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How to clean a river perch from scales. Simple tips on how to clean perch from scales: recommendations from fishermen and housewives

Taste a freshly caught fish from a cauldron, appetizingly fragrant on the river bank, meet a beloved husband from a “quiet hunt”, quickly prepare a catch and treat the household - these moments could be even more pleasant if it were not for cleaning the fish from slippery scales. This adds a "fly in the ointment" to the enjoyment of river fish dishes.

We will not give up positions, and will try to optimize the objective reality. After all, dishes based on fish are healthy and tasty.

The basic rule for processing fish: clean from tail to head, with small sharp movements. First we clean the sides, then the belly of the carcass.

Preparing for cleaning

  • Cutting board.
  • Kitchen, large scissors.
  • Paper towels.
  • Sharp knife. If you are not a master, take a regular knife.
  • Scraper for cleaning small scales. This device is purchased at retail outlets.
  • A grater will also come in handy.

A difficult task is to remove adhering debris from the fish. This is grass, grains of sand, mud and more, so we wash the catch in cold water. If the water is running - great! If you have to wash the fish in the basin, change the water several times.

ADVICE! Do not cut off the head while cleaning. It will come in handy when removing scales. Cut it off when you begin to gut the carcass.

The method of liberation from scales and giblets depends on the type of fish. For some varieties, you need ingenuity when cleaning at home.

Quick and easy cleaning of the most popular river fish

Perch river and sea

First, cut off the fins with scissors, which can damage the skin of the hands. It's painful and unsafe.

Then dip the carcass in cold water, and clean against scales with a fork or knife. Grooves are obtained that raise the scales in some areas. Thus, they are easier to clean.

ADVICE! You can easily, quickly and safely remove the scales from the perch along with the skin.

Video tips


Catfish has smooth skin, and there are no small bones in the carcass. Removing the mucus covering it is the main task in preparation.

Coarse salt will come to the rescue.

  1. Roll the catfish in salt.
  2. Let's leave it for a minute.
  3. We wipe the carcass (putting on a rubber glove beforehand) with a sponge or a clean rag.
  4. With a knife (blunt side) scrape the skin to a light shade.
  5. We wash off everything that is rubbed off. Then repeat at least once.
  6. On "summer fishing" salt can be replaced with ash.


Pike perch has a slimy surface, so we also use coarse salt.

  1. We get rid of mud and mucus, wipe the carcass.
  2. Cut the fins with a knife, capturing some meat.
  3. We use boiling water to remove scales. We clean from the tail to the head, against the growth of scales. A metal grater cleans fine scales well. We attach the grater to the stick and, holding the handle, process the fish.
  4. Now we remove the offal. We cut the skin of pike perch between the gills and bring the knife down to the tail, while holding the carcass by the gills.
  5. We take out all the insides, not forgetting to remove the films. You can not remove the skin from pike perch.

ADVICE! Always clean the membranes inside any fish to avoid bitterness and an unpleasant taste in the finished dish.

Video guide


Tench has small, dense scales and mucus. To begin with, it washes away the mucus, then we dip it in boiling water and sharply shift it into cold water. Let's start cleaning the scales and entrails.


Carp is the cleanest fish. We wash it in water, clean the scales with a knife. Gutted.

silver carp

Silver carp lends itself well to cleaning with a special tool (buy in a store or process with a grater). Keep the fish in the water if you do not want to collect the scales scattered around the house.

Cleaned and washed with cold water. It's time to learn about some features when cleaning the insides.

CAREFULLY! There is a lot of bile in silver carp, so when cleaning, try to take out the offal carefully! If you damage the place of accumulation of fluid secreted by the liver, you can say goodbye to the plans for the "fish day" - the pulp will become bitter in taste.

Be sure to cut the gill plates from the head. From a semi-finished product (head of a silver carp), you can cook an ear or fry it.


Carp has large and dense scales, it is better to clean it in a bowl of cold water, moving against the growth of the scales. Places that are difficult to reach for processing can be doused with boiling water. Then the scales will soften and it will become easier to move away.

Video instruction

  • For processing all types of fish, it is desirable to have a special cutting board. To prevent the fishy smell from being absorbed into the canvas, put on a plastic bag or lay paper on it.
  • Handling should take place as soon as possible after the catch (or purchase). Pull out the fish giblets on the same day.
  • If the fish is dry, soak it for a few minutes in cool water. Then start processing.
  • Rinse fish thoroughly after handling. This will allow you to notice the flaws of cleaning - a small scale that has not come off in places, a film inside the abdomen.
  • When the fish is intended for smoking and drying, it is better to leave the scales.
  • Does the fish give off the aroma of river mud? Soak after cleaning for an hour in salt water, the problem will disappear.
  • You can use the freezer. Place the carcass for a day. Take it out, wait for the moment when the scales thaw, and inside the pulp is still frozen. You can clean it, the scales will come off perfectly.

So it's time to look in your notes for recipes for fish dishes. Now you will deal with any "river guest" caught in the net or on the hook, and then straight to the kitchen.

How to quickly clean a perch from scales? This question is of interest not only to housewives, but also to many fishermen who often go to catch this particular delicious fish. In the presented article, we decided to reveal a few secrets of cleaning the mentioned product. If you use our tips, you will never again need a lot of time to carry out this time-consuming and not very pleasant process.

General information

Before telling you about how to quickly clean a perch from scales, I would like to say a few words about the product itself.

As you know, this fish belongs to the perch family. She has sharp fins in the lower, as well as in the upper part of the body. It should also be said that it differs from the other in that it has rather small and firmly seated scales. That is why so many housewives are interested in the question of how to quickly clean the perch from scales.

As a rule, the weight presented ranges from 850 g to 1.4 kg. But often experienced fishermen meet larger specimens. Perch lives in fresh rivers, reservoirs and even in the sea.

Application in cooking

Perch is a very tasty fish that can be boiled, steamed, salted and fried. So, there is an incredible number of all kinds of recipes, using which you can make completely different dishes and snacks. And here the logical question arises as to whether it is necessary to clean the perch at all. Of course, yes. But, unfortunately, as mentioned above, the scales of the presented fish cling very tightly to the body. In addition, perch's fins are so sharp that they can easily be injured during processing. In this regard, in the presented article, we decided to tell you about how to quickly clean the perch from scales. If you follow these tips, this process will not seem so difficult to you.

Details on how to clean perch from scales

The first thing the hostess should know is that fresh perch is much easier to clean than stale one. First you need to cut off all the fins from the acquired fish, using scissors for this. This is necessary so that they do not prick in the future. Next, you need to cut off the head of the fish. After that, you need to put on gloves and arm yourself with cutlery. Pressing the tail of the perch to using a fork, use a sharp knife to pry off the scales and carefully remove it. It is most convenient to carry out this procedure from the belly to the back.

Negative features of this method

Now you know how to clean the scales of a perch. However, this method has a significant disadvantage. It consists in the fact that the scales scatter almost throughout the kitchen. In addition, the presented method requires special efforts and a lot of free time. In this regard, we want to tell you about another tricky way.

How to remove the scales from the perch along with the skin?

This method can be used if you do not want to disturb the order in your kitchen. To do this, fresh fish must be cut off all the fins and head, and then briefly placed in the freezer. When the perch is slightly frozen, it should be taken out, put on a cutting board and, prying off the skin with a knife, it is easy to remove it along with all the scales.

Cons of the method

The presented cleaning of perch from scales is well suited for those who plan to make minced fish from fish or just pickle it. As for frying and cooking, this method is undesirable.

Cleaning fish in the field

If the question of how to clean a perch from scales is asked not by the hostess, but by the fisherman, then we suggest using the following method.

So, it is necessary to nail iron corks taken from beer bottles to a convenient and simple wooden stick. You may need about 5-7 caps for this. By the way, instead of such a device, it is permissible to use an ordinary old grater.

After the device is ready, it can be immediately used for its intended purpose. Ribbed lids are required to scrape off all the scales from the perch. However, it is desirable to carry out this process on the street, since the scales will scatter in all directions.

The easiest way

If you do not want to clean freshwater fish with a knife for a long time, but do not want to make special tools, then they can be purchased at any hardware store.

It should be noted that today on the market there is a wide range of universal devices specifically designed for cleaning fish. A huge advantage of such devices is that they have a pocket for collecting scales. That is why they can clean perch not only in the field, but also at home. However, when buying such devices, you should pay special attention to their quality, including the thickness of the metal. After all, if this product is made of thin material, then during the cleaning of the fish it can bend or even break.

Sea bass cleaning

As mentioned above, perch can be found both in freshwater rivers and in salty seas. However, they are allowed to be cleaned in exactly the same ways. Although it should be noted that sea bass is a very spiny fish that has venom glands on its fins. And if a person pricks about them, then the wound can hurt a lot for a long time. That is why before cleaning this fish, be sure to wear gloves and first cut off all the fins.

To everything else, you can safely add a few of the following tips:

  1. Before directly cleaning the sea bass, it should be dipped in boiling water for a few seconds. The main thing is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the skin of the fish may peel off along with the scales.
  2. To greatly facilitate the process of cleaning such fish, it should be put in a container, covered with coarse rock salt and left in this form overnight. In the morning, perches can be easily and quickly descaled using a regular knife.
  3. If you plan to smoke perch, then you should not peel it at all.

Cleaning small fish

Surely many fishermen know that in the winter season, small fish are most often caught. It is, of course, very tasty, but there are too many problems with it. It is better to clean such a perch immediately after catching along with the skin. To do this, make 2 cuts along the upper fin (from head to tail). By the way, the knife should be as sharp as possible. Next, the skin along with the scales should be carefully removed, helping yourself with both hands.

Using this method, you can clean a large number of small fish in a few minutes. However, it should be noted that the main disadvantage of this method is that you will not get a crisp when frying perch in a pan. Although nothing will dare prevent you from enjoying the tender meat of freshly caught fish.

Probably the most unpleasant process in cooking is the cleaning of fish from scales. It is for this reason that many hostesses refuse to cook fish dishes, it is problematic for them to fiddle with scales. Yes, and male fishermen love to catch fish more than to cook it, including cleaning it. But, at the moment, a lot of ways and a bunch of devices have been invented to make it much easier to clean fish from scales. So how easy is it to clean a fish?

In the first place is the rule, which is recommended to always follow, FROM FRESH FISH IT IS EASIER TO CLEAN THE SCALES. Therefore, when the husband returned from fishing, it is better to immediately clear the entire catch, and then put it away for storage. The best option is to clean the scales directly at the reservoir.

The second rule is the quality production of knives, since a bad knife is only scarred hands.

From some species of fish, the scales can not be removed at all, for example, from salmon. Many roast gobies, too, right with the scales. Catfish and burbot are easy to clean, mucus is simply removed from them. Some of these fish are skinned with a “stocking” by making an incision around the head. It is easy to clean carp fish. From freshly caught carp, the scales are removed simply with a finger, it turns out how to clean fish in a dream. You can easily remove the scales from small fish if you sprinkle them with salt, rub them in your hands, and then rinse them under a strong stream of running water.

It is more difficult than others to clean perches and ruffs. Before cleaning them, it is recommended to trim their terribly spiky fins. After that, it is necessary to place it in cold water for several minutes and make grooves against the growth of scales with a knife or fork, this will greatly simplify cleaning. Any fish will be easily cleaned if you insert a stick into its mouth all the way. You can also pin the tail with an awl to the board or deck where the fish will be cleaned, then the fish should be pulled out to a “crunch,” holding it with your fingers behind the eyes. It is best to clean the fish with a large knife, the larger the knife, the easier it is to remove the scales.

Many different graters have been invented for simple and effective cleaning of fish from scales.

The simplest fish scaler is easy to make if you nail a piece of tin to a wooden block, with holes punched by a nail, on which there are sharp notches. You can make a grater from a can by making a few holes in the bottom. The third option is to nail a couple of tin beer caps to the plank. In extreme cases, the scales can be removed armed with a conventional fork.

Scales can be removed without using a knife, if you put the fish in boiling water for 10 seconds. If the scales scatter a lot, then the fish is cleaned in a large plastic bag. If the fish is slippery and constantly slips out of your hands, then sprinkle it with a little salt.

Now you know how to properly clean fish.

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The choice of spinners for perch

Despite the fact that baits for perch fishing are becoming more diverse every year, many experienced anglers prefer the classic spinners. But it must be remembered: so that fishing does not end in defeat, you need to select lures for perch fishing wisely (just like choosing catchy baits for pike), taking into account the characteristics of the reservoir and the season. As practice shows, it does not make sense to catch a perch on the first bait that comes across, since the bite is likely to be absent. Ichthyologists say that the perch is a rather cunning fish with a specific character that will not pounce on everything.

It is best to choose gear, starting from the following recommendations:

  1. Spring. At this time of the year, the predator is very voracious and reacts to almost all baits. The main thing is that the gear should be bright and voluminous, otherwise they may simply be invisible in the muddy spring water. If the fisherman does not have any experience in catching perch, it is better to give preference to a spinner and throw it into shallow areas.
  2. Summer. On warm summer days, these fish also remain quite active. In order to come home with a big catch, anglers advise using turntables for perch at this time (the main thing is that they are small). Catching perch on a spinner is almost always successful, regardless of the time of day and weather. But if fishing is carried out in a reservoir with a lot of grass, bushes and snags, it is much more reasonable to choose another bait - an unhooked lure.
  3. Autumn. The best autumn perch baits are small wobblers and heavy spoons. Experts say that at this time of the year the result largely depends on the mood of the fish, so it is best to have baits of different colors with you. To increase the catch in the fall, you can also use various baits.
  4. Winter. The best lure for perch in winter is a vertical lure and a balancer. Such gear has a slightly different design, so it is more reasonable to use them in winter rather than in summer.

Experts say that in any case, it is necessary to select perch lures for a particular season, starting from your own preferences and characteristics of the reservoir. Only then the selected instance will meet all expectations.

  1. Rating of vibrations

In order to successfully catch perch with a lure in summer and winter, a fisherman needs not only to know the habits of a river predator and be able to correctly select a place, but also to have good equipment. Fishing sport is not as simple as it seems, so the choice of tackle needs to be thoughtfully approached. Experts say that it is necessary to select a rod and equipment based on what kind of bait will be used, but definitely not based on the size of the intended prey.

  • soft light-class spinning rod with a test load of up to 15 g is an excellent option for fishing on cranks and spinners;
  • a light-class rod with a medium-fast and fast action is very well suited if you plan to fish with twitching wobblers;
  • ultralight is mainly used if sports are played using small oscillators and turntables.

A lot of beginner spinningists also cannot specifically answer the question of how long a working tool should be. When choosing a rod, you need to build on what task the fisherman faces and in what conditions the fishing will take place. As practice shows, the ideal length is from 180 to 240 cm. If fishing will take place from the shore, you can use a slightly longer option.

An important role in the capture is played not only by perch spinners, but also by which reel is on the rod. Even if the fish bites on the bait, that's half the battle. The fisherman needs to have time to hook and pull his prey ashore in time. If the fishing sport for catching perch in the grass is carried out in the summer, it is recommended to stop at the inertialess version of medium power (the spool should also be of medium size). If winter fishing is carried out, then even inertial reels and multipliers are suitable here.

As for the thread, there are no restrictions, but braid is still the most preferred option. The popularity of such a product is due to the fact that it significantly increases the sensitivity of the rod, and it can also be used to carry out wiring of any type.

Conditionally similar spinning baits for minke whales can be divided into 2 types:

  • turntables;
  • vibrations.

These types of baits differ significantly from each other and have completely different qualities. Specialists and experienced anglers say that the best baits (by rating) are extremely effective and continue to work consistently throughout the season.

Such baits are made from different materials, they can be used for fishing in rivers, frogs, lakes and ponds.

If you plan an expensive purchase, so that baubles for perch in the summer or catchy turntables for pike do not disappoint their owner, it is recommended to look at the rating on the Internet before purchasing and study all the advantages and disadvantages of a particular product.

Spinners for catching river minke whales are a classic option. At the moment, fishing is already impossible to imagine without such turntables, and they are present in virtually every rating. Any spinner for a perch of this type gives a guaranteed result, even a novice spinner will certainly return home with a catch. That is why, despite the fact that the widest range of wobblers, twisters and microoscillators is presented on store shelves, spinners are still one of the most popular products. The undoubted advantage of such baits is that they are extremely easy to use, since they do not require complex wiring.

  1. Mepps Comet. This perch spinner is considered universal, has an oval shape and rotates at an angle of 45 degrees. The bait shows high performance both in still water and in rivers with a strong current. One of the main differences of this super lure is that it has an ideal size, so both young and large individuals are perfectly caught on it. Such bait can have a different color, but most often red, green or yellow spots are applied to it. The petal itself is almost always black.
  2. Meps Aglia Long. A catchy lure for perch is designed for fishing in fast-moving waters. Due to the unique design, the lure has practically no resistance and can go even against the strongest current. Also, the tackle is ideal for summer fishing in shallow water, where perches like to swim out to hunt.
  3. Myran Wipp. This "killer" of perches is the most long-range. It can be thrown to maximum distances even without experience. The turntable has a small oval-shaped lobe, thanks to which it behaves ideally in virtually any conditions. A distinctive feature is that 3 red feathers are planted on the tee of the lure. For perches, it is recommended to choose a bait weighing 3 or 5 g.
  4. Smith Niakis. When the most catchy turntables are discussed, this product is one of the first to be mentioned. The spinner has a special rotation system, thanks to which it will be possible to catch perch in almost any body of water.
  5. Panther Martin Original S. The model is the base model, if perch fishing is carried out, it can be found in all competitions. Tackle always works very stably, with the help of it you can catch the largest minke whale.

The only disadvantage of such products is that they all have a rather high price. But anglers assure that each of these spinners is worth the money.

Rating of vibrations

Despite the fact that anglers began to use spoons for perch fishing in the summer relatively recently, such products are already very popular and in demand. Their wide distribution is due to the fact that they behave well in wild waters with a lot of grass and algae. What perch shakers are considered the best?

  1. Smith Pure. This spinner is recognized as one of the most catchy, it can be used in any weather conditions. This miniature bait can easily seduce even the laziest perch. Such baits are available in several sizes, but the product is considered to be optimal, the length of which is 30 mm and the weight is 2.7 g.
  2. Waterland Renge. Perhaps this is the best bait for perch. Its only disadvantage is that tackle is virtually impossible to find in our country. This oscillator has an unusual geometry and has a specific animation, which makes it simply impossible not to notice it.
  3. Skagid design Pri. The bait has a good geometry, which makes it easy to cast it over long distances. The product features also include the fact that it has minimal resistance, so it can be safely used on fast-flowing rivers. If perch fishing is carried out in the fall, it is recommended to stop at this option.
  4. Forest Marvel. The model is tiny in size and weighs only 0.6 g, outwardly this tackle is slightly flattened, which allows it to be used in absolutely any weather conditions.
  5. Sv-fishing koketka. This bait is ideal for ultralight fishing and is available in different sizes and weights.

As practice shows, home-made spinners for perch (as well as hand-made spinners for pike) do not behave as well as purchased products. That is why, if you plan to catch large individuals, then it is better not to take risks and purchase a really worthwhile model that will certainly justify its cost and last a single season.

Perch is the most frequent guest of most domestic tables when mentioning fish. With attractive coloration, sharp fins (and poisonous in sea bass) and being in a constant state of foraging, bass are fairly easy prey and, as a result, a pleasant main dish on our tables after being in the oven, in the pan and other places. preparations, however, have a big disadvantage: they require thorough cleaning from scales.

Over the many centuries of the history of fishing for the striped humpback, fishermen have developed many ways to quickly clean the perch from scales.

cleaning perch from scales

Leaving a perch without cleaning is possible in two ways:

  1. Cooking fish soup in some cases is allowed without any cleaning, but it is not a common practice.
  2. In essence, the answer to the question of whether perch should be cleaned before smoking is more of an individual recommendation than an imperative. In addition, leaving the perch unscaled, many also leave the fish ungutted.

In other cases, cleaning the fish from scales, as well as from the insides, is mandatory, since there is almost complete certainty that the dish you are going to cook will inevitably be spoiled by the presence of fish "chain mail" in food, as well as the likely bitter taste emanating from the entrails.

main stage

Before cleaning the perch, the fish must be washed either in running water or in a specially designated container. Before the fish appears as cleaned, it is necessary to carry out the procedure for removing excess parts: fins and, if desired, the head and tail. The next step is the preparation of instruments, described in the next paragraph.


Any processing of fish should be preceded by the idea of ​​​​creating a working space: cutting and cleaning should be carried out on the board (it is advisable to choose plastic options that are resistant to odor absorption), and it is recommended to line the space under it with oilcloth, paper sheets or ordinary newspaper.

In cases of "field" cleaning (directly on fishing, in the country, etc.), the problem of cleanliness control is reduced to almost zero.

The following devices are used to clean fish:

  1. Steel knives - often with a wide handle for a secure fit in the hand, it is convenient to get rid of fins and carry out preliminary cleaning of scales with such knives.
  2. A saw blade is a convenient combination of a traditional knife blade on one side of sharpening and a serrated blade on the other for breaking and sawing bones and fins, as well as peeling scales.
  3. A scraper knife is ideal for quickly and effectively cleaning river bass, as well as any other fish.
  4. Scissors are the least effective way to peel, but a convenient tool in terms of peeling. It is convenient to rip open the belly of the fish with scissors, as well as get rid of the fins.

When deciding to work exclusively with a knife, it is recommended to remove the skin along with the scales, which will greatly speed up the process and allow you to get an excellent result.

With some skill, as well as long-term experience, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bcleaning a perch from scales in 10 seconds takes on its real embodiment and does not sound like quackery for the sake of bravado.

In addition to cleaning products, an indispensable tool is a board with clips, designed to hold the fish at the moment when we clean the fish. This type of board frees your hands and allows you to more conveniently and quickly clean our prey: the fish is fixed securely and correctly.

Freezing fish

The opinion that fish should be frozen before cleaning has a well-founded justification: frozen scales are indeed easy to separate from the body, provided that the inside of the bodies remains unfrozen.

An important note is the advice to first remove the fins, head and, if desired, the tail, since working with frozen fish in this context is more difficult.

Homemade Scale Cleaners

There are some folk methods for peeling perch and other fish, when we, as they say, clean with what comes to hand:

  1. A waterfowl cleaning grater is a common and available device in all kitchens that can facilitate the peeling of fish, but it requires some getting used to.
  2. Mounting metal caps from beer bottles and sodas on a wooden spoon or board is a true object of "folk art". It is convenient in the moments when other specialized devices are not available.

The most suitable is the most fine-grained strip of the grater

In addition, there are options for using brushes or a drill in combination with a low-power drill for cleaning, but this method is more exotic and indicative than permanent.

Cleaning with boiling water

In order to get rid of the scales with boiling water, it is necessary to adhere to the correct time interval for the fish to stay in the hot spring. The exact time is determined "individually" and depends on the size of the fish.

According to general notes, a couple of minutes in boiling water or even less is enough for the fish to remove the layer of scales from the skin. Before getting into boiling water, it is recommended to cool the perch so that the temperature difference ensures accurate peeling.

When working with boiling water, care should be taken: placing a cold body in hot water can turn into splashes of hot water.

Salt cleansing

Since ancient times, cleaning of perch with the use of salt has taken place. Thus, the scales move away from the skin much better, leaving it on the body of the fish. For this method, river perch is washed and placed in a container with coarse rock salt overnight.

Salt should be distributed evenly, covering both sides of the carcass

One night is enough for the scales to exfoliate from the carcass, which will make it easy to get rid of it. When placing the fish in salt, it is not recommended to remove the fins and other parts of the body.

small perch cleaning

Peeling small fish is an inconvenient and costly process. To simplify the cleaning of small perch, the following sequence will allow:

  • Get rid of the fins.
  • Cut off the head.
  • Carefully rip open the belly and, without touching the intestines and stomach, remove the insides.
  • Prying the skin with a knife at the place where the head was cut, hook and lead the scales along with the skin of one side towards the tail.
  • Repeat the operation for the other side.

Features of cleaning sea bass

The seahorse is a species of perch that has two main features:

  • Large weight of medium specimens.
  • The presence of poison in the fins.

Sea bass can reach up to 1 meter in length and weigh up to 20 kg.

Despite the fact that the poison is harmless to humans, its entry into open wounds significantly delays the healing process, and also provides unpleasant pain.

  1. Put on gloves.
  2. Get rid of fins containing poisonous glands.
  3. Clean the perch in any known way.

Cleaning fish is a process that at first seems dreary and long, over time it becomes familiar and not difficult. As they say, to learn, one has only to begin.

When it comes to cleaning perch, those who want to do this process are not to be found during the day with fire, as they say. Everyone knows that perch scales are very small, firmly seated in the skin, and are extremely difficult to clean. When you start to clean the perch, this scale scatters in all directions for several meters, so after cleaning the fish you have to clean up for a very long time.

But this does not make the lovers less, because this fish is interesting both as a fishing object and for its taste. The site site knows 3 great ways to quickly clean perch from scales easily and simply, without dirt and scales scattered throughout the kitchen. You will definitely like one of these methods, it remains only to choose the most suitable one.

1 way: for lovers of crispy skins

There is a way to clean the perch much faster and more conveniently, but it is not suitable for lovers of crispy skins, because, for most, the skin is the most delicious part of fried fish, and it is for this delicious skin that many people love fried perch and any other fish. That is why we offer a method that will simplify the cleaning of perch and at the same time preserve its skin.

In order for the perch to be easily cleaned of scales, you just need to pour boiling water over it. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Put the perch prepared for cleaning in the dishwasher and pour over boiling water from the kettle.
  2. Boil water in a saucepan and dip the fish that needs to be cleaned into it.

After the perch has been doused with boiling water, it is advisable to cut off all its fins with scissors so that they do not interfere with cleaning and you do not prick them during the cleaning process. It is better to clean not with an ordinary one, but with a special knife for cleaning fish, but if this is not the case, then a simple kitchen knife will do. After the perch has been treated with boiling water, the scales are much easier to clean and practically do not fly around.

After the scales are cleaned, it remains only to gut the perch, ripping open the belly of the carcass. If you are going to fry the fish with the head, you will also have to remove the gills. Or you can just cut off the head.

Method 2: express cleaning in 1 minute

This method is the most convenient, but has one drawback - the scales are removed along with the skin. For many, the skin is a favorite delicacy, so this method is only suitable for connoisseurs of perch meat. The method is very simple and fast, allowing you to cut the fish in less than a minute.

  1. An incision is made along the dorsal fin, on one side and the other, along the entire length of the back.
  2. Now the dorsal fin is easily separated - it can be pulled out.
  3. Once the dorsal fin is removed, the perch skin and scales can be quite easily removed without even having to clean them. Separate the skin from one side and the other.
  4. Now the task is to cut the ridge of the perch in the head area. To do this, it is necessary, as it were, not to completely cut off the head of the fish.
  5. Further, by inserting a finger into the belly of the fish, you can separate the carcass from the offal, head and skin. Now you have a carcass completely ready for cooking, almost a fillet, it remains only to cut off the tail. Clearly shown in the video below.

3 way: for frozen perch

This method is great if you kept the perch in the freezer .. Next, consider the algorithm of actions.

  1. A frozen perch needs to be cut off the upper back, from head to tail, along with the fins, much like you cut the skin off a potato, in a thin layer. The lower part of the fish is also cut off - the belly.
  2. The second step is to cut off the tail.
  3. Now, the perch skin can be easily removed from tail to head.
  4. After removing the skin, cut off the head of the fish.
  5. The last step is to cut the belly and pull out the offal. Frozen fish makes this very easy.

That's all, now you know 3 great ways to quickly clean a perch from scales. Choose the one that seemed more suitable or convenient for you and act. In conclusion, below is a video that clearly shows how the perch is cleaned in all three ways.

How to quickly clean a perch from scales: video (3 ways)