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The pearl of Volyn - Shatsk lakes or a journey through a lost paradise. Shatsk Lakes: everything you need to know about holidays here Shatsk Lakes description

Shatsk Lakes (Ukraine) is one of the best places to relax. They are part of the Shatsk Natural National Park. This group includes more than thirty reservoirs located in the Volyn region on the border with Belarus between the rivers and Pripyat.

Shatsk Lake District is crystal clear air, saturated with the aroma of pine, unique climatic conditions, a diverse world of flora and fauna, and beautiful nature. All of the above made this place the most beautiful area for spending summer holidays.

Shatsk Lakes

It cannot be said that there is only one Lake Shatsk. There are many reservoirs here, but their entire group was conventionally called Shatskaya. Which lakes are included here? Naturally, Svityaz, Ostrovyanskoye, Pesochnoye, Pulemetskoye, Krymnoye and Luki. This also includes Lucimir and some other lakes. In the summer, the water in them warms up perfectly, and with the onset of winter, the reservoirs turn into an ice skating rink. Liquid mineralization can be designated as moderate or reduced. The color of the water changes depending on the depth of the lake itself. When shallow, its color is yellowish-green, while deep lakes boast an emerald green hue. And the bottom of each of the thirty formations is covered with sandy-silty sediments, sapropelic and peat silts.

The Shatsk lakes are a storehouse of fish, of which more than thirty species are found here. Pike, trout perch, crucian carp, pike perch, perch, Canadian catfish, as well as bream and Chud whitefish live there. And eel is a local highlight and the most delicacy. But fishing here is allowed only at the time of year specified by law and exclusively in the specified way.


Shatskoye deserves the greatest attention. After all, this is the pride of Ukraine, and it belongs to the seven wonders of this country. The reservoir is unique, and its waters have healing properties. This is the deepest, largest and Ukraine. Svityaz is such a deep body of water that neither the Sea of ​​Azov nor Synevyr can hold a candle to it. Its area reaches two thousand seven hundred and fifty hectares, the greatest depth is 58.4 m, and the average is 6.9 m. When the wind breaks, you can go surfing here, because the waves rise up to one and a half meters. The lake owes its fullness to underground springs.

Shatsk Lake Svityaz is known among the local population and tourists for having its own island, which bears the romantic name - Island of Lovers. This place simply fascinates with its mystery. There is a certain legend, according to which, on the island, young lovers - a boy and a girl - turned into two trees - linden and sycamore.

Let's go on vacation

These places will not leave you indifferent) every year they welcome a huge number of guests to their open spaces. Here you will have the opportunity to swim in the clean coastal waters and soak up the gentle sun on the sandy shore. Going to Shatsk Lake Pesochnoe, you can ride catamarans and water slides. And if you want to enjoy diving, we recommend conquering Svityaz. Shatsky National Natural Park offers several recreation areas, namely: “Svityaz”, “Pesochnoye” tract, “Gryada”.

Also on the territory of the Shatsk Lakes there are many tourist centers and holiday homes. But if you want to retire and take a break from the tiresome bustle, you can rent a room or even a whole house, or put up a tent.

Those who should give preference to a holiday on the Shatsk Lakes

People who want to improve their health, take a break from the noise of big cities, smog and dust, simply must go to the Shatsk Lakes, where a vacation will be simply unforgettable. All those who bask in the love of forests, lakes, fresh air, and tranquility will receive tremendous pleasure from staying in this part of Volyn. Yes, here there are not all those delights of civilization that take place at sea or at foreign resorts. But here there is wonderful nature and tranquility, for which vacationers go to the Shatsk Lakes. For tourists they have extraordinary value, as they are a clean and unclogged place. And until they start washing cars and driving scooters in these reservoirs, they will remain crystal clear and will benefit humanity.


The Shatsk Lakes (where they are located are described above) are a place where you can spend a vacation without the usual activities for vacationers, such as banana riding or visiting a dolphinarium. Here it’s nice to just admire nature, pick mushrooms and berries, breathe the air, which at first can even make you feel dizzy, or walk barefoot on the warm and soft sand. This is where the realest and truest pleasure lies. Choose Shatsk Lakes for your vacation, and you will be provided with all the pleasure that a person can get while on vacation!

Have you ever heard of the Ukrainian pearl necklace? These are the famous ones, which, due to their uniqueness, are considered one of the seven wonders of our country. Until recently, holidays on the Shatsk Lakes were traditional for residents of the Carpathian regions, it’s not surprising - 2 hours’ drive and you’re already there. The distance of the resort from other areas should not stand in the way of an unforgettable vacation. Believe me, there is a lot of interesting things here!

For those who don’t know, the Shatsk Lakes, due to their location, were inaccessible for a long time, so nature had the opportunity to develop here naturally. In order to preserve the outlandish pristine nature of clear water surfaces, covered with a riot of flora, in 1983 they decided to give the Shatsk lakes the status. Thus, walking along the reserve's many trails, you will be able to see nature as it should be. And also look at the life of animals in their natural environment and maybe even stumble upon rare species listed in the Red Book.

In addition to flora and fauna, near the Shatsk Lakes there is something to see for lovers of history and culture.

What to see on the Shatsk Lakes

  • or the Peter and Paul Church, which is located in the village of Svityaz. The architecture of this building dates back to the times of the St. Petersburg school and conveys the traditions of Russian classicism of the 19th century.
  • - a monument of wooden architecture. Icons from the 18th and 19th centuries have been preserved inside.
  • The city of Vladimir-Volynsky is one of the largest cities of Kievan Rus and one of the oldest cities in Volyn.
  • , where the shrine is located - the icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
  • The Uran-3 radio telescope, which was built 14 km from Shatsk and allows us to foresee natural disasters.
  • The island is the most romantic place. According to legend, whales once lived here, but as the water level decreased, they began to die out. When the last of them died and went to the bottom, strange plants and beautiful flowers gradually began to appear here.

What to do on the lakes

Land sports:

  • Horse rides. A horseback ride is a great opportunity to feel at one with the fauna and flora, enjoy a leisurely holiday, taking in all the benefits of the local beauty. Cost: 20 UAH/hour.
  • Cycling. The Shatsk Lakes region is ideal for cycling. All this thanks to the flat landscape. You can travel the length and breadth of the reserve and find particularly picturesque panoramas. Bicycle rental points are available at all recreation centers. Cost: on average 20 UAH/hour, at some recreation centers - free.
  • ATVs. They say that riding ATVs is quite a dirty pastime, but at the same time one of the most fun invented by man since the invention of the wheel. Feel the rush of adrenaline in your blood and the lashing blows of the wind across your face. You can ride ATVs both on deserted off-road terrain and among the insurmountable thicket of the forest. Cost: check with the recreation centers.

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Water leisure:

  • Yacht, boat, catamaran and kayak rental. Of course, people go to the Shatsk Lakes mainly for water activities. Here they are in abundance, and you definitely won’t be bored. Cost: boat and catamaran rental - 20-30 UAH/hour, kayak rental - 50 UAH/hour, yacht rental (up to 6 people) - 250-300 UAH/hour,
  • Diving. The water on the Shatsk Lakes is transparent and clean, so observing the underwater world will not be difficult. The diving base is located in the Shatskie Lakes boarding house, and in the village of Pulmo, not far from the tent camp, you will find a diving school. Here you can find equipment even for an 8-year-old child. Cost: 650 UAH.
  • Windsurfing. Who said that windsurfing can only be done at sea? You can also conquer the waves on the Shatsk Lakes, here they can rise up to 1 m. Cost: equipment rental - 50 UAH/hour, training course - 500 UAH.
  • Fishing. It is believed that fishing is a relaxing form of recreation, but not on the Shatsk Lakes. There are about 31 species of fish here, including the local landmark, the eel, and some lakes even contain crayfish. Therefore, you won’t be able to sit quietly with a fishing rod, thinking about your own things. If you forgot your fishing rods, there are several points at the Shatsky market where all the necessary equipment is sold.

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Other outdoor activities:

  • Rope park. Directly opposite the recreation center “Shatskie Lakes” there is a rope park “Steerjack Base”. Time will fly by here. If you get tired of conquering rope peaks, you can play a variety of board games, such as snookball - an unusual sport that combines football and billiards. Cost: children's ticket - 25 UAH, ticket for an adult - 35 UAH, prices for other types of entertainment need to be clarified at the rope park.
  • Billiards, table tennis. The opportunity to play billiards and table tennis is available at each recreation center. Cost: check on site.
  • Paintball. In the village of Svityaz, near the Chaika camp, a paintball club called “Viking” opened. Here you can enjoy the game until you can no longer feel your arms and legs. Cost: payment only for balloons - 50 kopecks/ball.

Don’t forget about the variety of nightclubs, discos, themed parties, the opportunity to go to the sauna, massage and much more. All this is available on the Shatsk Lakes in a wide variety.

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Shatsk lakes - ideal place for children's holiday. Do you want to take a break with your children or away from them? The choice is yours. You can be sure that no one big or small will be bored here.

Where to stay on the Shatsk Lakes

On the Shatsk Lakes you can find accommodation for every taste: both for lovers of comfort and service, and for those who prefer a more economical form of recreation. In any case, here you will find many recreation centers, boarding houses, hotels, cottages and private houses. Prices will depend on the level of comfort, infrastructure and proximity to water bodies.

  • Recreation centers - 55-500 UAH per day/person;
  • Cottages - 65-300 UAH per day/person;
  • Private sector - 50-175 UAH per day/person;
  • Recreation complexes - 70-170 UAH per day/person;
  • Camping and tent cities - tent - 10-15 UAH, parking - 10-25 UAH.

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Remember that it is prohibited to set up tents on the territory of the reserve, only in specially designated areas. Also, do not forget that the busiest holiday season in the reserve is in July and August, so housing prices may rise at this time. It is recommended to reserve places in advance, as there are always many people who want to relax on the Shatsk Lakes.

Study housing prices in the Volyn region, learn more about living conditions and book a room.

How to get there

Ukrainian Polesie - Shatsk lakes are located between the Pripyat and Western Bug rivers; if you look at the map, this region is indicated as a series of blue circles.

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Trains travel here from many major cities of Ukraine. It is most convenient to go through the city of Kovel, but it is also possible from the cities of Lutsk or Lyuboml. Buses, minibuses or private transport run from here.

Shatsk Lakes- a group of more than 30 lakes in the Lyuboml and Shatsky districts of the Volyn region, in the area between the Pripyat and Western Bug rivers.

The Shatsk lakes are located among forests in which a large number of sanatoriums and holiday camps have been built. To protect rare natural complexes in the Shatsk Lakes region, the Shatsk Natural National Park with an area of ​​32,500 hectares was created in 1983.

The territory where the lakes are located is called the Shatsk Lake District. The largest of the Shatsk lakes are Svityaz (27.5 km, the second largest natural reservoir in Ukraine after Lake Yalpug), Pulemetskoye Lake (16.3 km), Luki (6.8 km), Lyutsimir (4.3 km), Ostrovyanskoe lake (2.5 km), Crimean lake (1.44 km), Sand lake (1.86 km).

Lake Svityaz

The area of ​​Lake Svityaz is 25.2 sq. km. The length of the lake is 9.3 km, the greatest width is 8 km. Maximum depth - 58.4 m. Volume about 180 million m?. Approximately in the middle of the lake there is an island with an area of ​​about 7 hectares. The lake warms up well in the summer and, having clean water and a flat sandy bottom, is popular with vacationers.

The “Shatsky King” does not trust the thread of his life to any river. The lake is fed exclusively by underground springs. Even Baikal, into which more than 300 rivers flow, can envy such “recharge”. Svityaz is one of the deepest lakes not only in Ukraine: it is deeper than the Sea of ​​Azov and the famous “sea eye of the Carpathians” - Sinevir, the famous Hungarian Balaton and the Polish Lake Snyardwy. In terms of area, Svityaz is second in Europe only to some lakes in the lower reaches of the Danube. Its waters are so clean and transparent that the bottom can be seen at a depth of eight meters.

The shores of the Shatsk lakes are low, flat, composed of sand, pebbles and biogenic material; There are wetlands. The lakes are fed by precipitation and groundwater, as well as by water exchange through canals that connect some lakes. In summer, the water in the lakes warms up well; in winter, the lakes freeze. Water mineralization is moderate or reduced, its value ranges from 75-125 to 200-250 mg/l. The color of the water varies from yellowish-green in shallow lakes to emerald green in deep lakes. The bottom is covered predominantly with sandy-silty sediments, peat and sapropelic silts.

In the Shatsk lakes there are perch, roach, pike, bream, crucian carp, korob, catfish, loach, eel, there are acclimatized species (for example, in lakes Svityaz, Pulemetsky and Crimean - Canadian catfish, in Pesochny - trout perch, in Pulemetsky - Chud whitefish, in Lucimir and Black Big Lake - pike perch and Amur carp). Most lakes are inhabited by crayfish. Near the lakes, fish farms have been created, for example, a pond-fish farm with a breeding farm “Ladynka”.

Shatsk Lake District is a plain within the Polesie Lowland. Its central part is characterized by the distribution of lacustrine karst basins, which were formed in Cretaceous deposits. The lakes, lying in the middle of swampy landscapes, arose as a result of the accumulation of aluvium and rising groundwater levels, provided that the territory was slightly sloping and there was no constant flow.

Shores Shatsky Lakes are nesting places for waterfowl (wild ducks and geese, swans, etc.). Most of the Shatsk lakes are part of the Shatsk Natural National Park; they are also the base for scientific research at Lviv University and the Lutsk Pedagogical Institute.

The nature around the Shatsk Lakes is stunning in its primitiveness. The photo shows a country road

This is our bread


Field of medicinal chamomile

Red poppy

resurrected fence

Shatsk lakes are a group of more than 30 lakes in the Lyuboml and Shatsk districts of the Volyn region, between the Pripyat and Western Bug rivers. The Shatsk lakes are located among forests in which a large number of sanatoriums and holiday camps have been built. To protect rare natural complexes in the Shatsk Lakes region, the Shatsk Natural National Park with an area of ​​32,500 hectares was created in 1983.


The territory where the lakes are located is called the Shatsk Lake District. The largest of the Shatsk lakes are Svityaz (27.5 km², the second largest natural reservoir in Ukraine after Lake Yalpug), Pulemetskoye Lake (16.3 km²), Luki (6.8 km²), Lyutsimir (4.3 km²), Ostrovyanskoye lake (2.5 km²), Crimean (1.44 km²), Sand Lake (1.86 km²).

Shatsk Lake District is a plain within the Polesie Lowland. Its central part is characterized by the distribution of lacustrine karst basins, which were formed in Cretaceous deposits. The lakes, lying in the middle of swampy landscapes, arose as a result of the accumulation of alluvium and rising groundwater levels, provided that the territory was slightly sloping and there was no constant flow.

The shores of the Shatsk lakes are low, flat, composed of sand, pebbles and biogenic material; There are wetlands. The lakes are fed by precipitation and groundwater, as well as by water exchange through canals that connect some lakes.

In summer, the water in the lakes warms up well; in winter, the lakes freeze. Water mineralization is moderate or reduced, its value ranges from 75-125 to 200-250 mg/l. The color of the water varies from yellowish-green in shallow lakes to emerald green in deep lakes. The bottom is covered primarily with sandy-silt deposits, peat and sapropelic silts.

Natural world

In the Shatsk lakes there are perch, roach, pike, bream, crucian carp, korob, catfish, loach, eel, there are acclimatized species (for example, in lakes Svityaz, Pulemetsky and Crimean - Canadian catfish, in Pesochny - trout perch, in Pulemetsky - Chud whitefish, in Lucimir and Black Big Lake - pike perch and Amur carp). Crayfish live in a number of lakes. Near the lakes, fish farms have been created, for example, a pond-fish farm with a breeding farm “Ladynka”.

The fish in the lakes are mercilessly destroyed by the local population. Nets are located almost everywhere, especially in the spawning area. Poaching is rampant.

The shores of the Shatsk lakes are nesting places for waterfowl (wild ducks and geese, swans, etc.). Most of the Shatsk lakes are part of the Shatsk Natural National Park; they are also the base for scientific research at Lviv University and the Lutsk Pedagogical Institute.

One of the largest lake groups in Eastern Europe is located in the Volyn region. Tourists come here all year round to admire the beauty of this place. Some people consider the Shatsk Lakes to be an ordinary rural area for a family holiday, others come to fish or just relax on the weekend with friends in the private sector. Prostoturist will tell you about the uniqueness of the Shatsk Lakes and their features and living conditions.

The Shatsk lakes of Ukraine are called the “blue eyes of Volyn”. They are located between the Pripyat and Western Bug rivers. About 30 lakes are included in the Shatsk National Park (1983), created to preserve unique nature, with an area of ​​32.5 thousand hectares. The most famous and largest lakes are Svityaz - “Ukrainian Baikal” (27.5 sq. km.), Pulemetskoye (16.3 sq. km.), Luki (6.8 sq. km.), Pesochnoe (1.86 sq. km. ).

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The shores of the Shatsk lakes are gentle, often overgrown with grass, there are swampy areas and reeds. The bottom of some lakes consists of blue clay, and the water of Svityaz (bicarbonate-sodium with medium or low mineralization) contains silver and glycerin, which has a beneficial effect on human health. The Shatsk Lakes complex is shrouded in dense forest, in which there are many recreation centers, private estates, boarding houses and children's camps.

Fishermen consider vacationing on the Shatsk Lakes a haven: it is easier to list the species of fish that are not there than those that are found there. Green tourism is thriving in these areas. Holidays on the Shatsk Lakes are suitable for everyone: those who are looking for entertainment, and those who want to escape from the bustle of big cities and be in the lap of nature.

A note for vacationers

Holidays on the Shatsk Lakes are also attractive because here you can find accommodation for every taste and budget: from rooms in a private house with outdoor amenities to private mansions with “all inclusive”. Prices fluctuate depending on the season.

The Shatsk lakes welcome on their shores not only tourists, but also those people who want to improve their health. Some recreation centers offer recovery services for dermatological and gastroenterological diseases due to the presence of coniferous forests, clean mineral water, excellent ecology and the absence of polluting sources.

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First of all, people come here to take a break from the city smog, noise and constant bustle. But don’t have any illusions about cool entertainment: there are few noisy parties and night discos here. Riding jet skis and boats is strictly prohibited on the Shatsk Lakes.

The most important thing on vacation here is the right choice of season. High season – July-August. This is due to the fact that May-June is the time of mosquitoes. Therefore, when going on vacation, do not forget to take all kinds of repellents with you. It often rains in June. But the weather is often changeable: rain quickly gives way to sun, and vice versa.

There are several places to relax on Lake Svityaz:

  • Village Svityaz. The village has a small market (open on Wednesday, Friday and Sunday), a cafe and a shop. The shore is mostly grassy, ​​there is little sand.
  • Girka tract, Gushevo. Almost all the beaches are given over to tourist centers, so they are well looked after.
  • Tract Ridge. The most “party” place, ideal for gatherings with friends and for young people. Some recreation centers are far from noise and music, so families with children can go there, just check in advance.

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On Lake Pesochnoe there are such places to relax:

  • With. Melniki is located a few kilometers from the lake, so you need to check in advance if you want to live near the lake. There is a pine forest around the lake, and the shore is sandy.
  • Sanatorium "Forest Song". The only sanatorium of the Shatsk Lakes. On the section of the lake shore, over which the sanatorium “patronizes,” there are wooden sun loungers and tents with food.

You can relax on any beach for free and at any time, access to them is general. The only thing that can ruin a tourist’s holiday is gadflies, mosquitoes and wasps.

How to diversify your leisure time?

If you are an avid fisherman, a holiday on the Shatsk Lakes is just for you. There are many species of fish here (trout perch, pike perch, Canadian catfish, Amur carp, pike perch), but especially a lot of eels. This is the most popular fish in these places. If you didn't bring any gear, don't worry: the locals can supply you with it, or you can buy gear at the market. Even in winter there are no fewer fishermen here.

It’s hard to imagine a summer holiday here without picking mushrooms and berries: strawberries and blueberries, which are very popular here (15-20 UAH/liter). It is collected in July-August, dried for tea or canned. And in the fall you will be offered blackberries, lingonberries and swamp cranberries, which are rich in vitamins.

The most important place for leisure is the beach. Here you can rent a boat or catamaran (20 UAH/hour), take lessons or rent equipment for windsurfing and diving, go horseback riding (15-100 UAH/hour) or bike rides. On Lake Svityaz you can ride a yacht, walk along an ecological trail around the lake, and play paintball.

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The attractions of the Shatsk Lakes are, of course, the lakes themselves, but in addition to them you can see:

  • Holy Kazan Church (Pishcha village);
  • Shatsk National Park and Museum of Flora and Fauna of Polesie (Shatsk);
  • Peter and Paul Monastery (Svityaz village);
  • Historical and cultural reserve “Old Town”, Milinskaya Church, Lutsk Castle (Lutsk).

Shatsk Lakes – info, map

Shatsk Lakes are located near the border of Belarus and Poland. Tourists travel to Shatsk from Kyiv along the Varshavka highway E373: M07 (430 km) Kiev-Kovel (to Lyuboml) or along the E40 highway; M06 “Kyiv-Chop” (475 km). From Kovel to Shatsk (80 km) there are minibuses (20 UAH) and buses, as well as taxis (30-50 UAH). You can also get to Shatsk from Lutsk, V. Volynsky.

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Choosing housing

If you decide to go on vacation for the first time, go according to recommendations, booking accommodation in advance. If there are no recommendations, you will need to decide on the location, so it is better to arrive in Shatsk in advance during the day, rather than in the evening.

You can rent a room for a price starting from 60 UAH/day per person. Bargain for everything and everywhere, then you will relax economically.

You can either order food from the owners, or in a cafe, or cook it yourself. Products in Shatsk are affordable, but the range is not abundant. Therefore, it is better to take non-perishable foods with you. You will be pleasantly surprised by the local cuisine, rich in fish dishes. Each camp site boasts a barbecue facility, which is convenient for barbecuing or grilling fish. Local donuts with different fillings are very tasty (5 UAH), this is a local specialty. If you decide to eat in public catering, the doors of local kolyba restaurants, pizzerias and cafes are open for you.

In addition to recreation centers and private cottages, on the Shatsk Lakes you can also spend the night in tents in campsites (Gryada urn and Svityaz village). This is an economy class vacation, the cost of overnight stay for one tent and a parking space is from 10-20 UAH/day. At the campsites, as a rule, there are tents with food and drinking water. Among the shortcomings, vacationers note a lack of toilets.

Services for providing holiday accommodation on the Shatsk Lakes are offered by:





Private cottage "Umishka"

Russian bath, barbecue, parking. 5 rooms, “conveniences” on the 1st floor, air conditioning and refrigerator

Whole house – 1200 UAH/day, room by room: from 250 UAH/day

With. Svityaz,

mob. 096 127 14 14, Anastasia [email protected]

Recreation center "Rusalka"

Eurostandard (2,3,4 bed rooms) and economy class (houses with “conveniences” on site)

Eurostandard - from 120 UAH/day, economy class - from 60 UAH/person

ur. Ridge,

mob. 095 036 19 54, 096 415 56 29

Recreation center "Galitsky Dvor"

Distance to Svityaz 300 m, Russian bath, gym, barbecue, amenities in the rooms. Children under 12 years old are free.

June - from 570 UAH, July, August - from 650 (depending on room class)

Lv. Gushevo,