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Crimea. What's next? Three main options

The Council of Europe blocked the report of the mission that found no violations in the Russian Crimea. This, commenting on the recent vote at the UN for a resolution proposed by Ukraine on the situation with human rights in Crimea, in an interview with Kommersant, said the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation Grigory Karasin.

“Of course, this vote is a certain indicator, but I would not judge such scenarios only on its basis. As for the essence of this resolution, Ukraine needs to deal not with Crimea, but with the situation in the southeast of the country. For us, the Crimean issue is closed, we have solved it for ourselves forever. And, of course, we will oppose such resolutions, while at the same time inviting people who are not obsessed with visiting Crimea, including representatives of international organizations,” the Deputy Foreign Minister of the Russian Federation emphasized.

Karasin said that recently a delegation of representatives of the Council of Europe, headed by Gerard Studman. According to him, after talking with Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars and even imprisoned people, the representatives of the organization drew their own conclusions, which were later ignored in the West for some reason.

“As a result, a very balanced document was prepared, which, however, did not go anywhere, because it was immediately blocked by people who do not want to recognize the new realities around Crimea,” Karasin emphasized.

Recall on December 19, the UN General Assembly by a majority of votes adopted a resolution submitted by Ukraine condemning alleged violations of human rights in Crimea, as well as “illegal establishment of laws, jurisdiction and governance by the Russian Federation” on the peninsula.

Of the 193 UN member states, 70 voted in favor of the resolution, 26 voted against. In addition to Russia, these are Armenia, Belarus, Bolivia, Venezuela, India, Kazakhstan, China, North Korea, Cuba, Serbia, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and South Africa. Another 76 countries abstained from voting.

Head of the Republic of Crimea Sergei Aksenov called the adopted document "not reflecting the real situation in the Crimea and broadcasting the propaganda myths of Kyiv."

In response to the adoption of the resolution, the Crimean State Council adopted an appeal to the UN General Assembly, in which the parliamentarians once again called on colleagues from the countries that supported the resolution to visit Crimea and give an objective assessment of the human rights situation in the republic.

It is worth noting that the visit of the Shtudman commission and its conclusions are far from the first case of a conclusion issued by European experts on Crimea that runs counter to the point of view officially accepted in the West. Europe once again refused to accept a frankly uncomfortable report. How long it will be going on? How long will Europe ignore the truth that its own citizens, who have visited the peninsula and seen everything with their own eyes, convey to politicians? How independent is Europe in general from the US in assessing the situation in Crimea? And most importantly, does the action of the Council of Europe have any significance?

- Of course it has - for the Council of Europe itself and the countries falling under its jurisdiction, - notes the professor of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, doctor of political sciences, member of the Scientific Council under the Security Council of the Russian Federation Andrey Manoilo.

- The rest of the world does not care about the activities of the Council of Europe. Russia is not a member of the European Union; for us, the opinion of the Council of Europe is not an imperative.

"SP": - Why the Council of Europe does not want to recognize simple things?

“Because the Council of Europe acts on the basis of its own idea of ​​political expediency. And in their situation, it is not advisable to take the side of Russia if the United States intends to continue confrontation with us. European politicians always take the side that has a numerical advantage.

"SP": - Visits of foreign delegations to the Crimea will continue. How long can the world ignore the truth?

“Looks like it will take a long time. But the truth - it is the truth, that it is impossible to hide it: it will definitely win.

"SP": - Speaking about the UN resolution on Crimea, Karasin noted that, of course, this vote is a certain indicator, but he would not judge such alignments only on its basis. Would you? What can this resolution serve as an indicator of?

- I agree with Karasin: far from all countries supported the UN resolution. The result of the vote is an indicator that our opponents are not sitting idle: they are actively strengthening and expanding the anti-Russian coalition. It would be nice for us to also consolidate our allies and partners, for example, in the BRICS, strengthening partnerships and the viability of this coalition by creating a system of supranational bodies responsible, for example, for ensuring the collective information security of the BRICS, countering information warfare operations, combating cybercrime. Otherwise, we will be eaten.

"SP": - According to Karasin, Ukraine should deal with the Donbass. How long do you think Kyiv will still try to use these two issues?

“As long as the current junta is alive, it will constantly turn the population of Ukraine against Crimea, Donbass and, ultimately, against Russia. As soon as the regime in Ukraine changes, the political agenda will also change.

- The Council of Europe is one of those international organizations that were involved in the "crusade" against Russia, - notes expert of the Center for Political Analysis Andrey Tikhonov.

- Such structures as the CE and the IOC simply did not have the will to take an independent position. FIFA has such a will, but these do not. Consequently, in our eyes all the values ​​of the Council of Europe, all the famous rights and freedoms, all European flourishing humanism are compromised. No one believes in this nonsense for a long time, and when these blessed ones also demonstrate their bias, it causes disgust. There is absolutely nothing for Russia to do in this council. And its release may have serious consequences in the form of lifting the moratorium on the death penalty, for example.

According to Vadim Trukhachev, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Foreign Regional Studies and Foreign Policy of the Russian State Humanitarian University, in the imagination of anti-Russian politicians, Russia simply cannot help violating human rights.

“Russia, by definition, is worse than Ukraine, which is striving for Europe, and the population of Crimea simply cannot, in their eyes, make a choice in favor of Russia. The West is better by definition, and Russia is just a kingdom of darkness.

"SP": - What did the Council of Europe have any significance? Ukraine can celebrate another "overcome"?

— The Council of Europe is an organization on which nothing depends for a long time. And she can vote any way she wants. Decisions about relations with Russia are made by other people and through other organizations - the EU, NATO, but not through the Council of Europe. But in Ukraine they are ready to declare even defeat a “win”…

"SP": - Moscow in general should be concerned about the decisions of the Council of Europe?

- In my opinion, the decision of this organization can be ignored for a long time, and it is high time to get out of there. This is a waste of public funds. There are other opportunities for dialogue through parliaments, not only PACE. And these options are much cheaper.

"SP": - Recently, Tillerson said that he understands that for Russia there is no Crimean issue, but he still plans to raise it in the future. Does this mean that no visits of foreign politicians, no positive reports from them will ever help?

- Never say never. For decades, the United States did not recognize the entry of the Baltic countries into the USSR, but in fact they reckoned with it. So here. Politicians in the West, for the most part, will not recognize the entry of Crimea into Russia for a long time, but sooner or later this topic will leave the agenda - although some outbursts and aggravation associated with the “Crimean issue” are still possible for some time.

"SP": - Does the approach of Europe differ from the approach of the USA? To what extent is Europe independent in its approaches to solving such issues?

- There are many Russophobes in Europe even without the filing of the United States. The Americans use the Russophobic attitude that even without them exists in the same Poland, the Baltic states, Britain or Sweden. And the redrawing of borders in Europe, and even in favor of Russia, is an unpleasant fact for most European politicians in itself. Therefore, even without the filing of the United States, they will continue to pursue an anti-Russian line for some time.

The annexation of Crimea is economically meaningless. This is a subsidized territory, its economy is organized according to the principle of wild capitalism, so the tax base there is quite low. The population of Crimea is elderly, there will be large costs for pensions and benefits. Social benefits in Ukraine are 2.8 times lower than in Russia, and if Ukrainians spend about $200 million a year on social benefits in Crimea, then Russia will have to spend $600-700 million on this. Crimea will become like South Ossetia: much more money is being invested in it than it can be useful.

Crimea Russia will cost dearly. But the main economic problems will be caused by the external background. This kind of annexation provokes a serious international backlash.

There will be no direct sanctions. No bans on trade, except perhaps high-tech goods or weapons. But the West will understand that it is impossible to invest here. Western leaders will gently pressure their companies to reduce their work in Russia. Any investment in Russia will be seen as very risky and politically incorrect. Thus, we will lose about 15-20 billion a year. Accordingly, borrowing and capital flight will increase. This year we will go negative on the current account, and this is a bad sign for any investors, including Russian ones. The main economic blow to Russia will come from outside. Crimea will throw us back to the level of the early 2000s.

Our entrepreneurs will understand that the investment climate is getting worse, they will actively close their businesses and divert money to the West. Business will feel worse, no wage increases will definitely happen in the next year and a half. The number of layoffs will increase, because individual companies will either close or begin to optimize costs.

If the outflow of capital is so large that the Central Bank cannot contain the fall of the ruble, then prices in stores will also rise. Official inflation this year will not be below 10% - the beginning of the year was dramatic, and the continuation will be restless. I would not expect powerful shocks yet, but the standard of living of the population will decrease and incomes will fall.

Volodymyr Ishchenko, Ukrainian sociologist:

Ukraine is ready to defend the belonging of Crimea to the Ukrainian state and does not recognize the results of the referendum. Another question is whether hostilities will begin. It is possible to repeat the scenario of Saakashvili and South Ossetia, but the outcome will be much more bloody and destructive. Partial mobilization has been announced throughout Ukraine. In all regions, both in the Crimea and in Sevastopol, mobilization applies to those who voluntarily came to the military unit and military registration and enlistment offices. Twenty thousand people will be sent to the army and another twenty thousand will form the national guard. It is quite possible that today people will gather for a rally on the Maidan in Kyiv.

Difficult situation with pro-Russian sentiments in Donetsk, Kharkiv and Luhansk, where separate groups are trying to block the Ukrainian army. But if in Crimea the referendum was held by local authorities, then in Donetsk, Kharkov and Luhansk the initiative is grassroots - the local authorities defend the integrity of Ukraine. Large owners in these areas do not need war, destabilization and an army around their enterprises. Society in these areas is highly polarized: in addition to pro-Russian demonstrations, there are comparable demonstrations by Ukrainians opposed to war and separatism. There are completely different demands, not only about joining Russia, but also about expanding the powers of local councils within Ukraine, there are groups that oppose the anti-social measures of the new government, which appoints oligarchs to governor posts. As with the Maidan, a very complex mosaic of demands has developed there, and it is wrong to identify the protesters by their pro-Russian sentiments. It is also not worth exaggerating the scale of opposition to the Ukrainian army - these are isolated initiatives. Then everything will depend on whether these groups manage to get the support of citizens. Most likely not, because Crimea has always been special in terms of separatist sentiments, while other regions of Ukraine are not so unambiguous. Such connivance, as in the Crimea, in other areas, most likely, will not be allowed.

The development of the situation strongly depends on the West and its readiness to deploy pressure on Russia and intervene militarily. But I don't even want to think about such a prospect. The West is discussing more serious sanctions than the arrest of accounts: the termination of economic cooperation, the freezing of joint projects, the boycott of Russian products. On the other hand, the EU depends on oil and gas supplies from Russia, and the deployment of sanctions will depend on whether Europe finds an alternative source of these resources, which is unlikely. To ease tensions in Crimea and other areas of the region, the West could have taken effective steps a long time ago. For example, the immediate introduction of a visa-free regime, which would dramatically increase the value of Ukrainian passports.

Of the obvious steps that the parties to the conflict could take to prevent a crisis, one can name only Russia's refusal of Crimea, but Russia will not do this. If we talk about the actions already taken, the international community could recognize the legitimacy of the referendum on the condition of the withdrawal of Russian troops from the territory of Crimea and more transparent preparations for the referendum. The turnout looks very doubtful, given the percentage of ethnic Ukrainians and Crimean Tatars who boycotted this referendum. The results of yesterday's referendum will not be recognized by anyone except Crimea and Russia.

Fedor Lukyanov, political scientist:

A possible economic war would hurt both sides. The European Union is very reluctant to talk about real economic sanctions. European diplomats listen to their businessmen who are not interested in sanctions.

But a lot depends on the US. The states will be less affected by the sanctions, and their political motivation is higher than that of the European Union. During the 2008 crisis, Russia tried to soften the damage to Russian-American relations, but now there is no such intention. “We do what we think is right, and you already react as you want.” And Americans see this as an attack on the "unwritten rules" that were established more than 20 years ago. Therefore, they will put pressure on Europe so that the EU accepts real sanctions. To what extent Europe is able to withstand this pressure, I do not know. Europe is also scared: they have lost the habit of situations when Russia acts as it sees fit.

Crimea is a specific place. All these 20 years in Russia there was a feeling that Crimea was not quite fairly attributed to Ukraine. It has always been felt as a potential source of conflict. In Eastern Ukraine, everything is more complicated. First, it is not an isolated part. Secondly, the mood there now is different. Thirdly, a lightning operation will not work. And finally, do we need it? Russia is not currently acting on the principle of "take what lies badly."

Sergey Pikin, Director of the Energy Development Fund:

Shutdown of the energy system of the Crimea is undesirable neither for Kyiv, nor for the Crimea. However, the policy of Kyiv is very unpredictable and is influenced by the temperature factor. Everything is possible. Part of the Crimean gas went to other territories of Ukraine. However, these are not such huge volumes. For Ukraine, it is much more important to maintain relations with Russia than to try to grab hold of the Crimean gas pipeline. She's quite small. It's not even a pipe - just a little bit of gas.

The issue here is not economic, but political. No country in the world would like to find itself in a situation where a piece of its territory, even as a result of a democratic referendum, went to another, neighboring country. All Europe is afraid of such a precedent. Why is the EU so actively saying that this is all illegal that they will never admit it in their lives? Because if something like this happens in Spain, in England, it will turn the entire internal political system of the European Union upside down. This is not a default of Greece or Cyprus, there are much more important political consequences.

The Crimean version of the development of events may well be repeated in Donetsk and Kharkov. We are not talking about the transition under the direct jurisdiction of Russia. This is a slightly different situation. Eastern territories have great industrial potential. They just insist on federal structure with maximum authority. They are ready to remain Ukraine, but only within the framework of a federation or even, perhaps, a confederation, as, for example, in Switzerland, in order to manage their budgets and their domestic policy. Business circles in these regions themselves initiate such situations.

Leonty Byzov, sociologist:

For Ukraine, the loss of Crimea is the first stage for the formation of a new statehood, which will be significantly different from the current one. If the new Kiev government assumes that it will be able to save the whole of Ukraine, then it is greatly mistaken. In the south and east of Ukraine, there are a number of things that could be reasons for the population to want to create their own autonomy within the country. Under the conditions of the last referendum, any attempt by the southern and eastern regions to declare their desire to be autonomous will be perceived by Kiev as a desire to go to Russia.

Ukraine has already seen how Russia has shown itself in the Crimea. Russia has ceased to be perceived at the international level as a mediator and peacemaker in the Ukrainian issue. A seed of mistrust has been sown in the world: Russia is perceived as a potential or real aggressor in relation to the post-Soviet space. This consequence is worse than the alleged political or economic sanctions from the West, which Russia can survive with few losses.

The political climate is changing: mass hysteria, talk of a new national upsurge. The current force majeure situation will strengthen the division of people into friends and foes. Aliens will be declared all people who hold alternative points of view. This is the road to nowhere. The idea of ​​splitting society is bad, it will lead to the fact that the educated and relatively liberal part will feel like a stranger, try to go abroad or go into internal emigration, trying not to catch the eye of the authorities.

Today Russia is not in a position to be the center of concentration of the Russian world. The annexation of Crimea is a formal attempt to unite this world, but in fact, by this act, we are splitting the world into small parts. In fact, we are crawling into self-isolation.

The sharp rise in Putin's approval rating shows that our people respond well to what the media says. Of course, the idea of ​​joining Crimea is attractive to the population, as well as the ideas of a strong state, sovereignty, “Russia is rising from its knees.” These are the dominants of mass consciousness that make people support Putin, despite many failures in domestic politics.

For people, the annexation of Crimea means the strengthening of Russia's position in the international arena. Of course, everyone is happy about the collection of Russian lands, everyone objectively understands that Crimea should be part of Russia, but the fact that this was done rudely, clumsily, swiftly, in violation of the procedures and norms of international law, is a huge minus that can cast doubt on everyone positive results of this process.

Yakov Gilinsky, criminologist:

I always correspond with my colleagues, professors from different cities of Ukraine: from Kyiv, from Kharkov, from Lugansk. They are horrified by us, horrified by Russian politics. And the Crimeans themselves will regret entering Russia in a couple of years. All the news that Russians are being oppressed in Crimea, that the Russian language is being abolished in schools, and so on, is nonsense, crazy Russian propaganda.

Nevertheless, the results of the referendum were expected. Modern Russia lives badly, but Ukraine, frankly, lives even worse, so it seems to the poor inhabitants of Crimea that in Russia they will ride like cheese in butter. They don't understand that it won't.

It was impossible to bring Russian troops into Ukraine, a lot of things could not be done besides the referendum. Russia's actions in relation to Ukraine, to put it mildly, are wrong. I personally had no doubt that we would be afraid of the new government in Ukraine, we would be afraid of the overthrow of Yanukovych. But I didn't know what action would be taken. Now I know.

Before the New Year, many predictors begin to post their predictions on the Internet about what will happen to Crimea in 2016, Khayal's predictions are no exception, thereby trying to warn people about impending danger or from other things that are not very pleasant for a person that can happen.
In the year of the Red Monkey, many events will happen, both good and very different, about this and many other things, the Azerbaijani fortuneteller Khayal Alekperov wants to tell us.

Almost the whole next year will be bright and unpredictable, the Monkey will be original, she loves everything on a grand scale. Large and significant events will begin to unfold in the first months of the new year, since turning points are taking place in the world, both in the economy and in geopolitical terms, it is worth waiting for really interesting events. The events that will take place will affect almost all countries, both near and far abroad.

The events that took place in 1956, and this was also the year of the Red Monkey, will very much echo the present, most likely a lot will happen again. This will be especially noticeable against the backdrop of military and political conflicts in Eastern Europe and Syria.
To be always afloat in the new year, you need to understand the essence of the Monkey, analyze past years and understand how to act in connection with the information received.

There are many clues in history for the future, you can repeat those mistakes, or you can, on the contrary, predict events and get away with it, the predictor Hayal has repeatedly said about this. You should not, without hesitation, climb into the field of activity where it is difficult to calculate a positive result. The world today is constantly changing, at a tremendous speed. Many people still cannot adapt to the new rhythm of life, and that is why they have the hardest time.

Of course, it may be easier for such people to read some kind of horoscope or this prediction in order to draw some conclusions for themselves, but first of all, you should think with your own head. This will help protect not only yourself from impending danger, but also your loved ones.

A smart person will ask: how to act if the world is constantly changing, especially now. Danger lurks everywhere. Now, even in Europe, it’s not quite calm, Khayal has a simple but true answer to this: work hard, but do not forget about rest. Yes, of course, it is very difficult now to raise enough money for have a nice rest, trips abroad, and just at sea. But all the same, small joys will bring a lot into your life.

Those who constantly work and spend all their time at work, then lose much more. This affects not only the motivation to go further and develop, but also health. It is very stupid to work for a long time and then spend all the money on treatment. It just so happens that just the majority does just that, only work in the head. But forewarned is forearmed.

Khayal did not forget about his career either, since for many people, especially men, this is the number one question. Everyone wants to achieve some success in one area or another, which is why career issues are so important to them. Haya says that you should not postpone all working moments indefinitely.

If something needs to be done here and now, then it needs to be done, and better even earlier. Strategy and tactics will help common man in almost any situation, but you should not forget about intuition, as it can sometimes incredibly help out and even save lives. If you don’t like the investment of money or participation in some dubious event from the very beginning, then you shouldn’t even start.

Should all problems be taken lighter? be confident in your abilities do not neglect the advice of more experienced people. The year of the monkey obliges people to try to beware of sharp corners and unpleasant situations, which is extremely useful for avoiding trouble at work, at home, and just in a conversation with another person.

Those who have suffered serious illnesses or are seriously ill need to be careful, health is no joke and it is extremely unforgivable to treat this issue negligently. The year will be extremely difficult for people suffering from congenital diseases, as it will require attention from them. The number of people who can get injured may increase, in general, the year will be quite traumatic. so you need to survive the winter calmly and be careful on the road or in the house.

So what will the new year 2016 be like for Ukraine?

We can safely say, as Khayal is doing, that this year she will achieve a lot, but she will also have to give a lot, but fortunately not the territory. The predictions of many people with superpowers agree on this. Most shamans, druids believe that this year will be the most positive compared to the previous ones.

Of course, no one says that the calm will last until the end of 2016, there will be sharp drops, but this is absolutely normal, so you should not worry too much about this. The main thing is that people do not die, this is what you really need to be afraid of and beware of. That is why it is important to know what will happen to Crimea in 2016, Khayal's predictions are quite optimistic about this.
But not everything will be so gloomy, the old conflicts that have flared up can lead to good results. For example, a final decision on a particular issue.

In the current situation in the world, this is not so bad. Changes are always for the better, globally humanity is moving up, soon life will change drastically and perhaps it will even happen faster than many could have imagined. It is enough to look at the state of medicine, now in this area there are simply colossal changes.

So on such a scale, everything is fine with us, but locally there are still problems that should be resolved this year. The crisis will slowly subside, no need to panic, the bottom has not yet been reached. Already from a low point there will be a rapid upward growth, on a relative scale, to stop sliding down is already a good jump. Therefore, it is important to prepare for this.

Of course, an unforeseen circumstance can happen that even a psychic cannot consider, but only the Lord can take everything into account.

In general, economic and military crises are always followed by gradual warming. So people don't need to get depressed and panic, a lot of bad things can happen, all because of the haste. It is highly recommended not to rush to conclusions, carefully check the information at your disposal. Don't take everything for the truth. This is the only way to keep abreast of all events and take a sober look at the situation.

But you need to be prepared for both good and bad. Now it is important that any situation does not unsettle you, both positive and negative. As mentioned earlier, the world is changing very quickly, and being fully equipped is extremely important for any prudent person. An ambiguous fate awaits Crimea, Crimeans should be ready for it, Khayal did not say anything positive about the peninsula, this is what will happen to Crimea in 2016, Khayal’s predictions speak more about the common good, advice from the predictor: be vigilant, trust only carefully verified information and always take care of your loved ones.

The year 2016, which is quite difficult in the world perception, is coming to an end. I would like to know what awaits humanity next, especially in the near future, that is, the coming year. Russia recently annexed Crimea to its lands, which also experienced many difficulties and suffering. That's why predictions for 2017year for Crimeait is important for every Russian or Ukrainian to know.

The popular clairvoyant Khayal, whom everyone knows from the show "Battle of Psychics", prophesied an ambiguous fate for Crimea. Crimeans, in his opinion, should not give in to problems and understand that a difficult life lies ahead, and that the strongest will be able to survive. And the course of events is unstable, everything can change at any moment, and you need to prepare yourself for this.

Cosmo-rhythmologist Andrey Andreev about the future of Crimea

Andrei Andreev does not have such a pessimistic view of the situation with Crimea. The republic's economy will develop, and the production program will be implemented. After all, the plans of the authorities could not be realized for a long time. It's almost their turn.

What will happen to Crimea in 2017, predictions

It will be possible to open new enterprises and establish production. Energy problems will be resolved. The crisis of the past years will turn into experience and benefit for the republic.

In the sphere of production, the branch of information technologies, space and research activities will develop. A marine cosmodrome has been designed on the Black Sea coast.

Already back in 1968, the lunar rover was tested. Now and until 2021, something similar to the old cosmodrome and test site can be created.

Should we hope for the growth of economic indicators in the Crimea

The inhabitants of the republic are at a loss give optimistic, despite the crisis economic situation on the peninsula, as well as in the rest of the world community. The fishing industry will begin to develop; will open and begin to work with new oil and gas fields.

Many obstacles will arise on the way of those who suffer to create problems for the Crimeans. There will even be cases with a boomerang effect. Already from the middle to the end of autumn 2016, the authorities will start implementing new Crimean projects, the course of economic events will gradually gain momentum towards improvement.

Crimea and tourism

Now and in the near future, the tourism sector is generally going through difficult times, due to the difficult economic and political circumstances in the world. Crimea is no exception. Moreover, it is necessary to develop the infrastructure of the peninsula even before that. It also requires professional work of management, high-quality and extensive supply of information about where and how you can relax in the south of Russia.

Crimea is a fertile place where, for example, health tourism can flourish. But everything needs to be worked on. And next year, just by the joint efforts of tourism workers and authorities, will be a step up.

Will Ukraine return Crimea

The location of the Crimea can be envied, because it is in outer space. Therefore, the space infrastructure of the peninsula needs to be recreated and developed, which is quite within the power of the Russian Federation.

The Republic owns a telescope that can carry out space communication with different points of the solar system. In space exploration, Crimea is an advanced territory.Forecast of psychics in2017 for Crimeatold that the peninsula will solve new innovative and space tasks as part of Russia, since in 2017 they will begin to study space more closely and deeply.

Of course, there is a lot of talk about the new Russian republic, some of which are negative, but we must not forget that Crimea is under influence from different parts of the world, so difficulties simply cannot be avoided. It remains to hope for the strength of spirit and the power of compatriots.

Clairvoyant Yulia Mechnikova, who took part in the show "The Battle of Psychics", also claims that Crimea will remain under the leadership of the Russian Federation next year.

Ukraine today is split, divided territorially, formally and psychologically. This particularly affected the south-east of the country. Repartitions and conflicts will take place there for at least 7 years, after which Ukraine will need a lot of time to recover.

Psychics from Ukraine, on the contrary, say that the Crimean lands will be returned, the country will add new territories, for example, Rostov and the region. However, this may just be patriotism. Nobody knows for sure.

What Vanga prophesied about Crimea

The seer from Bulgaria was blind, and her visions were described by assistants who then deciphered everything. The clairvoyant immediately explained something herself. Both are confirmed. Therefore, Vanga's predictions can be heeded.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant said that the Crimean lands would belong to Russia for a long time. Although in the future it will become an independent state, which will be ruled by the Crimean Tatars.

If you look into the distant future, then, according to Vanga's visions, the Turkish state will be the defender of the Crimea in turmoil.

Vanga's predictions for 2017 for the Crimeahave a different interpretation: they will no longer divide the republic, it will be a unifying link. The peninsula will be able to unite Christians and Muslims, which will further ensure a peaceful life on the planet.

The construction of a bridge that will connect the Crimean peninsula with mainland Russia is being monitored not only by Russians, but also by Ukrainians. However, if in Russia the bridge across the Kerch Strait is called the main achievement of the year, then in Ukraine they are trying to find "irrefutable" evidence that the project will fail.

What is the difference between the ideas that unite Russians and those that Ukrainians live by, as well as what awaits Crimea in the coming years, Sergey PANTELEEV, director of the Institute of Russian Abroad, said:

Mr. Panteleev, construction Crimean bridge for Russians became the main event of 2017 on a national scale (according to VTsIOM). How do you rate this project? Why is it so important for the entire population of Russia?

In the Crimea and in Russia as a whole, there is the idea of ​​the Crimean bridge. This is a very beautiful idea. It is filled with positive symbolism. If Ukraine is building a wall between the people of Russia and Ukraine, between families, then we are building a bridge. A beautiful beautiful bridge, the construction of which is followed by all of Russia. The installation of the next arch is a serious newsworthy occasion. The Russians are waiting for them to pass over this bridge. Crimeans constantly say: “When the bridge is built, then…”

On the one hand, this carries some positive symbolism, and on the other hand, it is a breakthrough into the new Crimean era. This will be a new stage in the development of Crimea - already as a full-fledged part of Russia.

When you yourself go by these "crossover" routes through the Russian Caucasus to the Crimea, you understand how important the bridge is. By and large, with the construction of the bridge, Crimea, fully merging into the Russian space, becomes the most important component of the southern recreational cluster. It will include Crimea and the Russian Caucasus. It turns out a large macro-region. This will greatly facilitate the issues of supply, transport, and logistics. This will give a new impetus to the development of Crimea and all of Russia. This will be followed by a string of other major projects.

The construction of the bridge is a major event from an ideological, political and economic point of view.

- In addition to the bridge, what other major projects are planned to be implemented in the region?

Roads lead to the bridge, and roads lead from the bridge. The Tavrida highway is currently under construction, which will connect the Kuban and the Crimea through the Kerch bridge, pass from Kerch to Simferopol and then to Sevastopol. It will become a unique logistics facility that will fill the very idea of ​​the Crimean Bridge with life. You have to see the building itself. Under Ukraine, there was no such thing. Crimeans see it all, and it even inspires them emotionally.

There are a number of projects that should change Crimea, make it a truly advanced Russian region.

Two power plants are being built near Simferopol and Sevastopol, which should ensure the energy independence of Crimea. There is an idea to create six tourist and recreational clusters in Crimea, as well as an idea to upgrade Crimean ports.

A lot is changing before our eyes. Back in 2014, the reconstruction of the airport in Simferopol began - a small nondescript air terminal from the Ukrainian era has already turned into a modern one international Airport. Now the construction of the "Crimean Wave" is coming to an end - a unique ultra-modern international terminal that will be able to serve 3,650 passengers per hour and 6.5 million passengers per year.

After the construction of a new terminal in Simferopol, the turn will reach Belbek. This is an airfield in Sevastopol, which is used primarily for military purposes. A decision has already been made to create a civil sector in it.

There are many projects, we are talking only about the most famous ones. There is also the development of the tourist zone, and the construction of housing and social infrastructure. Crimea is developing, and everyone is waiting for these changes. Crimea will attract more and more tourists - not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

- What problems does Crimea have today in terms of tourist attractiveness?

First, it's logistics. How do people get to Crimea? The most popular mode of transport is by plane. In the peak season, economy class prices go up to 30 thousand rubles round trip, and it's insanely expensive. Something needs to be done about pricing. A fairly large number of people, especially those with families, are forced to refuse to fly to Crimea, because it is unbearable for them.

An alternative to air travel is the so-called single ticket, which allows you to travel by train to Anapa or Krasnodar, then by bus to the ferry crossing to the port of Kavkaz, after crossing to the port of Crimea - again a bus, but already Crimean, to the end point. It costs less, but there are many transfers, there may be queues from vacationers to the bus (buses pass out of the queue on the ferry), there may be a long wait when connecting bus flights, and often in the Crimea an extremely outdated and uncomfortable level of car fleet.

I know it well, because last year I decided to experience all the delights of such logistics for myself: the problem needs to be known from the inside. Conclusion - this can be convenient for residents of neighboring Russian regions (Krasnodar Territory, Rostov Region), but trips from afar, if you do not initially treat this as a new experience and a kind of adventure, are unlikely to be comfortable.

Finally, there remains personal vehicles with the problem of ferry crossing. This problem is long queues for the ferry and dependence on weather conditions (the latter also applies to the “single ticket”). We must pay tribute - the ferry crossing has recently resolved the issue with queues to a large extent: you can buy in advance e-ticket and find the time window when you can comfortably get on the ferry. For me, this way to get to the Crimea is the most comfortable, but not everyone can afford it. Yes, and there are limitations here too.

The second limiting factor is the state of the recreational infrastructure in Crimea. If we take the Crimean health resorts, then here they lose to the same Krasnodar boarding houses. And those who prefer an all-inclusive beach holiday will rather look towards Turkey.

Moreover, the third deterrent, the price, will also work for many not in favor of the Crimea. If we look at how much a vacation in Crimea costs at a sufficiently comfortable level, it turns out that it is equal in price to a similar vacation in quite popular resorts of the same Cyprus, and sometimes even more expensive than it. These moments do not need to be silent, they need to be talked about, because all this requires a decision.

But in Crimea there is something that, despite the problems that exist so far, undoubtedly attracts the citizens of Russia, and not only Russia. This is the uniqueness of Crimea as a region: rest here is not limited to the hotel where you live. Each place is unique in its own way.

This is a unique Crimean nature, this is a unique Crimean history. It's not just summer sea ​​vacation, but also the possibility of enlightenment, the possibility of traveling, learning new things and familiarizing with our unique history, which has been associated with Crimea from time immemorial.

In this regard, rest in the Crimea is a rest for patriots. Moreover, this is a natural, uncontrived patriotism. By the way, it manifests itself now in the fact that, when making a choice between a foreign holiday and Crimea, a particular citizen chooses Crimea, despite those, I am sure, temporary deterrents that we spoke about above. Because the uniqueness of Crimea and Sevastopol covers everything.

Does Russia have a strategy for the development of Crimea and how is it expressed: make it a diplomatic platform, develop it within the framework of a tourism cluster, or turn it into a gambling zone?

Now, as mentioned, there is a federal target program for the development of Crimea from 2014 to 2020. It is designed to integrate the two new subjects of the Federation into the Russian space. This involves the development of those projects that were mentioned above.

The gaming zone is a local topic and far from being the most important one. It is clear that the gaming zone will also give impetus to the development of infrastructure in Crimea as a tourist and recreational cluster.

When we say "Crimea", we immediately remember the sea, the sun, the unique nature and history. This is the visiting card of the Crimea. But it is indisputable that the Crimea is also agriculture. Crimean winemaking and Crimean fruits and vegetables are also the most important brands of the peninsula. Moreover, Crimean winemaking is directly related to tourism.

Crimea is also the Yalta Conference, it is the geopolitical brand of Russia. I really like the definition of Crimea as "the geopolitical solar plexus of Eurasia." This is a point with which a lot of symbols are associated, which carries a very important geopolitical mission. From this point of view, Crimea will always be turned outward. It will be connected with the geopolitical mission of Russia, and therefore it is simply obliged to become a diplomatic platform.

The idea that Crimea is the realization of the “Russian dream” is very popular. Dreams of returning to Russia, of returning to their homeland.

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in his Crimean speech that the Russian people had become one of the largest divided nations in the world. This is an example of how conflict-free, through personal free choice, people overcame this division. For many Russians who remained outside of Russia, including because of the collapse of the unified state, this is the realization of their dream. This very important topic needs to be intelligently promoted and purposefully developed.

Undoubtedly, from the point of view of strategy and geopolitics, Crimea will always be a strategic outpost of Russia and the Russian world. This mission is connected with the Black Sea Fleet, which is based in Sevastopol, is its soul and meaning. It is no coincidence that the ships of the Black Sea Fleet pass by the font of St. Vladimir in Chersonese every day.