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Map from the village of Tavatui to Yekaterinburg. Closest airports to Nizhny Tagil

According to the map, the distance from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg is 55 km. Our service allows you to work independently with the map above. Using this map, you can accurately build the route you need from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg, as well as find out the distance between these points. To decide how to get from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg, you should simply enter the point of departure and destination. After this, the system itself will find the shortest distance and present a possible travel plan (It is determined by constructing a route along roads). The road from the village of Tavatuy to Yekaterinburg is shown on the plan with a thick line. The map will show the settlements that you will meet on your way when driving along the Tavatui village - Yekaterinburg highway. The Tavatui-Ekaterinburg village route proposed on the schematic map is only one of the possible ones. You can make your way through any transit point you choose. To get acquainted with detailed information about settlements, forks, bridges, railway tracks and other objects on your way, you can use various functions, such as zooming in/out, switching layers (satellite, diagram, hybrid, folk map). Using the "ruler" function, you can determine the straight line distance to any point on the map. Some motorists prefer to use maps printed on paper. To print the route map, click on the "Print route" button.

All details of the road route from Nizhny Tagil (city district of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) on the road to the village of Tavatuy (Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia), indicating all intermediate points, settlements, distances and travel times between them.

Plan your route point by point in advance using our free online navigator.

Route intermediate point
Nizhny Tagil - Tavatuy village
Time and distance
to the next point
from the beginning of the route
from the beginning of the route
The starting point of your journey is Nizhny Tagil
Nizhny Tagil
Nizhny Tagil urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
Less than 1 minute
(0 km.)
Less than 1 minute 0 km
village of Nikolo-Pavlovskoye
23 minutes
(14.1 km.)
23 minutes 14.1 km
Lenevka village
Gornouralsk urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
3 minutes
(2.3 km.)
26 minutes 16.4 km
Tavatuy village
3 minutes
(2.7 km.)
30 minutes 19.1 km
Ayat village
Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
1 hours, 56 minutes
(95.3 km.)
2 hours, 27 minutes 114.4 km
Tavatuy village
Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
53 minutes
(15.1 km.)
3 hours, 20 minutes 129.5 km
The end point of your journey is the village of Tavatuy
Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia
We've arrived!

Weather for today (07-05-2019) in Nizhny Tagil

Weather forecast for 07-05-2019 for Nizhny Tagil, Nizhny Tagil urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia

Weather in Nizhny Tagil is loading...

Detailed weather forecast for the village of Tavatuy

Weather in the village of Tavatuy, Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia today, 05/07/2019

The weather for the village of Tavatuy is loading...

Closest airports to Tavatuy

The following airports and airfields are located near the village of Tavatuy, Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia:

Check the price and buy a ticket there

Closest airports to Nizhny Tagil

Airports and airfields located near Nizhny Tagil, Nizhny Tagil urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia:

  • Ekaterinburg (Ekaterinburg urban district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia);
  • Perm (Perm urban district, Perm region, Russia);
  • Chelyabinsk (Chelyabinsk urban district, Chelyabinsk region, Russia);
  • Tyumen (Tyumen urban district, Tyumen region, Russia);

Check the price and buy a return ticket

General information about the flight Nizhny Tagil - Tavatuy village

  • The plane distance between Nizhny Tagil and the village of Tavatuy is: 93.9 kilometers.
  • Flight time to the village of Tavatuy from Nizhny Tagil is 12 minutes (and by train 43 minutes).
  • The cheapest air ticket from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Tavatuy, found by our users today (05/07/2019), costs 52 euros.

Cheap air tickets from Nizhny Tagil to Tavatuy village

In order to get to the village of Tavatuy (Nevyansky district, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) from Nizhny Tagil (city district of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, Russia) by plane, you can choose the flight that suits you and buy an inexpensive air ticket.

the site found for you the most inexpensive air tickets from Nizhny Tagil to the village of Tavatui, comparing the cost of an air ticket to the village of Tavatui in 68 agencies, 17 booking systems and 728 airlines. Where exactly to buy plane tickets from Nizhny Tagil is your choice.

we're flying out
we're arriving
and fly
Perm (PEE) Ekaterinburg (SVX) Direct 7R 42 BRA-Transportes Aereos 52 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Tyumen (TJM) Direct 7R 67 BRA-Transportes Aereos 53 € Let's fly!
Tyumen (TJM) Ekaterinburg (SVX) Direct 7R 62 BRA-Transportes Aereos 53 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Perm (PEE) Direct 7R 43 BRA-Transportes Aereos 53 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Ekaterinburg (SVX) 1 stop U6 609 Ural Airlines 277 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Ekaterinburg (SVX) 1 stop FV 712 Rossiya-Russian Airlines 280 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Chelyabinsk (CEK) 1 stop U6 262 Ural Airlines 281 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Perm (PEE) 1 stop FV 402 Rossiya-Russian Airlines 282 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Tyumen (TJM) 1 stop S7 56 S7 Airlines 322 € Let's fly!
Tyumen (TJM) Ekaterinburg (SVX) 1 stop S7 204 S7 Airlines 322 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Tyumen (TJM) 1 stop UT 566 UTair Aviation 361 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Tyumen (TJM) 1 stop S7 18 S7 Airlines 367 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Tyumen (TJM) 2 stops U6 609 Ural Airlines 398 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Perm (PEE) 1 stop UT 556 UTair Aviation 501 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Tyumen (TJM) 2 stops S7 4419 S7 Airlines 537 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Perm (PEE) 2 stops SU 1427 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 556 € Let's fly!
Tyumen (TJM) Ekaterinburg (SVX) 2 stops S7 202 S7 Airlines 605 € Let's fly!
Chelyabinsk (CEK) Ekaterinburg (SVX) 2 stops U9 449 Tatarstan Airlines 626 € Let's fly!
Ekaterinburg (SVX) Chelyabinsk (CEK) 2 stops U6 266 Ural Airlines 709 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Ekaterinburg (SVX) 2 stops U9 119 Tatarstan Airlines 946 € Let's fly!
Perm (PEE) Tyumen (TJM) 2 stops SU 4575 Aeroflot Russian Airlines 1127 € Let's fly!

Lake Tavatuy is the most beautiful and cleanest in the vicinity of the city of Yekaterinburg. It’s not for nothing that it is often called the pearl of the Middle Urals, and many tourists relax on the shores of the lake. The water here is clean and transparent. On a sunny day you can see the bottom at depths of up to several meters.

Lake name

Where did the name Lake Tavatuy come from? Let us turn to the book of the famous researcher of Ural toponyms A.K. Matveev “Geographical names of the Sverdlovsk region”:

“The name can be easily “decomposed” into Komi-Permyak words ta va tui- “this waterway.” There is also a legend about a Komi guide who showed the Russians this lake and said that they should go by water. The legend, of course, is a late Russian invention. But the lake itself, long, stretching from north to south, was indeed a convenient waterway.

There is another explanation. Local historian V.A. Lozhkin interprets this name from the Tatar language as “Feast of the Mountains” ( tau– “mountain”, thuja- “feast”): the mountains gathered to the lake, like guests to the table.”

The Legend of Tavatuya and Neiva

Writer L.A. Fedorov described the legend about these places as follows:

“It was a long time ago, so long ago that a new forest has grown on these mountains a hundred times since then... A strong and beautiful, wise and vigilant tribe lived here then. But the most beautiful of all was the daughter of old Toshem, the beautiful Neiva. Many guys, wooing her, offered her father a rich ransom. And only one young hunter, named Tavatuy, did not bow to Toshem. Time passed. The tribe lived calmly, wandering through the ancient forests, hunting. But warlike people appeared from the east in the lake valley. They raided, killed and tortured people. Then the shaman ordered his people to go deep into the forest. But Tavatuy was indignant. He called for a fight against the aliens... The battle began... The battle lasted from sunrise to sunset. Tavatuy was struck down and fell on the trampled ground. Neiva saw with horror the death of her loved one. Tears flowed from her clouded eyes and flowed so hard that the valley was filled with tears. A lake appeared in this place, and it hid the mighty Tavatui at its bottom. And the beautiful Neiva threw herself off the cliff and, hitting sharp stones, turned into a beautiful river. With a quiet murmur it flowed across the earth to tell people about the great victory and heroic death of the young hunter.”

Features of the lake

Lake Tavatui is of tectonic origin and filled with water in post-glacial times. The lake stretches from north to south for 10 kilometers. Its width reaches 3 kilometers. The area of ​​the lake is about 21.2 km². The average depth of the lake is 6 meters, and the maximum is 9 meters. The coastline is relatively weakly indented.

Two dozen small rivers and streams flow into Lake Tavatuy. The largest of them are: Bolshaya and Malaya Shamanikha, Vitilka, Kazachikha. In the north, a channel surrounded by swamps connects Lake Tavatuy with the Verkh-Neivinsky pond and the Neiva River basin. Before the emergence of the Verkh-Neivinsky pond in the 18th century, Tavatuy was smaller in size.

Pine forests grow along the banks. The lake is surrounded on all sides by mountains, some of them have rocks. The most picturesque and highest mountains are on the eastern shore: Bolshoy Kamen, Bychikha, Volchya, Vysokaya, Stozhok. The highest of these peaks is Mount Stozhok (462 m). It is visible from afar and is shaped like a haystack, which is why it got its name.

Scheme of Lake Tavatuy

Scheme of Lake Tavatuy with the names of islands, capes and bays (from the book “Natural Attractions of Yekaterinburg” by N.P. Arkhipova)

Video about Lake Tavatuy

And one more video from Tavatuya, filmed June 30 - July 1, 2018, when we finally opened the swimming season, which was a month late.

How to get to Lake Tavatuy

Lake Tavatuy is located in the Sverdlovsk region, 50 km from Yekaterinburg. By car you need to drive along the Serovsky tract, turning off the highway at the sign “Tavatuy”.

You can get to the western shore by train, reaching Kalinovo or Tavatuy stations, from where you can easily walk to the lake (3 or 5 km, respectively). There are also regular buses from the railway to the village of Tavatuy. station and from UZTM Square.

© Pavel Raspopov

Ekaterinburg is one of the developed industrial and economic centers of Russia and the fourth largest city. The city is cut through by the Iset River, and in the upper part of the metropolis, in the forested area, the border between Europe and Asia passes. The city was founded in 1723, in the period from 1924 to 1991 it was called Sverdlov. This city was named in honor of the wife of Peter I, Empress Catherine. According to statistics for 2009, about one and a half million people live here. Arkady Cherentsky has been the mayor of Yekaterinburg since 1992.

Industry of Yekaterinburg

It is worth noting that the emergence of Yekaterinburg as a city began with the construction of the largest ironworks in Russia, and subsequently became the capital of the metallurgical region. The construction of the Yekaterinburg ironworks was entrusted to Tatishchev and de Genin, who became the actual founders of the city.

Thanks to the construction of the Great Siberian Highway in 1781, Yekaterinburg acquired the status of a city and, like Peter the Great’s “window to Europe,” became a “window to Asia,” connecting the Eastern and Western parts of a large country. Heavy industry is significantly developed here: metallurgy, production of machinery, electrical equipment, chemical production, as well as the production of electronic and optical equipment.
In Yekaterinburg there are the Ural Heavy Engineering Plant - the largest enterprise in this industry in Russia, the Ural Chemical Engineering Plant UralKhimMash, a turbine plant, and a plant for the production of drilling equipment. More than half of the working population works at metallurgical enterprises.

Economy of Yekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg is not only distinguished by metallurgy: according to statistical data for 2007-2008, the city took third place in terms of retail turnover in Russia. A large number of retail spaces, shopping and entertainment centers have been built and are still being built here. Such well-known shopping and entertainment centers in Russia and Europe as Mega, Ikea, METRO Cash&Carry are open here.

More than fifty car dealerships and car centers present various brands of foreign and domestic cars. Among the largest auto centers in Yekaterinburg we can name the Toyota Center Yekaterinburg, which is the official dealer of the car brand of the same name, AutoSan - the official dealer of the Mazda and Hyundai brands, the Nissan car dealership, and the Renault and Peugeot auto centers.

Ekaterinburg is a major transport hub in Russia

Industry is not the city's only prominent sector. The largest railway junction is located in Yekaterinburg. The Trans-Siberian Railway runs here in the directions to Perm, Tyumen, Nizhny Tagil, Kurgan. One of the largest stations of the Russian Railway is the Sverdlovsk-Sortirovochny station, which has retained the former name of this large city.

The city's transport network is quite developed, which includes a metro line with 7 stations, a system of intra-city roads and interchanges. In addition to buses, trams and trolleybuses, residents of Yekaterinburg are transported by the city's s-bahn surface electric train, which is part of the city's high-speed railway.
Currently, construction is underway on the Yekaterinburg ring road, which in the future will increase road capacity and solve the problem of congestion on city highways during rush hours.

Ekaterinburg has two modern airports.

The recreation center is located in a forest area, on the shore of a volcanic lake, near the village of Tavatuy, 45 kilometers from Yekaterinburg. The houses, built from softwood timber, are located directly on the shore of the lake. Those for whom the standard of a good holiday is a clean lake, a sandy beach, good fishing and a relaxing family holiday can have a wonderful rest here.

At the base, up to 180 people can simultaneously relax in the summer, and up to 40 people in the winter, and you can come here either for a vacation or for one or several days throughout the year. Magnificent nature, distance from noisy cities, the fish-rich waters of Lake Tavatuy, comfortable houses, three meals a day - all this makes it easy and pleasant to spend your holiday, celebrate a family event, a corporate evening, a conference or a holiday with friends.

At the recreation center of JSC Russian Railways Tavatuy there is a sauna with two steam rooms - Russian and Finnish, a swimming pool, a billiard table, a karaoke center, a children's and sports grounds, there is table tennis, rental of sports equipment, catamarans, jet skis, and snowmobiles. Specialized rides, horseback riding, excursions, discos, fishing trips, Epiphany bathing, New Year trees, as well as various water activities are organized for guests of the recreation center.

At the request of vacationers, the administration of the recreation center provides a grill, a barbecue, and you can purchase coal. There is a guarded parking lot on site.

Most of the houses are located directly on the lake, 20-80 meters from a clean beach, intended only for guests of the recreation center. Delicate sand and a good bottom make holidays with children pleasant and safe.

We are confident that the time spent at our recreation center will bring you a lot of pleasant emotions and unforgettable moments!


At your service: bar, banquet hall, rental of catamarans, boats, jet skis.

Nature: pond, forest, ski slopes.


  • 43 buildings (2-, 4- and 6-seater, summer and winter options). Total capacity - 160 people.
  • Summer pavilion with a capacity of up to 150 people.
  • Leisure center for up to 50 people.
  • 2 gazebos for up to 20 people each.
  • Guarded area, parking.
  • Sauna with swimming pool and billiards, children's playground, barbecue facilities.
  • Own beach, rental of jet skis, catamarans, boats.

- REST -

Economy option- summer houses - divided into one-room 2-bed, three-room 6-bed and four-room 8-bed. Two people per room. Outdoor amenities.

Well-appointed luxury houses - they are distinguished by increased comfort, new furniture, there is a TV, a bathroom, heating in the winter season - two-, three- and four-room rooms, for 2, 4 and 6 people.

Hotel building . With rooms - one-room double, two-room four-bed. And one room - a two-room double. Here, each room has a separate bathroom, shower, and air conditioning. This option is for those who prefer increased comfort.