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All countries are giants. The smallest countries in the world by area

Dwarf countries are a special type of state that differs from all others to a smaller extent, usually in territory and population density. As a rule, this category includes all those powers whose area does not exceed the parameters of Luxembourg (that is, no more than 2.5 thousand square kilometers), and whose population does not exceed 10 million people. Such states exist on all continents of our planet, only somewhere they are located between large countries, and somewhere they are islands. Therefore, now we will look at their location and characteristics and determine which dwarf countries of the world are worth visiting, and which ones will not please you with anything interesting.


Continental countries, which amaze with the insignificance of their territories, are located on the Asian continent. Some of them are washed by the ocean, some are in the outback, far from the water. Among them we highlight:


The dwarf countries of Europe are much better known to travelers, and the main attractions in them are not nature, as in Asia, but architectural monuments. Let us first list them briefly, and then consider them in more detail:


The largest dwarf countries by area belong to the African continent. But at the same time, their population density is minimal, and most of the people who live here are below the poverty line. Some of them are resort areas. They are unique in nature, so a vacation here will be atypical, but rather extreme. So, which powers are included in this category:

  • Mauritius.
  • Cape Verde.
  • Camoros Islands.
  • Sao Tome and Principe.


The dwarf countries that belong to the American continent are located in its central part, that is, in the Caribbean. Each of them is either a world-class resort or a haven for residents of South America (depending on the development of the service). We know many of them very well, so let’s go straight to the list:

Australian and Oceanian

This category will include exclusively dwarf island countries that are located in the Pacific Ocean. There are many of them, but the area is insignificant, and most of them are seismic hazard zones. Therefore, tourism is not particularly developed here. So, here we go:

5 dwarf countries that are the most densely populated

The states that we will now consider are not just densely populated, but very interesting from a tourist point of view. So, number one is Monaco. Country associated with France. It is washed on the shore of which the most luxurious recreation areas in Europe are located. Monaco also hosts Formula 1 competitions and is home to the famous casino, Monte Carlo. Number two is Singapore. This city-state is located on the islands, and it consists of futuristic skyscrapers, beautiful hotels and all kinds of entertainment centers. When coming here, tourists can find absolutely everything for themselves. Number three - Vatican City, the smallest country in the world, is associated with Italy. Here you can see the most beautiful architecture, which was created specifically for the representation of the Catholic Church. Number four is Malta, an island state in the Mediterranean Sea. This is a resort area where every summer you can have a great, but expensive holiday. And number five is the Maldives. in the Indian Ocean, the most visited, one of the most expensive and unique in the world. Ideal for lovers of passive relaxation.

Heading to Central America

The most interesting dwarf countries for tourists are the basins. Choose any one from the list listed above and go there for a real summer vacation, especially considering that you don’t need a visa! Just remember to take into account the cost of accommodation and food. For example, in the Dominican Republic, tourism is very developed, and therefore prices are constantly rising. But in Grenada or St. Lucia you can relax on a budget, enjoy the wild nature, but with a minimum of service.

"Must See": Africa and Asia

Going to the depths of the Arabian Peninsula is a difficult matter from a tourist point of view, and even dangerous. But visiting such an unusual resort as Cape Verde is very interesting. These are islands that are located in the Atlantic Ocean. Here the desert is uniquely combined with the sea breeze, humid air with dry monsoons, so your vacation will be very diverse. And if you are traveling to Asia, be sure to visit Singapore. Even a couple of days in this city of the future will change your views on everything, your horizons will expand, and there will be enough new impressions for many years.


As for the small European countries, each of them is especially interesting. Everywhere there are architectural monuments of bygone eras, exhibitions and festivals are held. Shopping is very developed in such countries.

When people talk about dwarf states, they usually think of Monaco, Andorra or Luxembourg. In fact, these places are simply huge compared to other, unknown to the general public, micro-countries scattered around the world.

Such mini-states, whose area is literally measured in acres, were formed at one time for various reasons - from political protest to banal tax evasion and economic gain.

They may not be recognized as sovereign entities by their legitimate neighbors, but some dwarfs have reached such a level of self-determination that they mint their own coins, create their own constitution and hold elections. Here are ten of the most famous ones.


The size of this country is only 0.386 square miles. In 1980, Swedish artist Lars Vilks began building a series of sculptures out of stone and wood in the Swedish county of Skåne. The works looked like quaint castles, and it is not surprising that they eventually became a tourist attraction. However, the authorities considered that these buildings were created illegally. The court declared the sculptor a criminal, demanding that the creation be demolished. Vilks took an unexpected and bold step; in 1996, he declared the independence of these territories and disobedience to the laws of Sweden. The new country was called the Kingdom of Ladonia, and Vilks himself created the flag and manifesto of the country. The tax policy he came up with states that citizens should contribute only their creative abilities. The following year after independence was declared, a Queen and President were elected. By 2001, about 14 thousand unofficial citizens were registered in the country (of which about 300 were Russians), but in fact, virtually no one lives there. The 2000s were marked by constant state lawsuits with Vilks regarding the demolition of old and new sculptures and reimbursement of legal costs. In 2003, Ladonia managed to declare war on Sweden, the United States and San Marino. At the moment, Sweden has not recognized Ladonia, trying to destroy it in the courts. Spanning 0.78 square miles, it has a colorful history. Most likely it is just a mixture of fact and fiction developed by both writers and scientists. According to legend, in 1865, a certain banker Matthew Shiell, a resident of the island of Montserrat in the Caribbean Sea, filed documents for ownership of the rocky and uninhabited islands of Redonda, proclaiming himself king. This remnant of an extinct volcano was discovered by Christopher Columbus in 193; the island rises 300 meters above the ocean. But the deserted island is practically a wasteland; Shiell himself never lived there, but in 1880 he handed over the crown to his son. Legend has it that the enterprising banker even wrote a letter to England, and Queen Victoria herself recognized him as the king of the island as long as it remained subordinate to Great Britain. The new ruler, also, by the way, Matthew Shiell became a famous science fiction writer and ruled Redonda until 1947. It was he who first told the history of this mini-country, creating most of its customs, flag and form of government (absolute monarchy). Then the crown passed to the writer's friend, John Goswaort, who began to call himself King Juan I. With the coming to power of this monarch, the country plunged into chaos. Due to bankruptcies, John constantly resells his island or simply gives it away to anyone. Today there are 3 serious contenders left for the island - King Leo, Robert the Bald, who crowned himself in 1998, and Canadian Bob Williamson. He lives and writes novels in Antigua, visiting “his” kingdom on a yacht. There is a curious story connected with the mini-country - the English pub owner Bob Beach decided to make his establishment an embassy of Redonda so that visitors could smoke there. Officially, Redonda is part of the island nation of Antigua.

Republic of Minerva has an area of ​​4 square miles. The state was proclaimed in 1972 by an American millionaire of Lithuanian origin, Michael Oliver. Libertarian principles were assumed for the new country (no taxes, subsidies). In 1971, two barges with sand arrived from Australia, which created an entire artificial island on a pair of reefs. Soon the construction of the capital, the Sea City, began. All work to create a new island cost 200 thousand dollars. In January 1972, a small tower was built and the flag of the new, independent country was raised. The state received a flag, anthem and currency, and Morris Davis, a former engineer from California, became interim president. But the state of Tonga immediately declared the reefs to be its territory; 100 military personnel arrived on the island, who removed the flag of Minerva and hoisted their own. The Pacific Forum recognized the annexation of the reefs to Tonga. Oliver had no choice but to remove Davis from the presidency. However, in 1982, he tried to return Minerva’s freedom, but three weeks later he was expelled by the local military. At the moment, not everyone recognizes Tonga’s right to Minerva. Davis still continues to consider himself president, and there is a government in exile. In 2005, the Republic of Fiji also claimed the island.

Dominion of Melchizedek. Small countries were often used for tax evasion, if not fraud, as was the case with the 14 square mile Dominion of Melchizedek. In 1986, US citizens David Pedley and his son Mark created a new state. His name is associated with the high priest Melchizedek, who is considered by many to be the predecessor of Jesus. It was declared that the dominion had ecclesiastical sovereignty, like the Vatican. However, the country has no official religion, and the flag generally depicts the creeds of Christianity, Judaism and Islam. The first territory included in the Dominion was Clipperton Reef, a possession of France. Later, several islands, shallow waters, parts of the Carpathian region, and even Antarctica were declared part of the state. Naturally, such claims have never been confirmed by anyone. The country has its own constitution, the current legislative and executive powers are declared. Only now all citizens live outside the dominion - in Israel and the USA. The sovereignty of the state was used as an offshore refuge for fake banks and various frauds. The Dominion even sold its country's passports for $10,000. According to some sources, the country was even recognized by a number of African states, as well as the Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia and a number of American states. Dominion was repeatedly noticed in attempts to cash out funds from a state bank account (naturally existing on paper), in attempts to fraud with weapons. For conducting nuclear tests near its territories, the Dominion declared a spiritual war on France, and later the same “punishment” overtook Serbia for its actions in Kosovo. During this conflict, the Dominion even threatened its nuclear weapons, which were located in Rusinia (western Ukraine). However, at that time he was no longer in Ukraine, and he had never been in Transcarpathia. As a result, most experts agree that the true goal of an organization without any legal basis is exclusively fraud on a planetary scale.

Size Principality of Baldoni is only 0.00626 square miles. The state was proclaimed by the publicist and eccentric Russell Arundel. While sport fishing off the coast of Nova Scotia in Canada, he spotted an island and purchased it. A small fishing house was built there, where Russell retired with his friends on weekends. During one of these men's drinking bouts, the Constitution was invented (the main articles are devoted to fishing and rum) and the Declaration of Independence. All members of the company received positions in the government, and the one who caught the largest tuna was declared a prince and had the right to a fee in his own currency, of course. Later, a Charter was issued that prohibited the appearance of women in the country and the abolition of all taxes. The main export item was empty beer bottles. Arundel developed a joke about his country being asked to join the UN. A private stamp was also issued, which quickly became a rarity among philatelists. Baldoni even managed to declare war on the USSR and took her fleet from fishing vessels to the sea. But most likely the fishermen went to have fun and not to fight.


The country of Talossa is of uncertain size, containing most of the state of Milwaukee, some French islands, and even Antarctica. In 1979, 13-year-old Robert Ben Madison declared his childhood home independent from the United States. The word "Talassa" itself comes from the Finnish "inside the house." In 1981, the country expanded significantly to include 5 of Robert's childhood friends, as well as some of his relatives. The first elections took place, and their own language of 25 thousand words was developed. For a long time, Talossa was considered a joke, but with the advent of the Internet, a lot has changed. In 1996, the country had its own website, which facilitated the recruitment of cyber citizens. Madison declared Talossa the world's first micronation. In 1997, some disgruntled citizens decided to secede and created their own micronation - Penguinea. However, it quickly sank into oblivion. Madison himself was declared by many to be either a tyrant or simply crazy. In 1998, Kiris dal Nava emigrated to the country via the Internet and began to actively fight the king. As a result of internal squabbles in 2004, the country was again divided in two. King Robert I transferred power to his young successor and Louis I became the new ruler of Talossa in 2005. However, a year later he was removed from the throne by decrees of the country's Council of State. The era of change ended in 2007 with the accession of King John to the throne. The country is a constitutional monarchy. Today, by the way, there is also the Republic of Talossa, led by Dal Nava.

Hutt River Province self-proclaimed in 1970, separating from Australia. Then farmer Leonard Casley, who lived near Perth, found himself in a difficult economic situation due to the introduced quotas for growing wheat. A protracted dispute with the authorities led to the farmer’s family deciding to simply secede from Australia. To achieve this, a loophole was found in British law. When the long-dormant authorities tried to arrest Casley, he declared himself "His Royal Highness, Prince Leonard of Hutt", taking advantage of the ancient law according to which monarchs are immune from arrest. Since then, the province, later renamed a principality, has existed in a "gray" legal area. Local residents do not pay taxes, but the Australian government has not recognized the new formations. Kasli began to take action to strengthen independence. His 28.9 square mile country developed a Bill of Rights. Flag, monetary reform was carried out and its own stamp was issued. The Principality today is very popular among tourists, who can buy local coins here and even take a photo with the prince, even if he is in old age. Back in the 1980s, the Province began to conduct commercial operations. Her affairs were taken over by businessman Kevin Gale, who promoted coins of an exotic country on the US numismatic market. But the authorities shut down the wide campaign; the last time the commemorative gold 100 dollars, marking the 30th anniversary of the state, was issued.


The 4-square-mile state of Seborga dates back to the 10th century, when a small area in Northern Italy was granted independence so that local monks could build a monastery in peace. 700 years later, this land was included in the Kingdom of Sardinia. However, historians of Seborga claim that their principality was never officially part of Italy. In fact, Seborga became a member of modern Italy in 1946, but in 1960 the authorities of the unrecognized principality began to fight for their independence. Local florist Giorgio Carbone began to argue that Seborga never formally lost its autonomy. He was able to win over many townspeople, who elected him as the unofficial head of the country, Prince Giorgio I. However, despite the declaration of independence, little changed until the mid-90s, when 300 residents of the city voted for final secession from Italy. Carbone became the official ruler, remaining so until his death in 2009. He managed to create a state flag, his own money, stamps and even a motto that sounded like “sit in the shadows.” At the moment, Seborga also has its own army, consisting, however, of one single person - Lieutenant Antonello Lacalo. The Italian government did not recognize the sovereignty of Seborga, and the conflict turned legal. Meanwhile, local residents pay taxes like everyone else and go to regular public schools. Of all the tiny nations in the world, the most famous is the Principality of Sealand, measuring just 0.0002 square miles. The state “spreads out” on an offshore platform in the North Sea off the coast of Great Britain. The Rafs Tower platform appeared here in 1942, when anti-aircraft guns and a garrison of 200 people were installed on it. After the end of the war, the place was abandoned. In 1966, retired Major Paddy Roy Bates and his friend Ronan O'Reilly decided to build an amusement park on the platform. However, soon, as a result of a quarrel, Bates remained the only owner. A year later, Ronan tried to retake the place, but the brave military man managed to fight back with weapons. Bates planned to create a pirate radio station here, but this project never came to fruition. But on September 2, 1967, the creation of an independent state with Prince Roy I at its head was announced. In 1968, the British tried to occupy the platform, but they were given armed resistance. As a result, the court made an important decision - this is a case outside British jurisdiction. By 1975, it already had its own flag, anthem and currency, as well as passports and a church. Unlike other micronations, Sealand is relatively recognized in the international community, thanks to that very fateful decision of the authorities. However, the state has not yet been recognized by anyone, although formally all the signs of a full-fledged state are present. In 1978, a putsch occurred, during which the prince’s comrade-in-arms, Prime Minister Alexander Achenbach, seized power in the country. But the overthrown monarch managed to return to power. The rebels were dealt with according to international law, but the Federal Republic of Germany became interested in the fate of the main conspirator, a German citizen. Since the British Foreign Office simply threw up its hands, German diplomats had to negotiate directly with Sealand. This marked the pinnacle of actual recognition of Sealand by other countries. In 1990, the mini-country announced the expansion of its territorial waters. At the same time, residents were not afraid to fire at British ships violating the borders. Recently, Sealand has increasingly become a business project, and not always a good one. Thus, in 1997, Interpol seized about 150 thousand fake passports of this country sold in Hong Kong. After this incident, the Sealand authorities, who assisted the investigation, canceled the passports altogether. From 2008 to 2008, it was home to Internet hosting company HavenCo, which sought to evade English laws. In 2006, there was a strong fire on the platform, which destroyed almost all the buildings. But within a year, hardworking citizens had already restored everything. In 2007, the sale of Sealand was announced, and the figure was soon announced - about 750 million euros. Now Sealand is a tourist attraction; a feature film has even been made about the country.

Principality of Sealand.

Historically, humanity strives to divide the vast expanses of our planet into separate pieces. Over the course of thousands of years of conquest, each nation secured its own territories - some more, some less.

10 We learned the names of most large countries in school, but few people remember about these states. They do not have huge armies or natural deposits, but are known for their tiny area. This collection contains the 10 smallest countries in the whole world!


The Maldives consists of 26 atolls, which in turn are a chain of 1,192 coral islets. The only city in the Maldives is Male, which is also the capital of this country. This amazing archipelago is a unique ecosystem with reefs, various species of fish and marine organisms.

9 Saint Kitts and Nevis

This small country covers an area of ​​261 km² and consists of two islands - Saint Kitts and Nevis. It is located in the eastern part of the Caribbean Sea and has the title of the smallest state in the Western Hemisphere. The population of Saint Kitts and Nevis is small - only 50 thousand people.

The state is well known among tourists and income from this destination accounts for more than 70% of the country's GDP per year. Sugar cane and shellfish are also processed here. The largest city in this country, and also the capital, is populated by 11 thousand people. Saint Kitts and Nesiv have their own army of 300 people.

8 Marshall Islands

The Republic of the Marshall Islands covers an area of ​​181.3 km² of land. It is located in the western Pacific Ocean and is a chain of atoll islands. These islands were discovered in 1526 by Alonso de Salazar, and for many centuries they were transferred as a colony from one country to another.

These days, these 34 atoll islands are a real paradise. The territory of the republic has a unique odds and fauna, which, by the way, was almost destroyed by man. The Americans tested a hydrogen bomb here in the mid-20th century. The explosion was so powerful that it was 1000 times larger than Hiroshima. However, local residents managed to slowly restore the ecosystem of the islands.

7 Liechtenstein

The European Principality of Liechtenstein is tiny in size and very famous in the world. Despite its area of ​​160 km², this state has a very powerful economy and developed industry. It can serve as an example for many powers due to its unique system of government so that people lived very well here.

Liechtenstein is located in the Alps and borders Switzerland and Austria. The name of the country comes from the ruling dynasty, which has ruled together with the Landtag for many years. The population of this European country is small - about 36 thousand people.

6 San Marino

In sixth place in our ranking is the state of San Marino, which has an area of ​​60 km². It is unique in its location - it borders on Italy on all sides. The name of the country was formed from the name of the saint who founded it according to ancient legend - the stonecutter Marin.

With modern borders, San Marino is considered the most ancient state in Europe, it was founded in 301. Almost the entire territory of the country (80%) is the foothills of the Apennines, so there is practically no arable land here. The country's population is 33 thousand people in such a small area. This country has many unique architectural monuments on its territory.

5 Tuvalu

This small state in Polynesia has an area of ​​26 km². It consists of nine coral atolls, four of which make up the Tuvalu archipelago. The discoverer of the islands, Alvaro Mendaña de Neira, called them Lagoon Islands, but they only received the name Tuvalu in 1975.

This beautiful place, however, was included in the ranking of the poorest countries as of 2016. The area of ​​the islands is decreasing from year to year, so in 50 years, according to experts, Tuvalu may completely disappear from the face of the Earth as a state. The country's population according to the latest data is just over 12 thousand people.

4 Nauru

The dwarf state of Nauru covers an area of ​​21 km² and was very popular in the mid-20th century. Such popularity was ensured by phosphates, which filled the territory of this piece of land. But these days, all that remains of phosphates are dilapidated mines, and the ecology of the country has been irrevocably damaged, even for tourism.

Like the islands of Tuvalu, Nauru is located near the Republic of Kiribati and lies 42 km south of the equator. This country has no official capital and a population of only 10 thousand people. But, unlike Tuvalu, this dwarf country has again begun to develop its economy and increase its birth rate.

3 Monaco

The third place in our ranking is occupied by the well-known European principality of Monaco. Probably everyone has heard about it, despite the fact that it occupies only 2.02 km². The legendary Monaco Grand Prix race is held here, and the casino in Monte Carlo is very famous among gambling enthusiasts.

The population of Monaco (with such and such an area!) is 38 thousand people. This is a lot, but such popularity has its own explanation. For a long time there was no taxation in Monaco, so many businessmen, wealthy foreigners settled here and large companies were founded. Monaco is governed by Prince Albert II, assisted by a national council.

2 Vatican

The Vatican State, with its tiny area of ​​0.44 km², is a very powerful state that has ruled the destinies of many countries for many centuries. The country's population is equal to the number of employees - 836 people. At the same time, the Vatican has no economy, and the country’s budget is replenished only through numerous donations from Catholic organizations.

Here is the residence of the Pope - the heart of the Catholic Church. The state is located inside Rome and is directly associated with Italy. But despite the proximity, the Vatican gained its independence in 1929 and has been an independent country ever since. It rightfully holds the title of the smallest country in the world, but there is another state that deserves attention.

1 Order of Malta

And the first place in this list is occupied by the state, which some countries do not recognize as a separate state unit. We are talking about the Order of Malta with a territory of 0.012 km². This Order has about 13,000 members who have national passports and use their own currency.

Not all countries recognize the sovereignty of the Order of Malta and consider it only at the level of diplomatic relations. The largest city of the Order is Fort Sant'Angelo, which the country leases from Malta. Apart from the shaky recognition of this sovereignty, the Order is the smallest state in the world.

All these dwarf states rightfully take their place in the ranking of the smallest countries. They are unique and distinctive, and most of them, despite their small territory, are prosperous countries.

Dwarf state- a state that differs significantly to a lesser extent from other states according to some criteria (for example, in area, population, etc.).

Based on the size of the area, states that are smaller in area than Luxembourg are usually called dwarf states. Luxembourg itself is sometimes also classified as a dwarf state.

Population size is often also used as a criterion. At the same time, in the terminology of the UN and the World Bank, states whose population does not exceed 1 million people are considered dwarf. Commonwealth reports use the term small countries and a population threshold of 1.5 million people. Finally, states with a population of less than 500 thousand people are sometimes called dwarf.

Dwarf country

Many dwarf states are relatively young entities (East Timor and others). At the same time, most of the dwarf states of Europe have a centuries-old history. For example, San Marino is considered the oldest state in Europe.

Sometimes the concept is also used dwarf country, which include not only small independent states, but also other small geographically and historically isolated (most often island) territories - dependent territories, administrative autonomies, etc. Examples - Isle of Man, Guernsey, Bornholm, Gibraltar, Mayotte, Guam , Niue, Heligoland, Athos, etc.

Below is a list of countries with an area less than 10,000 km²






The most populous dwarf countries in the world

Number of inhabitants per square kilometer:

These countries are not only the most populous dwarf states, but also the most populous countries in the world overall - the most populous non-dwarf countries are Bangladesh (1154, bordering India) and Taiwan (648, located on the island of Taiwan).

see also

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An excerpt characterizing the Dwarf State

Balashev bowed his head, showing with his appearance that he would like to take his leave and is listening only because he cannot help but listen to what is being said to him. Napoleon did not notice this expression; he addressed Balashev not as an ambassador of his enemy, but as a man who was now completely devoted to him and should rejoice at the humiliation of his former master.
– And why did Emperor Alexander take command of the troops? What is this for? War is my craft, and his business is to reign, not to command troops. Why did he take on such responsibility?
Napoleon again took the snuff-box, silently walked around the room several times and suddenly suddenly approached Balashev and with a slight smile, so confidently, quickly, simply, as if he were doing something not only important, but also pleasant for Balashev, he raised his hand to the face of the forty-year-old Russian general and, taking him by the ear, tugged him slightly, smiling with only his lips.
– Avoir l"oreille tiree par l"Empereur [Being torn out by the ear by the emperor] was considered the greatest honor and favor at the French court.
“Eh bien, vous ne dites rien, admirateur et courtisan de l"Empereur Alexandre? [Well, why aren’t you saying anything, admirer and courtier of Emperor Alexander?] - he said, as if it was funny to be someone else’s in his presence courtisan and admirateur [court and admirer], except for him, Napoleon.
– Are the horses ready for the general? – he added, slightly bowing his head in response to Balashev’s bow.
- Give him mine, he has a long way to go...
The letter brought by Balashev was Napoleon's last letter to Alexander. All the details of the conversation were conveyed to the Russian emperor, and the war began.

After his meeting in Moscow with Pierre, Prince Andrey left for St. Petersburg on business, as he told his relatives, but, in essence, in order to meet there Prince Anatoly Kuragin, whom he considered necessary to meet. Kuragin, whom he inquired about when he arrived in St. Petersburg, was no longer there. Pierre let his brother-in-law know that Prince Andrei was coming to pick him up. Anatol Kuragin immediately received an appointment from the Minister of War and left for the Moldavian Army. At the same time, in St. Petersburg, Prince Andrei met Kutuzov, his former general, always disposed towards him, and Kutuzov invited him to go with him to the Moldavian Army, where the old general was appointed commander-in-chief. Prince Andrei, having received the appointment to be at the headquarters of the main apartment, left for Turkey.
Prince Andrei considered it inconvenient to write to Kuragin and summon him. Without giving a new reason for the duel, Prince Andrei considered the challenge on his part to be compromising Countess Rostov, and therefore he sought a personal meeting with Kuragin, in which he intended to find a new reason for the duel. But in the Turkish army he also failed to meet Kuragin, who soon after the arrival of Prince Andrei in the Turkish army returned to Russia. In a new country and in new living conditions, life became easier for Prince Andrei. After the betrayal of his bride, which struck him the more diligently the more diligently he hid the effect it had on him from everyone, the living conditions in which he was happy were difficult for him, and even more difficult were the freedom and independence that he had so valued before. Not only did he not think those previous thoughts that first came to him while looking at the sky on the Field of Austerlitz, which he loved to develop with Pierre and which filled his solitude in Bogucharovo, and then in Switzerland and Rome; but he was even afraid to remember these thoughts, which revealed endless and bright horizons. He was now interested only in the most immediate, practical interests, unrelated to his previous ones, which he grabbed with the greater greed, the more closed from him the previous ones were. It was as if that endless receding vault of the sky that had previously stood above him suddenly turned into a low, definite, oppressive vault, in which everything was clear, but there was nothing eternal and mysterious.
Of the activities presented to him, military service was the simplest and most familiar to him. Holding the position of general on duty at Kutuzov's headquarters, he persistently and diligently went about his business, surprising Kutuzov with his willingness to work and accuracy. Not finding Kuragin in Turkey, Prince Andrei did not consider it necessary to jump after him again to Russia; but for all that, he knew that, no matter how much time passed, he could not, having met Kuragin, despite all the contempt that he had for him, despite all the proofs that he made to himself that he should not humiliate himself to the point of confrontation with him, he knew that, having met him, he could not help but call him, just as a hungry man could not help but rush to food. And this consciousness that the insult had not yet been taken out, that the anger had not been poured out, but lay in the heart, poisoned the artificial calm that Prince Andrei had arranged for himself in Turkey in the form of preoccupied, busy and somewhat ambitious and vain activities.
In 12, when news of the war with Napoleon reached Bukarest (where Kutuzov lived for two months, spending days and nights with his Wallachian), Prince Andrei asked Kutuzov to transfer to the Western Army. Kutuzov, who was already tired of Bolkonsky with his activities, which served as a reproach for his idleness, Kutuzov very willingly let him go and gave him an assignment to Barclay de Tolly.
Before going to the army, which was in the Drissa camp in May, Prince Andrei stopped at Bald Mountains, which were on his very road, located three miles from the Smolensk highway. The last three years and the life of Prince Andrei there were so many upheavals, he changed his mind, experienced so much, re-saw (he traveled both west and east), that he was strangely and unexpectedly struck when entering Bald Mountains - everything was exactly the same, down to the smallest detail - exactly the same course of life. As if he were entering an enchanted, sleeping castle, he drove into the alley and into the stone gates of the Lysogorsk house. The same sedateness, the same cleanliness, the same silence were in this house, the same furniture, the same walls, the same sounds, the same smell and the same timid faces, only somewhat older. Princess Marya was still the same timid, ugly, aging girl, in fear and eternal moral suffering, living the best years of her life without benefit or joy. Bourienne was the same flirtatious girl, joyfully enjoying every minute of her life and filled with the most joyful hopes for herself, pleased with herself. She only became more confident, as it seemed to Prince Andrei. The teacher Desalles brought from Switzerland was dressed in a frock coat of Russian cut, distorting the language, spoke Russian with the servants, but he was still the same limitedly intelligent, educated, virtuous and pedantic teacher. The old prince changed physically only in that the lack of one tooth became noticeable on the side of his mouth; morally he was still the same as before, only with even greater embitterment and distrust of the reality of what was happening in the world. Only Nikolushka grew up, changed, became flushed, acquired curly dark hair and, without knowing it, laughing and having fun, raised the upper lip of his pretty mouth in the same way as the deceased little princess raised it. He alone did not obey the law of immutability in this enchanted, sleeping castle. But although in appearance everything remained the same, the internal relations of all these persons had changed since Prince Andrei had not seen them. The members of the family were divided into two camps, alien and hostile to each other, which now converged only in his presence, changing their usual way of life for him. To one belonged the old prince, m lle Bourienne and the architect, to the other - Princess Marya, Desalles, Nikolushka and all the nannies and mothers.
During his stay in Bald Mountains, everyone at home dined together, but everyone felt awkward, and Prince Andrei felt that he was a guest for whom they were making an exception, that he was embarrassing everyone with his presence. During lunch on the first day, Prince Andrei, involuntarily feeling this, was silent, and the old prince, noticing the unnaturalness of his state, also fell gloomily silent and now after lunch went to his room. When Prince Andrei came to him in the evening and, trying to stir him up, began to tell him about the campaign of the young Count Kamensky, the old prince unexpectedly began a conversation with him about Princess Marya, condemning her for her superstition, for her dislike for m lle Bourienne, who, according to According to him, there was one truly devoted to him.
The old prince said that if he was sick, it was only because of Princess Marya; that she deliberately torments and irritates him; that she spoils little Prince Nikolai with self-indulgence and stupid speeches. The old prince knew very well that he was torturing his daughter, that her life was very hard, but he also knew that he could not help but torment her and that she deserved it. “Why doesn’t Prince Andrei, who sees this, tell me anything about his sister? - thought the old prince. - What does he think, that I’m a villain or an old fool, I moved away from my daughter for no reason and brought the French woman closer to me? He doesn’t understand, and therefore we need to explain to him, we need him to listen,” thought the old prince. And he began to explain the reasons why he could not stand his daughter’s stupid character.
“If you ask me,” said Prince Andrey, without looking at his father (he condemned his father for the first time in his life), “I didn’t want to talk; but if you ask me, then I will tell you frankly my opinion about all this. If there are misunderstandings and discord between you and Masha, then I can’t blame her at all - I know how much she loves and respects you. If you ask me,” continued Prince Andrei, getting irritated, because he was always ready for irritation lately, “then I can say one thing: if there are misunderstandings, then the reason for them is an insignificant woman, who should not have been her sister’s friend.” .

The dwarf states of Europe are independent countries, members of the UN, with a very small area. There are 6 such countries in total, the total area of ​​which is one and a half times less than the area of ​​​​St. Petersburg, and the total number of inhabitants is equal to the number of inhabitants in one city of Barnaul.

1. . The smallest sovereign state in the world. The country's area is only 0.44 sq. km, which is 44 hectares of land (about 50 football fields). Population 842 people. The Vatican is located entirely in the city of Rome, Italy.

2. . One of the smallest sovereign countries in the world. The area of ​​the country is only 2 sq. km., the number of inhabitants is 38 thousand. Monaco is located on the Mediterranean coast, on the Cote d'Azur and is completely surrounded by France.

3. . A country with an area of ​​61 sq. km, with a population of 32 thousand people. San Marino is completely surrounded by Italy and is located 10 km from the Adriatic coast.

4. . Country with an area of ​​160 sq. km. approximately equal to the area of ​​the city of Murmansk. Population 37.6 thousand people. Liechtenstein is located on the border between Austria and Switzerland.

5. - an island state in the Mediterranean Sea. The area of ​​the country is 316 sq. km. (Izhevsk area), population 434,403 people. Located 100 km south of the island of Sicily, Italy.

6. . The largest dwarf state in Europe. The country's area is 468 sq. km, population 85,470 people. Located on the border between France and Spain. The area of ​​Andorra is approximately equal to the area of ​​Makhachkala.
