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Briefly about Great Britain. Topic "Great Britain" Write a story about Great Britain

Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and above five thousand small islands. Their total area is over 315,000 square kilometers. The United Kingdom is made up of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively.

The British isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The western coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The surface of the British Isles varies very much. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called Highlands, while the south, which has beautiful valleys and plains, is called Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but all the rest - east, center and southeast - is a vast plain. Mountains are not very high. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain. (1343 m.)

There are a lot of rivers in GB, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and the most important one.

The UK is one of the world's smallest countries. The population of the country is over 87 million and about 80% of it is urban. The UK is a highly developed industrial country. It’s known as one of the world’s largest producers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textile, aircraft and navigation equipment. The UK is constitutional monarchy. In law, the Head of State is the Queen, but in practice, the Queen reigns, but does not rule. The country is ruled by the elected government with the Prime Minister at the head. The British Parliament consists of two chambers: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

There are three main political parties in Great Britain: the Labour, the Conservative and the Liberal parties. The Liberal party is the ruling party nowadays.

[ translation ]

Great Britain
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles. The British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and more than five thousand small islands. Their total area is more than 315,000 square kilometers. Great Britain consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast respectively.

The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English Channel. The west coast of Great Britain is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea. The surface of the British Isles is very diverse. The north of Scotland is mountainous and is called the Highlands, while the south, which contains beautiful valleys and plains, is called the Lowlands. The north and west of England are mountainous, but the rest - east, center and south-east - is vast plains. The mountains are not very high. Ben Nevis is the highest mountain. (1343 m)

There are many rivers in Great Britain, but they are not very long. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the deepest and most important.

Great Britain is one of the smallest countries in the world. The country's population is more than 87 million people and approximately 80% of them live in cities. Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. It is known as one of the world's largest manufacturers and exporters of machinery, electronics, textiles, aircraft and navigation equipment. Great Britain is a constitutional monarchy. By law, the head of state is the Queen, but in practice, the Queen rules but does not govern. The country is governed by an elected government headed by a prime minister. The British Parliament consists of two houses: the House of Lords and the House of Commons.

Great Britain (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland) - the island on which England, Scotland and Wales are located, forms, together with many small islands, an irregularly shaped archipelago with a very diverse landscape and nature. The capital of Great Britain is London, language is English, religion is Anglicanism, Methodism, Baptist, Catholicism, Islam, Hinduism, population is 81% English, 10% Scots, 2% Irish, 2% Welsh, currency is English pound sterling.

England is the largest of the three parts that make up Great Britain. It borders Scotland in the north and Wales in the west, and is only 29 km from England through the narrowest part of the English Channel.

There are about 80 theaters and more than 30 museums in London, including the British Museum, the Victoria and Albert Museum, the Museum of Natural History, the History of London, the History of the Imperial Wars, children's toys, Madame Tussauds wax figures, the Tate Gallery, the National Gallery, the Sherlock Holmes Museum and others . The undoubted attraction of the city is the oldest metro in Europe, which began operating in 1863.

Tower Bridge
Tower Bridge has become as symbolic of London as the Eiffel Tower is of Paris, and the Statue of Liberty is of New York. It amazes the viewer with the majesty and severity of its forms.

Madame Tussauds Wax Museum was founded by nee Marie Grosholz, who was a famous wax master in Paris. Having married the engineer François Tussaud, she came to London at the beginning of the 19th century, and by the time of her death in 1850. her works were already known. In 1884, her grandson, Joseph Randal Tussaud, placed the figures in a museum near Baker Street, where they remain today. In the museum you can see not only famous, but also notorious personalities, members of the royal family, pop stars, and in the Room of Horrors - executioners dealing with their victims.

Big Ben- the world famous clock that determines the onset of the New Year according to Greenwich Mean Time. Construction of the clock began in 1837 (when the English Parliament was being rebuilt) and was completed in 1859. The opening was timed to coincide with Queen Victoria's accession to the throne. Since then, the clock has become one of the main symbols of England and London.

Buckingham Palace, is a symbol of the monarchy. This is the residence of Queen Elizabeth II, now open to the general public.

The legendary Stonehenge (dating from approximately 3100 - 1800 BC) is the most famous prehistoric site in Europe. There have been disputes about the purpose of Stonehenge for many centuries, among the versions there was the assumption that it was a temple of the ancient Celts, and an astronomical observatory, and that the creators of this megalithic ring of vertical stone slabs were aliens, but its mystery has never been solved .

Stratford upon Avon
Stratford upon Avon is the city where the greatest playwright, William Shakespeare, grew up and lived. There is the Shakespeare House Museum and the Royal Shakespeare Theater.

In Scotland, tourists are interested in the Holyroodhouse Palace in Edinburgh, the Kelvingrove Museum in Glasgow, the Snowdonia National Natural Museum with Bryn Bras Castle, where there is a park with waterfalls, and the Loch Ness Monster Museum. The Vale of Neath, near the Brecon Beacons National Park, is known as the Land of Waterfalls.

In Wales, it is worth seeing Harlech Castle, rising on a cliff in the center of Wales, Conwy Castle, Bowmaris Castle on the island of Anglesey and the impressive Caernarfon Castle, Castell Coch Castle with a working drawbridge, and a 12th-century cathedral. in the town of St. David's, where the relics of St. David, the patron saint of Wales, are kept.

Edinburgh is famous for the castle of the same name, St. Margaret's Church (11th century), Castle Rock Castle, and the royal residence in Scotland (Holyrod Palace). The Church of St. Gilles (15th century), the building of the Scottish Parliament (1639), and the house of the Protestant reformer of the 16th century are very picturesque. John Nonce. Also of interest are the National Gallery of Scotland and the Portrait Gallery, the Royal Museum, and the museums of modern history and the history of Scotland.

Despite its conservatism, Great Britain is an extremely interesting country with a rich history. It includes countries such as England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Scotland. England occupies most of the territory. The busiest cities in England are considered to be Manchester, Newcastle and Birmingham. Each of these cities has its own attractions, so there has never been a shortage of tourists here.

Educational institutions of Oxford and Cambridge are considered the most popular among students. Getting an education at one of these universities is considered prestigious. There is an opinion that the British are somewhat prim people, but this is not entirely true. The British are very polite and calm people. Punctuality and modesty are another distinctive feature of the Englishman.

The official language of Great Britain is English. Despite the fact that the Catholic religion predominates in Great Britain, there are many other religions here: many Muslims, Jews, Hindus and Baptists.

Road traffic in the UK drives on the left, and the least expensive way to travel around the country is by intercity bus. Residents of the country use a voltage of 240 volts. To use the usual equipment, you will have to use a special adapter.

The most inexpensive type of telephone service is a pay phone, which is used using telephone cards, or coins, with a face value of 10 pence. In local stores you can often get some goods on sale.

Great Britain is widely known for its abundance of different museums. The largest number of them are located in London, the capital of Great Britain. When visiting London museums, it is better to use the services of a guide. You can distinguish him by the presence of a special blue badge on his jacket.

The climate of Great Britain is predominantly humid and it often rains. When visiting this country, it is recommended to have an umbrella, waterproof shoes, a jacket or raincoat.

In the UK, it is customary to leave a tip for service in restaurants and cafes. On average, the tip amount is about 10-15% of the order amount. For taxi services, the tip is 10% of the meter reading. It is not customary to leave a tip at the theater or at a gas station.

You can take a break from the bustle of the city in the incredibly picturesque countryside. Vast pastures, magnificent forested valleys, slow rivers and coastlines will not leave anyone indifferent.



  • LESSON 1


Correctional and educational:

Update the dictionary on the lexical topics “Flowers”, “Sport”, “Transport”, “Products”;

Practice the formation of relative adjectives, the instrumental case of nouns with the preposition s, the selection of antonym adjectives;

Strengthen the skill of composing a descriptive story using a reference diagram.

Correction and development:

Learn to regulate emotions through psycho-gymnastics;

Develop graphic skills, attention, memory, thinking.


Introduce the traditions of England;

Develop interest in the culture, customs, and traditions of England.

Equipment: pictures with images of clouds (“sad”, “cheerful”, “angry”, etc.), “English” sports (boxing, badminton, football, cricket, tennis, table tennis, curling), pictures with images of field and garden flowers or artificial flowers (red rose, carnation, lily, bell, chamomile, buttercup), picture “Find identical cups”, paired handout pictures “Traffic in Russia and England”, blanks - paper umbrellas, colored and simple pencils, felt-tip pens .


I. Introductory part

Children look at pictures with images of clouds (“sad”, “cheerful”, etc.).

Teacher. Guys, look at the clouds that greet us today. What is the mood of the first cloud?

Children. Sad.

Teacher. Use your facial expressions to show the same expression.

Children complete the task.

The teacher asks to name the mood, emotion of all the clouds in the drawings and show these expressions with facial expressions. Children complete the task.

Now let's smile at each other. We are in a good mood and we can hit the road. It was not by chance that we met the clouds!

Listen to the poem.

Tearing shreds of fog,

He emerges from the sea...

Without noticing the gray centuries,

Foggy Albion rises.

That's what England is sometimes called
For the stern, unapproachable appearance.
Its misty beauty

She attracts guests to her...

The English Queen's authority,

Big Ben's important chime.

And London, reflected in the Thames,

Dissolved in a transparent haze...

Guardsmen fur hats,

And the mighty lion on the coat of arms,

And the strength of the white and red rose -

Here are the symbols on the islands.

II. Main part

Teacher. You understand that our trip today is to England or, more precisely, to Great Britain. It is located in the British Isles, surrounded on all sides by water, and separated from the mainland by the English Channel.

The teacher shows England on the map.

This is probably why the weather there changes so often, it drizzles... Why is England called “Foggy Albion”? This is due to the famous English fogs, and also to the fact that the first thing the sailors saw when they discovered the British V a, - huge light rocks appearing from the sea waves and splashes. You could say that fog is an unofficial symbol of England. Imagine that the fog is so thick that you can hardly see anything. What was not visible?

Children. Mountains, lakes, rivers, forests, fields, meadows were no longer visible.

Educator: In the poem you heard the words “London”, “Thames”. What is this?

If the children find it difficult, the teacher reminds them that London is the capital of England, and the Thames is the river on which this city stands. Great Britain is ruled by Queen Elizabeth P.

The British love to grow garden flowers. In the British Isles, daisies, bells, buttercups, clover grow - almost all the flowers that are found in central Russia.

The teacher shows pictures of wild and garden flowers or artificial flowers.

Let's collect two bouquets: put garden flowers in one vase, and meadow (wild) flowers in the other.

Children come to a table with vases and flowers and make bouquets.

Yes, guys, we got beautiful bouquets. If fog is an unofficial symbol of England, then what are its official symbols?

Children. Flag, coat of arms, anthem.

Teacher. There is a red rose in a bouquet of garden flowers. It serves as the unofficial flower symbol of England, and not only because this flower is so beautiful. In ancient times, representatives of two noble families fought for the English throne. The symbol of one kind was a white rose, and the other - a red one. As a result, the representative of the “red rose” genus won. Having sat on the throne of England, he proclaimed the red rose as the symbol of the country. True, in order not to detract from the significance of another kind, the red rose’s center and stamens were left white, i.e. it is, in fact, not red, but red and white. The white stamens are closer to the base, symbolizing the base, and the red petals are further from the base and symbolize the victory of one of the genera.

Breathing exercise "Rose"

Teacher. Let's smell the beautiful rose.

The breathing exercise is performed while standing. First, children take a deep breath through their noses, without raising their shoulders, as if smelling a rose, trying to draw in all its aroma, then exhale as much as possible through their mouths.

Since there are quite a lot of sports that originated in England, the teacher can choose the number of stories he sees fit.

Sport occupies an important place in the life of the British. England is the birthplace of many sports: boxing, football, tennis, golf, polo, badminton, rugby. A little about the history of these sports.

Football is by far the most popular sport. The British play it everywhere: in parks, on playgrounds and sports grounds. The name “football” comes from two words: “foot” - foot and “ball” - ball. In the old days in England, this game was a fight for the ball in the streets. The authorities waged a stubborn war against football. Even royal orders were issued banning the game. And later, when the rules were developed, football became an organized popular game that conquered the whole world. On what ground do they play football? What equipment is needed?

The teacher shows a picture of a football field. The children answer.

Today there is also women's football. What are these athletes called?

Children. Football players.

Teacher. In England there appeared such a sport as badminton One duke returned from a trip to India to his estate, which was called Badminton, and brought rackets and a shuttlecock. It was also in India, a colony of Britain, that this game was popular. The name of the game - badminton - comes from the name of the estate. Later, the rules of the game were invented.

Another popular sport is golf. There is a legend that a shepherd was wandering through the fields, hit a round stone with a stick and accidentally rolled it into a rabbit hole. He was then joined by other shepherds who liked the new game. Later, rocks were replaced by balls, rabbit holes were replaced by holes, and clubs were used instead of sticks.

Another exciting sport - polo, who came to England in the 19th century. from India. This is a team game. Its participants ride horses with special sticks and try to score goals against the opponent's goal with the ball. Polo is considered a special sport, as it requires complex equipment, and you also need to have your own horse. Therefore, not everyone can practice this sport. On what ground do they play polo? What equipment is needed?

The teacher shows a picture of a polo game. The children answer.

Mention of the game, which is now called "tennis", found back in the Middle Ages. It was played both in the halls and in the open air with leather balls, which were stuffed with sawdust, rags, and grass. Then rubber balls appeared. What kind of balls are they made of?

Children. The balls were made of leather - leather, from rags - rag made of rubber - rubber, from grass - herbal.

Teacher. At first, the ball was hit not with rackets, but with a hand on which a mitten was put on. The people of England were the first to think of using a racket. It was they who called the sport “tennis”. Let's remember what the tennis court is called, what equipment is needed, what form the players wear, what the name of the sportsman and sportswoman playing tennis is.

The teacher shows a picture of a court, a tennis player and a tennis player.

Children. The area is called a court, you need a net, rackets, balls. Uniform for men - shorts and a T-shirt, for women - a skirt and T-shirt. Athlete - tennis player, athlete - tennis player

Teacher. Table tennis - ping pong - is a purely English invention, and not Chinese, as many people think. This game just became very popular in China. In the old days, the English nobility played tennis under canopies on tables.

England is also the homeland boxing a. At first it was just a fist fight with elements of wrestling - a very dangerous and scary sight. They fought without gloves, with bare hands. Later, certain rules were introduced and modern boxing emerged. Let’s remember what the athletes are called, what venue they perform on, what equipment and uniforms are needed.

The teacher shows pictures of a ring and a boxer. Children complete the task.

Another unusual sport that arose in the Middle Ages in England is cricket. Its name goes back to the word “stick”. Cricket is believed to have evolved from the ancient games of stick and ball, bat and ball, and catch and ball. This is a sports team game (each team has 11 people) with a ball and bats on an oval-shaped grass field. The game originated in the pastures:

For sheep, where there was low grass, on which it was convenient to roll the ball. It was made from wool or old rags. They defended the gate with a shepherd's stick. The goal of the game is to destroy the opponent's goal with the ball. Cricket is a summer sport, but competitions are now held in winter, with players wearing white suits in any weather.

In the English city of Rugby, the sport of the same name arose - rugby . This is a team sport. Two teams compete, each of which is represented by fifteen players.

The teacher shows pictures depicting a game of rugby.

The game is played on a rectangular grass field. The game and rugby ball has an oval shape. It is sewn together from four plates; the player's sports uniform includes a rugby T-shirt, shorts, socks and studded boots to prevent the athlete's foot from slipping. Athletes can use additional equipment: a helmet to protect the head, elastic shoulder pads, and leg guards to prevent injuries.

Compiling a story using reference diagrams

Educator: Now tell us about any sport that arose in England according to the scheme.

Children compose a descriptive story about sports using supporting diagrams.


  1. What is the name of the sport?
  2. Is it winter or summer?
  3. Solo or team?
  4. What kind of ground is this sport played on?
  5. What equipment and sports equipment are needed?
  6. What form do the athletes wear?
  7. What movements do they perform?
  8. Women's or men's sport? What is the name of a sportsman and a sportswoman?

Plasticetude "Athletes"

Teacher. Imagine that you are athletes.

Children agree among themselves who will pretend to be athletes and who will guess. 1-2 children show the characteristic movements of athletes, and the rest guess.

After exercising, you can also refresh yourself. Let's talk about the British food traditions. English cuisine- solid, simple and nutritious.

The British love a good breakfast. It may consist of oatmeal, scrambled eggs and bacon, fried fish, toast with jam, tea or coffee. The daily meal is called "lunch". On weekdays, meat stew, fried fish, chops, liver, sausages, and vegetables can be served. The British rarely eat rice and pasta. For dessert, apple pie or hot milk pudding is served.

Oatmeal, roast beef, muffins (but not pizza!) –

This is what English cuisine is proud of.

Meet the guests at five o'clock,

To drink your tea with the pudding.

Time to drink tea: the Five o'clock Tea tradition

The British love tea very much. From four to six o'clock in the evening it is time for traditional tea drinking - "fife-o-clock", i.e. "Five o'clock tea" We will also organize a tea party. For this you will need cups. Find the same cups in the picture.

Children find identical cups in the picture.

Guys, what can tea be like in terms of its qualities and properties? Let's choose opposite words.

Children. Tea hot- cold, transparent- opaque dark- light, bitter- sweet.

Teacher. What is the composition of tea?

Children. From herbs - herbal, from chamomile - chamomile, with bergamot - bergamot, with rose hips - rosehip, with currants - currant, with St. John's wort - St. John's wort, from jasmine - jasmine.

Teacher. Traditionally, tea is served with bread, cookies, jams, biscuits, buns, crumpets, lemon, pastries, and cakes. What do the British drink tea with?

Children. They drink tea with toast, with cake, with pastries, with jam, with jam, with lemon.

Teacher. The most interesting question in English tea drinking is: “Tea into milk or milk into tea?” According to an ancient tradition, milk is first poured into a cup, and then the brewed tea.

When talking about the culinary traditions of the British, one cannot help but think of pudding. This is a classic English delicacy: a dessert made from eggs, sugar, milk and flour, cooked in a water bath. Fruits or spices are added to the pudding. In the old days, puddings were made from leftovers from other dishes, which were combined together and covered with, for example, fat or egg. For sweet puddings, which are served for dessert, the filling is usually an egg with milk.

There are a great variety of puddings. Let's figure out what they are. Semolina pudding - semolina, from oats - oat, from rice - rice, from cottage cheese - curd, from berries - berry, with vanilla - vanilla, from eggs - egg, from coconut - coconut, from corn - corn, from milk- lactic, with lemon- whether mono , with coffee - coffee, with nuts - walnut, from carrots - carrot, from apples - apple.

So, we refreshed ourselves. It's time to go. Interesting A peculiarity of England is that traffic moves on the left.

The teacher shows pictures.

They say that this direction of movement developed in England because ancient warriors held weapons in their right hands. In case of meeting with the enemy, it was more convenient for them to be on the left side of the road.

The teacher distributes pictures to the children. You need to draw a line on them - a path in the direction in which the car will go in England and Russia.

Dynamic pause

Children take toy steering wheels and go to the center of the group. Shows how transport moves in England and Russia.

III. Final part

Teacher. Guys, our journey around England will continue. We will visit many more interesting places. On the road we will need an umbrella, because the weather in England is changeable: it often rains and there is fog, but there are no severe frosts. It is not surprising that the most popular item in this country is the umbrella: the weather changes from hour to hour.

The teacher distributes blanks - paper umbrellas, colored pencils. Children color them.

Pictures coloring - English umbrella (rain umbrella)


England. Geography for kids in pictures.

England in all its glory with its beautiful Buckingham and Westminster palaces, Cambridge and Oxford universities, Tower Bridge and the famous Big Ben. Your child will be able to see this and much more in our video "England. Geography for kids in pictures."
Among other things, in this video your child will be able to find out what the state symbols of England look like (flag and coat of arms), the national costume of the British, the most striking representatives of flora and fauna, etc.

Great Britain. Shishkina school.

  • England (UK) (end)


Correctional and educational:

Update the dictionary on lexical topics “Animals”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Transport”, “Sports”;

Practice the formation of the instrumental case of nouns and possessive adjectives;

Strengthen the skills of determining the number of syllables in words and differentiating hard and soft consonants.

Correctional and developmental: develop children's figurative and artistic abilities, imagination, plasticity, fine motor skills.

Educational: instill interest in the culture of other countries.

Equipment: subject pictures (red telephone box, red double-decker bus, red rose, panda), photographs or slides with images of London landmarks (Big Ben Tower Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Palace of Westminster, Trafalgar Square, 30 St. Mary Axe skyscraper, or “The Gherkin” ", etc.), cards for differentiating animals, birds and insects (depicting a butterfly, wasp, giraffe, elephant, dragonfly, hare, flamingo), plot picture "London Zoo" depicting animal body parts hidden behind various objects (lion behind the stones, an elephant behind the bushes, a camel behind the fence, a penguin behind the stones, a crocodile behind the thickets), a box with blue and green hair bands (according to the number of children), blue and green cardboard medals on blue and green ropes with Roman or Arabic numerals indicating the number of syllables in a word, object pictures, two tables, outline pictures of the “Gherkin of London skyscraper” for graphic work, pencils, a cardboard guide “Train” with three carriages for determining the place of a sound in a word, magnets with Velcro (for crafts), small cardboard figures of a double-decker bus, a telephone booth (prepared in advance).

* * *

I. Introductory part

Teacher. Guys, today we have another journey ahead of us. And where we will go, you will understand by guessing the riddle.

The teacher shows pictures of a red rose, a red telephone booth, a panda, and a red double-decker bus. Children find an extra picture and explain why they chose it.

Children. All other items are red and are associated with England.

Teacher. That's right, but now we will go to the capital of Great Britain - London, the symbols of which are the red bus and telephone booth. So, imagine that we are sitting on a double-decker bus and starting a tour of London.

P. Main part

The teacher shows photographs or slides of London sights. The material is intended for preschoolers, so the story is introductory, not very detailed, conveying the atmosphere of the city.

Teacher. So, we will see the Palace of Westminster, the building of the English Parliament. The Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster is London's most famous landmark. On the clock of this tower there is Big Ben - the largest bell of the palace. It is he who strikes the time every hour. The clock in the Clock Tower of the Palace of Westminster resembles the Kremlin chimes on the Spasskaya Tower in Moscow. We will see Trafalgar Square, the London National Gallery, the Tower, which was both a palace and a fortress, and a repository of royal jewels, weapons, and a prison, the Tower Bridge over the River Thames (the largest drawbridge, its two wings are raised by a special device when a ship passes along river), Buckingham Palace - the residence of British monarchs.

To get around London faster, we'll take the tube. By the way, the world's first subway line, or as it is called in England - underground, 6 km long, was built in London back in the 19th century. Few people know that the word “metro” was invented by the British.

The thing is that the company that was involved in the construction of London's underground railway was called Metropolitan Railway. Therefore, at first, residents of Great Britain called the subway “metropolitan”, and then shortened it to “metro”. Unlike other countries, this name did not take root in England. Today Londoners prefer to call the metro “tube” (“pipe”) or “underground” (“underground”).

Pictures will travel with us on the metro train. In the first carriage are those in whose names the given sound appears at the beginning of the word, in the last - those in whose names it appears at the end, in the middle - in the names of which this sound appears in the middle of the word.

The teacher places a cardboard subway train with pockets on the board. Distributes; for children, pictures with the sound whose place in the word must be determined. The teacher decides independently what this sound will be. For example, pictures with sound [s] are offered: in the first carriage there is dog, average - scales, in the last - forest.

In London, on Baker Street, there is an interesting museum. Everything that is presented in it belongs to a non-existent person - Sherlock Holmes, a brilliant detective, a literary character of the English writer Conan Doyle. Holmes had an unusual mind and logic, which helped him unravel complex crimes. And today we will develop such qualities in ourselves.

London Zoo is one of the largest and oldest zoos in the world, allowing scientists to engage in research activities. For some time it was undergoing reconstruction, the purpose of which was to build enclosures that would recreate their natural habitat so that the animals would feel more comfortable. For example, on the site of old monkey enclosures, a giant island appeared, which became a habitat for gorillas.

Who is not here! Animals and birds of Africa, reptiles, including lizards, turtles, crocodiles, snakes, butterflies, fish.

The story is accompanied by a display of pictures or slides.

We will not only look at the inhabitants of the zoo, but also develop attention and thinking.

The teacher distributes pictures to the children depicting birds, insects and animals.

Look at the pictures: the zoo inhabitants fled. We will help scientists distribute them among the pavilions. Circle all the insects, the birds with an oval, and the animals with a square.

The teacher shows the children pictures depicting animal body parts (the head of a lion, crocodile, penguin, elephant tail, ostrich paws, etc.).

Find all the animals and birds in the picture and say whose body parts you see.

Children. Elephant tail - elephantine tail, head of a crocodile - crocodile head, penguin head - penguin head...

Teacher. So we trained and became as attentive, insightful and smart as Sherlock Holmes. But it's time to move on.

In London there is a famous Madame Tussauds wax museum. His collection includes figures of thousands of great people from all over the world: famous writers, artists, musicians, actors, athletes, politicians. All of them are made of wax and are very similar to their prototypes. These are the talented and skilled craftsmen who make them. And we'll play a game.

Game "Guess what it is"

Children stand in a circle. One child comes to its center and shows some animal or inanimate object, and the rest must guess who or what he represents.

Teacher. London is also a sports capital. There are many sports facilities and grounds here. What sports grounds do you know?

Children. Stadium, court, skating rink, rowing channel, football field.

Teacher. London is a champion for hosting the Olympic Games. They were held here three times, the last time in the summer of 2012. What summer sports do you know?

The children answer.

The athletes' reward is medals. So we will have unusual medals that we will play with.

Game "Medals"

The teacher chooses words with consonants that are already familiar to the children. Option 1

Children are awarded blue and green medals with numbers. I need to come up with a word with a sound (hard - blue or soft - green) with a certain number of syllables in accordance with the numbers on the medal and its color. For example, work is carried out with the sounds [p] and [p"]. A child who has a green medal with the number 1 calls the word “feast”, a child who has a green medal with the number 2 “pirate” calls the word “train”. Etc.

Option 2 (outdoor game)

Children are randomly divided into two teams - “blue” and “green”, and put blue and green elastic bands on their hands. The teams form a line. At the teacher’s signal, participants begin to run to tables on which there are pictures with soft or hard sounds, for example: [р], [р"], [л], [л"], etc. Each child chooses a picture with exactly the sound (soft or hard) that corresponds to his command, and quickly returns back.

The team that completes the task faster wins. Teams present their pictures, the rest check the correctness of the tasks. Each team member counts the syllables in the word-name of the picture, and the teacher “awards” the participants with a suitable medal. For example, if a child has a picture with the image of a rocket (we are talking about the sounds [r] and [r"]), then he is awarded a blue medal with the number “1”, and if with a picture of a turnip - a green medal with the number “2”, etc. d.

Teacher. You can also visit the Natural History Museum, where the evolution of living beings is presented, starting with dinosaurs, and go to the Royal Botanical Garden.

Skyscraper with the unusual name St. Mary Aix, 30 has an unusual mesh design. Decorated with green glass and having an oblong shape, the building was named “Cucumber”. The height of the building is 180 m. The skyscraper is considered one of the most environmentally friendly buildings of its kind in the world. Due to its unique shape, the building casts less shadow and allows more sunlight to reach the lower floors. To remember the unique shape of this structure, we will trace the picture dot by dot.

The teacher distributes to the children pictures with a dotted image of the “Cucumber” tower and pencils. Children trace the drawing.

So, we have seen almost all the sights of London, and now we will not deny ourselves the pleasure of looking at the city from above and will visit the London Eye - the tallest Ferris wheel in Europe. Let's make binoculars from our palms, look around and tell you what we see and what we admire.

Children make “binoculars” and list the sights of London, forming the accusative and instrumental cases.

Children. I see the zoo, I admire the zoo. I see a museum, I admire a museum...

III. Final part

P a g o g It is traditional to bring souvenirs from each trip - as a keepsake, as a gift to friends or relatives. We will make magnets with symbols of London.

Children stick magnets onto blank cardboard phone booths and red buses.


Baronova V.V. A grammatical journey across countries and continents. Classes on the cognitive and speech development of older preschoolers. - M.: TC Sfera, 2016. - 128 p.


Alyabyeva E.A. Grammar for preschoolers. Didactic materials on the development of speech of children 5-7 years old. M., 2014.

Alyabyeva E.A. From words to dialogue. Didactic materials on the development of speech of children 5-7 years old. M., 2013.

Groshenkova V.A., Shilova T. S. Integrated classes on speech development and artistic activity. M., 2012.

Dunaeva N.Yu., Zyablova S. Prevention of general speech underdevelopment in children 3-4 years old. M, 2013.

Efimenkova L.N. Formation of speech in preschool children. M., 1981.

Zhukova K.S., Mastyukova E.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming general speech underdevelopment in preschool children. M., 1990.

Lalaeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V. Correction of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children (formation of vocabulary and grammatical structure). St. Petersburg, 1999.

Miklyaeva N.V. Cognitive and speech development of preschool children. M., 2015.

Molchanova E.G.,Kpemoea M. A. Speech development of children 5-7 years old in a speech center. M., 2014.

Ovchinnikov V.V. Sakura branch. M., 1975.

Tkachenko T.A. We learn to speak correctly. System for correcting general speech underdevelopment in 6-year-old children. M., 2004.

Parfenova E.V. Speech development of children with special needs development in theatrical activities. M., 2014

Dear students, in my opinion, this is important!

I advise you to go through other sections of the "Navigation" and read interesting articles or watch presentations, didactic materials on subjects (pedagogy, methods of developing children's speech, theoretical foundations of interaction between preschool educational institutions and parents); material for preparing for tests, tests, exams, coursework and dissertations. I would be glad if the information posted on my website helps you in your work and study.

Best regards, O.G. Golskaya

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English topic with translation on Great Britain will help you talk about the country whose language you are learning. Great Britain topic in English will give you a general idea of ​​this country, its geography and main attractions.


Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe and are separated from the continent by the narrow strait of water. It is called the English Channel. Seas and oceans influence the British climate. It is too cold in winter but never very hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. England is the central part, it occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. Each part has its capital: the capital of England is London, Scotland has Edinburgh, Wales has Cardiff, and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

The capital of Great Britain is London; it is the cultural center of the country and is located on the banks of the Thames. There are s lot of places of interest to visit. The Big Ben, the Tower Bridge over the river Thames, the International London Heathrow Airport, the Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many others.

There are about 64 million people living in Great Britain, most of them are English, Irish and Scottish. They all have special traditions for celebrating holidays and cook special food for festivals. All the members of families take part in these events. People in Great Britain are polite and kind.

Great Britain is the state of the future. I dream of going to London and seeing the most wonderful sights of the capital of the United Kingdom and I hope it will come true one day.


Great Britain

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is located in the British Isles. They lie in northern Europe and are separated from the continent by a narrow strait. It's called the English Channel. The British climate is influenced by the seas and oceans. It can be too cold in winter, but it is never too hot in summer.

The United Kingdom consists of 4 parts - England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Each part has its own capital. The capital of England is London, Scotland is Edinburgh, Wales is Cardiff, and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.

The capital of Great Britain is London, it is the cultural center of the country, and it is located on the banks of the Thames. It has many attractions that you can visit - Big Ben, Tower Bridge over the River Thames, Heathrow International Airport, Westminster Abbey, the National Gallery of Art and many others.

There are about 64 million people living in Britain, most of them English, Irish and Scottish. They all have special traditions for holidays and prepare special food for festivals. All family members take part in these events. People in Britain are polite and kind.

Many famous people were born in Britain. One of them is William Shakespeare, who wrote the tragedies “Romeo and Juliet”, “Hamlet”, “Macbeth” and many other plays. William Shakespeare Born in 1564 and lived in Stratford-upon-Avon with his wife and children. Shakespeare died in 1616.

Great Britain is considered the state of the future. I dream of visiting London and admiring the beautiful views of the capital of the United Kingdom for myself and I hope that this dream will come true someday.