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Monaco. Cathedral of Saint Nicholas

  • Address: 4 Rue Colonel Bellando de Castro, 98000 Monaco, Monaco
  • Telephone: +377 93 30 87 70
  • Opening: 1903
  • Architectural style: neo-romanesque style
  • Buried: Grace Kelly, Rainier III, Charles III, Albert I, Louis II, etc.
  • Opening hours: 8:00–19:00

White and majestic Cathedral Saint Nicholas in Monaco has always attracted tourists and locals with its beauty. This attraction is not only the main temple of the Principality, but also the tomb of the princely family.

A bit of history

The Cathedral of Monaco was built in 1875. It is made entirely of "magic" white stone, which becomes whiter every day, and when it rains, its properties even increase a little. Therefore, the local residents of Monaco have a belief: being in the cathedral during the rain, it is necessary to pray, ask for forgiveness for sins, and “heavenly water” will cleanse the soul just like the walls of the cathedral, and life will begin anew.

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas is made in the Romanesque style and is located on the site of the former church of St. Nicholas, which was destroyed during the French Revolution. In 1960, three bells were installed on top of the building. All of them received the blessing of Bishop Gilles Barthes and have their own names: Devota, Nicole and Immaculate Virgin Mary.

In 1997, another bell was added - Benedict. It has become a symbol of perpetuating the seven hundred years of the Grimaldi dynasty.

Valuable icons and other sights of the cathedral

Today, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco is the center of the entire kingdom. This is a holy place for religious figures and tourists. Amazing sculptures, icons attract the attention of historians, as well as other visitors. The walls of the Cathedral in Monaco are decorated with biblical scenes from the life of the Saints. They were created by Louis Brea, a famous French artist.

The most valuable exhibit of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas is the Great Organ, which was brought here in 1887. In 2007, this instrument was modernized. The organ playing captures and gives incredible delight to all visitors with the beauty of its sound.

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco became the burial place for Princess Grace Kelly, who died in 1982, as well as her husband Rainier III. Their plates are located near the altar, temple visitors bring fresh luxurious roses to the graves every day - the princess's favorite flowers. Above the gravestones of the spouses is a picture - a pencil sketch from the wedding day. Also here you will find plates of Louis (Louis) II, Albert I - the Grand Dukes of Monaco.

In the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, next to each prayer book, there is a meter-long sculpture of the Saints - Jesus, the Virgin Mary with a baby, a statue of Bishop Peruchot, etc.

The most valuable and luxurious icons of the cathedral are the icon of the Saints by the artist Francois Brea in 1530 and the “Holy Dedication” by an unknown artist in 1560.

The baptismal chapel, the font, the pulpit in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas will also not leave you indifferent. They were brought in 1825-1840. and to this day they are carefully watched by guards, because there were more than one-time attempts to harm these exhibits. The altar, which is located in the center of the hall, was built of Carrara marble, it is covered with an amazing mosaic with rich church symbols. This altar has already married more than one generation of the dynasty, therefore it is also considered an important part of the history of the Principality.

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco holds services on church holidays, and on November 19 is the local holiday of the Prince of Monaco. On such days, the beautiful sounds of bells spread throughout the city. During the festive mass at the Cathedral of Monaco, the church choir performs to the enchanting melody of the organ, and all visitors are given song printouts at the entrance. By joining the singing, any person will feel peace and inspiration within himself.

Opening hours and road to the cathedral

The Cathedral opens its door to all visitors daily from 8.00 to 19.00. Choirs and masses are held:

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday - at 8.30;
  • Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday - at 18.00;
  • Sunday - at 8.30, 10.30.

To get to Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Monaco, you need to take bus number 1 or 2 and get off at the Place de la Visitation stop.

Perhaps the most famous and visited place in Monaco is the casino in the Monte Carlo area. About 150 years ago, two enterprising French journalists, Leon Langlois and Albert Aubert, received the exclusive right to build a gambling establishment in Monaco and become its owners. The sonorous name, "Bains de Monaco", was not chosen by chance - the Prince of Monaco, Florestan, following the example of the Grand Duke Ferdinand, who unrecognizably transformed Hamburg, decided to combine the idea of ​​​​rest and treatment with thermal waters with a game of roulette and other gambling, thereby providing , the prosperity of his principality, which was in dire need of money.

Casino Monte Carlo

Here is the world-famous mirror in front of the Monte Carlo casino. The most famous Monte Carlo casino in the world was built on a piece of rocky wasteland, bought from the previous owner at a ridiculous price - 22 centimes per square meter. Soon a whole city grew up around the casino, which glorified the Principality of Monaco to the whole world.

This city was named after the casino - Monte Carlo. Initially, the building was a small villa, which was then repeatedly rebuilt and expanded. The first building of the casino was opened in 1862, but soon almost completely burned down in a fire, only the game room remained, which, after restoration, was turned into a lobby, through which every visitor must pass.

Formula 1 hairpin

If you go to the left of the casino, you can go to the famous Formula 1 hairpin. A hairpin is a type of turn in motorsport where, after a long straight on a short section of the track, sports cars make a sharp turn of 180 degrees or slightly less, and after which the straight part of the track also follows. This type of cornering involves heavy braking in front of it and is passed at low speeds.

The main port of Monaco in the La Condamine district

And again we move to, on the way you will run into a bridge, near which is the entrance to the railway station of the Principality of Monaco. Behind the bridge in the depths stands the Church of Saint Devote (L'Eglise Sainte-Devote) - the patroness of Monaco. According to legend, Devota was born in Corsica in the 3rd century, converted to Christianity, for which she was tortured to death in prison. While her body was secretly transported by boat for burial, a violent storm began. And then either everyone drowned, and the body of Saint Devota was thrown ashore, or a dove flew out of the mouth of Devota and directed the boat to the right shores. In any case, a chapel was first built on this very site, and in the 11th century a church, which was later restored.

One of the main attractions is in the area. The best view of the port from the area of ​​Monaco, which is located on a rocky cape. There, in the port, you can take a mini ferry and cross, admiring the views.

Monument to Formula 1 driver Juan Manuel Fangio

After a short walk along the port, you will come to another famous place in Monaco. This is a monument to Formula 1 racer Juan Manuel Fangio (June 24, 1911 - July 17, 1995), an outstanding Argentine race car driver. He bore the nickname Maestro. Member of the Formula 1 championships in the 50s (1950-1951, 1953-1958). Winner of five championship titles in this class of racing. He became the champion in 1951, 1954, 1955, 1956 and 1957. Over the long history of Formula 1, this indicator was surpassed only half a century later, in 2003, by Michael Schumacher. The same monument was erected in Buenos Aires.

Castle of the Principality of Monaco

In the old town, is the castle of the Principality of Monaco. The climb is very steep and difficult, but there is one secret, you can use the elevator. The elevator is free, if you are too lazy to go uphill, I advise you to use it.

Changing of the Guard

As in all other countries, near the residence of princes, kings and kings there is a guard, and a decent crowd of onlookers gathers to replace it. And this is one of the attractions of Monaco, I advise you to come in advance if you want to see the whole ceremony of changing the guard at the castle of the principality.

Embankment of Fontvieille

We go further and go to the Fontvieille embankment, second in beauty and size. Fontvieille (fr. Fontvieille) is a city and the 10th district of the Principality of Monaco, located in the southwest of the country. Area - 334,970 m². The population is 3602 people. The city was built as a result of drainage works in the 1970s at the suggestion of the 12th Prince of Monaco, Rainier III. The Stade Louis II is located in Fontvieille, on the territory of which the offices of Monaco FC are located, as well as the University of Monaco. The Monaco heliport is located in the city, thanks to which the Principality of Monaco is connected with France by air.

While walking around the city, I came across an entertainment center, and so inside all the walls are painted with graffiti and painted with a marker, apparently it was meant to be. If you go up to the balcony of this building, you will have an excellent view of the world-famous golf club of Monaco. Monte Carlo Golf Club is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful and exciting in Europe. The fields here are located at 900 m above sea level. This luxurious place is a paradise for enthusiasts, with 18 holes of varying difficulty designed for them.

Monument to Princess Grace

Despite the monstrous lack of space, Monaco has a lot of greenery, parks and various monuments. The main monument in Monaco is the monument to the famous princess. Here, everyone literally goes crazy. To be honest, I had never heard of her before my trip to Monaco. Here's what Wikipedia says about her. Patricia Kelly - American actress, since 1956 - wife of the Prince of Monaco, 10th Princess of Monaco, mother of the current reigning Prince Albert II. She has a little more than 10 films on her account, but there is one Oscar, and the glory of the highest grossing actress of her time. She tragically died, maybe that's why she is so dear to all the inhabitants of Monaco. Next to the princess, there is a monument to sailors.

The beaches of Monaco

And here it is, luxurious. What a pity that it was March, and it was very cold. I can imagine how wonderful it is in Monaco in the summer. Despite the cold, billionaires strictly monitor their health and swim even at this temperature. Well done, of course, apparently due to this they earn millions, cultivating an iron spirit. Of course, they take care of the head, without it, billions cannot be earned.

Oceanographic Museum

Next, you should go to, which I will discuss separately. The oceanographic museum is also nearby, I didn’t go inside, so there is another reason to visit Monaco. Near the building there is a bathyscaphe, probably by Jacques Yves Cousteau himself, and an interesting machine, small on the outside, but apparently very powerful inside. Prince Albert of Monaco was passionate about geography and financed a large number of research expeditions around the world. Among other things, he was most interested in the underwater world. Together with Jacques Yves Cousteau, he even sank under water.

Cathedral of Saint Nicholas

In Monaco, it is a Catholic cathedral, built of white stone in 1875 in the Romanesque style on the site of the old (XIII century) church of St. Nicholas. The cathedral is the cathedral church of the Archdiocese of Monaco and serves as the tomb of the princes of Monaco.

Before going inside (entry is free), take a look at the cathedral from the outside, although it is modern, there are some interesting details. The interior of the cathedral is decorated with paintings by the painter Louis Brea, the altar and pulpit are carved from white Carrara marble. Of course, stained glass windows, they are not elegant, but still good in their own way. Also, concerts of religious music are held in the cathedral - an organ installed in 1976 sounds. The organ looks very impressive, due to the backlight.

Among other attractions of Monaco, it should be mentioned. I will tell you about this garden separately, this is a great place where you can relax.

What to see in Monaco?

Walking through Monaco-Ville, the most ancient district of the Principality, is a special pleasure. You walk along the narrow medieval streets, which are very crowded with tourists during the day, and can be completely deserted in the evening. In any case, simple routes will most likely lead you to the main cathedral of the Principality, another must-see attraction.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco: description, history

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco in the medieval Monaco-Ville looks quite old, but it was built relatively recently - in 1875. The place on which it stands is considered holy, since before the Cathedral there was a church of the 13th century, destroyed during the hard times of the French Revolution.

The location of the cathedral is one of the highest and most beautiful points in the Principality of Monaco. The interior of the cathedral is decorated with paintings by the famous artist Louis Brea.

On National Day, on religious holidays and on Sundays, you can hear the organ that was installed here almost forty years ago. Every year in the summer, the International Organ Festival is held here - a wonderful musical event, the entrance to which, according to tradition, is free.

In addition to worship, another role of the Cathedral is to serve as the tomb of the princes of Monaco. Representatives of thirty-five generations of the Grimaldi family are buried here. The tomb of the incredibly famous and beloved throughout the world, Princess Grace, is also located here, and her memorial stone next to that of her husband, Prince Reine III, is a place of special reverence for visitors. On their graves you will almost always see red and white roses.

In Monaco - one of the main famous buildings of the city, which tourists tend to visit. Local population calls it the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception of Our Lady, this is the main temple for all Catholics of the Principality. This one, built at the end of the 19th century on the site of the ancient church of St. Nicholas, continues to profess the traditions and beliefs of the old Christians.

History and traditions

In Monaco, the Cathedral of Saint Nicholas was erected in 1875 on the same site where the ancient church once stood, destroyed in the 13th century. For the construction of the structure, a special white stone was used - limestone, brought to the country from France, located in the neighborhood. This limestone has special properties: usually the blocks have a grayish color, but turn white when exposed to moisture.

This unusual quality is associated with the tradition of local residents to come here to pray when it rains. The walls of the cathedral at this time become snow-white, and parishioners believe that the water falling from heaven washes away sins from their souls in the same way as it washes the walls of the temple. Life seems to start from scratch.

In 1960, 3 bells were placed in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, each of which received a name: they are called Nicole, Devota and Immaculate Virgin Mary. Bishop Gilles Barthes blessed the bells. In 1997, another bell was added to the top of the building, which also received a name - it was named Benedict.

External and internal decoration

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker was built in the Neo-Romanesque style, very popular in Europe in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This style is characterized by certain features of Gothic, Art Nouveau and Renaissance. It differs from the Romanesque style in a simpler design of arches, window and door openings. Outside, the temple is decorated with graceful Corinthian columns, winged lions, stone slabs depicting biblical scenes.

The interior decoration is no less amazing: the high walls are decorated with images of angels, prophets and Mary with the newborn Jesus in her arms. In the center is the iconostasis and the episcopal throne, carved from white Carrara marble, and on both sides of it are lodges intended for the monarch and his family. The central mosaic depicts the Virgin Mary with baby Jesus, St. Peter, the prophet Isaiah, the archangels Gabriel and Michael, as well as 26 more faces of other saints, located one step below.

The window openings are decorated with skillful stained-glass windows with graceful images of Mary and Jesus. Stained-glass windows are inserted into the windows, showing scenes from the life of Christ and the Mother of God. From the old church of the 13th century, instead of which the temple was erected, four altars have been preserved, three of which were made under the direction of Francois Brea, the famous painter.

Some of the walls of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco are decorated with precious paintings hung with paintings by artists, many of which are rare and extremely expensive. Art experts need no explanation, but for everyone else, there is a special plate next to each canvas and sculpture, which indicates the author, time of creation and a brief history of the work.

In 1987, the choirs were restored here. For this, parts of the old altar were used, made of Carrara marble and decorated with unique antique mosaics.

Representatives of the Grimaldi dynasty are buried on the territory of the Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco. These sovereign princes ruled Monaco for more than seven hundred years. The thirteenth prince from this dynasty, Rainier III, who died in 2005, is also buried here. Princess Grace Kelly found peace within the walls of the Cathedral.

big organ

The large organ is the real pride of the temple. 12 years after the construction of the building, in 1887 the first tool was installed, but in 1922 it was completely replaced with a new one. In 1968, the organ was improved, and in 2009 a complete reconstruction and restoration was carried out. Organ music connoisseurs who come to the annual festival are very fond of the amazing sounds of this instrument.

Where is the Cathedral of St. Nicholas

The majestic building is located at the following address: Monaco, rue Colonel Bellando de Castro, 4. Entrance for visitors is completely free, but the doors are not always open. Solemn Catholic services are held here exclusively on the days of major Christian holidays, as well as on Prince's Day, which coincides in time with Monaco's Day - November 19th.

- The Cathedral of St. Nicholas (la cathédrale de Monaco) was built in 1875 on the site of an old church of the 13th century.

The building was built in the Romanesque style of white stone.

In 1976, an organ was installed in the cathedral, which sounds during infrequent religious services. Traditionally, masses are held on religious holidays and on Prince's Day, celebrated in Monaco on November 19th.

The cathedral is the tomb of the princes of Monaco. Weddings and christenings are also held here.

Opposite the entrance to the cathedral there is a billboard with a wedding photograph of the film actress Gray Kelly, who became Princess of Monaco in April 1956.

An interesting fact… All my photos of the cathedral turned out to be aged, almost black and white…

Bright flowers on the lawns look like artificially painted ...

The tomb in the cathedral is located behind the altar. Numerous incoming visitors, as it were, make a circle around the cathedral, passing along a number of graves, including past the grave of the tragically deceased Grace Kelly. There are always fresh flowers on her grave.

The cathedral as a whole leaves a sad impression. Everyone around was talking only about Grace Kelly. In general, in Monaco, much is connected with the memory of this beautiful woman.

The vaults of the cathedral also leave a gloomy impression. Everything around is luxurious, but oppressive and dark. The cathedral was built in a completely atypical for that time "pink-gilded" manner ...

Saint Nicholas Cathedral in Monaco is decorated with paintings by artist Louis Bréa. The painting behind the altar was created in 1500.

IN summer time on Sundays, solemn high masses are held in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas with the participation of the choir of the "Little Singers of Monaco" and the "Children's Choir Chapel".

The Cathedral of St. Nicholas in Monaco is undoubtedly beautiful and majestic, but I had no desire to return to this sad place again ...