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What do you need for the airport. What to do at the airport: step by step instructions

Each of us once flew for the first time. For some, the first flight is yet to come, the tickets have already been bought, the suitcases are being packed and the logical question “what to do at the airport” is brewing.

It is with this question that we will deal in today's article. So, you can find out how the check-in at the airport goes, how to go through passport control, how to transfer at the airport and much more.

A kind of faq for beginners who have their first flight on an airplane.

What to do at the airport

To begin with, let's clarify how much registration I'm at the airport going, depending on the flight. 2.5-3 hours before international flight departure, behind 1.5-2 hours before domestic flight departure. Therefore, you should arrive at the airport in advance.

If you are going to the airport on a weekend, during rush hour, during the peak tourist season - in general, if it is likely that the road to the airport will take a little longer than the calculated time, and there will be more passengers at the airport than usual, it is better to leave with time reserve.

You may get stuck in traffic. In addition, during the seasonal workload of airports, a decent queue can also form at the initial check of passengers at the entrance.

If you are flying as part of a tour package and you do not have separate tickets, you often have to first obtain documents from the tour operator. They can be found in the "window" with the name and logo of your tour operator. Typically, these stands are somewhere near the entrance, a number of names of tour operators and logos.

If you are traveling with luggage, the first step is to find where the carts are. Or ask the airport staff where to get these carts.

After the luggage issues are resolved, you need to figure out where to go at the airport. To do this, you will have to find an electronic scoreboard, usually it is located not too far from the entrance.

This very board at the airport shows which flights (numbers and point of arrival) depart from the airport. Find your flight number on the board, if check-in has already begun, this will be indicated opposite the flight. The numbers of check-in desks for your flight will also be indicated there.

How to check in at the airport

The electronic scoreboard has been found, all the information has been received, it remains to find the check-in counters at the airport. As a rule, this is not difficult.

Registration desk numbers are usually "hanging" from the ceiling on large information boards. To find out where to go at the airport for check-in, you only need to find these very “shields” with numbers.

If you can’t do it yourself, you can always contact the airport staff.

According to the check-in procedure at the airport, at the counter you will need to present documents and tickets. If this is a domestic flight, a civil passport is enough, if it is an international flight, a foreign passport is enough.

If you arrived at the airport with e-ticket, it is not necessary to present it. Enough only documents.

During the check-in process at the airport, your luggage will also be collected. A ticket will be glued to your hand luggage. Make sure that the airport staff sticks a baggage tag on your luggage.

Together with the documents, after checking in at the airport, you will be given a boarding pass, as well as a baggage receipt.

According to the procedure, check-in at the airport for international flights usually ends 40 minutes before departure, for domestic flights - 30 minutes. Because it threatens to delay the flight.

By the way, registration can be done in other ways. At the airport, you can do this yourself using an electronic terminal. Or even check in for a flight at home, online. Many airlines today provide such an opportunity on the official website. In addition, you can usually check in online on the website of the airport of departure.

During the check-in process at the airport, you should check with the employees where you should go next for passport and customs control. In order not to suffer in vain later on the question of where to go at the airport.

Customs and passport control at the airport

We already know how check-in works at the airport, now let's find out what to do next.

First, customs control.

If you do not have things that require declaration, you are in the "green corridor". Regardless of the inscriptions, the information board indicating the "green corridor" has a characteristic color - green, of course. Through this very corridor you will pass to the passport control.

If you are transporting things that need to be declared (you can find out on the airport website, the list also depends on the point of arrival), you will have to fill out a customs declaration and go to passport control through the “red corridor”.

At the passport control at the airport itself, you will need to present your passport (regular or foreign, depending on the flight). Children must have a birth certificate.

Screening at the airport

After registration and passport control are passed, you will have to go through a personal search.

In the inspection area, take a tray (or basin), put your hand luggage, outerwear, shoes, belts, phones, keys, chains, hats, children's toys, etc. there. You yourself will have to go through the metal detector, and then you can be searched additionally by airport staff.

That's the whole procedure of passport control at the airport. But keep in mind that airports are different, and, accordingly, the inspection procedure may differ slightly. Here, for example, is how the inspection takes place at Burgas airport.

Boarding Lounge

Boarding starts 40 minutes before departure - on international flights, and 30 minutes - on domestic flights. Here you can remove all documents and air tickets, and leave only the boarding pass for boarding. You won't need anything else.

When you get to the waiting area at the airport, don't miss the announcement of your boarding. And it’s better to look around in advance where your boarding gate is located, it is indicated on the boarding pass.

Otherwise, while walking through duty free shops, it is quite possible to forget about the time, and then run around the waiting area in search of your gate.

It happens that for one reason or another, the flight is delayed.

Upon arrival, do not forget to collect your luggage, if any. You can find out where to get your luggage on the information board that hangs above all luggage belts, and through the speakerphone.

Docking and transfer

Since we are talking about what to do at the airport, let's deal with connecting flights and flights with transfers.

To begin with, many people mistakenly believe that a transfer flight and a connecting flight are the same thing. This is not at all the case, and how to behave at the airport depends on which of these two ways you fly.

What to do when flying with a connection

A connecting flight is one air ticket.

For example, you decide how to get to Costa Rica and understand that there are no direct flights to this country. There is an option to fly with an airline connecting flight to San Jose Airport via New York. You stop at this option, buy a ticket.

So, you have an air ticket to San Jose in transit through New York. This is the connecting flight.

In this case, at the airport of departure, you need to go through the standard check-in procedure, passport and customs control and personal search.

During the check-in process, you will be given not one, but two boarding passes. Save both, they have all the information about the gate (gate), flight number and your seat in the cabin. One boarding pass will be in our case for a flight to New York, the second - from New York to San Jose.

You do not need to collect baggage for connecting flights. The airline will do everything for you.

After arrival, you will need to go to the transit or transfer zone, inspection is possible, depending on the specific airport. In the hall for transit passengers on the information board should be all the information about departing and arriving flights. Be sure to check the data on your boarding pass and the scoreboard, because the boarding gate number can change, as well as the departure time.

Registration is no longer required. But if the transit is long and you decide to walk around the city (if your visa allows), you will have to go through border control.

Transfer flight

This travel option is significantly different from a connecting flight. Take, for example, flights to Paris via London.

By the way, this example is not “from the ceiling”, so it really makes sense to fly, because the cost of a flight with a transfer is several times less than a direct flight on the specified route.

So, from point A, we need to get to point B. And we find out that it is cheaper to do this through point C. So, we buy air tickets from point A to point C. And additionally air tickets from point C to point B. Bottom line, we have two air tickets means two check-ins, two controls, etc.

How to transfer at the airport?

We follow the standard scheme: check-in for a flight to point B, then control and screening. Upon arrival, following the signs, we go to get our luggage.

Next, with luggage on hand, we are looking for a scoreboard where you can see information about the next segment of the journey, that is, the segment from point C to point B. We found it - we go to the check-in counter, again we go through all the steps already familiar to us.

Before checking in your baggage and carry-on baggage on the second leg of the journey, be sure to remove all baggage tags, they can confuse staff and your baggage will not go on the way with you.

If you are flying with transfers, choose flights so that you have time to spare, unless you are going to walk around the city.

Keep in mind that baggage claim may be delayed, the flight may be delayed on the first leg of the journey, etc. So the time between transplants should not be less than three hours.

And one more piece of advice - when flying with a transfer, it is better at home - in a calm environment - to get acquainted with the airport maps. In order to already in place at least roughly know the route of your movement.

So that your flight or trip is not overshadowed by unpleasant problems, it is better to clarify some points in advance.

In particular, find out in advance what restrictions your airline imposes on hand luggage and baggage. At the same time, restrictions may apply not only to weight, but also to dimensions, and also to pieces of luggage.

That is, if, for example, baggage up to 20 kg is allowed on one ticket, and there are two of you, this does not mean at all that you can take one suitcase weighing up to 40 kg. For such amateur performances, you will have to overpay at the airport, as for an advantage. At the same time, there are international standards for limiting the weight of one piece of baggage - up to 32 kg.

Also, pack your hand luggage in advance. It is better to put fragile items in your hand luggage - a laptop, a camera, a phone.

There are restrictions on carrying liquids in hand luggage. The total volume should not exceed 1 liter, and each vial individually should not exceed 100 ml. All this beauty should be packed in a special transparent bag.

Pressurized containers - varnish, aerosols, antiperspirants - are not allowed in hand luggage.

All the necessary documents should be placed closer so that you can easily get them for verification.

Do not try to joke at any of the stages before boarding. I mean jokes like "this is the bomb" or something like that. Such jokes are punishable under Article 207 on false reporting of an act of terrorism.

Everything happens for the first time. First trip, first business trip, first flight. One way or another, they all start at the airport.

If it is now easy to deal with booking tickets using, then at the airport you can get confused by the abundance of people, premises and requirements.

So that the beginning of a vacation or a business trip does not turn into chaos, let's take a closer look at what awaits everyone at the airport.

Arrival at the airport

Check-in for domestic flights starts 2 hours before departure, for international flights - 3 hours. If you want to choose good seats, or sit next to friends, it is better to arrive at the very beginning of registration. Check-in for any flight ends 40 minutes before departure. By this time, you need to have time to complete all the affairs at the airport and go to the gate at which your flight is boarding.

By the way, if you checked in for a flight, then the flight will not take place without you, and angry guards will run around the airport looking for the offender. Therefore, here, as nowhere else, it is worth trying to be punctual.

Customs clearance

The first thing to do at the airport is to fill out customs declarations, which can be found at the counters. Everything that is subject to mention according to the rules of the country to which you are flying will have to be entered in the declaration. Someone obliges to declare currency, someone tobacco and alcohol, animals, plants, precious stones or metals. In any case, it is better to clarify this list in advance for each individual country.

After filling out the declaration, you have to go to the red corridor (marked with an inscription of the corresponding color), and those who travel light - to the green corridor.

At the end of the corridor, you need to put your luggage on an x-ray tape and, at the request of the customs officers, open it for inspection.

The next stage takes place in the second hall of the airport. On one of the many boards you need to find your flight and the number of the check-in counter. Approach her, stand in line and hand the airport employee a passport and a ticket, and if you have electronic tickets, then only a passport. In return, you will be given boarding passes with seat numbers, which, by the way, you can choose. True, not all airlines provide such an opportunity.

This is also where luggage is checked in. After the next check, a coupon with a number is attached to it and sent to the cargo compartment. By the way, next to the counter you can always find a luggage wrapping machine in which it is wrapped with a transparent film. This will be useful if you are afraid that the bag may get dirty or opened during transportation.

On most scheduled flights, you can carry baggage weighing up to 20 kilograms (per passenger) and hand luggage weighing up to 5 kilograms free of charge. For everything else, you will have to pay extra at the rates of the air carrier.

It is important to remember that it is forbidden to take sharp piercing and cutting objects, liquids in packages of more than 100 milliliters, creams and sprays in opaque bottles into the aircraft cabin. Everything that you bought in DutyFree can be taken to the salon only if the packaging is intact.

Inspection rules

The next stage is the inspection of hand luggage, passport control and personal inspection. You need to go through it one at a time, and if you are traveling with a child, then he goes for inspection with the parent whose passport is entered. Even if the baby has a separate passport, he must be accompanied by one of the parents or guardians.

When passing control, you need to put a bag on the x-ray tape, put your watch, belt, metal jewelry and phone there, and then step into the inspection booth. Some airports also require you to remove your shoes, so it's a good idea to get boot covers in advance. Scanning and screening takes no more than a minute, after which, if everything is in order, you find yourself in the waiting room.

Waiting room and Duty Free

If you arrive at the airport on time, you have about an hour before boarding. Free time can be put to good use. In the waiting rooms there are Duty Free shops where you can buy perfume, alcohol, chocolate and accessories at a significant discount.

By the way, once in the waiting room, you should orient yourself and choose seats closer to the desired exit. Information about his number, as a rule, is posted on electronic scoreboards and is duplicated in several languages ​​over the speakerphone.

Behavior rules

In order to avoid misunderstandings and conflicts at the airport, which may well ruin your trip, or even call it into question, you should follow a few rules:

  • arrive at the airport on time;
  • do not try to carry prohibited items in your luggage, in the hope that no one will pay attention;
  • do not drink alcohol, and remove the fear of flying in permitted ways, for example, sedatives;
  • do not try to joke with customs officers or be rude to them - these people are able to cancel your vacation with one word;
  • behave calmly and adequately, without drawing attention to yourself;
  • in case you are lost, contact any airport employee and they will help you resolve all issues.

Today, flights have become a part of our lives, and most modern people at least sometimes have to go to the airport. To ensure that all trips take place with maximum comfort, just follow a number of these simple rules and

Are there many Russians who have never flown in an airplane in their lives? According to opinion polls in 2009 - almost half. Until recently, you were one of them, but now, by desire or by necessity, you go to heaven? You have many new and interesting experiences ahead of you!

The first trip by plane is not only a storm of emotions, but also a lot of practical tasks. You need to remember a thousand details: what to take with you, how much to arrive for registration, where to go at the airport ... A person with little experience often gets confused in the little things and forgets about them out of excitement. For novice travelers, this memo is intended - it can greatly facilitate pre-flight preparation.

Check-in for a flight opens on average three hours before departure and ends approximately 40-50 minutes before it. Most airlines recommend that passengers arrive at the airport 3-2.5 hours before departure. It's better to do it the first time. The later you arrive at the airport, the more hectic and rushed. If you know that there is still a lot of time left, then you will not rush and worry.

Some companies offer a service such as online check-in for flights via the Internet. As a rule, it opens a day before the flight. In this situation, you can check in for a flight while at home or at work - all you need is a computer with internet. To do this, you need to go to the website of your airline. After successful check-in, the system will generate a boarding pass, which you must print. There is a separate counter at the airport for online registered passengers where you can check in your luggage.

If check-in via the Internet is not available to you for some reason or simply confuses you, you can use the traditional form upon arrival at the airport. At the check-in desk, you choose your seat on the plane and check in your luggage. Here you need to be especially careful. If you are flying in economy class, you have the right to carry no more than 20 kg of baggage free of charge, in business class - no more than 30 kg. They weigh him at the front desk. Please note that the weight of the suitcase is not separated from the weight of the luggage. If you are taking a lot of things with you (18-19 kg), the suitcase should be as light as possible. Otherwise, an excess may occur, which you will pay additionally according to the airline's tariffs. Information about how much an overweight is usually posted at the front desk.

You can take some things with you into the cabin of the aircraft - this is the so-called hand luggage. First of all, this concerns fragile electronic equipment: a laptop, a camera, a camcorder. It is categorically not recommended to check them in luggage - there is a high risk that things will be damaged along the way. The same goes for fragile souvenirs.

It is forbidden to carry in hand luggage:

Liquids in vials over 100 ml;

Flammable and explosive substances (acetone, hairspray);

Stitching and cutting objects (knives, manicure scissors);

Heavy items that exceed the weight limit for carry-on baggage. Information about these restrictions is usually available on the airline's website, and it is useful to ask about this at home, while packing your luggage.

It is easy to guess that it is better to divide things into luggage and hand luggage at home, a day or two before the trip, and not at the check-in desk at the airport.

After check-in, you need to go through a series of procedures: customs control (on international flights), passport control and security screening. When leaving Russia, cultural values, weapons, precious stones and some other goods must be included in the declaration. But other countries have their own rules and regulations. It is better to find out what goods need to be declared at a foreign customs office in advance, via the Internet or special customs guides.

If you are flying on an international flight, you must present a valid passport at passport control. You will need an internal Russian passport only when flying within Russia; you can not take it at all on international flights.

Security control is carried out as follows. You take off your shoes, put your shoes, hand luggage and outerwear in a special pallet. Then go through the metal detector while your belongings go through the x-ray scanner at the same time. It is also better to prepare for security control in advance: remove metal jewelry, a jacket with a metal zipper, remove a belt from trousers, keys, a cell phone, put small iron money in a bag or purse.

“Will I “squeak” if I have dental crowns?”- This is a question that often worries passengers flying for the first time. As a rule, modern metal detectors do not respond to crowns made of cobalt-chromium and gold-platinum alloy, since the mass of dentures is small. You also do not need to remove gold earrings and wedding rings in front of the “frame” - most metal detectors do not focus on small amounts of gold. But cigarettes or condoms on a metal detector most often “beep”, so it’s better to put them out of your pockets too. The packaging of these items contains aluminum, and most of the "frames" are sensitive to this metal.

Be careful when selecting things in hand luggage if you are flying with a connection. Some foreign airports have very strict security rules (in particular, this applies to EU countries, where they can seize, for example, mascara at security control).

What to do after all procedures are completed? As a rule, passengers start to board the plane approximately 40 minutes before departure. If there is at least an hour left before departure, you can walk around the airport, go to duty free shops. There are several of them at large airports, and the assortment in them may be different. Ahead of a long flight - more than four hours? Then all the more worth a walk. You still have time to sit in a chair, moreover, by the end of the flight you will already want to get up.

No need to queue for boarding an hour before departure. If you go to the plane by bus, the one who gets there last wins, not the first. Those standing at the beginning of the queue will enter the cabin first, only if a "sleeve" is given to the plane (this is a metal "gut" from the gate to the plane). So do not worry - in any case, you will get on the plane and sit in the seat you received.

What clothes to go on a flight? The temperature in the aircraft cabin usually fluctuates around 22 degrees + - 2 points. You need to focus on the time of year. If the weather is cold at the airport of departure, and hot at the point of arrival, dress compactly. It is better to leave fur coats and sheepskin coats at home - they will only interfere with you in economy class seats, especially if the flight is long. The ideal option is a winter jacket that can be removed, rolled up and packed in a large bag. By the way, such clothes can also come in handy in the opposite situation - if you fly "from summer to winter." You can take a bag with a jacket into the cabin as hand luggage and get dressed after boarding. It is easy to guess that it is better not to hand over warm clothes in luggage in such a situation.

Many travelers going “from winter to summer” take a bag with light shoes and clothes to the cabin. You can change clothes right in the toilet of the aircraft. This is not very comfortable, but still better than being in a winter jacket under the rays of the tropical sun.

You need to take care not only about clothes, but also about shoes. It is extremely hot to fly in warm winter boots, so take warm socks into the cabin during the cold season. Your feet will be much more comfortable in them. It is strictly not recommended to wear tight shoes during the flight. It increases the already considerable load on the vessels of the lower extremities, while the risk of vein thrombosis also increases.

remember, that Air in the cabin is very dry. If you wear contact lenses, you should take eye drops with you on the flight, as unpleasant painful sensations appear when the mucous membrane dries out. On long flights it is better to travel with glasses.

Don't drink a lot of alcohol if you're flying for the first time! First you need to know how your vestibular system will respond to the movement of the aircraft. Sometimes novice air travelers experience nausea or dizziness when climbing or turning the plane. And in this case, drunk alcohol can enhance the natural reactions of the body.

If you have already experienced seasickness, choose a seat near the wing, bring plenty of sour candies with you to the cabin, and do not drink alcohol - it can increase nausea and dizziness. Also, a proven remedy for motion sickness, which you have already used before, will not be superfluous.

Early. Check-in for international flights starts 2.5-3 hours and ends 40 minutes before takeoff, for domestic flights this time interval is shorter. Check-in and baggage clearance opens 2 hours and ends half an hour before departure. You can find more detailed information on the airport website. Keep in mind that some airlines provide an option to check in online on the website, this will save you from waiting in line.

Find passengers. To do this, study the electronic scoreboard, find your flight number, you will see information about its status: check-in has begun or is delayed, where exactly it is made.

Go to the check-in desk, place your luggage on the special scales. Provide the airline employee with your passport and ticket. If you issued an electronic ticket, all you need is an identity document on the basis of which the transaction was made. In case of exceeding the weight allowed for luggage, pay an additional fee, the employee at the check-in desk will tell you where you can do it. Get it, don't lose it. If you are on a domestic flight, go to the boarding gate. Remember, if you are carrying items that are subject to mandatory declaration, you need to go through the so-called red corridor with mandatory inspection.

Go to the passport control area. Give the customs officer your passport. After reconciliation, he will put a mark on the departure in it. After that, go to the customs control area. Take off your shoes and clothes, put everything in special containers, put it on a conveyor belt, go through a scanning frame or a metal detector. Lighters, watches and belts should also be removed.

Shop at the Duty Free area or head to the boarding gate. Their number can be found on the boarding pass.

Smoke only in designated areas.


  • Sheremetyevo airport, official site

The modern airport is a huge transport hub with several terminals connected by highways and railways, its own hotel, cafes, bars and restaurants. In order not to get lost in this city, the area of ​​which is comparable to the present, you need to be able to read the signs and not be shy to contact the security staff for help.


Specify from which flight you are flying. The fact is that between the departure zones at many airports is quite decent, and despite the fact that shuttles run regularly between them, traffic jams occur even on these internal sections of roads. You can specify the departure terminal in the itinerary receipt or in the flight schedule on the airport website.

Find the departure area. In almost all airports, it is indicated on the signs in the form of an airplane taking off. In the departure area, you need to find a board that shows check-in counters for specific flights. Usually large screens are located in several places.

Go to the check-in counter for the flight. Present your passport and e-ticket to the airline employee. Place luggage on special scales, put tags on hand luggage. The representative of the air carrier will check in, give you a passport with a boarding pass. If you have one, you will be sent to a special elevator or travelator to turn in these items.

Examine your boarding pass. It indicates which gate you need to approach for landing, as well as the departure zone, if there are several at the airport.

Go through customs if you are on an international flight. Usually on the signs it is indicated as a sketchy little man in a cap. It is also worth paying attention to the English inscriptions Custom. Present your passport and boarding pass to the customs officer, wait until he checks the document and puts a mark on the passage of the border.

Proceed to the control zone. There you will have to put your hand luggage and outerwear in a container for inspection and go through a special scanning device. After that, you can visit Duty Free shops.

Proceed to your departure gate, usually the arrows on the scoreboard, mounted on the ceiling, indicate the direction in which you need to move. When boarding the plane opens, airline employees will appear at the door and invite you to proceed to the plane. They need to show their boarding pass.

You can be late for a flight for various reasons: getting stuck in a traffic jam, missing the express train to the airport, not calculating the time. Still, getting to the airport is not so difficult if you know a few rules for air travelers.


Time correctly. Pay attention to the time of day of departure. Early morning or late-night flights mean you'll have to spend the night at the airport if you get there by public transport. Daytime and evening flights promise difficulties due to traffic jams in the city. To get to the airport on time, use taxis for night and early flights and public transport - metro or airport express - during the daytime to avoid traffic jams.

Get registered on time. Check-in for the flight opens 3 hours and ends 40 minutes before departure. The boarding gate will be closed 20 minutes before departure. This is the main rule for all travelers who want to catch their flight. Even if you get to the airport on time, it does not mean that you will have enough time to go through check-in, passport control and inspection, and check in your luggage.

Experts advise arriving at the airport at least 3 hours before the flight departure, but experienced travelers manage even two hours. The time before the flight can be spent in the duty free zone or in a cafe on the territory of the airport. In any case, it is much better to arrive at the airport in advance than to rush and look for check-in counters and terminals on the run. Add up in your mind the time it takes to be at the airport with the clock on the road - this will be the ideal hour when you should leave the house for a comfortable trip.

Research the airport from which you need to fly in advance. View the layout of terminals, check-in counters, the waiting room, and the departure board to feel more confident upon arrival and go through procedures faster. The same applies to the list of necessary procedures: find out in advance what you need to do at the airport and in what order you should draw up documents for the flight, this will help save valuable time. This advice applies only to novice travelers who fly for the first time or rarely use the services of airlines.

Use the online check-in service on your airline's website. Then before the flight it will be possible to avoid queues at the check-in counter. In addition, you can independently and slowly indicate the desired seat on the plane, view the plan of the plane. Online check-in can be done from home, as it starts about a day before departure and ends 1.5 hours before it. But each airline may have its own features of online check-in.

To save time at the airport, get a boarding pass through special terminals, they are available at all major airports. To do this, you will need to enter your full name and reservation number in special fields. Few people use this method so far, so you will not be afraid of queues.

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Check-in for a flight, personal search and inspection of luggage are only forced security measures for the passengers of the aircraft themselves. Although there are disputes around this issue as to whether these procedures are necessary, no one is going to cancel them. Therefore, it is necessary to follow some rules of conduct at the airport.


Sooner or later, each of the tourists decides to try to be a little further from their home. For many, the train is a way to travel over short distances, but for longer distances, it is much more convenient to use an airplane. Modern airlines offer flights to almost anywhere in the world - everything will depend on your desire.

But few tourists know how to behave during the first flight, what to do at the airport, and what is the procedure for getting on board. There are many nuances in this seemingly simple matter, and now we will talk about the main stages of air travel.


Any flight starts at the airport terminal, namely at the check-in counter. The check-in counter always has the logo of the airline in which you bought or booked tickets, so finding it will not be difficult.

It is best to arrive at check-in a few hours before departure. Each airline has a different check-in start time, but as a rule, passengers are advised to arrive at the airport 3 hours before departure.


A number of companies begin to register their passengers on special online services within 12 hours, but it is not recommended to do this remotely for the first time.

For getting boarding pass you will need to present an itinerary receipt, which serves as proof of payment for tickets, and passport. At this stage, you will be able to choose a seat in the aircraft cabin. Many passengers who fly for the first time choose a window seat, although aisle seats are much more convenient for economy class.

IMPORTANT: The boarding pass must be kept until the end of the flight, or better - until the return home.

At the check-in desk, among other things, you check in your luggage, or hand luggage. They differ in that you can carry hand luggage with you into the cabin, but this must be a bag of limited weight (usually up to 7-10 kg, depends on the airline), as well as limited overall dimensions.

If you are traveling with baggage, but your boarding pass is attached baggage number tag where you can then find your items.

The boarding pass also indicates the gate from which your plane will be boarded, but before that you will have to wait for the most important stage of pre-flight inspection.

Pre-flight screening

Domestic flights

For movements within the country, pre-flight screening from the airport security service takes place in a somewhat simplified form. Although for many who fly for the first time, even such a scheme may seem exhausting.

Before entering the screening area, you present your passport and boarding pass to a security officer. After checking your data, he skips you further, where the most serious stage will await you.

Passport control

As a rule, at this stage you will see a metal detector frame and a conveyor belt with baskets in front of you. Into these baskets you must put all metal objects(including purse and jewelry), mobile phone, as well as outerwear and a hand luggage bag. Along the conveyor, your things will go to a special scanner, where the airport employee will see on the monitors if there are any prohibited items.

Passing under the frame of the metal detector, you need to linger for a few seconds, and go further only at the signal of a security officer. At the exit from under the frame, you can pick up a basket with your things.

If there are any questions about your belongings, you will be invited to the personal screening table. During it, you will just need to open the bag and show what lies in the department indicated by the security service specialist. If nothing forbidden is found in the bag, you can safely move on.

IMPORTANT: Do not forget that at the stage of personal search, you should behave as correctly and calmly as possible. Jokes about a bomb, drugs and weapons at the airport are not understood, and for them they can be removed from the flight, and even delayed for several hours.

International flights

From domestic international flights will differ in the availability customs corridors. It must be remembered that each country has its own rules for the import of certain things, so we will only talk about general points.

Green corridor- this is a passage for those passengers who do not have with them things that are required to be included in the customs declaration. As a rule, these are alcohol, cigarettes, perfumes and other goods.

Red channel is intended for those who have things with them that need to be included in the customs declaration, or for which you need to pay import duty into another country.

IMPORTANT: Passage of customs inspection for international flights is carried out BEFORE the registration procedure.

Waiting hall

Having successfully passed the inspection, you can safely go to Waiting hall. Numerous cafes, Duty-Free shops and other establishments will operate here for passengers at large airports. But the first thing to do in the waiting room is to check the information with the scoreboard.

Usually , electronic scoreboards are found here in large numbers. You will also need to make sure that your flight will be boarded through the same gates that are indicated on the boarding pass. In addition to the scoreboard, this information is duplicated over the speakerphone.

If it happens that the gate has changed, follow the signs to find the right exit. In extreme cases, you can contact the information service officer for help.

Boarding the plane

Before leaving the gate, you will be met by an airline employee who will ask you to show your boarding pass. Having torn off the control spine from it, you will be shown the doors through which you will need to go. There, a bus will already be waiting for you, which will take passengers directly to the plane.

In some cases, passengers access the aircraft through special telescopic bridges, but these are not available at every airport.

telescopic bridges

Having boarded, at the gangway you will see friendly stewardesses or stewards, with whom you should say hello - no one has canceled mutual courtesy. If you can’t immediately find your place in the cabin, you can just ask them.

Flight attendants, after all passengers have taken their seats, can give a small blanket and pillow. To refuse it or not is your right.

Before takeoff, flight attendants will emergency landing briefing. You will be shown how to use oxygen masks, where the emergency exits are located, in what order you should leave the plane.

Takeoff and landing

The most dangerous and responsible stages for pilots and passengers are takeoff and landing. If everything is clear with the responsibility of pilots, then mandatory requirements will also be imposed on passengers.

At the time of operation of the aircraft engines, the seat backs must be brought into vertical position, and the passenger must be fastened. Flight attendants at this stage are turning from smiling girls and boys into strict mentors who check each seat.

Before takeoff and landing, all electronic devices will need to be disable. This is done for the safety of the dispatcher's radio signal - mobile phones create tangible interference.

window blinds also should be open. This is another flight safety requirement in case of an emergency landing.

IMPORTANT: People with pressure problems may experience discomfort during climb or descent. Most often - this is stuffy ears, earplugs or chewing gum can save you from this - chewing movements relieve tension. Sometimes feet swell - loose shoes will save you from this.


During the flight, passengers can be offered a number of pleasant bonuses for free.

The main bonus is food. Depending on the departure time, it will be called breakfast, lunch or dinner. Before that, drinks are served - soda, coffee or tea. Meals are usually solid and well-prepared.

Also, local airlines often offer to read newspapers or magazines in flight.