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Legend of Mount Yangantau. Mount Yangantau in Bashkiria (photo)

 /   / 55.29861; 58.13167Coordinates :
A countryRussia 22x20px Russia
RegionRepublic of Bashkortostan
mountain systemSouthern Urals
Top Height504 m
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Physical and geographical characteristics

Mount Yangantau is stretched from East to West for 2.5 km along the right bank of the river. Yuryuzan. The absolute height of the mountain is 143 meters, the height above the Yuryuzan River is 160 meters (504 meters above sea level).

The mountain is composed of rocks of the Sakmarian and Artinsk stages of the lower part of the Permian system, crumpled into folds. Structurally, the territory of the GSP is located on the southern outskirts of the Bashkir arch, bounded by a deep fault, along which the valley of the r. Yuryuzan.

Hot air saturated with water vapor comes out on the slopes of the mountain. The air temperature is from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters, the temperature reaches 380 degrees.

In the bowels of the mountain, oxidizing and reducing reactions of bituminous marls take place. At a depth of 60-90 m, there are hotbeds of heating. The accumulated heat in a limited area is stored for a long time due to the weak heat transfer of the surrounding rocks.


Scientific research on the mountain has been carried out since the 18th century. (P. S. Pallas, 1773; F. N. Chernyshev, 1881; A. Ya. Gordyagin, 1882, 1885; E. M. Yanishevsky, 1902; A. Bikkel, 1932; G. V. Vakhrushev, 1927, 1957 and etc.).

Many hypotheses have been put forward about the nature of the thermal phenomena of the mountain: an underground fire from lightning, the reaction of the transition of ferrous oxide salts to oxide salts, the combustion of low-bituminous rocks, radioactive heat, mutual friction of the g.p. etc. Since the 60s of the 20th century, hypotheses about a natural nuclear reactor and a rare meteorite that has become a catalyst for thermal processes have been considered (S. G. Fattakhutdinov, 1993).

Mount Yangatau is also known for sulfur, zinc and radon sources, which became the basis for the creation of the Yangantau balneological resort.

On the slopes of the mountain birches, oaks and aspens grow, alternating with meadow glades and petrophytic steppes. The surviving pines speak of primary coniferous forests. Shrub meadow-steppe complexes of steppe cherry, low almond, caragana, wild rose, warty euonymus and feather grass, fescue, thyme are common on the mountain and its environs.

The lower slope of the mountain is covered with cherry-willow thickets. On the basis of Mount Yangantau, in 1980, a reserve and forestry was organized on an area of ​​3600 hectares.

Mount Yangantau has been a natural monument since 1965.

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Bashkir encyclopedia. Ch. ed. M. A. Ilgamov vol. 7. F-Ya. 2011. −624 p. scientific. ed. Bashkir Encyclopedia, Ufa.

see also

  • Yanardag (mountain) - a burning mountain in Azerbaijan, with torches of natural underground gas.
  • Chimera (mountain) - a burning mountain in Turkey, with torches of natural underground gas.
  • Burning mountains - smoking mountains of coal in the Amur region of Russia.
  • Burning Mountain is a mountain in Australia.



An excerpt characterizing Yangantau (mountain)

Do you mean "downstairs"? Realizing what she was talking about, I immediately asked.
Stella nodded.
- What did you lose there?
“Oh, I didn’t lose, I found it!” the little girl exclaimed triumphantly. “Remember, I told you that there are good entities there too, but you didn’t believe me then?”
Frankly, I didn’t really believe even now, but, not wanting to offend my happy girlfriend, I nodded in agreement.
- Well, now you will believe it! .. - Stella said contentedly. - Went?
This time, apparently having already gained some experience, we easily “slid” down the “floors”, and I again saw a depressing picture very similar to those seen before ...
Some black, stinking slurry was champing underfoot, and streams of muddy, reddish water were flowing from it... The scarlet sky was getting dark, blazing with bloody reflections of the glow, and, hovering still very low, drove the crimson mass of heavy clouds somewhere. .. And those, not yielding, hung heavy, swollen, pregnant, threatening to give birth to a terrible, sweeping waterfall... From time to time, a wall of brown-red, opaque water broke through from them with a booming roar, hitting the ground so hard that it seemed the sky is falling...
The trees stood naked and featureless, lazily moving their drooping, thorny branches. Farther behind them stretched a bleak, burnt-out steppe, lost in the distance behind a wall of dirty, gray fog... True, it did not cause the slightest pleasure to make one want to look at it ... The whole landscape evoked horror and longing, seasoned with hopelessness ...
- Oh, how scary it is here ... - Stella whispered, shivering. – No matter how many times I come here, I just can’t get used to it... How do these poor things live here?!
- Well, probably, these "poor things" were too guilty once if they ended up here. After all, no one sent them here - they just got what they deserved, right? Still not giving up, I said.
“Now look…” Stella whispered mysteriously.
Before us suddenly appeared a cave overgrown with grayish greenery. And out of it, squinting, stepped out a tall, stately man who in no way fit into this miserable, chilling landscape ...
- Hello, Sad! Stella greeted the stranger affectionately. - I brought a friend! She does not believe that good people can be found here. And I wanted to show you to her... You don't mind, do you?
- Hello, dear... - the man answered sadly, - Yes, I'm not so good to show me to someone. You are right...
Oddly enough, but this sad man I really liked something right away. He exuded strength and warmth, and it was very pleasant to be near him. In any case, he did not in any way resemble those weak-willed, heartbroken people who surrendered to the mercy of fate with whom this “floor” was packed.
“Tell us your story, sad person…” Stella asked with a light smile.
“Yes, there is nothing to tell there, and there is nothing special to be proud of ...” the stranger shook his head. - And what do you need it for?
For some reason, I felt very sorry for him... Even without knowing anything about him, I was already almost sure that this person could not have done something really bad. Well, I just couldn’t!.. Stella, smiling, followed my thoughts, which she apparently liked very much ...

Legends say that once a huge tree grew on Mount Yangantau in Bashkiria. Once lightning struck him, the tree caught fire, and the fire went deep down its roots and everything burns there and burns ...

The fire burns without fading

To be honest, it is difficult to call this elevation a mountain: the height of Yangantau above the valley of the Yuryuzan River, which flows nearby, is 160 meters. Rather, it is an elongated hill. But there are plenty of high ones, but there is probably no more like this one.

The famous scientist and traveler Peter Simon Pallas, who visited here 250 years ago, was amazed: hot steam rises from the cracks, which at night is illuminated from the depths of the mountain by fire. If you throw dry chips into a crevice, they burn on the fly!

“An ordinary dormant volcano,” you might shrug your shoulders. But the fact of the matter is that here, as they say, there is no smell of a volcano. Mount Yangantau lies far from all seismically active zones; no traces of ancient eruptions have been found either on it or in the region. Nevertheless…

Something inside it has been burning for more than one century. Scientists have found out: the main "furnace" lies at a depth of 60-90 meters. In it, the temperature reaches 380 °, and for the steam going outside - up to 150 °. Putting a pot or a frying pan on the crevice, one could cook dinner!

Why and from what?

Intrigued experts have been conducting research and observations here for many years. They did not come close to unraveling, although they put forward up to a dozen hypotheses.

Some believe that layers of porous rocks are burning - shale, which contain mountain resins. Others speak of some vigorous oxidation of iron salts. Still others talk about a natural nuclear reaction.

The current name of Yangantau (translated from the Bashkir as “burning or burnt mountain”) is not the first. Some old-timers call it in the old way - Karagosh-Tau (Berkutova Mountain). They say that in 1758 lightning struck the mountain, a fire broke out on the slope, which spread inland. So the legend with which we started the story may have a real basis.

However, there is no unanimity among experts. Geologists do not exclude heating by underground radioactive heat and even the fall of a meteorite, which could also ignite the underground "furnace".

At a depth of seven meters, scientists discovered a massive ingot of cast iron. Probably, there was a very hot hearth here, which smelted the metal from the surrounding ore. Then, as it cooled, the hearth went deeper and deeper.

In winter, combustion intensifies, in summer it weakens. For some reason, hot gases on one slope come out mixed with water vapor, and on the other side of the mountain - the same gases, but devoid of moisture. It seems that the aquifer is heated in the depths, and even the underground stream boils away.

cold hot

A children's game with this name is reminiscent of walking on a fire-breathing mountain.

Almost half a century ago, the pearl of Bashkortostan was declared a natural monument. But even before that, tourists and lovers of unusual phenomena did not forget it. Moreover, it is easily achievable - only one hundred and fifty kilometers from Ufa.

In addition, Yuryuzan is one of the most famous water tourism routes. A stop at the foot of the mountain, a hike along its “heated” slopes give the route a special attraction. The slopes of the mountain are picturesque all year round - meadows, forests, rocky steppes. Snow here, as you might guess, does not happen: falling out, it immediately melts.

For a long time, the warmth emanating from the depths of the mountain was considered by the locals to be healing. Having dug up the soil, they lay down on hot spots, warming the body to the bone. Doctors also confirmed the therapeutic effect of warm water vapor - it turned out that they contain a whole "bouquet" of chemicals.

In 1937, the Yangan-Tau sanatorium was founded on the slope. At first it was a modest hospital. Sitting on chairs in wooden booths, patients warmed up their joints and muscles. Over the years, the resort has grown in strength and popularity. Wells have been built, which intercept hot gases already at a depth and supply them to the steam baths. Waters rich in hydrogen sulfide and radon were brought in from nearby springs. Now here is the real one year-round resort where they heal and treat a variety of diseases.

Since Mount Yangantau does not have an underground supply of fire and “fuel”, then, most likely, the time will come when its furnaces burn out and go out. Let's hope this happens very, very soon.

Did you know where is Lake Huron, which is one of the five great lakes in the United States?

Several hundred years ago, the amazing properties of Yangantau Mountain were discovered by an old shepherd who was grazing his sheep on the slope of this mountain. On one of the rainy autumn days, in order to hide from the rain, he climbed into a crevice at the root of a large tree, laid dry leaves and branches on the bottom of the pit, lay down and fell asleep. And when I woke up, I was surprised to find that warm steam was rising from the bottom of the crevice. The shepherd remembered this place, he often began to visit here - to warm the old bones. What were the joy and amazement of the shepherd when he noticed that the joints of his arms and legs, which had previously bothered him, had ceased to hurt, especially in rainy seasons...

Since that time, the mountain began to be called "Yangantau", which means "Burning" in Bashkir. The Bashkirs began to consider this mountain sacred, the pilgrimage of the sick began to it. And before that, the mountain was called Karakoshtau (Berkut Mountain). The Bashkirs called it that because there were a lot of golden eagles here. Despite the fact that local residents from time immemorial knew about the healing value of Mount Yangantau, the first mention of it in literature appeared in 1773 in the book P.S. Pallas"Journey through different provinces of the Russian Empire". In 1770, during an expedition through the territory of Bashkortostan, P.S. Pallas, on his way from Ufa to Chelyabinsk, visited Mount Yangantau.

Peter Simon Pallas

On May 26, 1770, he wrote in his diary: “From open cracks, crevices, a thin, trembling steam constantly rises against the sun, which you cannot touch with your hand: birch bark or dry wood chips thrown there in one minute ignited with a flame, in bad weather and on dark nights it seems to be a thin red flame or fiery a ferry several arshins high".

He explained the reason for the formation of such a “hot steam” by an underground fire. According to the stories of local residents, 12 - 15 years before visiting the mountain P.S. Pallas , during a thunderstorm, lightning struck a tall tree on top, it caught fire and, according to the scientist, the fire, transmitted through its roots, caused a fire in the bowels of the earth.

Theodosius NikolaevichChernyshev

In 1881, the academician visited the mountain F.N. Chernyshev. The temperature that F.N. Chernyshev measured in places of heat release did not exceed 35 - 37 °, and he explained this by hydrochemical processes with heat separation. Later observations made by Chernyshev in 1883, 1884, 1885 forced him to change his mind. In 1886, in the published report "On research carried out in the area adjacent to the Kara-Tau ridge," he writes that "it is more reasonable to explain everything that has been said by the existence of an underground fire." In 1892 and 1895, A.Ya. made his observations on Mount Yangantau. Gordyagin. He singled out 5 "fire (thermal) sites". In the future, we have information about the mountain from E.M. Yanishevsky, who visited the mountain with P. Ozhegov in 1893. They also tend to consider the underground fire to be the cause of thermal phenomena on Mount Yangantau. Visiting the mountain in 1907-1909 S.S. Petrov adheres to the opinion expressed by F.N. Chernyshev, and explains the thermal anomaly by exothermic reactions going inside the mountain. The first mention in the literature about the use of heat for medicinal purposes: in 1914, an article was published in the journal "Bulletin of the Orenburg Educational District".

After the October Revolution, studies of the Yangantau thermal anomaly were continued and were already carried out in order to study the possibility of practical use of heat. In the Soviet period, the Bashkir scientist-geologist, Professor G.V. Vakhrushev. He repeatedly visited Yangantau (1926, 1953, 1956, 1957), wrote many articles about the geological structure of the mountain, its hydrogeology, thermal phenomena occurring in the depths of the mountain. If initially (1927) G.V. Vakhrushev adhered to the theory of an underground fire, then later (1957) he put forward a radioactive hypothesis, according to which the thermal phenomena of Yangantau can be caused by radioactive heat rising from great depths along a crack that divides the Karatau ridge into Mount Yangantau. In 1932, as part of an expedition of the regional health department, Mount Yangantau was visited by the then well-known German spa scientist A. Bikkel, who spoke out for the possible magmatic origin of thermal gases: vapors of juvenile water rise from deep zones of the earth's crust, similar to that released during active volcanic processes. A new period of study of Mount Yangantau began in 1932 with the work of the Bashkir Geological Exploration Trust. A topographic survey of the mountain was carried out, a chemical analysis of steam and dry gas jets was carried out, and the first exploration well 70 meters deep was drilled. In 1933, the Ural-Siberian hydrogeological party, conducted by A.I. Dzens-Litovsky, who admitted the possibility of starting the process with lightning. Since 1934, the expedition of the State Central Research Institute of Balneology, which studied the physicochemical properties of vapors and gases, began to study the problem of the thermal anomaly of the mountain. According to the expedition, the temperature of gases in cracks near the earth's surface reached 151°C in some places. The expedition comes to the conclusion that in order to clarify the essence of thermal anomalies and the healing properties of the Yangantau mountain, it is first necessary to organize clinical observation on the mountain of patients treated there, and after clarifying the healing properties, carry out geological exploration. In the 20s of the twentieth century, mass visits to the mountain for medicinal purposes began. Back in 1925, at the foot of the mountain, the Chulpan commune built a wooden house - a hospital for the release of thermal procedures to the sick, built a small wooden hut - a hostel for the sick, and began the economic exploitation of the mountain with the collection of fees for baths. In 1935, on Mount Yangantau, Bashnarkomzdrav built a room for a hospital with 15 summer beds. On April 2, 1937, the Presidium of the Central Executive Committee of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a resolution "On the construction of the Yangantau resort of the Maloyazovsky district." In the summer of this year, an experimental clinical station was organized on the mountain, which worked in the summer months of 1937, 1938 and 1939. The experimental clinical station was located at the very top of the mountain, and by the season of 1939 it had 11 buildings, including 3 houses for inpatients, 1 house for outpatients and offices, 1 house-kitchen, 1 house-laboratory, 1 house-hostel for workers and one bathroom building, 2 employee houses and 1 storage house. All houses are wooden and many are not plastered inside. In addition, 5 portable cabins were built for taking separate individual baths. The main task of the experimental clinical station was the clinical observation of the healing factors of Mount Yangantau. The following bases were organized at the station: an outpatient clinic; clinical department (hospital); laboratory; bathroom department. The outpatient clinic worked for 4 months. Patients with chronic arthritis, polyarthritis, neuritis were admitted. Some of the patients lived in the Chulpan collective farm. Most of the outpatients settled in huts next to the experimental clinical station. The clinical department had a hospital with 20 beds in 1937, 30 in 1938 and 40 in 1939. Patients with diseases of the joints and nerves were admitted.

The first buildings of the sanatorium Reception of steam baths

The opening of an experimental station on Yangantau, the development of the first method of treatment, indications and contraindications, the study of the effectiveness of treatment of patients, its scientific rationale, the development from a small hospital to a sanatorium and a modern health resort of the Republic of Bashkortostan is associated with the name of a prominent scientist, Honored Doctor of the RSFSR, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Geniatulla Nigmatullovich Teregulov (1891 - 1984). He was also the first director of the experimental clinical station and its supervisor. Collected by him during 1937 - 1939. scientific material on the study of the influence of Yangantau baths on the body of the patient G.N. Teregulov summarized in the monograph "The warm mountain of Yangantau and its therapeutic value in diseases of the joints" (1941).

G.N. Teregulov for almost four decades - until the end of his life - he was a permanent consultant and scientific director of the Yangan-Tau resort.

Geniatulla NigmatullovichTeregulov

1938-1941 - chief doctor of the sanatorium S.Yu. Yulbaev. 1941-1945 - chief doctor of the sanatorium Gabidullin. (archival data is being specified).

During the Great Patriotic War, a branch of the evacuation hospital No. 2575 for 200 beds was organized in Yangan-Tau, where seriously wounded soldiers with gunshot injuries to the bones of the joints of the extremities were treated. Many fighters returned to service after treatment at Yangan-Tau.

In 1945, on Mount Yangantau, the Ministry of Health of the Bashkir ASSR created a sanatorium for 100 people, which worked seasonally (from May 15 to September 15).

1945-1947 - chief physician of the sanatorium S.Yu. Yulbaev. 1947-1950 - chief physician of the Kuramshina sanatorium. (archival data is being specified).

On June 18, 1953, the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR approved a project for geological work on Mount Yangantau, on the basis of which, in 1953-61, the Roskurortgeoparty of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR carried out a large research work led by mining engineer V.V. Shtilmark. 12 wells were drilled with a depth of 18 to 36 m, and one - 106 m (well 5u). During the study, a general pattern was revealed for all wells: an increase in temperature as it deepens and after reaching a certain maximum, it decreases again. The maximum temperature was recorded at a depth of 80 m (5y) - 377.8°. Above and below this level, the temperature decreases. The temperature at the bottom (depth 106.1 m) drops to 245°. As a result of these studies, it was found that according to the content of carbon dioxide, moisture and temperature, thermal gases are divided into three main types: %), with high temperature (120-140 °C). 2. Carbon dioxide-oxygen-nitrogen (steam) with CO2 content less than 5.5%, high humidity (100%) and high temperature (up to 70°C). 3. Carbon dioxide-nitrogen (deep) gases of the thermal core with a high content of CO2 (more than 5.5%) are characterized by weak dynamics, their production even in small quantities presents certain difficulties. Based on the analysis, a new hypothesis of the origin of thermal phenomena was put forward, according to which heat release is a consequence of the exothermic oxidation of organic substances contained in the bituminous rocks of the mountain. The calculations performed showed that the reserves of organic matter untouched by oxidation are quite significant and can provide a thermal-oxidative process for a long time. According to G.V. Vakhrushev (1961), this process will continue for another 850 - 1700 years, and according to the hypothesis of V.V. Shtilmark (1958) as a result of the process that began in the bowels of the mountain 20 - 25 thousand years ago, no more than one third of the original stock of organic matter has been used up to date.

Fedorov Georgy Petrovich. Born in 1896 in the Pskov region in the village

Vasilyevo in a peasant family. Since 1911 he began his labor activity. In 1917 he was mobilized into the tsarist army. In March 1918, he voluntarily joined the Red Army in the commandant's detachment for special purposes, participated in the defeat of Kolchak as a private, political worker, secretary of the party bureau of the special detachment. In 1925 he was demobilized.

In 1949, he was formalized by transfer through the Ministry of Health of the BASSR as an assistant to the chief physician for the economic part of the Yangan-Tau sanatorium. In 1950 he was transferred to the position of director of the sanatorium. In 1953, due to family circumstances and at his personal request, he was transferred to the sanatorium named after T .S. Aksakov for the same position.

After Fedorov G.P. Goryachev S.P., Smyshlyaev P.I. worked as the chief doctors of the sanatorium.

Ivanov Nikolay Dmitrievich. Born in 1917 in the Belebeevsky district in a peasant family. In 1925-1934 he studied at school. In 1937-1938 he studied at the Ufa Medical School. In 1939-1946 he worked as a military paramedic. In 1947 he entered the Bashkir Medical Institute, and in 1952, upon graduation, he was sent to work at Yangan-Tau.

Nikolai Dmitrievich worked as the chief physician of the Yangan-Tau sanatorium until 1957. In March 1957, the Council of Ministers of the Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic adopted a Resolution (No. 795) “On the expansion and improvement of the Yangantau resort”. The construction of two stone two-story dormitory buildings, a water-steam clinic, an electric power station, a sanitary inspection room, a laundry, and a material and technical warehouse begins.

For the first time, the resort is moving to year-round operation.

Baikov Zakir Shakirovich. Born in 1924. From the 9th grade he went to the front. After the war, he graduated from high school and entered the Bashkir Medical Institute. After graduating from the institute, he was sent to the Yangan-Tau sanatorium as the chief physician. (1957). The attending physician was his wife Baikova Rima Bagdanurovna, who did all the medical work alone, there were no other doctors.

Fayzullina Khaniya Safiullovna. She worked as the chief physician of the sanatorium in 1959-1961.

Sergeeva Lidia Mikhailovna. Born in the Novosibirsk region. In 1938 she graduated from 10 classes and entered the Omsk Medical Institute. At the end of the institute, she was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army. In 1961 she moved to Bashkiria. She worked as an intern at the Yangantau sanatorium. Since November 1961 she was transferred to the post of chief physician. She retired on October 3, 1962 for health reasons.

Rashit ShagabutdinovichAkbashev

Akbashev Rashit Shagabutdinovich. He was born on May 29, 1933 in the village of Adzitarovo, Karmaskalinsky district, Bashkir ASSR, in a peasant family.

In 1954-56 he studied at the Military Medical Faculty of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute.

In 1956, he was the head of the Tryapinskaya ambulatory (BASSR).

From 1962 to 1994 he worked as the chief physician of the Yangan-Tau sanatorium.

Monographs: "Healing factors of the Yangantau resort" (1973), "Home doctor" (1997). Four popular science books: "Yangantau Resort". More than 100 scientific papers (articles) have been published.

In 1965, on the basis of the project developed by the Leningrad branch of the Design Institute of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, the construction of a typical sanatorium began on Mount Yangantau, which was carried out by large construction organizations of the Republic (Vostoknefteprovodstroy, Bashselstroy, Bashneftezavodstroy, etc.).

Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" 1968

In 1970 Farkhutdinov Raul Gilmutdinovich on the basis of the Yangan-Tau sanatorium, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the treatment of patients with glomerulonephritis at the Yangan-Tau resort. Thanks to this work, the treatment of patients with a renal profile was organized for the first time in Yangan-Tau.

Great importance in the further development of Yangantau is associated with a visit to the resort in the summer of 1981 by A.I. Shebaev, Chairman of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions. together with the First Secretary of the Bashkir Regional Committee of the CPSU Shakirov M.Z. A joint Decree was adopted by the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Bashkir Regional Committee of the CPSU on the further development of the sanatorium and resort business in the Republic, including the Yangan-Tau resort.

Sleeping buildings No. 1; 2; 3; 4 and 5, canteens for 350 and 500 seats, and the Arkaul-Yangantau gas pipeline were built. In 1989, a 100-bed "Mother and Child" department was opened to treat children with kidney and urinary tract diseases.

In 1967 - R.Sh.Akbashev was awarded the title of "Honored Doctor of the Bashkir ASSR".

In 1975, Rashit Shagabutdinovich defended his dissertation for the degree of candidate of medical sciences.

In 1987, the Yangan-Tau sanatorium was recognized as the best in the USSR. For the 50th anniversary of the sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" a popular science film "YANGANTAU" was created. The film premiered on Central Television.

In 1992, the dormitory building No. 5 (now 1 building) for 200 beds, built by the forces and means of the USSR Ministry of Transport and Construction, was put into operation. The number of beds in the sanatorium increased from 125 in 1962 to 1,000 beds in 1993. Simultaneously with the creation of the medical base (1962 - 1993) of the resort, over the years, comfortable residential buildings with 250 apartments were built for the employees of the sanatorium, high school, a nursery-garden for 50 places, trade and consumer services enterprises.

In 1991-92, the Austrian architect Rudolf Scheicher developed a project for the construction of a new medical complex with the inclusion of the building of the steam-hospital in the Yangan-Tau resort.

In 1992-1995, in order to raise funds for the further development of the Yangan-Tau resort, Teplaya Gora CJSC was formed, which included the largest industrial enterprises and banks of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The collected funds were used to order a project for the global reconstruction of the health resort. (Construction of the steam clinic will start later. In a short time - just one year - a new modern steam clinic will be built and put into operation).

In 1983, at the VIII Congress of the All-Union Society of Balneologists and Physiotherapists, R.Sh.Akbashev was elected a member of the Board of the Society.

From 1982 to 1994 - member of the Central Council for the management of the resort of trade unions.

In 1990 he was elected a people's deputy of the RSFSR.

In 1992-1995, concurrently, he was elected Executive Director of CJSC Teplaya Gora.

In 1993 - "Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation".

From 1994 to the present - Member of the World Medical Scientific Society of Balneologists and Climatologists (health resort specialists).

Awarded: Order "Badge of Honor", medals: "For labor prowess"; "For valiant labor"; "In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the birth of V.I. Lenin", "Veteran of Labor"; "For merits in the development of resorts in Russia"; "60 Years of Victory in the Great Patriotic War".

Honorary titles: "Excellent worker in healthcare", "Excellent worker in resorts of trade unions of the USSR".

Certificates of honor: the Central Committee of the CPSU, the Council of Ministers of the USSR, the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions and the Central Committee of the Komsomol; Lenin's letter of the Central Committee of the Komsomol; Central Council for the Management of Resorts of Trade Unions (1967, 1983); Editorial office of the publishing house of the newspaper "Trud"; Board of the society "Knowledge" of the RSFSR and BASSR; Central Committee DOSAAF USSR; Bashkir Republican Peace Committee; the Presidium of the Bashkir Regional Council of Trade Unions, the Bashsovetkurort and the Regional Committee of Medical Workers; Salavat RK CPSU and the executive committee of the district council; letters of thanks from the Bashkir Republican organization of the society "Knowledge".

In 2012 - R.Sh. Akbashev was awarded the title of "Honorary Citizen of the Salavat District of the Republic of Bashkortostan".Chairman of the Council of Veterans of the sanatorium "Yangan-Tau".

Rashit Shagabutdinovich Akbashev- a great connoisseur of local legends. It was he who revived the famous legend about a shepherd who, in severe weather, found refuge - in the warm steam rising from the bottom of the pit - a crevasse on Berkutova Gora. After several overnight stays, the joints of his arms and legs stopped hurting ... Akbashev was also told the following legend: they say, long ago, in the era of the mythical youth of the world, a dazzling star once fell on Yangantau. It crumbled on the rocks, the trees around flared up and a fire went up the slopes. Further, further...

And so, quite recently, on February 15, 2013, a cosmic body flew over Mount Yangantau like a fiery comet and fell quite close, into Lake Chebarkul (from Bashk. "Beautiful Lake").

And twenty years ago, in September 1985, while digging a foundation pit for a swimming pool, workers extracted an unusual object from the bedrock deposits of the "Tandak suite of the Lower Permian age", which turned out to be part of a rare meteorite. It was so heavy (several hundred kilograms) that it was not possible to get it entirely. They managed to break off several pieces from the "mother's body" - sections from one of them were transferred to the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (Moscow) and to the special. Research Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR (Kyiv).

Part of a meteorite recovered from bedrock deposits of the "tandak suite perm".Location of the meteorite

Really, the fiery messenger of the sky once ignited the mountain, and the people's memory preserved this event? The discovery of a meteorite on Mount Yangantau near the existing thermal core of the mountain may shed light on the riddle of the mountain's heat. It is possible that the fall of the meteorite and the thermal and impact energy brought by it during the fall could affect the mode and intensity of the thermal processes occurring in the bowels of this unique mountain, which gives people its healing warmth.

Khuramshin Ishtimir Shagalievich. Born on August 15, 1951 in the village of 1st Idelbaevo, Salavatsky district of the BASSR. In 1968 he graduated from the Arkaul high school and entered the Bashkir State Medical Institute, after which he worked as a neurologist, head of a department in district and city hospitals. Studied in residency, graduate school. He defended his PhD thesis.

From 1994 to 2001 he worked as the chief physician of the Yangan-Tau resort.

In 2007, Ishtimer Khuramshin published the book “Formation of the heat-generating process and therapeutic factors of the Yangan-Tau resort”, intended for balneologists and physiotherapists, which outlines a hypothesis about the origin and formation of the heat-generating process in the depths of Mount Yangantau, determines the cause of thermal depression and gives a prediction.

Khuramshin Ishtimer Shagalievich awarded the honorary title "Honored Doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan".

During the work of Ishtimer Shagalievich, the following were built: the building of a modern steam hospital (designed by the Austrian architect Rudolf Shaikher); Building No. 6 (1996); Leisure Center (1998). In 1994 - 1995, new residential buildings were completed, a garage - something that had been started under the previous leadership.

A new Yangantau secondary school and a four-apartment house for teachers were put into operation.

In 1996, the Chulpan inter-collective farm dispensary was attached to the sanatorium and a global reconstruction was carried out.

On the occasion of the 55th anniversary of the Great Victory, a granite memorial complex was erected, dedicated to the memory and heroic deed of front-line soldiers - residents of the village and villages on the territory of the Yangantau village council.

Withdrawn documentary about the sanatorium "Yangan-Tau", in Russian and English, - about the life and activities of the unique health resort.

The artistic and decorative composition "Memorial Sign" dedicated to the visit to Mount Yangantau, on May 26, 1770, was installed by Academician P.S. Pallas, who spoke about it in his book "Journey to Different Provinces of the Russian Empire" (1773).

The decorative composition installed in front of the "Memorial Sign" was also turned to the amazing properties of the Burning Mountain.

On May 6, 2000, the First President of the Republic of Bashkortostan Murtaza Gubaidullovich Rakhimov signed the Decree "On measures to develop the sanatorium and resort system of the Republic of Belarus", which approved a fundamentally new concept for the development of Bashkir health resorts. The main goal of the Concept developed on behalf of the republican government was the creation of a modern unified sanatorium-resort complex.

Badretdinov Ramil Rafailovich Born on January 17, 1958 in the village of Yelanysh, Mechetlinsky district of the BASSR. He graduated from the Bashkir State Medical Institute in 1982 (with a degree in Sanitation, Hygiene, Epidemiology) and the Bashkir State Agrarian University in 1996 (with a degree in Animal Science).

In 2001-2012 - director of the State Unitary Enterprise sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" of the Republic of Belarus. Lieutenant General of the Tax Police. Honored Lawyer of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Honorary Tax Police Officer.

Awarded: Order "Salavat Yulaev"; "Order of Friendship of Peoples"; Medal "For labor valor"; medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland, II degree"; Diploma of the Republic of Bashkortostan"; Diploma of the State Assembly-Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan; Diploma of the Government of the Republic of Bashkortostan; Diploma of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Diploma of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Since 2012, Engels Varisovich Kulmukhametov has been the director of the State Unitary Enterprise Sanatorium Yangan-Tau of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Candidate of Economic Sciences. Member of the State Assembly-Kurultai of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

The standards provided in the sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" in the field of product quality (goods, services) for 2012 brought the first place in the competition for the Prize of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan and were awarded a diploma of the First degree and the cup of the President of the Republic of Belarus. The sanatorium has become the only sanatorium-resort enterprise, the indicators of which put it on the same level with the leading industrial enterprises and organizations of the republic.

The construction of the Mud baths and a modern SPA center with a phytobar and a full range of health services has been completed.

On the occasion of the 75th anniversary, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sanatorium-resort treatment and medical rehabilitation" was held.

A memorial book "Yangantau - the miraculous mountain" was published.

A historical and educational film about the unique health resort on the Burning Mountain has been created.

The historical and local history museum of the Yangan-Tau resort was recreated and reconstructed. A newly restored marble bust of the founder and first head of the health resort, Geniatulla Nigmatullovich Teregulov, found its special place in the landscape park of the sanatorium.

The originally decorated maritime museum "Caravel" was opened. Of great interest to the guests of the resort is a unique collection of exhibits representing the outlandish world of the inhabitants of the deep sea.

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“From the open cracks of the clefts, an incessantly thin vapor rises, trembling against the sun, which is impossible to touch with a hand; the birch bark thrown there or dry chips in one minute ignited with a flame; in bad weather and on dark nights, it seems like a red flame or a fiery vapor several arshins high, ”wrote academician and traveler Pyotr Simon Pallas more than 200 years ago about an unusual mountain in Bashkiria.

A long time ago, Mount Yangantau was called differently: Karagosh-Tau or Berkutova Mountain. According to the good old tradition, "what I see, I call it." In order for the mountain to be renamed, some exceptional event had to occur. They say that this event even has an exact date: 1758. Lightning struck the mountain, all the trees and bushes on the southern slope caught fire. Since then, the mountain has become known under the name of Yangantau (Yangan-tau), translated from the Bashkir as “burnt mountain”. The Russians changed the name slightly: Burnt Mountain. However, despite the wide popularity and absolute uniqueness of Yangantau, the locals still remember the old name, Karagosh-tau, and still use it.


In the Salavatsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan, 150 km from Ufa, there is a complex geological natural monument of federal rank.

Translated from the Bashkir, Yangan-Tau means Burnt Mountain. It is a section of a steep high side river valleys Yuryuzani, rising above the river level by 160 m.

It is composed of rocks of the Sakmarian and Artinsk stages of the lower part of the Permian system, crumpled into folds. Structurally, the territory of the GSP is located on the southern outskirts of the Bashkir arch, bounded by a deep fault, along which the valley of the r. Yuryuzan.

The amplitude of displacement of rocks along the fault reaches several kilometers.

Yangantau is one of the most unique and famous places in the republic.

The word "yangantau" is translated from Bashkir as "burnt mountain" and this is no accident.

The fact is that this mysterious mountain has been on fire for several centuries!

The height of Mount Yangantau is small - only 504 meters above sea level.

She became famous for the fact that hot jets of steam always come out of the cracks on the top of the mountain. Hot gases rise to the surface through cracks in the mountain, the temperature of which at the outlet ranges from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters, the temperature reaches 380 degrees!


Warmth always came from the mountain (hence another name, Warm Mountain), but lightning and fire released a hidden process to the surface of the earth, which continued in the depths of the mountain for millennia. Well, the competent scientist Pallas wrote down / described everything in time. Since then, Mount Yangantau has been known as a geothermal phenomenon: hot steam and gases are constantly emitted from its depths. In the local vapors, an increased content of resins, phenols and ammonia was found. The temperature of the outgoing gases ranges from +37 to +150°C. The heating zone is hidden 60-80 meters below the surface of the mountain. In total, five “thermal sites” were counted on Yangantau, the highest temperature is observed on the “burnt” southern slope.


The heat generating process continues today. So, it is more correct to call "Yangan-Tau" in Bashkir "Yanyusy-Tau" or "Yanyp torgan tau", that is, "Burning Mountain". It turns out that the current name is not entirely accurate. During the fire, according to PS Pallas, the fire was open. Although if the heat-generating process was then the same as it is today, as some scientists say, then it can be argued that it has been going on for many millennia. Most likely, the first Bashkir settlers, feeling the heat coming from the mountain, called it Yyly-Tau, that is, Warm Mountain, or Dymly-Tau, Byuly-Tau, Parly-Tau, that is, "mountain with steam", in extreme cases - Byskak-Tau, which means "smoldering mountain."

Burning mountains are not uncommon, but the burning process is always associated with volcanic activity. In addition to the Bashkir phenomenon: the area where Yangantau is located is far from volcanic zones. In other words, there are no volcanoes here and, most importantly, there never have been.

Since the time of Pallas, science has not found an explanation for the nature of the gas-geothermal phenomenon of Mount Yangantau. There were many versions, up to radioactive decay (by the way, there is indeed a radioactive mineral spring Kurgazak near Yangantau). Until recently, the most plausible was the “bituminous hypothesis”: bituminous shale in the bowels of the mountain slowly oxidizes under the action of air penetrating through the cracks, during this reaction heat is released, which rises through the cracks to the surface in the form of hot steam.

The results of recent studies speak in favor of the combustion of hydrocarbons and allow us to draw an analogy with the processes occurring inside the burning coal heaps. In any case, the process is clearly complex, in which all components are involved, from the composition of rocks to the direction of the wind. Interestingly, a natural cast iron ingot was found at a depth of 7 meters. V.N.Puchkov and R.F.Abdrakhmanov (Institute of Geology, USC RAS) suggested that the ingot is the result of an absolutely unique natural metallurgical process. It is possible that initially the temperature of the combustion center was very high, and the center itself was located near the surface of the earth. Then the temperature began to fall, and the hearth went deep into the mountains.

At a depth of 60-80 meters in the bowels of a burning mountain there is a thermal core, it is heated to 400 degrees. Through the cracks in the body of the mountain, hot gases rise to the surface, where they are intercepted by the wells of the steam baths. It is also interesting that on the one hand, in the near-top part, the Yangan-Tau mountain emits hot vapors, and on the other, dry gases of almost the same temperature. What it is connected with is also still a mystery. It is also known that the mountain burns more strongly in winter than in summer. And in the cold it gives more warmth. Research is complicated by the fact that deep drilling can upset the unique balance, and the mountain simply goes out.



The Bashkirs explain the mountain phenomenon in their own way.

The Bashkirs tell a legend that in ancient times, when people did not yet know fire, fire came down from heaven on Yangantau, and people spread it from here all over the earth. In ancient times, the Bashkirs (like all the ancient Turks) professed Tengrianism, in the pantheon of gods of which there was also a god of fire. It was from this god that people received fire.

According to the second legend, several centuries ago, lightning struck a tree on top of a mountain. The tree completely burned down, then the fire went through the roots deep into the mountain.

Since then, an unquenchable fire has been burning inside her. The Bashkirs considered the fire inside the mountain to be sacred, divine.

According to the third legend, one autumn, a shepherd who got wet and chilled, exhausted, took shelter from the rain on a mountainside in a depression at the root of an old tree. The tired shepherd fell asleep soundly, and when he woke up, he noticed that warm steam was rising from the bottom of the pit. Subsequently, the already middle-aged shepherd came here more than once. Soon, his painful joints stopped tormenting him and his strength increased noticeably ...

In our time, a statue of a shepherd was even erected on the top of the mountain - in memory of the discoverer of the Ural miracle. Today, the modest monument has been sent for restoration, and the hot streams exhaled by the mountain are no longer visible behind the modern outlines of the popular hospital. Modern buildings and paved paths do not remind you that at a depth of only 60 meters a giant cauldron is boiling under your feet.

It was in these parts that the legendary hero of the Bashkir people Salavat Yulaev was born and raised.


In 1770, Mount Yamantau was visited by an academic expedition led by Academician P.S. Pallas. Shocked by what he saw, the scientist wrote:

“From the open cracks (clefts) rises constantly thin, trembling against the sun, hot steam, which it is impossible to touch with a hand, the birch bark thrown there or dry chips ignited in one minute with a flame, in bad weather and on dark nights it seems to be a thin red flame or a fireball a few arshins high. But behind all that, nowhere on the mountain is there a sulfuric or coal smell, and the steam coming out of the pits has no odorous properties in itself ...

The Bashkirs say that in these burnt places not only there is no snow in winter, but also that the whole neighborhood is constantly green ... "

Mount Yangantau

At the beginning of the 20th century, the news about the healing properties of the gases of the Yangan-Tau mountain spread far beyond the surrounding villages, and visiting the mountain for healing became widespread.

In 1935, by the decision of the People's Commissariat of Health of Bashkiria, the first health resort was built on the mountain - a hospital house for 15 beds. For the first time, a doctor was sent here to monitor the patients being treated.

Sanatorium "Yangan-Tau" It was founded on April 2, 1937, with the launch of an experimental clinical station with a hospital for 20 beds. The first thermal baths were small depressions in the places where steam and gas escaped, where patients sat on stools installed in wooden "cabins".

In 1957, the sanatorium switched to year-round operation.

A new stage in the development of "Yangan-Tau" is associated with the adoption in 1990 of the "Declaration on the state sovereignty of the Republic of Bashkortostan" and the formation of the statehood of the republic. Thanks to the policy of the President of the Republic of Bashkortostan M.G. Rakhimov and the care of the Government of the Republic of Belarus, the appearance of the sanatorium acquired a modern look.


Currently, Mount Yangantau has the status of a natural monument.

The Yuryuzan River, popular for tourist rafting, flows under the mountain.

It is widely known for its picturesque rocks, caves, archaeological finds.

This river is associated with the Bashkir national hero Salavat Yulaev.


According to a recent analysis, the water of the Kurgazak spring is close to the famous Caucasian mineral waters. Water contains more than 20 components: iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, titanium, beryllium, molybdenum, chromium, silicon, as well as a unique natural microflora. For the original chemical composition, it is also called living water.

The influence of Yangan-Tau extends far beyond the low, but such an interesting mountain. Further along the Yuryuzan River is the village of Kuselyarovo. There is a hydrogen sulfide lake here, which does not freeze even in 40-degree frost. The brackish water that the local cows and horses love to drink is said to cure even eye trachoma. And after another one and a half kilometers from here, several hydrogen sulfide springs hit at once from under the steep slope of Yuryuzan!

The uniqueness of such sources is that within a few minutes after reaching the surface, the water reacts with air and loses its healing properties during transportation. This applies primarily to lake mud.

Here and there, deposits of ancient marine deposits - sapropels - are found. And according to the original theory of one of the local historians, the unusual properties of the burning mountain, the healing power of the mineral spring and the Kuselyarovsky hydrogen sulfide mud are the result of a global cataclysm that happened in ancient times in the valley of modern Yuryuzan. And all these anomalous points that bring health to a person are connected together.


Mount Yangantau is located in the Salavatsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Distances from major cities:

Ufa - 180 km, Chelyabinsk - 320 km,

Yekaterinburg - 430 km, Perm - 400 km, Tyumen - 750 km, Kurgan - 585 km

GPS coordinates:


N 55°17"55"; E 58°07"54"

By car, you need to go along the Chelyabinsk - Ufa highway, then turn onto Kropachevo. Pass Karatavly, Maloyaz, Komsomol (the Kurgazak spring is located in it). Further, after crossing the bridge over the Yuryuzan River in the village of Chulpan, turn right and climb the mountain, which will be Yangantau.

By bus from Ufa (from the Northern bus station), Yekaterinburg or Chelyabinsk.



Types of transport:

Bus, Car

Description how to get there:

Mount Yangantau is located in the Salavatsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan. By car, you need to go along the Chelyabinsk - Ufa highway, then turn onto Kropachevo. Pass Karatavly, Maloyaz, Komsomol (the Kurgazak spring is located in it). Further, after crossing the bridge over the Yuryuzan River in the village of Chulpan, turn right and climb the mountain, which will be Yangantau. By bus from Ufa (from the Northern bus station), Yekaterinburg or Chelyabinsk. By train to the Kropachevo station, then by taxi or bus of the Yangan-Tau sanatorium. GPS coordinates: Yangantau: N 55°17"55"; E 58°07"54" Kurgazak: N 55°16"28"; E 58°08"09"

Distance from major cities:

Ufa - 180 km, Chelyabinsk - 320 km, Yekaterinburg - 430 km, Perm - 400 km, Tyumen - 750 km, Kurgan - 585 km

Minimum possible duration:

One day

Accommodation options:

Sanatorium, Hotel


3 kilometers south of the sanatorium in the village of Komsomol is the famous mineral spring Kurgazak. Mineral water The source rises along a tectonic fault from a depth of 600-800 meters. All year round, the water rising to the surface has the same temperature: +16 degrees. The water is slightly mineralized, almost no taste is felt. Nevertheless, the water contains many trace elements so necessary for the body, such as iron, manganese, phosphorus, zinc, copper, titanium, beryllium, molybdenum, chromium, silicon and others. Kurgazak water cleanses and strengthens the body, removes toxins, salts and even stones.

Types of recreation / entertainment:


Place value:

Good for photo, Natural

"Yangantau" is translated from Bashkir as "burnt mountain", and this is no accident. The fact is that this mysterious mountain has been on fire for several centuries!

The height of Mount Yangantau is small - only 504 meters above sea level. She became famous for the fact that hot jets of steam always come out of the cracks on the top of the mountain. Hot gases rise to the surface through cracks in the mountain, the temperature of which at the outlet ranges from +37 to +150 degrees, and in a well drilled to a depth of 90 meters, the temperature reaches 380 degrees! In total, five "hot" spots were found on the mountain. The researchers found that the highest temperature is on the southern slope of the mountain. This is despite the fact that there is no volcanic activity in these places. There is still no consensus among scientists explaining the phenomenon of the mysterious mountain Yangantau.

In April 1937, the first clinical station was opened here.

Natural thermal baths have a multifaceted analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect on the entire body, improve muscle tone, increase the range of motion in the joints, and have a positive effect on the microcirculation of internal organs.