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In Brazil, being a prostitute is not shameful. Guide to the haunts of Rio, or how not to run into a trance on the beaches of Copacabana Photographer spent 7 months in a brothel

15 Mar 2018

Samson Isaac Ovitz was born in the Romanian village of Rozavlya. Why the man was born a midget remained a mystery to his father and mother, because before that this had never happened in the Ovitse family. However, the man managed to get settled in life and successfully combined the positions of a rabbi and a badkhan, a traditional Jewish toastmaster.

Samson was married twice, out of ten of his children Lilliputians were born seven. Parents, caring about the future of unusual sons and daughters, sent them to study as musicians. Before his death, the father and mother bequeathed to the children to always stick together. Who would have thought that the father's covenant would help the Lilliputian family survive even in the clutches of the "Angel of Death" himself, the monstrous doctor Josef Mengele.

After the death of his father, the family council decided: Ovitsy should begin concert activity. Seven Lilliputians with their miniature musical instruments performed, and their normal-sized relatives took care of organizational matters.

The show of the Ovitz family became incredibly popular, and they toured until 1944, until the very occupation of Hungary, which then belonged to their native Transylvania.

On May 15, 1944, an unusual musical troupe was sent to Auschwitz. Following the covenant of their parents, the Sheep stayed together. Only one of the brothers of normal height decided to take a chance and ran away.

As a result, which is characteristic, he was the only one from the whole family who died. Well, the remaining Ovitsy attracted the personal attention of Dr. Mengele himself, a fanatic scientist!

Mengele was known for performing horribly cruel experiments on prisoners. He especially liked to bully the twins. In his "human vivarium" there was no shortage of twins, so Mengele did not spare the "consumables".

Twins were stitched together, their special bond explored by removing organs from one of the pair. But the “Angel of Death” has not yet received such test subjects as Ovitsy!

In Auschwitz, it was Mengele who decided the fate of the prisoners entering there. The midgets, who fell under the Third Reich's eugenics program to eliminate people with various disabilities, were doomed, but a sadist in a white coat saved their lives.

In order to observe an unusual family, where there were both dwarfs and people of ordinary height, Josef created a special quarter for them in the camp with somewhat better food and sanitary conditions.

Let's not forget: the killer doctor valued Ovitsev only as a unique material for his disgusting research. The unfortunate Lilliputians were constantly experimented with. They took blood and bone marrow for analysis, tore healthy teeth, and exposed them to radiation.

Married women became the favorite material for research by camp gynecologists. In addition, Mengele forced the Ovits to entertain him, and for the sake of a joke, the sadist called the seven midgets the names of the gnomes from the Disney Snow White.

Women of an unusual family were terribly afraid that the doctor, who was keenly interested in the course of pregnancy in dwarfs, would begin to implement his vile idea. Fortunately, Mengele did not have time to do this.

Soon the sadist was transferred to another camp, and his experimental subjects began to be systematically cleaned up. The sheep expected that from day to day they would also be killed, but Auschwitz was liberated before the Germans got their hands on the Lilliputians. So the little musicians became the only family, all of whose members survived in this death camp!

Later, many prisoners spoke about the Ovitzes in their memoirs. Most of those who remembered the dwarfs spoke about their tragic death. It didn’t fit in the minds of the prisoners that defenseless Lilliputians could survive in this hell.

In addition, valuable test subjects were often relocated, and the prisoners who lived near them lost sight of the dwarfs. And the inhabitants of Auschwitz are used to the fact that the disappearance of former acquaintances means their inevitable death.

The most interesting thing is that even in Auschwitz, Ovitsy managed to save a dozen people. On the way to the camp, seeing that the guards treated the family of dwarfs better, several desperate prisoners also declared themselves members of the strange family.

The Sheep themselves did not reveal their secret, allowing their small clan to grow from 12 to 22 members. But in the nightmare of Auschwitz, these unfortunates would almost certainly have died!

A few days later, 53-year-old boatswain Vladimir leaves for Brazil. He has been there once a year since 2001. The vessel on which he works is engaged in the delivery of goods to Latin American countries. He has been to Brazil, Argentina, Chile and Ecuador...

Brazilian women cost between $5 and $50

The first thing that catches your eye in Brazil is the passion for football, dancing, beer and love relationships. Football, especially on the beaches, is played by everyone: from children to the elderly and pregnant women.

She can have a huge belly, almost the ninth month, and she will run, kick the ball, - says Vladimir.

They dance and drink beer there, too, from kindergarten age. In eateries, beer is sipped by people of all ages and genders. They eat meat - it is cheap in Brazil, it costs about two dollars per kilogram. They eat mostly beef or veal, pork is not in honor there. The meat is served on the grill - a huge piece, from which everyone cuts as much as they want.

Brazilians are hot people. In parks, young people can kiss for hours, even if they barely know each other. Love is a salable commodity there. The profession of a prostitute is not considered shameful. There are many brothels of various levels. As a rule, cheap hotels for sailors are such. Vladimir visited brothels of high and low classes. There were those where an hour with a prostitute cost 50 dollars, but really "professionals" work there - beautiful and skillful. Such institutions are four-story, with good interior decoration. Others, which are simpler, are two-story, with a shared toilet and a shared shower, where such services cost about $ 5. As Vladimir says, Brazilian prostitutes are terribly amorous. You spend three nights with her, and she has a crush on you.

Prostitutes are covered by the police

All Brazilian prostitutes have children, - says Vladimir, - where single mothers are paid large child benefits.

In addition, such young ladies are "roofed" by the police.

If you walk past the slums with a prostitute, no one will touch you, - says Vladimir, - and they rob all the time. They will gather in a crowd, in the hands of a machete, their eyes are furious. Of course, they won't chop you up, but they will cheat you to the fullest.

Vladimir was robbed in Brazil more than once - seven digital cameras and an unmeasured number of cell phones were taken away. Of course, the central streets of Rio de Janeiro are clean, it is safe to walk there, because the police are on duty and each policeman has four pistols in his pockets. The people who work in the offices are dressed civilly, in suits, but you turn into the workers' quarter and see Brazil in all its nakedness. Brazilian men wear T-shirts, shorts and sandals, Brazilian women wear T-shirts, jeans and clogs.

Brazilian women are slender, mostly mulattos, there are few whites there, but everyone has wrinkles on their stomachs, because they like to drink beer, - says Vladimir.

By the way, despite the fact that he did not know Portuguese, he communicated easily with the local population - in Brazil, everyone, from top to bottom, knows English. They are open, emotional people, women gesticulate strongly when they talk. But there is no such hospitality as the Russians. Brazilians do not like to treat - they like to be treated. There was one interesting exception, though.

Girls as a gift from the mafia

And it was like this: our hero is sitting in some local eatery, drinking beer, then a middle-aged man with a huge gold chain and a pockmarked face sits down next to him, and behind this comrade are two guys with “guns”. He turned out to be a well-known mafia in Rio, Rodrigos. And Vladimir heard rumors that Rio is under two groups - rodrigos and gonzalis. He talked with Rodrigos, liked the local mafia so much that he "lent" him two girls from his collection for the night. Moreover, the girls were beautiful, like fashion models - legs from the ears, slender, with swollen lips and half-faced eyes.

By the way, it’s strange, but despite the fact that Brazil is very similar to Argentina (although the latter is colder and there are more whites), the inhabitants of these countries cannot stand each other.

In Brazil, everyone praises Pele, for them he is a king and a god, in Argentina, instead of him, Maradona. If you say the name of Maradona in Brazil, they will spit. It's the same if you say Pele's name in Argentina, says Vladimir.

By the way, Chile favorably differs from these countries in cleanliness. There is almost no crime there, but on all the buildings and T-shirts people have portraits of Che Guevara.

Ecuador is cleaner than Brazil. There, Vladimir met with a student prostitute. The girl needed money to pay for her studies, so she worked part-time.

This is how the womanizer Vladimir wanders around the countries of South America. But once, at the dawn of a sailor's career, he brought him to Australia. There he met a family of emigrants from Russia. Almost married a girl Natasha. Her father offered him to stay, promised to help with the work. Vladimir regrets that he did not marry. Now he has everything a sailor needs - the beauties of the whole world are at his feet for a moderate fee ... But there is no ordinary human happiness.

But he realized the dream of Ostap Bender - he saw Rio de Janeiro.

A Russian physicist living in Brazil spoke about what kind of surprise local priestesses of love can present in the capital of the 2016 Olympics and who it is better not to deal with so as not to get a razor in the throat.

Only a few days left before the start of the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Thousands of tourists are now busy packing their bags, learning Portuguese and thoroughly analyzing guidebooks. However, bright brochures can be left at home: they still won’t tell you the whole truth about the capital of the Summer Games. About how things really are in Rio, what is worth seeing, and where it is better not to poke your nose, Alexander, a Russian physicist from Sao Paulo, told Life.

From the first part of his fascinating story, we will learn whether it is worth messing with the local priestesses of love and what "indecent" and "decent" sights should be visited in Rio.

It is probably interesting for everyone to ask if there is intimate tourism in Brazil, a market for intimate services. There is, moreover, this very market is put on a grand scale, - Alexander began his story. In any city, even a small one, there is a street well known to everyone, on which night butterflies flock after dark.

In Rio, for example, this is Avenida Atlantica, the very heart of Copacabana. The choice here is great, the prices are relatively low. But don't expect anything special from this: women are tired, with a bunch of sores, in short, not much good. If you decide to visit one of these streets, then just ask the taxi driver to take you to a more or less "decent" place, he probably knows where and what.

"Don't expect anything special from local priestesses of love: women are tired, with a lot of sores, in short, not much good"

Be sure to ask the girl to show her ID card (idenchidade). Firstly, this will reduce the likelihood that she will rob you, and secondly, you need to make sure that the butterfly is 18 years old. There are many underage people in Brazilian prostitution, and the women tend to look older than they really are. Remember the criminal code: the punishment for sex with a minor, even if it's a butterfly, is very severe here. If she refused to show idenchidade, then it is better not to get involved, good, the choice is great.

before" you should make sure that you are facing a woman, and not a man in a skirt. If it so happened that you agreed on everything, came home, undressed, and "there" turned out to be completely different from what you expected, then this is not releases you from paying the agreed amount.

Here's what you definitely shouldn't do, is to try to inflate a butterfly / trance with money. In Brazil, these people are quite aggressive and can slash your neck with a straight razor, and this is no joke. So be careful, and better come with your wife or girlfriend.

tiny-mce-plugin-extquote mceNonEditable">"One thing you definitely shouldn't do is try to cheat a butterfly/trance with money. In Brazil, these persons are quite aggressive and can slash your neck with a straight razor"

Another type of prostitution in Brazil is butterflies that "fly" directly to the hotel. It is enough to tell the hotel reception that you want garota de programa (literally - "a girl with a program"). In 99% of cases, the receptionist will understand what you want. And, of course, he has a couple of girls' phones he knows. It will already be much more expensive than a butterfly from the street, but it will be safer and "higher quality".

red-light district" in the favelas. A lot of girls on the streets, a lot of cheap brothels and rooms for an hour. The place is not very pleasant, quite dangerous. Without a car on foot and alone, I would not go there.

According to some reports, about 2,000 women work in the Vila Mimosa sex industry. Most of their clients are locals. Girls earn up to $300 a month, and one intimate meeting with a client costs $20. Surprisingly, often priestesses of love often work part-time as ordinary maids or cashiers in stores during the day to pay their bills.Rumor has it that especially for the Olympic Games, the girls reduced the prices for their services.

"There is another hot spot - Vila Mimosa. I was there. This is the "red light district" in the favelas. The place is not very pleasant, quite dangerous"

My friends were at the La Cicciolina nightclub on Copacabana. They didn't like it very much: a typical nightclub with huge prices and a bunch of drug addict prostitutes. It is very, very expensive, the entrance is about 100 reais. By the way, one friend's wallet was pulled out there.

In Rio, there are many so-called termas (Portuguese termas). This is something like a bath complex. This is not prostitution in its purest form, a little different. Termash is an analogue of a bathhouse where you can just wash and leave, but there are a lot of beautiful bath attendants who will gladly wash a client for 100 reals (1 real = 19.5 rubles). There is paid depending on the imagination of the client. You can be washed as one girl, or four or even more. You can order a private dance, lesbian show, massage, in short, everything that your wallet allows. At the same time, bath attendants may refuse intimacy.

"There are many so-called termas in Rio (Portuguese termas). This is something like a bath complex. This is not prostitution in its purest form, a little different"

Personally, I've been to the Boate Florida termash and I liked it, but it's quite expensive.

Decent rest

For those who are not ready to risk life and health for an exotic experience in the arms of a hot Brazilian courtesan, there are a lot of interesting "decent" routes. About them below...

Don't expect an abundance of beautiful architecture or lots of museums from Brazil: in Rio, see Rio itself. I have already said that this is a city of contrasts, Rio is very diverse. Probably, it is not worth listing all the sights of Rio here: there is a lot of information on this topic on the Internet.

Maracana", Tijuca Park with Mount Corcovado and the statue of Christ the Redeemer, did not wander around the Santa Teresa area and did not soak up the famous beaches of Ipanema and Copacabana, then you have not been to Rio! But the botanical garden and the Cathedral of St. impressed.

"Don't expect an abundance of beautiful architecture or a lot of museums from Brazil: in Rio, look at Rio itself"

tiny-mce-plugin-extquote mceNonEditable">"Getting into Paraty, you find yourself in another world, 100 years ago. There are no modern buildings here, most of the roads are made of cobblestones"

Speaking of beaches. If you are going to Paraty, then within the city there are two city beaches. The problem is that it is shallow, literally knee-deep, to the delight of children or those who cannot swim. If you want a real ocean, then I advise you to go to Trinidad Beach, which is located near the city. You can get there by bus from the city bus station. I just want to warn you: the road to the beach is very difficult, narrow and winding, passes through the mountains, so the bus takes only 30 passengers on board. Keep this in mind when you return. This is how I got myself: a hundred people lined up on the last bus. If you just want to lie on the beach and forget about everything in the world, then Angra dos Reis is at your service. A place of unforgettable beauty, in fact it is a bunch of islands scattered in the ocean. Located halfway between Rio and Paraty. The only thing is that it is winter in Brazil now, so the ocean is pretty cool, but the beaches will be half empty.

Every year from February 21, the crazy days of the famous carnival in Rio de Janeiro, the most fun and magnificent holiday in the world, rush with enchanting brilliance. It attracts people from all over the world to have a carefree time and relax. In vast Brazil, there is one groom for about nine brides. So male guests are always welcome there.

But they rush to this Latin American country not only to dance in fiery rhythms. And the bonds of marriage are not included in the plans of the vast majority of them. By the way, the holiday in Brazil, albeit not on such a scale, lasts essentially all year round. It's just that Brazilians (and especially Brazilians) consider it a way of life. And not only in one Rio, but also in other cities. In addition, the mixture of European, African and Indian blood, beliefs and traditions has influenced the fact that sex has long been removed from the taboo, and it has become one of the popular national pleasures, taking a place somewhere between the national dish of beans with stew, flavored with "feijoada", and samba. The country is considered the largest "oasis of love" on the globe.

The greatest bluff of our century?

Well, what about the "plague of the 20th century" that we are constantly told about? All of us, of course, are not eternal, but this is just one more reason not to deny yourself the joys of a fleeting life. None of my relatives or friends (as well as acquaintances of their acquaintances) has yet died of AIDS. And you? The ancient Romans always wondered, "Who benefits from this?" At first, when AIDS first announced itself, one leading French epidemiologist on the pages of a reputable periodical convincingly and scientifically proved that, in addition to sloppy drug addicts, representatives of sexual minorities are the main carriers of AIDS. Then, in many countries, the "blues" began to spontaneously beat and smash their dens. But they, unfortunately, are much better organized than the majority, heterogeneous in their interests, and have powerful secret patrons. A colossal campaign was launched in the press, on television, in the cinema, the meaning of which was that it was incorrect to offend the mentioned representatives in the spread of AIDS, they say, they are not to blame, but sex in general. Then, due to their selfish interests, manufacturers of "personal protective equipment" and products for sex shops, including those for the computerized "virtual" fall into sin that have not yet received distribution in our country, joined in.

As for the statistics of the World Health Organization, it is as follows. If your partner tested negative for HIV, then your risk of getting AIDS is one in a million if you use protection, and one in a hundred thousand if you neglect it (because nothing in this world can be absolutely reliable, including test results and proprietary protection).

Another thing is the usual venereal mischief, which in megacities and tourist centers of the world is much more popular than AIDS. Therefore, when going on a long journey, you should stock up on everything you need with you in advance, and you should choose only products from trusted companies and tested samples. In foreign markets, low-quality goods are often imported. And more information on this topic, directly related to Brazil. For some reason, only there they produce and sell (in any pharmacy) a wonderful medicine called "Ampicilia Probenecide". It kills not only the insidious germs transmitted during hot nights, but also any possible harmful bacteria, or prevents infection by them. For preventive purposes, one powder, loosened in a glass of water, is enough for at least a week.

Preliminary thoughts on the topic

Brazil is the largest country in South America. The Amazon, the deepest river in the world, flows through it. On the coast of the Atlantic Ocean, there are almost 8,000 km of picturesque beaches framed by high mountains, lush exotic vegetation. But the main treasure of the country is considered to be its cheerful, hospitable, gentle and always smiling residents (and, of course, residents) of all possible colors and skin tones - from ivory to ebony. The inhabitants of Rio are called cariocas (not to be confused with the Japanese custom of singing to the soundtrack) and this concept implies a lot - a system of values, character, attitude.

Brazil is one of the relatively safe countries. Of course, if one goes in search of adventure in the slums of the city - "favela", dressed in the best suit ... In general, my advice to you. In a hot climate, people on vacation dress very democratically. The desire to stand out with chic things on the streets of the city will not add respect, but will only lead to the fact that you will be considered as a "rich Pinocchio", from whom you can ask exorbitant prices for everything (this applies not only to girls). It is also worth avoiding areas where mostly only foreign tourists accumulate, because their service (including erotic ones) is handled by a very specific audience, accustomed to selling them poor, inexperienced and speechless stale goods at exorbitant prices. As, however, and everywhere.

One more warning. Accidentally getting into one of the "blue" discos in Rio or Sao Paulo, you are likely to immediately orient yourself in the situation and retreat. A much bigger headache is caused by transvestites hunting for wealthy tourists. Aside from the dubious pleasure of discovering that the sultry lady you brought with you to your room surpasses you in manhood, you can always expect trouble from this audience. She is hysterical and prone to scandals. At the same time, many carry knives and, without hesitation, can use them, which is not typical for the rest of the inhabitants of Brazil. In institutions for normal people they are usually not allowed. However, on the streets they can be found almost everywhere. When wandering around Rio, especially avoid adventuring in the Alaska Gallery mall area on Avenida Atlantica and the neighboring Copacabana area.

The most thorough and serious people prefer to resort to the help of advertisements for escort and massage services published in most daily newspapers. However, if the name "gentle tanned green-eyed kitten" ends in "o" and not "a", then rest assured, we are talking about a healthy cat. And in general, is it worth buying even a pussy in a bag?

At the same time, sadomasochistic entertainment, so widespread in the West, is not popular in Brazil. Somewhere in Rio there are a couple of establishments of this profile for visitors, but even a local bouncer in a brothel is likely to find it difficult to say where exactly.

In principle, to make a pleasant acquaintance with a beautiful Brazilian, you just need to walk around the city, sit down at a table in an open cafe and look around. Everything else depends on your inspiration.

In our country, in the conditions of a "wild" market and a legal vacuum, the oldest profession has acquired, perhaps, almost the ugliest, hypertrophied commercial and criminalized forms in the world. The girls from Tverskaya are obviously devoid of any romance, they are only concerned about material things and, at times, do not even hide that they consider their occupation as hard and nasty work. Moreover, their standard "fee" would make five cheerful and good-natured Brazilian "putas" happy. The fact is that even "professionals" there, some of whom simply earn extra money in the evenings from time to time (which is not at all considered shameful among single saleswomen, secretaries and other small employees), are much less mercantile. They simply combine business with pleasure, with the exception of a very small proportion of "cougars".

In principle, Brazil is a very inexpensive country. And although prices in national currency (cruzeiro) are galloping, in dollars they remain quite stable. In Rio, a room in a five-star hotel costs $120-160 per night, and for $20-30 you can rent a quite decent room with a minibar, bathroom and air conditioning, but, however, without a sea view. (By the way, in almost any hotel in the Copacabana area, with the exception of "Miramar Palace", owned by an extremely conservative and boring family, you can spend a guest and even settle her for a while, subject to registration with the concierge and paying a set fee.) At a local city restaurant, even if you place an order on a merchant scale, you are unlikely to be able to eat and drink more than $15.

Turnouts in Rio de Janeiro

Guided by the herd feeling, newcomers-foreigners who have arrived in the capital of the carnival often gather for games in a huge disco on Atlantic Avenue (do not confuse it with the aforementioned bad place) with the eloquent English name "Help" ("Help"). It is always full of girls who drop in once a week, but the number of male visitors is always two or three times higher. The trouble is that, taking into account the market situation, they start trading with $100, but then they are quite content with half of this amount, which is still too much by local standards. True, if they have fun with you, then the tariff can be significantly reduced, or you will be given a "tax holiday" altogether. For semi-professionals, the phrase is typical: “I don’t take money for this, but I owe the owner of the apartment twenty dollars ...” When entertaining local beauties, do not give them French champagne and do not feed them caviar, etc. This will only corrupt honest girls and spoil them kind, gentle disposition.

There are countless different bars, restaurants and cafes. The bar "Barella" on Princess Isabelle Avenue is considered the most fashionable and "overhead" place. This is a gathering place for the most attractive and expensive girls, strip shows and other educational things are constantly shown. The only disadvantage of this establishment, in addition to prices, is that, unlike other, even much cheaper places, treacherous transvestites are also allowed in here for some unknown reason.

To get acquainted with the true Brazilian nightlife, it is better to visit one of the local gigantic dance floors. All of them are called gafierias, representing very democratic institutions where people of all ages and social status gather. Your dance partner will be sincerely grateful if you invite her somewhere to drink beer or Pepsi-Cola with a natural continuation of the acquaintance. The most famous dance hall so far has been considered the gafieria "Asa Branca", located at Avenida Meme de Sa, 17.

In general, you should be guided by the following: the farther you are from the places of "hanging out" to your own kind of visiting ladies' man, the darker your casual companion's skin will be, and the less claims she will make regarding your wallet.

In provincial towns and on the outskirts of Brazil's megacities, in old colonial-style buildings with invariable red lanterns, there are classic Latin American brothels, in which only the staff and music have changed over the past century. As a rule, they are called "Casa de ..." - "House ...", followed by the name of the hostess. Usually the girls are free birds, that is, they are not hired by the "madame", but pay her for renting working premises on the second floor. Age, mannerisms and other data will not delight a true aesthete, however, the prices are very moderate - from $10 to $30 per hour (plus a dollar or two for a killer drink like caipirinhas at the counter).

Much nicer, more hygienic, more fun and closer to the Russian spirit termas, that is, in our opinion, baths, but not just baths, but multidisciplinary institutions for cultural leisure, combining all the advantages of a sauna, a Turkish bath, a massage room, a hairdresser, a bar, an exemplary a demonstrative brothel, and sometimes also a business center equipped with modern means of electronic communication. In some of them, you are previously subjected to medical express control. Pretty "masseurs" undergo a weekly medical examination. Their rates, including extras, are low, but with entrance fees, renting a separate "mirror" lounge, and the inevitable purchase of drinks at the bar, be prepared to shell out at least a hundred bucks.

There are many such institutions in Rio, and for every taste.

One of the best is "Termas Aeroporto", located on Avenida Beira Mar, 216-C near the city airport, from which shuttle flights to Sao Paulo are operated. The service there is in all respects at the level of a five-star hotel with the price idea given above.

In "Termas Centaurus", which can be found at: rua Canning, 44, near the beach "Ipanema", you will find yourself in the setting of ancient Roman baths, surrounded by 40 - 50 beautiful "slaves".

In the Finnish sauna, located on the 7th floor of house 51, rua Viveiros de Castro, after the contrasting water procedures inherent in the sauna, you will have to make sure that the girlfriends around you are much superior in temperament to the phlegmatic inhabitants of Scandinavia.

The most modest place of its kind with free entry and cheap prices is "Termas Pedagio", located on the 3rd floor of 370 building on rua Barata Ribeiro. Some people like the relaxed atmosphere of these baths. One "but" - the administration here fundamentally does not interfere in the behavior of girls, and they are capable of some pranks. For example, if you forcefully ignore them, then the last remnants of your clothes may suddenly be pulled off in public.


Once upon a time, the Central Committee of the CPSU approved the text of a speech by Soviet diplomatic representatives to the public of a number of Latin American countries condemning American imperialism. He is pursuing, they say, a "big stick policy" towards developing countries. The speech was translated into "classical" Spanish by professional translators, but in Central and South America it was invariably accompanied by Homeric laughter. The common foreign policy term meant something completely different there ...

Passwords in translation from any Romance language are just words. And, going to have fun in Brazil, you should at least learn a little from the phrase book. In the Portuguese language, several dialects peacefully coexist, and flaws in grammar and pronunciation, both in Brazil and in Portugal itself, are not given much importance. You need to know at least a couple of dozen expressions, otherwise all your rainbow plans will turn into mirages. For the vast majority of Brazilians and Brazilians do not speak not only Russian, but also English (we are not talking now about diplomats, lawyers, businessmen and similar representatives of the upper stratum of society). And the tourist-oriented English-speaking "professional" is a product of the third freshness, offered at a triple price ...

"Reserve of Love"

On the border of Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay, the world's largest Iguacu Falls roar with dozens of rainbows playing simultaneously over their two hundred seething streams. Naturally, this spectacle attracts many tourists, and where they are, there are enterprising champions of free love. Based in the "Aqua Na Bolca club" in the heart of the city of Iguacu, they catch guests not only on the streets, but literally "remove" them from the plateau above the waterfalls. So the "erotic oasis" is the entire inhabited part of the country. And the resort island of Sao Luis, and the largest industrial center of the country, Sao Paulo. But Rio is still out of competition, thanks to its unique reckless spirit. No wonder the authorities moved government offices from it to the new capital of Brazil, built in the depths of the territory, away from the influence of the city of dreams of Ostap Bender.

The role of Brazil as a "reserve of love" is determined not so much by socio-economic reasons (as, for example, in the Philippines, where thousands of girls were left out of work after the withdrawal of US military bases), but by its demographic characteristics, multiplied by the ardent temperament of the inhabitants.

Recently, we broadcast a TV report about how the younger generation of a remote Spanish village, due to some circumstances, was left without brides. There were no free girls in neighboring villages either. The peasants, who needed first of all housekeepers, turned to one marriage agency for help and were literally inundated with offers from Brazil. At the post office, sometimes I had to turn off the fax. Applicants of all ages, wealth and social status applied. The Spaniards chose long and fastidious. Finally, a group of Brazilian women boldly set off across the ocean towards illusory happiness. And here, they say, in the oil Urengoy, chickens do not peck for money, but there is one woman for nine hard-working men ...