents from the customs office do not come to the operator, then the returned VAT will be written off from the card back.

By the way, if the purchases were made in Poland, then you can return the tax-free on a second trip to the same store.

Is it possible to return tax-free everywhere?

Almost all European countries return the tax to tourists. But before the trip, it is still better to clarify this point. Tax-free destinations popular with Belarusians can be obtained in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Spain, and Cyprus.

Let me share a hack. There are duty-free shops on ferries across the Baltic Sea. The prices there are very low. But you can also issue tax-free for a certain amount. However, due to currency conversions, such as the Swedish krona and the euro, the refund amount may be higher.

How long will the return procedure take?

From half an hour to two. This should be taken into account when calculating the time it takes to cross the border by car or bus, as well as when arriving at the airport. It's better to come with a spare.

In general, it is better to know this information in advance. We arrived in the country and asked the airport staff where the customs office and taxi-free operator were located. How far apart are they located. How is the return process. This way you will be able to calculate your time more accurately.

Which stores refund tax-free purchases?

Small shops rarely refund VAT to tourists. This is mainly done by large shopping centers, well-known brands, popular tourist outlets. But you can recognize the store where the tax-free is returned by such emblems on the window or checkout.

Just remember to take your passport with you to prove that you are really a foreigner.

Will VAT be refunded on any purchase amount?

No. Each country has a different minimum check amount. This information can be found on the websites of taxi-free operators. Or check directly in the store.

Some tourists try to present several checks from different stores in order to get the required minimum. But you can't do that. It's a different matter if you have several checks and each one "holds out" to the minimum amount. Then the tax will be returned for each of them.

Do I need to take something from the store other than a receipt?

Yes. Together with the check you will be given a special application for tax-free. It must be filled in on the spot. The cashier or seller signs it and keeps a copy for himself. And your copy is given to you in an envelope along with checks and a brochure with tax-free rules. Just make sure that the envelope contains a check and an application signed by the seller. Without this, VAT will not be refunded.

Where to carry checks and application during departure?

First we go to the customs officers. If everything is in order, then they put their stamp on the application. Most importantly, do not put your purchases in your luggage before you go through customs control.

Often, at the airport, a passenger gets to the customs officers only after checking in and putting things in luggage. In this case, just ask the airport employee at check-in to invite a customs representative to you.

Then we go to the office of the taxi-free operator and present checks with a signed and stamped application. The tax will be returned to you, however, not in full: the operator takes from 5 to 15% as a commission for services. Its size may vary depending on the operator, country, and sometimes the amount of the purchase.

What will be the refund method?

If you paid by card, then the money will be returned to the card. If purchases were paid in cash, then the refund will be the same. But be careful: operators do not work with all cards.

Above, we said that the return procedure may be delayed. In this case, the main thing is to put a stamp at customs. Then you can simply send the application and checks by mail to the operator. Do not forget to take a photo of the documents being sent, so that in case of problems you will have evidence.

Also, money can be returned through a bank already at home. Ask the operator which banks in Belarus they cooperate with. Then we go there with a passport, checks and an application. That's where we get the money.

Have you had any problems with the return of tax-free? Share your stories in the comments with readers

Do not forget to return VAT and "recapture" part of the money. How to get money through the Tax Free system quickly and without too much fuss, read in our life hack.

What is Tax Free and why can it be returned?

Even if you were expelled from Narxoz in disgrace, you know that all goods in the store are subject to value added tax (VAT or VAT - Value Added Tax). In each country, citizens and tax residents pay it, but tourists are not required to pay. Since convincing the seller that you are a tourist, and therefore you have to pay a quarter less, is not very effective (unless, of course, you are in), then, leaving the country, you can return VAT in a civilized manner. And this, for a moment, is from 3% to 33% of the value of the goods.

To bring all returns to a common denominator, there are international companies that deal with VAT refunds - Global Blue, Premier Tax Free (elite brands like Christian Dior, Gian Franco Ferre, Yves Saint Laurent), Tax Free Worldwide, Litofolija Tax Free (in the territory Lithuania). Most likely, you will deal with Global Blue - it is a confident dominant in the returns market. Therefore, we will concentrate on it.

There are three ways to receive your money with Global Blue: in cash at the Global Blue ticket office at the train station or at the airport, to a bank card or pick up at a bank in your country. By the way, VAT cannot be refunded on items you ordered from Ali Express, Asos, or your favorite online store abroad. If you shop in Poland, then remember - you can not return the tax for the provision of services and fuel. In Lithuania they do not give Tax Free for alcohol and tobacco. Only in Spain and Turkey are they ready to refund VAT for everything.

What do you need to do in the store to get money?

In order to issue Tax Free, you need to purchase a certain amount (in one check). The minimum differs from country to country. For example, in Lithuania you need to make purchases for € 55, in Poland - € 70 (PLN 300), and in Germany € 25 is generally enough. Check the amount of purchases and returns on the Global Blue website - everything is very clear there.

Look for the Global Blue sticker on the store doors and at the checkout. Do not be too lazy to ask the employee if the store is included in this program, if there is no sticker - believe me, the benefit is worth it. When paying for a purchase, do not forget to ask for the Tax Free form - you fill it out yourself. In the form, indicate the passport number, first and last name, home address with zip code, country of residence and e-mail. The form must be signed. Don't forget to show your passport! If you screw up at this step, the money will definitely not be returned. The Tax Free check must be issued on the same day as the invoice.

What to do with Tax Free at the border?

At the border, ask the customs officer to put a personal stamp on the Tax Free receipt. If you are leaving the EU, you will need a customs stamp from the last EU country you are leaving. By the way, if you are traveling to Belarus on a scheduled trip, there will most likely not be a stop for Tax Free.

You also need to “stamp” documents in a timely manner: if you export purchases from Lithuania, Germany, Poland, Italy, Holland or England - within three months, from France or the Czech Republic - six months, but you can print on checks and documents from Austria or Spain put at any time.

Customs will stamp you only on unused purchases in factory packaging. If you decide to issue a return on purchases from the grocery store, be prepared that you will have to present everything to the last candy.

Please note: the stamp from the border has an expiration date. For example, if you want to return VAT on goods from Poland, Lithuania, Germany, the Czech Republic, Italy or France, you need to turn around 3 months in advance.

How and when to withdraw money?

There are three options to return everything due.
1. The option is fast. Collect money at the airport at Tax Free Cash Refund. You will need a Tax Free receipt with a shop receipt and a passport. Look for such a return point near the Duty Free store - you can also successfully drain all the savings there. Check the full list of return points on the company's website.
2. Option optimal. Collect money upon arrival in Belarus. VAT refund is done by Technobank - already in three places. Be sure to bring the original documents - copies will not work.
3. Hypothetical option. Seal the documents (Tax Free check and check from the store) in a special Global Refund envelope (if it was given to you in the store) and put it in the mailbox. In this case, the money goes to the card, the account number (usually 16 digits) of which you indicate in the documents. The address to which you need to send Tax Free checks is indicated on the Tax Free check, on the envelope issued by the store where the purchase was made, or on the official website of the company issuing Tax Free checks. Return time - 45 days. Such a system does not work in all countries - for example, it exists in Lithuania, but not in Poland.

In Technobank, they must return the entire amount indicated on the check. The only thing is that since recently, Global Blue itself has been charging a fee of € 1 (if you plan to return more than € 10). If you intend to collect cash at the airport, you will have to pay from € 3 commission (depending on the specific airport). Payments are made in the currency of the country where there is a return point, or in US dollars.

Can they refuse?

In some cases, you still may not get your money back. True, the likelihood of such a situation is minimal. The most common mistake that the bank will turn you away from is incorrectly issued checks or a large number of corrections in them. Among seasoned "returnees" of the VAT, there is a tale that instead of the surname and name, the holders of a Lithuanian visa often write "Sengeno valstybės" ("Schengen countries") on their checks. In any case, the documents should be carefully reviewed for errors - minor edits can be made on top, but with significant corrections, the chance of getting a refund tends to zero. Especially when it comes to passport data.

Another possible reason to stay with the nose is the wrong dates indicated on the Tax Free check. If they are ahead of the dates stamped on the cash receipt, you will not see a return.
Well, it’s banal: Tax Free checks are valid only with a customs stamp - you don’t even have to go to the bank without it, you’ll only waste time. The stamp must clearly read the date and name of the checkpoint. If the seal came out so-so, ask the customs officer to slam it again: believe me, it will not be lost from him, but it can be completely from you if the bank does not sort out the mark. But of course we believe in you. Everything will work out!
