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Tours to Pattaya Park Beach Resort. Pattaya Park Beach Resort, Thailand, Pattaya: hotel description, tourist reviews Pattaya park beach hotel 3 reviews

If you are not going to hang around in it all day, you can live.
So, again, my beloved Asia - unforgettable nature, climate that suits me, sabai-sabai and a lot of impressions)))
The principle of choosing a hotel is not far from the center (15-20 minutes by tuk-tuk), a quiet place, there is a shopping street with catering nearby, inexpensive (I'm talking about the cost of the tour). We were not going to stay at the hotel, so I tried to keep only one fad - a comfortable room. All the rest you can half-close your eyes. Let's start:

It takes about an hour to drive from UTAPAO airport. We were at the hotel at six in the morning. Do you think someone rushed to help us move in? Don't wait! Check-in at 14:00((((I am more than sure that the rooms were free, but no one wanted to meet us halfway and take pity on tired and sleepy travelers(((We were not upset, threw off our backpacks, changed in the toilet and set off to study surroundings. We managed to explore the territory - uncomfortable, unkempt, large, but somehow stupid. I didn’t like it, in general. We managed to get acquainted with the third Russian street, changed SIM cards to Thai ones, replenished them at 7/11, connected a bunch of Internet for two weeks in advance in the same place, we discussed excursions and menus of local eateries with very unauthentic names in the Russian style with street barkers.
At 14:00, and not a minute earlier, I went to the reception, impatiently drummed my fingers on the counter, and a long and hysterical search began for our passports with my son (among a million Chinese and a dozen Slavic ones, who were also waiting for settlement). Here I want to immediately note the staff - inattentive, not smiling, indifferent. When you approach the counter, you get the impression that you are a part of a huge conveyor, and the reception workers with a blurred eye make sure that you don’t turn off this conveyor where you don’t need to (but, admittedly, the problems that arose were solved). Alleluia! Passports were found after 15 minutes of checking the appearance (a mini digression: when the employees were sorting out Slavic passports, they missed twice, looking at the photo in the passport, and at that moment I very clearly realized that we were all the same for them, just like the Chinese for us)))) and the employee volunteered to see us off and show us everything. Kindly brought him to the room, with tired movements he pressed the buttons of the TV / air conditioner / safe, pointed his finger at the hair dryer / kettle / telephone and quite tolerably in Russian said that 100 rubles would suit him, he would change it himself))))) I didn’t sting, I gave him One hundred rubles.

The room and the hotel in general. The room is large, with two beds, a TV, a modest storage system (there is no closet), a minibar, an air conditioner, two armchairs and a table, which we immediately dragged to the balcony (by the way, there is a fully functional clothes dryer on the balcony, things dry quickly). Read all the non-admiring reviews - it’s all true - the sun loungers on the balcony are unbearable, the plumbing is trashed, the ants feel at home, there is nothing in the canteen ..... Well, there’s nothing to do, if you think all the time that we are at home on our own we don’t cook seven changes of dishes for breakfast, then you can live))) But I also can’t eat fried eggs and sausages every day (((Croissants are not real, from yeast non-puff pastry - just a bun, in short, and that one yesterday; from fruits only pineapples and watermelons, there was also edible pasta and sometimes meat, but most often, where the meat lay, something just stank insanely (I don’t know if there was any sauce, the Chinese gladly put this stinky on themselves and smacked their lips, and I was in a hurry to run past this vociferousness, and it was no longer up to meat (((((In general, I went to breakfast only 4 times out of 12, and my son generally 2 :-) (we had a very tight excursion program, we did not often spend the night in hotel, and during the day there were even fewer)))

What was very annoying - the building in its center does not have a roof - it is made like a tower, that is, there are no air conditioners in the corridors - natural ventilation, so to speak. So this natural ventilation howls in the room so much that it is impossible to sleep. A draft from the balcony, even with the doors closed, rushes into the common corridor and into the bathroom. I can’t say that it’s really blowing, but this breathtaking rumble drove me crazy (((, well, personally, my trick is the floor in the room is tiled - my feet freeze to walk on the bare floor, plus, if I dripped something (water), you can just kill yourself or suddenly demonstrate the skill of stretching. Our air conditioner was leaking. I was too lazy to contact the unsmiling receptionists, they just gave up on this matter. An attentive maid found a puddle, laid a small towel for her feet there. Another stupid one cleaned this towel all the time (worked they were in a day and for a towel, I could understand who cleaned the room today :-)) (that’s also interesting - they couldn’t tell at the reception that the air condo was leaking in the room ...., it’s easier to lay towels). Well, what else about the room? Two Russian channels showed, the view from the balcony is amazing, there is a kettle, I enjoyed brewing Cambodian coffee for myself in a Vietnamese coffee mug (I forgot what it is called).Two bottles of water were regularly supplied every day.
Twice tried to get into the fitness center on the 4th floor - unsuccessfully - it was closed. Once we went to a tired water park - out of five slides, only 3 worked. Not fun, not interesting, although the pools there are relatively clean, the lazy river worked.
Once we went to the sea near the hotel - I even splashed in the water. She didn’t smell of anything, there wasn’t any garbage floating around, and in general, I would have gone again, but I didn’t have the opportunity. I was surprised by the intricate design of the passage to the beach - zigzag, why is it needed there at all? And the access to the beach is closed for security reasons (as it is written in the memo to tourists) either at 9 (evening), or at 19, I forgot.
We went to the pool at the hotel twice - we took towels at the reception desk, and did not understand how it works - people just put up a sign "ended" and leave. Although the counter is full of clean towels. What did he end up with- XZ. We return to hand over the towels - he has this sign on the counter again - they themselves signed in the magazine and left it right on the towel counter. The pool itself is small, but there are never crowds of people in it. The water stinks of chlorine. The sunbeds were always free.
Neighbours. Yes, the Chinese are no less than ours. Yes, noisy, but much more decent than in Vietnam. The hotel is so huge that their neighborhood did not bother us in any way, and indeed no neighborhood bothered us at all - sometimes it seemed that we were living alone on the floor. Never saw anyone. For me, this is a plus. Nobody bothers to meditate on the balcony day or night.
What's nearby: Russian street, 7\11, night market, tuk-tuk stop to the center (we went straight to terminal 21 without transfers). The market has everything and the prices are much lower than in the center. We ate a couple of evenings at this market (we took pork and chicken skewers). I liked that you don’t just bring it all on a plate, but also a cabbage salad, a small bowl of soy sauce, a small bowl of chili sauce. And not expensive - a kebab of 4-5 pieces (normal, not Lilliputian) 50 baht is 100 rubles in total. The son also appreciated it, although he initially said in plain text - I won’t eat here 100%, the shrimp were also normal - I think they are already boiled, they just keep them on the grill a little for show, but delicious.
In the bottom line, my summary of the hotel is very shabby and no one is going to ennoble it, neither inside nor outside. The quality of service is also unlikely to be improved. Where do such conclusions come from - yes, elementary - how much do you need to disrespect your guests in order to give them patched floor rags instead of beach towels? And this joke with the Internet? (read in other reviews) We could not connect at all the first time, and then they completely scored on it - take Thai sims - all the time in touch and on the Internet. Quite smart and inexpensive. The son is always in his YouTubes and who knows where else - the speed was quite enough. In general, depending on why you are going to Thailand - to relax, travel and be impressed - you can check into this hotel. According to the schedule, go to breakfast, then to the sea, then to the pool, then daytime sleep, lunch, again the sea, the night market, it is better to look for a more pleasant hotel.
I will not recommend to my friends. I won't go back to it myself. (I don’t understand at all how some people come to it three or five times .... WHAT TO DO THERE???? What can you like there?)
We traveled to Bangkok, Cambodia, Kwai, five provinces, rode quad bikes, dragged through temples, made our way through the jungle, swam in waterfalls - returned without hind legs only to sleep, so I rate our stay at 4. And given the fact that the hotel is Asian and 3 * - it's a shame to wish for more))))
She promised to return to Asia on her own, but it’s too expensive for a couple of weeks. Very inhumane price tag for the flight. A package with this hotel offers a very reasonable price and the minimum service is still present.

Consent to the processing of personal data

I hereby, being the Customer of the tourist services included in the tourist product and an authorized representative of the persons (tourists) specified in the Application, give my consent to the Agent and his authorized representatives to process my data and the data of the persons (tourists) contained in the Application: surname, name, patronymic, date and place of birth, gender, citizenship, series, passport number, other passport data indicated in the passport; address of residence and registration; home and mobile phone; E-mail address; as well as any other data relating to my personality and the identity of the persons specified in the Application, to the extent necessary for the implementation and provision of tourist services, including those that are part of the tourist product formed by the Tour Operator, for any action (operation) or set of actions ( operations) performed with my personal data and data of persons specified in the Application, including (without limitation) collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data, as well as the implementation of any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation, using automation tools, including in information and telecommunication networks, or without using such tools, if the processing of personal data without using such means corresponds to the nature of actions (operations) performed with personal data using automation tools, that is, it allows, in accordance with a given algorithm, to search for personal data recorded on a material carrier and contained in file cabinets or other systematized collections of personal data, and / or access to such personal data, as well as for the transfer (including cross-border) of these personal data to the Tour Operator and third parties - partners of the Agent and the Tour Operator.

The processing of personal data is carried out by the Agent and his authorized representatives (Tour Operator and direct service providers) in order to fulfill this agreement (including, depending on the terms of the agreement, for the purpose of issuing travel documents, booking rooms in accommodation facilities and with carriers, transferring data to consulate of a foreign state, resolving claim issues when they arise, providing information to authorized state bodies (including at the request of courts and internal affairs bodies)).

I hereby confirm that the personal data transferred by me to the Agent are reliable and can be processed by the Agent and his authorized representatives.

I hereby give my consent to the Agent and the Tour Operator to send me emails/information messages to the email address and/or mobile phone number I have provided.

I hereby confirm that I have the authority to provide personal data of the persons specified in the Application, and I undertake to reimburse the Agent for any costs associated with my lack of appropriate authority, including losses associated with the sanctions of the inspection authorities.

I agree (to) that the text given by me of my own free will, in my interests and in the interests of the persons specified in the Application, consent to the processing of personal data is stored electronically in a database and / or on paper and confirms the fact of consent to the processing and transfer of personal data in accordance with the above provisions and take responsibility for the accuracy of the provision of personal data.

This consent is given for an indefinite period and can be revoked by me at any time, and in terms of a specific person, the subject of personal data specified in the Application, by the specified person, by sending a written notification to the Agent by mail.

I hereby confirm that my rights, as a subject of personal data, have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

I hereby confirm that the consequences of withdrawing this consent have been explained to me by the Agent and are clear to me.

This Consent is an annex to this Application.

If you are not going to hang around in it all day, you can live.
So, again, my beloved Asia - unforgettable nature, climate that suits me, sabai-sabai and a lot of impressions)))
The principle of choosing a hotel is not far from the center (15-20 minutes by tuk-tuk), a quiet place, there is a shopping street with catering nearby, inexpensive (I'm talking about the cost of the tour). We were not going to stay at the hotel, so I tried to keep only one fad - a comfortable room. All the rest you can half-close your eyes. Let's start:

It takes about an hour to drive from UTAPAO airport. We were at the hotel at six in the morning. Do you think someone rushed to help us move in? Don't wait! Check-in at 14:00((((I am more than sure that the rooms were free, but no one wanted to meet us halfway and take pity on tired and sleepy travelers(((We were not upset, threw off our backpacks, changed in the toilet and set off to study surroundings. We managed to explore the territory - uncomfortable, unkempt, large, but somehow stupid. I didn’t like it, in general. We managed to get acquainted with the third Russian street, changed SIM cards to Thai ones, replenished them at 7/11, connected a bunch of Internet for two weeks in advance in the same place, we discussed excursions and menus of local eateries with very unauthentic names in the Russian style with street barkers.
At 14:00, and not a minute earlier, I went to the reception, impatiently drummed my fingers on the counter, and a long and hysterical search began for our passports with my son (among a million Chinese and a dozen Slavic ones, who were also waiting for settlement). Here I want to immediately note the staff - inattentive, not smiling, indifferent. When you approach the counter, you get the impression that you are a part of a huge conveyor, and the reception workers with a blurred eye make sure that you don’t turn off this conveyor where you don’t need to (but, admittedly, the problems that arose were solved). Alleluia! Passports were found after 15 minutes of checking the appearance (a mini digression: when the employees were sorting out Slavic passports, they missed twice, looking at the photo in the passport, and at that moment I very clearly realized that we were all the same for them, just like the Chinese for us)))) and the employee volunteered to see us off and show us everything. Kindly brought him to the room, with tired movements he pressed the buttons of the TV / air conditioner / safe, pointed his finger at the hair dryer / kettle / telephone and quite tolerably in Russian said that 100 rubles would suit him, he would change it himself))))) I didn’t sting, I gave him One hundred rubles.

The room and the hotel in general. The room is large, with two beds, a TV, a modest storage system (there is no closet), a minibar, an air conditioner, two armchairs and a table, which we immediately dragged to the balcony (by the way, there is a fully functional clothes dryer on the balcony, things dry quickly). Read all the non-admiring reviews - it’s all true - the sun loungers on the balcony are unbearable, the plumbing is trashed, the ants feel at home, there is nothing in the canteen ..... Well, there’s nothing to do, if you think all the time that we are at home on our own we don’t cook seven changes of dishes for breakfast, then you can live))) But I also can’t eat fried eggs and sausages every day (((Croissants are not real, from yeast non-puff pastry - just a bun, in short, and that one yesterday; from fruits only pineapples and watermelons, there was also edible pasta and sometimes meat, but most often, where the meat lay, something just stank insanely (I don’t know if there was any sauce, the Chinese gladly put this stinky on themselves and smacked their lips, and I was in a hurry to run past this vociferousness, and it was no longer up to meat (((((In general, I went to breakfast only 4 times out of 12, and my son generally 2 :-) (we had a very tight excursion program, we did not often spend the night in hotel, and during the day there were even fewer)))

What was very annoying - the building in its center does not have a roof - it is made like a tower, that is, there are no air conditioners in the corridors - natural ventilation, so to speak. So this natural ventilation howls in the room so much that it is impossible to sleep. A draft from the balcony, even with the doors closed, rushes into the common corridor and into the bathroom. I can’t say that it’s really blowing, but this breathtaking rumble drove me crazy (((, well, personally, my trick is the floor in the room is tiled - my feet freeze to walk on the bare floor, plus, if I dripped something (water), you can just kill yourself or suddenly demonstrate the skill of stretching. Our air conditioner was leaking. I was too lazy to contact the unsmiling receptionists, they just gave up on this matter. An attentive maid found a puddle, laid a small towel for her feet there. Another stupid one cleaned this towel all the time (worked they were in a day and for a towel, I could understand who cleaned the room today :-)) (that’s also interesting - they couldn’t tell at the reception that the air condo was leaking in the room ...., it’s easier to lay towels). Well, what else about the room? Two Russian channels showed, the view from the balcony is amazing, there is a kettle, I enjoyed brewing Cambodian coffee for myself in a Vietnamese coffee mug (I forgot what it is called).Two bottles of water were regularly supplied every day.
Twice tried to get into the fitness center on the 4th floor - unsuccessfully - it was closed. Once we went to a tired water park - out of five slides, only 3 worked. Not fun, not interesting, although the pools there are relatively clean, the lazy river worked.
Once we went to the sea near the hotel - I even splashed in the water. She didn’t smell of anything, there wasn’t any garbage floating around, and in general, I would have gone again, but I didn’t have the opportunity. I was surprised by the intricate design of the passage to the beach - zigzag, why is it needed there at all? And the access to the beach is closed for security reasons (as it is written in the memo to tourists) either at 9 (evening), or at 19, I forgot.
We went to the pool at the hotel twice - we took towels at the reception desk, and did not understand how it works - people just put up a sign "ended" and leave. Although the counter is full of clean towels. What did he end up with- XZ. We return to hand over the towels - he has this sign on the counter again - they themselves signed in the magazine and left it right on the towel counter. The pool itself is small, but there are never crowds of people in it. The water stinks of chlorine. The sunbeds were always free.
Neighbours. Yes, the Chinese are no less than ours. Yes, noisy, but much more decent than in Vietnam. The hotel is so huge that their neighborhood did not bother us in any way, and indeed no neighborhood bothered us at all - sometimes it seemed that we were living alone on the floor. Never saw anyone. For me, this is a plus. Nobody bothers to meditate on the balcony day or night.
What's nearby: Russian street, 7\11, night market, tuk-tuk stop to the center (we went straight to terminal 21 without transfers). The market has everything and the prices are much lower than in the center. We ate a couple of evenings at this market (we took pork and chicken skewers). I liked that you don’t just bring it all on a plate, but also a cabbage salad, a small bowl of soy sauce, a small bowl of chili sauce. And not expensive - a kebab of 4-5 pieces (normal, not Lilliputian) 50 baht is 100 rubles in total. The son also appreciated it, although he initially said in plain text - I won’t eat here 100%, the shrimp were also normal - I think they are already boiled, they just keep them on the grill a little for show, but delicious.
In the bottom line, my summary of the hotel is very shabby and no one is going to ennoble it, neither inside nor outside. The quality of service is also unlikely to be improved. Where do such conclusions come from - yes, elementary - how much do you need to disrespect your guests in order to give them patched floor rags instead of beach towels? And this joke with the Internet? (read in other reviews) We could not connect at all the first time, and then they completely scored on it - take Thai sims - all the time in touch and on the Internet. Quite smart and inexpensive. The son is always in his YouTubes and who knows where else - the speed was quite enough. In general, depending on why you are going to Thailand - to relax, travel and be impressed - you can check into this hotel. According to the schedule, go to breakfast, then to the sea, then to the pool, then daytime sleep, lunch, again the sea, the night market, it is better to look for a more pleasant hotel.
I will not recommend to my friends. I won't go back to it myself. (I don’t understand at all how some people come to it three or five times .... WHAT TO DO THERE???? What can you like there?)
We traveled to Bangkok, Cambodia, Kwai, five provinces, rode quad bikes, dragged through temples, made our way through the jungle, swam in waterfalls - returned without hind legs only to sleep, so I rate our stay at 4. And given the fact that the hotel is Asian and 3 * - it's a shame to wish for more))))
She promised to return to Asia on her own, but it’s too expensive for a couple of weeks. Very inhumane price tag for the flight. A package with this hotel offers a very reasonable price and the minimum service is still present.

Territory of Pattaya Park Hotel Beach Resort 3 * is located on the coast of South Pattaya in Thailand. Picturesque and large-scale, it abounds in entertainment, which promises a great vacation.

Families with children will love this place. For holidays with small but demanding family members in 2019, there is absolutely everything.


Guests are offered accommodation in standard double rooms, junior suites and suites, as well as superior rooms. The windows offer stunning views: the sea, the park, wildlife and distant ship lights.

The rooms are equipped with everything you need: clean and cool beds, coffee tables with wicker chairs, flat-screen TVs broadcasting Russian channels, bright lamps, places to store clothes (shelves and hangers). The rooms have spacious safes that can simultaneously store a laptop, a large digital camera and all documents. The floor is tiled, which is very convenient for guests who often take a shower after the sea. If a family with a child came to rest, at the request of the guests, the employees will provide a baby cot for a baby or an extra bed for an older child.

Some guests like to spend late evenings on cozy loggias with sun loungers, admiring the night nature. Often birds fly onto the balconies, which are not afraid of anyone and sing songs with pleasure. This closeness to nature will especially delight children.

Each room has a private bathroom. Guests can wash themselves over a large comfortable sink, take a shower in the bathroom. The room is equipped with everything necessary for hygiene procedures: towels, disposable soap, shampoo and shower gel.

Rooms are cleaned every day. A free bottle of water is provided daily per person, which is stored in a small refrigerator.

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Accommodation at Pattaya Park includes free breakfast buffet. At the time of check-in, each guest is given food stamps. The dining room is spacious, cozy, the environment is conducive to a pleasant meal.

The choice of food is just huge. Many visitors do not have time to try every dish during the entire vacation.

Guests can choose to taste either exotic Thai or familiar Russian cuisine. There are two tables opposite each other in the dining room, on each of which you can find dishes related to each of the cuisines. Thai dishes are suitable for lovers of spicy. Adherents of a more familiar diet will find scrambled eggs, spaghetti, scrambled eggs, vegetables, sausages, bacon, various sauces and, of course, fruits. Coffee, tea, milk, juices and water will help guests with thirst. Children can be pampered with delicious buns and fried toast with fillings - there is a toaster specially for this purpose. Also, small family members can be fed cereals and pancakes with sweet jams.

Breakfast takes place at a certain time. If visitors do not have time for breakfast, it does not matter. They can order breakfast in advance and use it at the right time.


The staff is extremely polite, well-mannered and unobtrusive. Guests are always accompanied by the smile of employees. The maids clean the room every day, while their presence in the lives of visitors is imperceptible. The staff speaks Thai and English, although Russian-speaking tourists are perfectly understood from a half-word.

Employees will help you to solve any problem. Questions should be directed to the administrator. If guests need a hair dryer or a kettle, one has only to call and the service will be provided. This is especially important for mothers with small children. If a visitor needs to iron baby clothes or diapers, she can safely contact the front desk and they will immediately provide her with an iron.

Entertainment and animation

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The hotel area seems to be a real paradise: you can relax in the shade of greenery, sit on the benches, walk along the alleys, enjoying nature, listen to the birds singing.

Children will be delighted with a small train that takes guests around the territory, allowing them to carefully examine everything and draw a mental map of the territory for themselves.

Swimming pools and an aqua park are at guests' disposal. Many families choose this hotel because of the water park: children will be delighted with the many slides and attractions.

While the kids swim in the pool, ride the slides and sunbathe, adults can visit the spa, sauna, book a massage, and relax with a game of billiards, tennis or golf.


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The beach is located across the road from the hotel, so guests will not be tired of a long journey. The journey will only take five minutes. It is pleasant to swim in the sea, it is clean and very warm, some guests do not leave the water for hours. A big plus is the seabed, consisting only of soft sand. No stones and algae hurting the feet and wrapping around the legs.

For a fee, visitors are provided with umbrellas, mattresses and sun loungers. In the morning, you can soak up the natural shade under the palm trees, spreading out the beach towels provided by the hotel. There are massage parlors on the beach, where smiling Thais make an amazing massage and literally revive the body of a tired traveler. Soft drinks are sold on the beach: cocktails, beer. There is a paid toilet and shower. Guests can also relax on the paid beach. The ticket price includes an umbrella, a sun lounger, a small table for drinks, an ashtray and pleasant music.

Surfers can rent a board and catch a warm wave.

Location and surroundings

Pattaya Park Beach with three stars is located very favorably: close to the beach and close to many attractions, well-developed infrastructure. It is located between the center and Jomtien. Tuk-tuk and taxis are available from transport. Visitors usually dine in cafes located on the nearest street. There are many shops and souvenir shops nearby. In mini-markets they buy water and other small things. Street vendors offer cocktails and fruits. You won’t be left without medicine either: there is a pharmacy on the street. Everything you need is in one place and it's incredibly convenient.

Everything in the hotel is thought out to the smallest detail, as evidenced by the positive reviews of tourists. Holidays with children in Pattaya will seem like paradise to you, all problems will be solved by employees, and you will only have to enjoy nature, warm sea, sweet fruits and take photos and videos as a keepsake.

Useful videos about the hotel and surroundings


At present, there are fewer people, plus the Russians are beginning to be forced out by the Chinese. And it became possible to book it online, without the mediation of travel agencies.

Since we live in Pattaya, we know a lot about the hotel - we jumped from, went to, saw the rides in the amusement park and were often on Dongtan Beach, on which the hotel stands. Therefore, our review of Pattaya Park Beach Resort will be objective, from eyewitnesses.

So what can be said about him? More good than bad. Naturally, for different categories of tourists about will have different pros and cons.

We can immediately say with all responsibility that this is the best hotel in Pattaya in its category for families with children. Judge for yourself.

First, here in one place on the territory hotel complex are the only water park and amusement park in the city.

Of course, the water park is small, but others will have to travel more than half an hour (if you buy a paid tour there, and if you go on your own, you can get there for an hour). But since we are considering the Pattaya Park Hotel for families with children, the local water park is the best for a child, since there are no mind-blowing and dangerous slides. As for the attractions in Luna Park, there is no other alternative at the resort yet, they will have to go 2 hours a day.

Secondly, jumping from the Pattaya Park Tower is also an exclusive resort, there is nothing like it anywhere else. In addition, this tower (55 floors) offers excellent panoramic views of and. Plus, there's a revolving restaurant on the 52nd floor.

Thirdly, the hotel is on the 1st line on the beach, there is no highway between it and the sea, as in or in Central Pattaya. The beach is cleaned, there are sun loungers and umbrellas. The place is calm. Because the beach is long, you can always find areas where there are no vacationers. Lots of trees and shade, so sun loungers are optional. Available water activities, children especially like to ride on "bananas".

The hotel is located away from clubs, discos, hot spots, i.e. there is no noise and screaming drunken Englishmen with the Germans and the like neither day nor night.

The price in Pattaya Park Beach Resort is low for this level of hotel. But in fairness it should be said that it is not new. However, it undergoes regular renovations and cosmetic repairs, so it looks decent.

Thus, all together makes Pattaya Park Beach Resort ideal for family vacation. It will also appeal to those who want to live in a quiet place and do not want to nightlife. Nearby there is a market (fruits, things), many cafes, restaurants. For many, it will be useful that the staff speaks Russian, there are inscriptions in Russian everywhere (including the menu in the restaurant).

The location of the hotel is, in principle, not bad, because. it is enough to walk 8-10 minutes at a leisurely pace and you will find yourself on Thappraya Street, which they walk for 10 baht. They can take you to Central Pattaya and Jomtien, some even go to Naklua (but the fare will cost 20 baht).

But all the above pluses of the hotel will be minuses for active youth, those who like to be in the center of nightlife, club lovers and accessible girls. They will have to drive 20 minutes to the city center.


Previously, the hotel had 3 stars, now Pattaya Park Beach Resort is 4-star.

On the territory there is a swimming pool, children's pool, fitness center, spa, sauna, table tennis, billiards, ATM, currency exchange, shops, a bar and a buffet restaurant.

In the rooms: balcony, air conditioning, cable TV, safe, mini-bar, hot water shower, many rooms also have a bath.

You can book the Pattaya Park Beach Resort hotel on

How to get there

Exact address: 345 Moo. 12 Thab Phraya Rood, Banglamung, Chonburi, 20150 Pattaya.

From there you can take buses that arrive at Thappraya bass station. From it you can get to Pattaya Park Beach Resort for 10 baht, however, they do not drive directly to the hotel, you will have to walk another 10 minutes from their stop.

If you have luggage or are traveling with children, it is better to leave the airport in advance.