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So no in. Is a cruise too expensive? But no

But there is no Razg. Express It doesn’t work out, it’s impossible to do what is planned and expected. “Here is an old man walking ahead - my grandfather... What makes me follow him? Why do I humbly, like a slave, trudge along this dusty road? Two steps to the side and please lay down on all fours! But no! I can not! Some force is pushing me in the back - follow the old man and no devils!”(N. Dumbadze. Blood).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.


See what “But no” is in other dictionaries:

    Razg. Express It doesn’t work out, it’s impossible to do what is planned and expected. “Here my old grandfather is walking ahead... What makes me follow him? Why do I humbly, like a slave, trudge along this dusty road? Two steps to the side and... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Literary Language

    but no- as if it weren’t so, what (you!, you!), didn’t happen at all, (in no way, at all) no, (where, where, what) there!, yes (you, you) what! Dictionary of Russian synonyms. and here is no sentence, number of synonyms: 12 not at all (16) ... Synonym dictionary

    No- Not present, lacking, missing, not available, and not in sight (of the plant); left, transferred, disappeared. He is not there, he is absent, absent, shining with his absence. There was no trace of him; neither hearing nor spirit, disappeared, and that’s all; as if it never happened. On the face… … Synonym dictionary

    here's another!- no, and I won’t even think about it!, even kill, only over my corpse, even kill Dictionary of Russian synonyms. here's another! sentence, number of synonyms: 7 here's more! (1) and I won’t think... Synonym dictionary

    No- NO1, no, no yes no, no and no, no like no NO2, no way, nothing like that, not at all, colloquial. but no, colloquially. not at all, colloquial. where there, colloquial What are you talking about? What are you talking about? pipes, colloquial no matter how it is, colloquial. what is it, colloquial... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

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    that's cute- the stones cry out, where is this good for, outrageous, head off, disgraceful, doesn’t look like anything, it doesn’t look like anything, a good thing, God knows what, there’s no name for it, damn it, there’s nowhere to go further, God knows what Dictionary of Russian synonyms... Synonym dictionary

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  • No person - no problem! Crisis of the genre, Serova M.S.. No matter what the client does, it is the bodyguard’s duty to protect him. And now the famous architect is in trouble, and Evgenia Okhotnikova is cleaning it up. Its task is to hide it more reliably... Buy for 275 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • No, baby, this is fantastic! , Ekaterina Vasina. This is how it happens - you meet a man who is ideal in every way, and he turns your life upside down. Lisa always wanted to marry a rich and successful man. And when I met...

Sometimes we easily treat someone else's pain -
We give smart and wise advice.
But we often have nothing to treat ours with.
But we are proud - we don’t call for help.

When I told him that I didn’t want to see him, he turned off the light. And you would just get offended and leave, that’s why I’m with him.

Such is the paradox: We perform feats for those who don’t care about us, but those who need us love us even without any feats!!!

“Yes” should always be said as slowly as possible, and “no” as quickly as possible. Here's what I know for sure.

In life we ​​think about a lot of things - just about there, but it’s already there!

This is life. Everything is always the same: one is waiting for the other, but he is not there. Someone always loves more than they love him. And the hour comes when you want to destroy what you love so that it no longer torments you.

People are divided into two halves. Some, upon entering the room, exclaim: “Oh, who do I see!”; others: “Here I am!”

A well-groomed appearance, competent speech and upbringing - this is what will always be in fashion.

For example, you are juggling four balls, which you call: “work”, “family”, “friends” and “spirit”. So, the work is a rubber ball. If you accidentally drop it, it will jump into your hands again. And all the other balls are made of glass.

Imagine flying with a parachute and thinking: what if it doesn’t open? Scary. It's hard to breathe. Heart between the shoulder blades. But still a delight. Bam! Opened up. And again happiness. And the heart beats again. Until it opens up - passion, and when it opens up - love.

Soundwave came online, feeling the warmth of living metal pressed against his side. Without giving the impression that he was already conscious, he assessed his condition. The internal diagnostics spat out errors, but these were residual effects of overcharging. The calibration of all the systems had gone completely haywire, and he knew that the audiovisual unit would have to be brought online very carefully - the stream of uncalibrated input data could deafen and blind him.

The party yesterday was hotter than Smelting, but the truce deserved a celebration of such a magnitude.

The heated body next to him moved, pressing closer to him, and a servo lay on the blue armor. Soundwave didn’t remember which of his usual face partners dragged him to their place yesterday - the logs were mixed up and he didn’t want to decipher it now. But whoever it was, none of them suffered from excessive cuddling tendencies, so it must have been a consequence of overcharging.

The peripherals did not come online in the usual sequence, and the spy reached out telepathically before the video capture took place.

The hand on his torso moved absentmindedly, stroking the seam of his transformation. Despite the movement, the mech nearby was still in a deep charging cycle. Soundwave carefully squeezed into the sleeping mind and found there...

...his own slightly blurred, unmasked face staring back at him while his body squirmed under the sleeping bot and moaned shamelessly with desire. The dream was in the first person, and although he perfectly saw how his foggy double was losing control from the skillful actions of black hands and red forearms, these same hands and forearms were the only visible part of the owner of the dream.

Soundwave reluctantly admitted that his hands knew where to stroke and which wires to pull, but he would never allow himself to lose his dignity like that. The telepath was overcome with anger.

The color scheme of the hands was not what he expected. Very few Decepticons chose red and black for their hands... Careful not to let his presence awaken the sleeping mech, the spy focused on his hands, trying to ignore his interbot-like image.

Trust? Dead End? He didn't particularly like both of them. None of them had the right to imagine Megatron's Second Deputy as a loose nut on the platform.

Already truly angry, the telepath went into the basic programs in search of a name.

And at that moment the video capture finally calibrated.

The blue and white mecha carefully turned his helmet to see... No. Primus, no!
I had to reboot the optics. Blaster.

Sealing the deal with an interface wasn't anything out of the ordinary, but in the name of Primus, why did he have to choose Blaster?!

And how dare this car slag imagine him, Soundwave, accepting?! Soundwave is flawless, and no amount of supercharging can make him behave like that. The Autobot was asking for a lesson.

The Decepticon dived into the dream that was offensive to him, gradually changing it, wrapping it around himself. The fake one became more active, began to return affection (the telepath dug into his own data bank in search of the most pleasant tactile sensations). Fortunately - or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it - the similarity of the body models made it possible to directly apply tactile logs to the object’s neural network.

Still offline, the Autobot next to him tensed, coughed on the vent and moved closer. Gently... gently... carefully...

Soundwave stood up, leaning on his servo, and looked at his eternal enemy. While in hibernation, the hard and determined expression that was usually on his enemy's faceplate receded, and Soundwave was surprised to note that Blaster had rather delicate facial features.

Soundwave-in-the-sleep reached out and ran his hand over Blaster-in-the-sleep's cheek, tracing his features with his fingertips, pausing at his mouth to press lightly on the dermis.
The spy found the corresponding data in the memory. they once did this to him. It was a pleasure.

The Autobot made an unintelligible sound as Soundwave downloaded tactile data into him. The spy enveloped his mind with pleasure so dense and thick that it could almost be felt, and Blaster moaned a little louder, submitting to the phantom's touch. His body shuddered as the periphery gave in to the demands of the subroutines and the temperature crept up.

Soundwave reached out to stroke and play with the buttons on the tape deck, and his dream counterpart did the same. The deck opened to his touch, allowing him to touch and caress the wiring inside.

And the phantom des did just that, earning another groan of approval. But the real Soundwave stood up and watched his opponent fidget for a moment. He recorded everything - every great sound and full video - and he really loved what he recorded. He moved to the door and increased the intensity of his sleep.

His phantom double straddled his crimson thighs, with both hands buried in Blaster's cassette deck. He leaned down to taste the copper connectors with his glossa... the unnaturally long glossa that Soundwave had "borrowed" from Revage.

The red body shook, the deck opened even wider...
The real Soundwave shook his helmet. It's incredible that an Autobot would expose himself like that and disregard safety. What was he thinking as he dragged the telepath onto his platform? Rather, the supercharger was thinking for him. It’s a pity we can’t pull out the spark for him now. But Megatron has made peace, and Soundwave is obliged to keep it.

The flexible manipulators uncoiled and slid along the Blaster's body, the optical cables separated, flashing with sporadic discharges... they poked at the seams, joints, joints, unerringly searching for sensitive places... the phantom threw back his helmet to burn the bot with his gaze while he played with the glossa with the wire, picked up from the deck. The blaster bit the dermis. His servos were clamped by his white knees, and all his involuntary twitches and movements were limited by his white and blue body. There was no other choice but to accept it all, allow the enemy to do all these amazing things to you and enjoy. The optical cables froze at the data network connectors, and the spy leaned over him, bringing his helmet to the signalman's audio sensors.
The glossa flashed, sliding across the audio sensor and throwing static onto it. The caress made the Abbott tremble before Soundwave's uncoded voice said, "And now I could enter all your sockets and fill you with my music."
Blaster took a deep breath.
"You'd like that, wouldn't you?"
The scarlet bot's ports opened, but the optical cables remained outside, sliding teasingly around the connectors. The Decepticon moved away and Blaster rushed after him, trying to stay close "P-please, Soundwave!" It was only then that Soundwave connected.

As the Autobots' chief communications officer buckled under the strain, the Decepticons' chief communications officer slid out of his compartment. He was satisfied with his work. The target not only did not realize that he had become a victim of telepathic manipulation, but was also clearly confused between sleep and reality. It's a pity that you can't tell anyone about this little joke, alas, the pride of an excellent mind game did not outweigh the shame of the interface with the Autobot... nevertheless, the recording, as well as the vulnerability that he sowed in his personal enemy today, will be useful to him, when this so-called world will slide into the Smelters. And he had a premonition that this would happen very soon...

Cruises can be expensive, but it's not about the price of the ticket. First, they offer you really cheap tickets, and then they make money on expensive drinks in a restaurant, equally expensive meals that are not included in the ticket price, and expensive Internet at a dollar per minute. However, you can find cruises for $30 a day and get just as much of an experience. You just need to know something, show willpower and a little cunning.

How to book a cheap cruise

In fact, booking a cheap cruise is quite easy, it just requires flexibility. Prices for cruises are formed on the same principle as prices for tours. The closer to the departure date, the cheaper the tickets.

Why? Because cruise ships don't want to set sail with empty cabins and lower prices before sailing. Most of their revenue comes from bookings and services on board, so cruise lines are interested in getting as many bodies as possible to set sail and want to eat, drink, shop and surf the Internet.

In addition, the ship's crew and service personnel make good money from tips, so it is also more profitable for them to recruit people - more people, more tips.

Here's some more great advice from Doug Parker of Cruise Radio:

While schools are in session, cruise prices are at their best.

This works for all tours, but especially for cruises, since they are the standard type of family vacation. So don't travel when a lot of people are doing it. If you go on a cruise during the transitional season, the prices will be the best.

Well, one more tip from Chris from Orlando Chris:

Book your tickets either well in advance of your cruise or at the last minute before departure. This way you will get the best prices.

Where to order tickets

Doug recommended starting with travel agents because they often work with different cruise lines and can get the best tickets at the last minute before departure.

Although there are many options for booking directly, travel agencies can find cheaper tickets and help if something goes wrong with the cruise line.

But if you still want to order tickets without intermediaries, there are two cheap resources:

  • Cruise Sheet
  • Vacations to Go

On Vacations to Go you can find tour operators and agents who will find the best value cruises to any destination. But before you book your ticket, pay attention to the different fees, because they may cause the final cost to vary.

The Cruise Sheet website is a simple and useful aggregator site that helps you find the best cruise ticket prices right now. Moreover, you will spend no more than 5-10 minutes searching. Just enter the desired point of departure and destination, and see the best prices. There are cruises to all corners of the world, including tours from St. Petersburg to the USA, although they will be more expensive than $30 per day.

You can set filters and select the shortest or longest cruises, as well as cheap cruises that change locations. We'll talk about the latter a little later.

Again, don't book early because, as Doug said, the only benefit to booking early is being able to get the cabin you like.

Three things to remember

The less the cheaper

Cruising on smaller ships costs less because they offer fewer attractions and activities.

Not a season

Traveling off-season, such as Alaska in September or the Caribbean during hurricane season, will give you great discounts on airfare.

A cruise that changes location

Such cruises take place when cruise companies move ships from one place to another in anticipation of the new season. Such cruises are a great chance to cross the ocean on the cheap.

As for the flight to the cruise departure point, do not buy cruise and plane tickets together. There are many ways - use them, and your trip won't cost a pretty penny.

How to enjoy a cheap cruise

Very often, the price of a cruise ticket does not include food, drinks and entertainment. Therefore, on any cruise ship, the main task of the staff is to make you spend money, because this is where they make the main profit.

But, in any case, if you are a fairly sensible and disciplined person, a cruise will not cost you very much. In general, it will not cost more than a place in a cabin. Here are some ways to avoid spending money on board.

Don't drink soda

Once upon a time, soda was free on board a cruise ship. Now it costs about $3 per glass. You can also pay about $45-60 per card and drink soda whenever and wherever you want. You'll have to drink an inordinate amount of soda to pay off this card.

Instead, you can drink the complimentary water, ice tea or juices provided on the ship. This will be good for both your wallet and your insulin levels.

No need to take pictures

Do you really need a professionally staged cruise ship photo? Hardly. Take a photo of yourself on your phone or take a camera with you and just ask someone to take a photo of your whole family.

Don't go to the restaurant

Most cruise ships these days have special restaurants that you can get into for an additional price, such as an oriental restaurant. Food in dining areas, buffets and shops is much cheaper, and the quality is not inferior to restaurants. So, don't even go to these establishments. You can also book "dining packages" with your cruise tickets - sometimes saving up to 25%.

Drink carefully

Six dollars for a beer and ten for a cocktail, and that's not the limit. Enjoy the sun and ocean without alcohol, and your money won't run out so quickly. It seems that just two glasses of wine at dinner and a cocktail by the pool, and the money begins to disappear at a tremendous speed.

Bring it with you

Cruise lines allow you to carry some supplies with you, so you can buy water, soda, beer and wine in advance for three times less than on the ship.

If you love it stronger

If you decide to drink something stronger than beer and wine, you can bring it on board using Rum Runners pouches. Fill them with your favorite alcohol and feel free to take them with you. They do not contain air bubbles, so they cannot be detected using X-ray machines. A little caution and you won't be paying for expensive spirits on board.

Don't go to the casino

Well, you don’t have to add anything at all here.

Plan your own excursions

Shore excursions are not included in the cruise price and are available at an additional cost. Instead you may find local tour guides on the Internet. They will charge much less money, show you more interesting things, and you will support the local economy and see the sights without crowds of people with cameras.

Just be careful: the cruise ship won't wait if you're late. There is even a special company Shore Excursion Group, which arranges excursions in ports 30% cheaper and guarantees that they will get you back on board on time.

Wash your own clothes

Laundry services on cruise ships are very expensive. Instead of paying them, buy the powder and wash your clothes in the bathtub or sink. After all, if you just need to wash your socks, is it worth paying 100-200 rubles for it?

Don't agree to transfers

Cruise lines offer overpriced airport transfers. You can take a taxi much cheaper.

Avoid anything that costs money

On a cruise ship you can find a lot of things: spa salons, shopping, Internet, phone calls, but all this costs money, and a lot. It’s better to enjoy the atmosphere, beautiful views and new sensations, and leave all the usual entertainment for sushi - it all costs several times cheaper there.

As you can see, cruises become "expensive" mainly because of the costs on board, and without the expensive food, alcohol and entertainment, they are quite affordable. With a little discipline and forethought, you can spend no money at all. not a single cent on board the ship, but you will get no less pleasure.

“Well, when will you finally get married?”, “All your classmates have been babysitting children for a long time, and you still have the wind in your head,” “When you start a family, then you will understand what the meaning of life is.” Stop. Are they serious?! All our friendly relatives, acquaintances and friends who do not allow us, single people, to live in peace.

Single person: pity or envy?

Some people sincerely believe that there is nothing worse than being left without a “life partner.” An abandoned granny, obsessed with her numerous Murkas and Barsiks, or an unhappy grandfather who regularly abuses hawthorn tincture - this is how self-satisfied married couples see our future*. Shall we argue?

My serious answer: “For me, it’s better to be alone! I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread!”**

Okay, okay, this is a joke. It's not just gingerbread that makes our lonely lives bearable. Here are just a few advantages of single life:

Quiet, bustle-free evenings and weekends. When else? One artist told me with regret that after marriage and the birth of two children, she completely stopped painting. And no wonder. Family problems, household chores and domestic conversations take up too much time. If, moreover, you go to work every day, then you can definitely forget about hobbies.

Watercolor if you have time!

Interesting travel. You can’t drag your whole family with you to the mountains, distant countries or a long hike. And in general, you and your husband/wife may have different views on a good vacation. You will have to look for compromises and sacrifice something. And while you're alone, there's no need to deny yourself adventure or save your budget.

Wherever I wanted, I went there. And you don’t need to ask for time off.

Meetings with friends. We're not that alone, to be honest. Quite the contrary. We have more social contacts than married men and women because we don't have to limit our social circle for the sake of our family. And yes, no one will cause a scandal if he returns from a friendly party at five in the morning.

On weekends you can sleep until two o'clock in the afternoon. And also - eating processed foods, walking around the house naked, not making the bed, not combing your hair, not doing repairs... Well, you get the idea. Continue the list yourself -)

The myth of halves

Once upon a time, people were two-headed, four-armed and four-legged, and then Zeus cut each person into two parts. Remember this old story? Legend says that the only way to be happy is to be reunited with your lost soul mate.

Of course, this is just a myth. If you do not feel like a complete person and believe that only a romantic relationship will help you find inner harmony, you will be disappointed. In fact, you will have to win freedom every day so as not to dissolve in another person. It is on the independence of partners that they rest.

Here's what psychotherapist Esther Perel says: “Almost all couples make a serious mistake: people get so close that there are no boundaries between them. There is no longer the mysterious world of another person, there is no longer a distance that we longed to overcome at first. The result is sad: we become bored, and this has already destroyed more than one family.


The difficulty is that you need to learn to balance: intimacy and trust must be harmoniously combined with the personal freedom and independence of each partner. Try to get out of your comfort zone and feel a little alone. Develop as independent, full-fledged individuals.”***

It turns out that we are not halves. Even in relationships, this must be remembered.

And, of course, the absence of a couple is not a reason to have a complex. If you feel like your life has no meaning, family will definitely not solve the problem.

But single people have a serious advantage: we have much more time for self-knowledge and...

The one and only exception

Love. She is able to smooth out all the corners and reconcile with any inconvenience. And only for her sake can you give up your single life. The problem is that people are too caught up in stereotypes. They are in a hurry to create the “main unit of society” and forget about the most important ingredient, but, in fact, it is the only one that matters.

I can already hear the triumphant: “This is it! You still have to feel sorry for single people, because there is no love in their lives.” Are you really serious again? If we have not yet found a person next to whom we want to meet all the sunrises and sunsets allotted to us, this does not mean that our hearts are empty. And we love. We love friends. We love our family. We love those for whom we work. We love casual acquaintances and fellow travelers. We love our Muroks and Barsiks, finally -)


Maybe we will reach the end of our lives alone. But it depends only on us whether this path will become joyless, gray and dull. And most likely, it will be no less amazing and beautiful than the others. Just a little bit different. Despite all the prejudices.

Each person can be completely himself only while he is alone. Therefore, whoever does not like loneliness also does not like freedom, for a person is free only when he is alone.

Arthur Schopenhauer

*Reference to Helen Fielding's novel Bridget Jones's Diary. Quote from the book: “Could it be that Smug Marriages only breed with other Smug Marriages and have no idea how to deal with individual personalities? Or maybe they really want to patronize us and make us feel like failures?