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We will get to know Tavrida correctly or by car through the Crimea with skill. Independent travel through Crimea in September Independent travel through Crimea without a car

Publication date: 2015-10-31

Hello everyone, my dears! If you are going to spend a vacation in Crimea, you are faced with a difficult task: how to manage to see all the most interesting things in a short period of time and not put in extra kilometers. We also faced this question, so today I decided to discuss with you our route for traveling around Crimea by car, and offer the best, in my opinion, route. Ready? Then I begin!

In this article:

All travelers to Crimea need this

To navigate the peninsula, you can use anything: paper maps, a navigator, heavy guidebooks and other inconvenient devices.

I suggest using the most convenient way to navigate the area and a huge number of attractions of the peninsula - a mobile application with a unique name Crimea.

What can you do with it?

1. Automatically determine your location and nearby attractions, indicating the mileage and route to each of them.

2. Select a city and see a list of attractions in its surroundings.

3. Just look at the list of all attractions with a detailed description: photographs, contact information, detailed descriptions and visitor reviews.

And if you are a complete novice at this and don’t know at all how to use the capabilities of your phone (or tablet), welcome to this topic, which will help you install the Crimea application and more.

Our route

Our first priority in Crimea was to meet a good friend who had moved to live in Sevastopol. Therefore, the first thing we did was go there, to the opposite side of the peninsula, not worrying at all about the fact that we were leaving behind many interesting places that we would not be able to visit with such a route ( you can open the map in a new window).

Then, of course, we set off from Sevastopol to other nearby cities,

but all this made our route a little ragged. And although we managed to visit many interesting places, I do not advise you to repeat our route.

Which route will be the best?

I think it must satisfy three basic requirements:

  1. Contain the maximum number of attractions.
  2. Pass through the most beautiful places of Crimea, so that the road is a pleasure.
  3. Be cyclical, that is, if possible, avoid driving on the same roads.

So, I ended up with 4 sections of the route (Google doesn’t allow you to build long routes):

1. Port in Kerch - Feodosia
2. Feodosia — Yalta
3. Yalta — Sevastopol
4. Sevastopol — Kerch

The total duration of the route is 951 km.

It practically never repeats itself, and most of it runs along the sea.

What attractions are included in this route?

Remember, you can supplement it yourself along the route using the Crimea mobile application, which we talked about above. I tried to choose the most interesting, in my opinion, places. Let me list them in order according to the above route.

You can click on the names of attractions to open their location on the map.

1. Turkish fortress Yeni-Kale

2. Adzhimushkay quarries

3. Royal Kurgan

4. Mount Mithridates

5. Fort Totleben

6. St. Catherine's Church

7. House-Museum of Alexander Green

8. National Art Gallery named after Aivazovsky

I highly recommend watching the museum’s promotional video:

9. Tower of St. Constantine

10. Factory of vintage wines and cognacs in Koktebel

11. Golitsyn's path and grotto

12. Emerald Lake

13. Jur-Jur waterfall

14. Marble Cave

15. Mount Demerdzhi

16. Palace of Princess Gagarina

17. Massandra Palace

19. Cable car in Yalta and observation tower ()

20. Livadia Palace

21. Castle Swallow's Nest ()

For those who dream of going on a big trip around Crimea, we have compiled a tourist route to the most interesting places and attractions. You can travel through it by car, bus or bike. It is developed based on personal experience and future travel plans.

We offer a comprehensive itinerary for a long trip across Crimea from the Kerch Strait to Tarkhankut and back. We have already been to the peninsula four times and before each trip we made lists of attractions. This takes a lot of time and effort - so the idea was born to systematize the experience and create a route for a big trip around Crimea. Finding something sensible on this topic on the Internet is not easy, so we set out to fill the gap. The route will allow you to save time before your trip - you no longer need to sift through mountains of articles, everything is in one.

Rent a car- this is the best way to travel! - reliable and convenient car rental service in Crimea. Choose a car to suit your taste and budget. The cost of renting a car is from 1000 rubles per day. Do you have any questions? The Russian-speaking support service will help you with everything.

Poppy fields in the vicinity of Bakhchisarai. During our two weeks of traveling around Crimea, we found dozens of such fields.

Our journey through Crimea - route map

The tourist route includes both cities and towns we visited within the previous ones, as well as those planned for visiting. The route can be changed at your discretion, and the list of attractions does not claim to be complete. If you know interesting sights that are not included in the list, write in the comments, we will be happy to supplement the article.

When planning your trip, make an approximate calculation - this way you will protect yourself from excessive expenses.

This is what the route through Crimea looks like on the map from Kerch to Tarkhankut (Belogorsk and Stary Krym were not included, since Google did not allow me to add more markers):

Kerch - Bosphoro Cimmerio

Our route for a big trip around Crimea opens with the Hero City of Kerch. This is one of the oldest cities in the world, but unpopular with tourists. Many people visit Kerch only while passing through or devote no more than one day to the city, but in vain - there is something to see here. Many ancient settlements, monuments and burials will be of interest to lovers of antiquities: the ancient settlements of Panticapaeum, Myrmekium, the Tsarsky and Melek-Chesmensky mounds, the monuments of the Crypt of Demeter and Lapidarium. There are also the ancient fortresses of Kerch and Yeni-Kale, as well as an archaeological museum.

The nature here is not as picturesque and diverse as on the southern coast of Crimea, but in the vicinity of Kerch you can find amazing places: the salty pink lake Koyashskoye (Opukskoye) in the Opuksky nature reserve, the salty lake Chokrak with healing mud and hydrogen sulfide springs, the Bulganak mud hill field (Valley of Volcanoes) and much more. Did you know that there are more than 50 mud volcanoes on the Kerch Peninsula?

Of course, in Kerch there is no shortage of beaches, a variety of holiday homes, hotels, cafes and restaurants - in general, the tourist infrastructure here is developed and you can have a good rest. The beaches are mostly sandy and sandy-shell.

Personal experience. We were allocated 1 day for the city. We saw the Yeni-Kale fortress and Mount Mithridates. We also wanted to get to the Kerch Fortress, but due to the construction of the bridge, the road to it was blocked.

In Crimea there are landscapes in the spirit of Franco Fontana. On the road from Kerch to Sudak.

Feodosia - God Given

The next stop on our big trip around Crimea is Feodosia, or Kafa. This is what the city was called in the Middle Ages, when it flourished. In general, the city was founded in the 6th century BC by the Greeks, but the ancient buildings have practically not survived. But the monuments of the Middle Ages have been preserved:

  • the remains of the Genoese fortress and towers (St. Constantine, Dokovaya, Round, Thomas);
  • medieval Armenian and Greek temples (the temple of John the Baptist, St. Sergius, St. George, the archangels Michael and Gabriel).

There are also Orthodox churches, the Mufti-Jami Mosque, monuments, museums (Museum of Money, Museum of Antiquities, Museum of Hang Gliding, A. Greene Museum, etc.) and fountains (Armenian, Aivazovsky, “Good Genius”). There are many buildings from the late 19th - early 20th centuries (mansions, dachas, villas, for example, "Milos", "Flora", "Aida", etc.). And, of course, it is worth visiting the Aivazovsky National Art Gallery, where not only his works are stored, but also paintings by other marine painters.

Feodosia ends (and for many visitors, begins) the main ridge of the Crimean Mountains, which means that the landscape outside the window will gradually change from now on - from the steppe and small hilly terrain to high mountains. In addition, not far from Feodosia, near Koktebel, there is the famous Karadag Nature Reserve.

Personal experience. We chose the Aivazovsky Museum.

(Photo © kamicatzen /

Koktebel is a bohemian place

The next point on our tourist route in Crimea is a village with the romantic name Koktebel. In fact, there is nothing romantic or bohemian about it - a typical seaside town with a tourist infrastructure. But since the end of the 19th century, famous figures of art and culture flocked here, who glorified Koktebel as a bohemian place. The village is also known as a center of gliding due to the rising currents on the Uzun-Syrt plateau. It also gained fame thanks to Lisya Bay (“Fox”), which was loved by naturists and hippies.

What else to see in Koktebel and its surroundings:

  • Golden Gate Rock (take a boat trip);
  • salt lake Barakol;
  • Cape Chameleon, which changes color depending on the light;
  • "Starfall of Memories" - Mount Koklyuk;
  • paragliding flights and views from the Uzun-Syrt plateau (Mount Klementyev);
  • vintage wine factory;
  • Karadag Nature Museum;
  • for children - a dolphinarium.

Personal experience. We went to the “Starfall of Memories”, Uzun-Syrt and the salt lake Barakol, which is drying up - a kind of mini-salt marsh.

(Photo © a"Shioji /

We went up to the Starfall of Memories. Mount Koklyuk, Koktebel.

Sun Valley - 300 days of sun

The road from Koktebel is very picturesque - the route passes by the Sunny Valley. Bizarre cliffs with vineyards on the slopes and steep serpentine roads make your head spin (in the literal sense of the word).

Sunny Valley is peace and tranquility, the absence of tourists, deserted bays, sunny weather, cloudless skies and, of course, mountains. The valley is closed on three sides by mountains, it smoothly descends to the sea. Here, 3 km from the sea, the village of the same name is located - one of the centers of winemaking in Crimea. Try unique wines made from grape varieties that grow only here: “Black Doctor”, “Meganom”, “Sunny Valley”.

The valley is conducive to secluded relaxation and leisurely walks in the mountains. The surrounding area is full of paths! We recommend visiting Echki-Dag, there is an unusual karst cave “Ear of the Earth” - it goes 132 meters deep.

Personal experience. We just drove along this road and stopped at observation platforms.

(Photo © Sergiy Kadulin /

Sudak and New World

The next point on the route around Crimea is Sudak and Novy Svet. They need to devote a lot of time - the area is rich in natural attractions. In the New World, these are the Golitsyn Trail, Tsarsky Beach, juniper grove, Sokol and Karaul-Oba mountains, Cosmos Peak, the Valleys of Hell and Paradise, and the Staircase of Taurus. In Sudak there is a Genoese fortress, capes Meganom and Alchak, as well as mountains Ai-Georgiy and Perchem-Kaya. We recommend staying in Sudak (housing and food are cheaper than in the New World), and in the neighboring village.

Not far from Sudak lies the Cimmerian steppe - the red Kapsel valley, mercilessly scorched by the sun in the summer. Driving along it, admiring its harsh beauty, is a pleasure. You can go into coves and swim - some of them have campsites.

We recommend going on a boat trip with dolphins- it's amazing. They swim right under the boat and jump out of the water! You can even swim in the open sea with them. Price - 600-700 rubles per person for 1 hour. The video can be viewed on Instagram using the hashtag #hunterboat. Book a tour by calling 89780652938, name is Vitaly.

Personal experience. We lived in Sudak and the New World for the fourth time and visited all the sights more than once. All that remains is to climb Sokol.

Our boat trip to a pod of graceful dolphins.

Alushta - Valley of Ghosts

Alushta is a boring town, there is nothing interesting there. All the beauty outside is the bizarre rocks of the Valley of Ghosts and the Demerzhdi massif. It is great luck to visit the valley in fog and cloudy weather, when the pillars seem ghostly. Tourists advise watching the sunrise at Demerdzhi - it’s an amazing sight. Also interesting are Mount Kastel and the Chatyr-Daga caves, as well as the Dzhur-Dzhur waterfall near the village of Generalskoye.

In Alushta we saw the most boring fortress in the world, Aluston - don’t even waste time on it. There is also the medieval fortification of Funa and the palace of Princess Gagarina, as well as various ancient estates. In general, tourists come here primarily for beach holidays and treatment - there are many boarding houses and sanatoriums in Alushta and the surrounding area.

Personal experience. We came to Alushta for Demerdzhi - we found both fog and scorching sun there. On the way to Alushta, stop by the Museum of Water Disasters - touching and amazing.

Very picturesque rocks!
We were lucky enough to see fogs while climbing to the top.
From the top of Mount Demerdzhi there are panoramic views of the sea and villages on the shore.

Enjoy a breathtaking video from the Valley of Ghosts in the Demerdzhi Mountains:

Yalta and its surroundings

Next along the route of travel around Crimea is Yalta. But attention should be paid not to the city itself, boring, large and noisy, but to its surroundings - Greater Yalta, which includes Gaspra, Simeiz, Massandra, Gurzuf, Nikita, Alupka, etc.. For example, on the way from Alushta to Yalta on along the route (if you are taking a route around Crimea) you will see a sign to the Nikitsky Botanical Garden - we recommend visiting if you are partial to flora! In addition, the Nikitskaya Cleft is interesting in Nikita. Next - Massandra: visit the Massandra Palace and Park, a winery where you can taste wines, and the Vorontsov Grotto.

In the vicinity of Yalta you can find a lot of interesting things and spend busy days:

  • go down or up Ai-Petri along the picturesque paths - Taraktashskaya, Shtangeevskaya, Koreizskaya or Botkinskaya;
  • visit the Iograph temple cave and the Uchan-Su waterfall;
  • walk along the Solar Path from Livadia to Gaspra (or vice versa) and see the dolmens;
  • climb Ai-Petri by cable car - next to Yalta (in Miskhor) there is just the lower station of the cable car for climbing the mountain;
  • on the Ai-Petrinsky plateau, visit the caves, walk across the suspension bridge over the abyss and go down on the trolley at a speed of 40 km/h;
  • visit the Grand Canyon.

Architecture lovers will be interested in the Livadia Palace (the Yalta Conference was held here), Massandra Palace, the Emir of Bukhara and Count Mordvinov, the Armenian Church and the Roman Catholic Church. Children also have something to do: in Yalta there is a theater of sea animals, a zoo and an aquarium, a crocodilarium and the Glade of Fairy Tales.

Personal experience. We went up and down Ai-Petri by car, and also rode the cable car. Lesha walked across the suspension bridge to the battlements.

We admire the clouds and views from Mount Ai-Petri.
Lesha walks along the suspension bridge at the top of Ai-Petri.
Ai-Petri in the clouds (Photo © mr_wood /

Gaspra is not only "Swallow's Nest"

Usually, when traveling around Crimea, tourists come to Gaspra only to see the Swallow's Nest palace. However, there are many attractions there: for connoisseurs of antiquities, we recommend the Taurus necropolises, the Roman fortress of Charax and the ruins of the Gaspra-Isar fortification; for lovers of trekking and active recreation, we recommend a walk along the “Sunny Path”, where Nicholas II rested. Another attraction of Gaspra is the palace of Prince Golitsyn and Countess Panina (now the Yasnaya Polyana sanatorium), where the museum room of Leo Tolstoy is located.

Not far from Gaspra is Koreiz - it is worth visiting the Yusupov Palace, Miskhor Park and the lighthouse of Cape Ai-Todor.

Personal experience. They looked at the Swallow's Nest only from the outside, because all tourists loudly advise against going inside. From the lookout you can see beautiful rocks with waves crashing against them.

(Photo © pilot34 /


First of all, Alupka is known for the luxurious Vorontsov Palace, the former residence of Count Vorontsov. Nowadays there is a museum in the palace, and around 40 hectares there is the no less beautiful Alupka Park - very natural and harmonious. It’s pleasant to walk here, inhaling the aromas of cypress, juniper and about 200 other plant species. Always shady and cool, the park sometimes attracts more tourists than the palace. Kuindzhi's apartment museum is also worthy of attention.

As for natural attractions, it is worth visiting the Shaan-Kaya rock and the lake located near it - the views of the mountain range are simply excellent.

Personal experience. We visited the Vorontsov Palace and Alupka Park - they are truly impressive.

You can also look for housing in Crimea on the spot - as soon as you get off the bus at the station, you will be bombarded with dozens of offers for renting out the best housing, certainly cheap and always with a sea view. Classic Crimean holidays.

Sevastopol - White City

To see all the sights of Sevastopol and its surroundings, you need to spend a very, very long time. Start your introductory tourist route from the city itself: Malakhov Kurgan, the ancient and mysterious Chersonesos (we recommend either early in the morning or closer to sunset), Vladimir Cathedral and the Tower of the Winds, the panorama "Defense of Sevastopol", Historical Boulevard, Count's Marina, etc. - A separate article should be devoted to the sights of the hero city.

Must see in the area:

  • Cape Fiolent and Jasper Beach with the Rock of the Holy Apparition and Diana's Grotto - you have to climb 800 steps down and back;
  • the most beautiful Cape Vinogradny (our favorite);
  • beaches of Sevastopol - there are many of them, but some of them can clearly be classified as natural attractions, for example, Lyubimovka beach is very beautiful if you go beyond the pile of stones (to the part of the beach favored by nudists and tent campers);
  • Balaklava: atmospheric submarine museum, Balaklava Bay, Genoese fortress Chembalo, Northern and Southern forts, Sunny trail to the Inzhir tract;
  • Baydar Valley and Fatma Koba Grotto;
  • Death Valley;
  • Inkerman: cave monastery, Maiden Tower, Chernorechensky Canyon;
  • Chorgun Aqueduct Bridge and Chorgun Tower and much more.

This is only a small part of the attractions in the vicinity of Sevastopol - write in the comments if you have been somewhere else!

Personal experience. We visited Fiolent, Cape Vinogradny, Inkerman and Balaklava, and also spent the night in a tent on Lyubimovka beach.

My favorite place in Crimea is Cape Vinogradny in Sevastopol.

(Photo © mr. Wood /

Bakhchisaray - eastern garden-palace

Let's continue our great journey across Crimea - the road leads us to ancient Bakhchisarai, the real center of the hiking and active Crimea. The city is located in the foothills, so the area is very interesting. In our opinion, the main attraction of Bakhchisarai is not the Khan's Palace (although it is good), but the cave cities, fortresses and monasteries: Chufut-Kale, Magup-Kale, Kachi-Kalyon, Eski-Kermen, Tepe-Kermen, Chelter-Koba, Bakla, Syuren, Shuldan.

Bakhchisaray is a city with an oriental flavor, which makes it special. You should definitely visit the Balta-Tiymez Karaite cemetery, the Dervish cemetery and the Old Town - very atmospheric places.

Like in Sevastopol, Bakhchisarai has a huge number of natural attractions that you cannot see in a couple of days - you need to live here for at least a week. By the way, the city has very tasty cuisine - mostly Crimean Tatars live here.

Personal experience. We visited Chufut-kale, Khan's Palace, Balta-Tiymez, the Dervish cemetery and the temple in Laki. Disappointment befell us in the village of Laki, where we were traveling 20 km for the sake of the Church of St. Luke. Previously, there was an unusually beautiful Greek temple with frescoes and mosaics, which was dilapidated during the Second World War. It still stands there - only it now sparkles with whiteness and gold in the best traditions of Orthodoxy. Caring hands restored it, painting over all the beauty and memory of the past. Now inside is a soulless white space with cardboard letters reading “Christ is Risen” and cheap icons.

Landscape in the vicinity of Bakhchisaray - view from the cave city of Chufut-Kale.


  • caves (Marble, Zmeinaya, Krasnaya);
  • cliffs and rocks (above Kalinovaya Balka, Tash-Dzhargan tract);
  • ancient site of Scythian Naples;
  • Kessler's estate.

Watch this amazing video of Crimean caves:


The next city on our route around Crimea is Evpatoria. There are many religious shrines here - mosques, temples, tekies: the Duma-Jami mosque, Tekie dervishes, the temple of St. Elijah, Karaite kenas and so on. In addition, the city has many museums and monuments. What else to see? Turkish baths, kariz (ancient water supply) and the Old City in general.

In the vicinity of Yevpatoria there are several salt lakes where you can improve your health with the help of healing mud and mineralized water: lakes Moinaki, Donuzlav, Dzharylgach and Yarylgach.

One of the most impressive places on our big trip across Crimea is Cape Tarkhankut, the westernmost point of the peninsula. It is better to stay in the small village of Olenevka on the coast - from there it is convenient to get to the nearest attractions by bike, car or bicycle.

Tarkhankut is famous for the picturesque Dzhangul landslide coast in the northeast and Atlesh (Big and Small Atlesh, Cup of Love, lighthouse in the village of Mayak) in the southeast. The Miami beach in Olenevka is sandy, and the sea is crystal clear, coral reefs are visible from the cliffs, so divers and windsurfers hang out here. Such popular Soviet films as “Pirates of the 20th Century” and “Amphibian Man” were filmed on Tarkhankut.

Personal experience. We looked at everything there is in the surrounding area. Be careful on Dzhangul! Do not drive your car close to the edge, the bank may collapse.

The steep coast of Tarkhankut - view from the sea during a boat trip.
A dry cargo ship that ran aground near the coast, Tarkhankut.

Belogorsk - white mountain and lions

This is where our journey through Crimea ends - on the way to the Kerch Bridge we will stop in small Belogorsk. What's so special about it? Nearby there is a picturesque white mountain - the Ak-Kaya rock, where the Soviet film "The Headless Horseman" was filmed. In addition, the area is interesting for the Kok-Asan gorge with the Chermisovsky cascade of waterfalls, which form “baths” with emerald water. The tourist route passing through the Kok-Asan canyon is extremely picturesque - we highly recommend it!

Crimea is incredibly diverse, and a tourist who decides to travel around Crimea by car without a clear route may get confused and waste time. We have compiled a detailed route for a road trip around Crimea, covering the main cities, resort villages and attractions.

The main thing about the product

Kerch Bridge

The journey begins from the Kerch Bridge to Crimea. The journey is free, the length is approximately 19 km, and takes about 20 minutes. The speed limit on the bridge is 90 km/h, stopping is prohibited.

Be careful, do not speed as there are many cameras installed, you will quickly get fines.

There are no traffic jams on the Kerch bridge, but there are a lot of cars. Reminds me of driving along the Moscow Ring Road.

Hero City Kerch

Kerch is a well-groomed and clean city, despite the presence of large industrial facilities. In Kerch, many hotels have been preserved since Soviet times, and modern private hotels also operate. After crossing the strait, which has now become more convenient, but may still take some time, the tourist has a reason to have a good rest in Kerch, and only then go on a trip around Crimea by car.

One of the most interesting places in Kerch is the embankment. During an evening walk, the air saturated with sea moisture pleasantly cools and fills you with strength.

From the embankment you can clearly see the main Kerch attraction - the famous Mount Mithridates with a magnificent observation deck. From the site the city is visible at a glance.

It is also worth visiting the Adzhimushkaya catacombs, in which partisans hid during the Second World War. Excursions to the catacombs are organized by a tour office, whose office is located right next to Mithridates.


Finally, the car tourists have rested and are ready to go on the route - Crimea is waiting. From Kerch, located on the Kerch Peninsula, you can get to Feodosia by only one road - along the M17 (E97) highway. Distance – 100 kilometers, travel time – 1 hour 36 minutes. The road runs through the hilly steppe.

Directly in front of Feodosia, on the coast of the Feodosia Gulf, there are two villages - Primorsky and Beregovoye, where you can stay if you wish. The villages are famous for their high-quality tourist infrastructure, kilometers of excellent beaches and attractions.

Our journey through Crimea continues in Feodosia, a large port-resort city. Feodosia is a little smaller than Kerch, but there are plenty of attractions here. It was in this city that the great marine painter Ivan Aivazovsky lived, and here Alexander Greene drew inspiration for writing the immortal book “Scarlet Sails”.

In Feodosia you can visit the Green museums, visit the Aivazovsky gallery, and see the famous paintings with your own eyes.

After Feodosia, tourists are faced with a choice: the “Crimea” route bifurcates. The M17 highway (E97) turns sharply towards Simferopol, and the Kerch highway P23 leads tourists along the coast to the mountains, the villages of Ordzhonikidze and Koktebel. We will choose the second route option, since not visiting the famous Koktebel when going on a trip to Crimea is nonsense.

Koktebel: the place where the muses live

The distance between Feodosia and Koktebel is 20 kilometers; by car the journey takes no more than 28 minutes. From Feodosia we reach the village of Nasypnoye, where the P23 highway diverges in two directions, and turn south to Koktebel.

Koktebel is one of the most interesting places that our route “Crimea” can offer is rightfully proud of this wonderful village.

Every year a jazz festival is held in Koktebel, bringing together the best musicians from all over the world. A good campsite for motorists has been built near the festival site, and there are many hotels in Koktebel where you can stay.

The famous writer, founder of domestic nudism M. Voloshin lived in Koktebel. The successors of Voloshin’s work occupy the Koktebel beaches in the summer.

The village is considered a cult place among Russian balloonists. Not far from Koktebel there is a mountain that has become a springboard for parachutists, paragliders and hang gliders. On the mountain there is a camp of instructors who will help tourists experience the beauty of flight.

A trip to Crimea without visiting the world-famous Karadag Nature Reserve and examining the majestic Golden Gate rock will be incomplete.

Koktebel is one of the main places for domestic winemaking. In the village there is a cognac factory, in a shop where you can buy young wine, the tastier of which is difficult to find.

Feodosia – Sudak

Tourists should definitely visit the capital of Crimea, Simferopol. We are returning from Koktebel to Feodosia - the distance is short, the road does not take much time. Here our goal is the M17 Kerch-Simferopol highway.

From Feodosia to Simferopol 110 kilometers, travel time - 2 hours 6 minutes. The road runs through the steppe with a lot of hills, and after the town of Old Crimea (25 km from Feodosia) the Crimean Mountains begin.

When going on a trip to Crimea, remember that every year inexperienced drivers die falling off mountain serpentine roads. Sharp turn signs should never be missed. You cannot overtake on blind turns - the narrowness of the route allows you to “go” only under a cliff. In rainy weather, attention should be tripled. The beautiful views that the Crimea route is so rich in can play a cruel joke on the driver: you cannot be distracted by the beautiful mountains and valleys.

From Stary Krym we drive to Grushevka (12 km, 17 minutes on the road). Here we turn onto the P35 highway, which will lead tourists to Sudak. From Grushevka to Sudak 26 km or 32 minutes on the road.

The road is mountainous, wooded, and has sharp turns. Sudak is located in the middle of an amazing landscape reminiscent of that of Mars. In Sudak, you can pause your car journey around Crimea for a while by checking into one of the many hotels in the city.

The main attraction of the city is the magnificent Genoese fortress, which is most often depicted on postcards about Crimea. Sudak has excellent fishing, many great restaurants, attractions, and excellent beaches.

Sudak – Simferopol

To continue our route “Crimea” we return to Grushevka, on the Kerch-Simferopol highway. From Grushevka to the capital of Crimea 80 kilometers, 1 hour 28 minutes on the road.

The road is quite flat, but you should not reduce your attention. You can make a stop near the village of Topolevka (9.4 km from Grushevka), as it is home to a famous convent, mountains with holy springs. You can leave your car in a paid parking lot, go up to the monastery, and swim in the font.

Traveling around Crimea is unique in that already on the way from one major city to another, tourists encounter a huge number of attractions. The city of Belogorsk on the way from Grushevka to Simferopol is an excellent confirmation of these words. Most Soviet westerns were filmed in this town, including the famous film “The Headless Horseman.” You should definitely see the unique White Rock, which is present in a huge number of Soviet films.

In Belogorsk there is the largest zoo on the peninsula, “Taigan”, whose employees breed large predators - lions, leopards and tigers. The huge pride of 50 lions is one of the largest in Europe. If tourists are tired, traversing the Crimea route will always offer rest. In Belogorsk, right next to the Taigan Zoo, there is a wonderful hotel.


The distance from Belogorsk to Simferopol is 45 kilometers, the journey takes 52 minutes. Tourists will not encounter any special attractions along the way, just like in Simferopol itself. This is a fairly large and noisy city. However, it is quite difficult not to visit Simferopol when going on a trip to Crimea - after all, all Crimean roads converge here at a single point.

Near the building of the Crimean State Council, the A. Nevsky Cathedral, destroyed under the Bolsheviks, has been restored. Standing next to the revived building, you feel involved in history.

Having rested a little in Simferopol, we continue our route “Crimea”, which calls to its greatest city - Sevastopol.

80 kilometers of beautiful terrain await us, 1 hour and 27 minutes of travel. We will follow the H06 highway.

The road to the legendary city leads through no less legendary places. Halfway from the capital of Crimea to Bakhchisarai there is the village of Skalistoe with a unique lake. This lake, formed in a rock quarry, is known from Fyodor Bondarchuk’s film “Inhabited Island.”

The water in the lake is absolutely blue, it does not bloom. The lake is full of fish; you can take a fishing break.

It is difficult to imagine traveling around Crimea without visiting the capital of the ancient Crimean Khanate - Bakhchisarai.


The place glorified by Alexander Pushkin is one of the most original cities in Crimea. In ancient times, Bakhchisarai was a typically eastern city, with a bazaar, a slave market, and mosques. The main attraction of modern Bakhchisarai is the Khan's Palace. Not far from the palace is the Holy Dormition Monastery, unique in that all its cells are located in caves.

This incredible Sevastopol

After a few days (depending on the number and duration of stops), a trip through Crimea brings tourists to the famous city of Sevastopol. It is difficult to find a Russian who does not know something about the history of this amazing place.

The city is large and it is quite difficult to navigate it without a navigator. There are a lot of attractions in Sevastopol, so one day is hardly enough for tourists. Breathtaking military panoramas, the beautiful Nakhimov Square, the famous monument to lost ships, St. Vladimir's Cathedral, the Chersonesos nature reserve, numerous bays with huge ships of the Black Sea Fleet moored.

The resort development of Sevastopol began relatively recently. In a short period of time, several excellent hotels have appeared in the city, but a full-fledged resort infrastructure, like in other cities of Crimea, has not yet been built here.

Traveling around Crimea by car is good because tourists can always go to satellite cities of large tourist clusters. For example, near Sevastopol there is a wonderful town of Inkerman, where a vintage wine factory has been operating since tsarist times.

After visiting Inkerman and buying gifts for relatives, we go to Balaklava, hidden in the fjords. This place is incredibly similar to Scandinavia: photographs of Balaklava are almost indistinguishable from photographs of Norwegian or Swedish fjords.

Balaklava Bay is fenced off from the sea by a picturesque chain of rocks. The banks are steep and winding. In the USSR, the bay was used as a Black Sea Fleet base; submarines entered the bay area for repairs and preservation. An underground submarine repair plant carved into the rock is still preserved, which has now become a museum.

Modern Balaklava is a great place to relax while traveling around Crimea. Sailing sports are developed in the town; you can rent a yacht and go fishing in the bay. Companies involved in organizing excursions offer exciting sea voyages.

Sevastopol - Foros

From Sevastopol we go to the village of Foros on the southern coast of Crimea. The village became widely known during the collapse of the USSR, when M. Gorbachev was temporarily blocked there.

From Sevastopol to Foros 48 kilometers, 57 minutes of travel. Our trip around Crimea has been going on for quite a long time, and it’s time to relax on the beach. Foros is ideal for this.

There are many hotels and small private inns in the village. The beaches are clean, pebbly or sandy.

The main attraction of Foros is a colossal park of rare plants brought from all continents. The development of the park began in the mid-19th century, when businessman A. Kuznetsov settled in Foros. Junipers, oaks and pines growing on the Foros coast easily welcomed exotic guests and formed an amazing ensemble with them. Foros - the decoration of our Crimea route - opens in a new capacity, like a real health resort. After all, what could be more pleasant and useful than sitting in a gazebo by a pond in a stunning park, which has no equal in Europe?

Foros – Alupka

Alupka is located 24 kilometers, 34 minutes drive from Foros. The road runs along the southern coast of Crimea - we always drive along the sea. This is an amazing feeling, incomparable to anything. The sea breeze penetrates the open windows of the car - traveling around Crimea has never been so pleasant.

The small resort villages along the way - Sanatornoye, Beregovoye, Simeiz - are pleasing to the eye. You can buy delicious food there, refuel your car, and relax on the beach.

Alupka is a wonderful resort town. It’s worth staying longer here to see the largest temple in Crimea – the Church of the Archangel Michael, which can accommodate 900 parishioners at a time.

Alupka delights with stunning nature, a huge number of flowers, and magnificent architecture. It seems that the town almost entirely consists of palaces, villas and temples.

In the luxurious Vorontsov Palace, a person feels a connection with their ancestors and is immersed in the incredible, complex history of Crimea.

If a trip to Crimea brings tourists to Alupka, one of the first activities should be a visit to the greatest peak of the peninsula - Ai-Petri. The mountain offers stunning views of the sea, rocks, waterfalls and beech grove.

Alupka – Yalta

Only 21 km, or 38 minutes of travel - and our journey through Crimea brings us to the main city of the southern coast of the peninsula. Yalta is a true pearl of Crimea, a magnificent resort city. There is an incredible number of attractions in the Greater Yalta area. All of them are fully accessible to the motorist. This is the park in Partenit, the majestic Mount Ayu-Dag, the Nikitin Botanical Garden, and the Artek All-Russia Children's Center. In Gaspra, tourists will find the Swallow's Nest - the main tourist sight of Crimea, its calling card.

Driving to Yalta from Alupka is a real pleasure. Wide road surface, almost complete absence of mountain serpentine roads and difficult turns. The atmosphere and views along the road can only be described as magical. Here the sights and beauties of Crimea reach their apogee, maximum concentration. It’s difficult to immediately name a section of the route, not only in Crimea or Europe, but throughout the world, that is just as full of stunning views. Tourists understand why they made such a difficult route - Crimea reveals itself to them in its full splendor.

Nikitinsky Botanical Garden in Yalta is a stunning collection of plants from all over the globe. The steps of His Imperial Majesty and his daughters still seem to be heard in the Livadia palaces. The Swallow's Nest is a unique, complex architectural object, which has no equal in the world.

One of the largest organ halls in Europe is located in Livadia. The cable car to Ai-Petri begins in the village of Miskhor. Here you can fully experience the beauty of the mountains.

And, of course, traveling around Crimea without visiting Yalta is absolutely impossible to imagine. The city concentrates the spirit of the Southern Coast of Crimea. The Yalta embankment is like the Statue of Liberty in New York. Every tourist considers it his duty to take a photo here. Yalta energy is amazing and fascinating.

The city has two huge dolphinariums and a world-famous zoo.

The wall of the Yalta embankment is lined with pleasure yachts. One of the most memorable entertainments in Yalta is a boat trip. A great option is a sightseeing tour along the coast. Sometimes you can see dolphins near the yacht - both adults and children will be absolutely delighted.


A suburb of Yalta, a symbolic city of domestic winemaking. At the end of the 19th century, Prince Golitsyn founded a factory in Massandra to produce fine wine using traditional technologies. The plant operates to this day, delighting tourists with excellent young wine and samples aged for many decades.

Yalta is also good for fans of extreme sports. Not far from the city is the main mountain serpentine of Crimea - Ai-Petri. On the mountain top there is an observation deck covering almost the entire South Coast. Not far from the site there are restaurants, attractions, and souvenir shops.

Yalta – Alushta

The next point of our trip around Crimea is Alushta. This city is located 35 kilometers from Yalta, the drive to it is approximately 47 minutes.

Alushta is more modest than Yalta, but it is also a resort of the highest level. There are many excellent hotels and holiday homes here. Clean, well-equipped beaches attract with the golden shimmer of sand. Alushtinskaya embankment was completely reconstructed after a powerful storm in 2013. In Alushta, tourists should visit a water park, a huge aquarium and a miniature park known throughout Crimea.

The miniature park contains all the Crimean attractions, but in a reduced size.

Unlike Yalta, Alushta is a relatively inexpensive city and it is quite possible to stay here for a longer period of time. The city is perfect for a family holiday. In the village of Malorechenskoye you can soak up the beaches to your heart's content; in Rybachye, fishing lovers will find their ideal holiday.

The swimming season in Alushta starts in May and continues until late autumn. The peak flow of tourists is in July-August. Alushta nature is distinguished by its protected quality. In Alushta you can improve your health and gain strength to continue your journey through Crimea.

In the city it is worth visiting the Jur-Jur waterfall, the Stakheev house, the Valley of Ghosts, the Church of All Saints, and the Aluston Tower.

Alushta – New World

Having had a good rest in Alushta, you can continue the route; Crimea has not yet shown us all its attractions. We have a forced march to the village of New World. The journey will take 2 hours 19 minutes and cover 98 kilometers.

The path is quite difficult, with a lot of mountain serpentine, but the road almost always goes along the coast. You can stop along the way in the cozy villages of Rybachye, Privetnoye, Morskoye. We arrive in the New World through Sudak, which we have already visited.

The new world is like the icing on the cake in our itinerary. This is an amazing place that the ancient Greeks called nothing less than “Paradise”. This is the most picturesque place on the peninsula with magnificent nature and clean air.

Diving enthusiasts from around the world gather in the New World. The village was opened and developed by the famous Russian industrialist L. Golitsyn, the founder of domestic winemaking. Every tourist can visit a museum dedicated to winemaking and taste the products of Crimean winemakers.

Return. New World – Kerch crossing

Our journey through Crimea is coming to an end. Many hours on the road, filled with sun, light and sea air. Dozens of cities and towns, hundreds of attractions.

We return to the Kerch crossing along the already familiar route, through Feodosia. The journey will take 2 hours 36 minutes and cover 160 kilometers. Before boarding the ferry, you can relax in Kerch by staying in one of the small private hotels.

It was told how we drew up the route to Crimea, what we paid attention to and how we adjusted it. For a better understanding, we made a video. In the second part, let's get to the fun part. We will create a route around Crimea, as well as search for interesting places and attractions, which we will mark on the map and transfer to your smartphone.

Route around Crimea by car.

Let's get started. First, we’ll create a route through the cities of Crimea. The starting city is Kerch. We will include the entire nearby district up to the village of Primorsky. For visualization, we recommend creating a travel plan in Google Maps. To do this you need to create a map:
1. Go to the service "My cards" at this link ;
2. Click on the “create a new map” button and get into editor mode;
3. The world map has opened, we find and zoom in on the region of interest, for us it is Crimea;
4. In the left menu, click on the untitled layer and rename it “Kerch”;
5. In the same menu below, we change the display type of the base map to “satellite” - its advantage is that you can see trails and country roads suitable for driving by car:

6. Now it’s time to decide on the route around Crimea. First, it is made preliminary, after marking the points of interest, it is already brought into its final form:

7. You can sketch a route in several ways, as we showed with the example of adding routes. The purpose of the sketch is to determine the list of cities, the cities will be route points and layer headings, we have the following list:
7.1. Kerch;
7.2. Feodosia;
7.3. Ordzhonikidze;
7.4. Koktebel;
7.5. Sunny Valley;
7.6. Sudak, Meganom, New World;
7.7. Morskoye, Zelenogorye, Malorechenskoye;
7.8. Radiant, Alushta;
7.9. Cliff, Partenit, Gurzuf;
7.10. Nikita, Massandra, Yalta and to Katsiveli - Big Yalta;
7.11. Foros;
7.12. Balaclava;
7.13. Sevastopol, Inkerman;
7.14. Bakhchisaray;
7.15. Simferopol;
7.16. Evpatoria;
7.17. Olenevka, Mezhvodnoye, Steregushchee;
7.18. Belogorsk is the final point, after which there is a crossing to Kerch.
The result is a route around Crimea, covering all the main resort towns; we show it using the example of the entire Crimea; by analogy, you will draw up your plan for the region to which you will go.

Route around Crimea. Search for attractions.

Next, we begin to search for attractions and mark them on the map. Let's show the example of the first point - the city of Kerch. Let’s start with the banal – enter the query “attractions of Kerch” into a search engine and look at the result. Immediately in the first line, attractions are shown in pictures, we write them down:
1. Mithridates - mountain;
2. Kerch Fortress;
3. Yenikalsky lighthouse;
4. Church of St. John the Baptist;
5. Yenikale – Turkish fortress;
6. Panticapaeum – an ancient settlement on Mount Mithridates;
7. Kerch Museum;
8. Tiritaka – ancient settlement;
9. Lapidarium.
We get acquainted with the descriptions of the attractions and decide for ourselves which ones we would like to visit. For example, we don't like exhibitions and museums. But we like ancient settlements and fortresses, as well as natural beauty. Having weeded out the unnecessary, we begin to search for the coordinates of attractions. We enter “Mount Mithridates - Kerch coordinates” into the search engine, look at the results - as practice shows, a lot of the desired attractions with coordinates are on the wikimapia website, while continuing to plan a route around Crimea, you can search for coordinates directly on this site.
1. We copy the coordinates 45°21’2″N 36°28’10″E from it, enter it into the search bar on the map we are creating - they show us a point that we add to the Kerch layer:

2. Edit the point - choose a color, write a name, description, you can add a photo to understand what it is while traveling. You can add an icon from existing ones or upload your own:

3. It turned out that the city of Panticapaeum is located here, 2 items from the list in one place, this is what this item looks like after editing:

4. We follow the same principle with the following attractions, which is what happened after adding:

5. Next, we study websites, maps, traveler blogs, and search for “attractions in the vicinity of Kerch.” The longer you search, the more you will find little-known but worthwhile places that will be interesting to visit. For example, ancient cities were searched using this map:

After such a search, the following attractions of Kerch and the surrounding area were added:
1. Melek-Chesme mound;
2. Fort Totleben;
3. Nymphaeum settlement;
4. Ilurat settlement;
5. Mud volcanoes of Bulganak;
6. Opuksky Nature Reserve;
7. Crypt of Demeter;
8. Adzhimushkay quarries;
9. Settlement of Parthenii;
10. Settlement of Porfmiy;
11. Lake Chokrak;
12. Royal Kurgan;
13. Kazantip Nature Reserve;
14. Lake Tabechik;
15. Cape Chauda;
16. Unfinished nuclear power plant;
17. Arabat fortress;
18. Ancient settlement of Akra;
19. Elken-Kaya – rocks in the sea;
20. Mud volcano Jau Tepe.
In total there are 29 attractions. Believe me, this is not all. Kerch is famous for its underground passages and perhaps even its cities. Many mud volcanoes were not included in this list. Crimea is truly rich in attractions. Even the first point of the trip is enough to spend 2 weeks diligently exploring and enjoying the variety of famous places; the final route through Crimea is replete with icons, like a Christmas tree. There is a risk, especially with ancient cities, that it will not be possible to find them if their location was determined using a map from the Internet.

See the video below the article for a clear example of drawing up a plan and a bonus - places suitable for spending the night in a tent and with convenient access by car.
Following the example of Kerch, we are doing the same with other cities, we hope the algorithm for searching and creating a route is clear.

Route around Crimea. Route between attractions.

If you are traveling with a tent or by car, you should also find and mark the proposed places to spend the night. With a car it is more problematic; not everywhere there is access to the sea. If you spend the night in hostels, hotels, hotels, also mark them on the map to plan your route to attractions from them.
You can plan your route right away, but we do not recommend doing this. It is not known for certain where you will be able to spend the night. For ourselves, we chose the most correct option for us: make a plan in the evening, before the day of following the route, or directly in the morning. All this is done on a smartphone.

Route around Crimea. How to download tags from a map and transfer them to your phone

Now we need to download the tags, for this we do it as in the pictures:

Finding the file

Find this file in the downloads folder and transfer it to your smartphone. You can transfer to your phone in the following ways:
1. Via USB cable;
2. Send by email;
3. Bluetooth, in general, in any way, like a regular file or music.
Then you need to find this file on your phone and open it using the navigation application. For us it's We recommend it to everyone, it is free, does not require an Internet connection, there is information about springs, attractions, shops, etc. The main thing is to download maps of the places where you will go in advance. You can also create routes and drive along them by car.
This concludes the story about how we worked out the route around Crimea, a trip along which we made in May 2016. For a better understanding, do not forget to watch the video, everything is clearer there. Thank you for your attention, ask questions in the comments and share your thoughts and experiences!

Route around Crimea. Video:

Photo from



If you find yourself in and you have a week, we suggest using a car route, which is designed in such a way that it can start both in Simferopol - the aviation gateway to Crimea, and in Kerch - the city where motorists traveling through the crossing enter Crimea.


Simferopol – Evpatoria – Sevastopol – Southern Coast of Crimea – Sudak – Feodosia – Kerch – Shchelkino – Simferopol.


If you are visiting Crimea for tourism purposes, we advise you not to stay in Simferopol. Although this is the capital of the Republic of Crimea and the second largest city on the peninsula (after Sevastopol), there is hardly anything that will surprise you more than on the coast. So go to Evpatoria first.

We chose Evpatoria to start the route because it is located farthest from the southern coast of Crimea and, from a geographical point of view, it is more convenient to start getting acquainted with Crimea from Evpatoria.

Yevpatoria has beaches with clean sand, the largest water park in Crimea (“Banana Republic”) and a unique narrow-gauge tram.

Photo from

Of the architectural attractions, the old city deserves attention, as well as the area with the code name “Little Jerusalem”. In a small area, just under two square kilometers, monuments of several cultures coexist - Karaite, Crimean Tatar, Armenian, Russian, Jewish, Polish and Turkish. It's better to take a tour here.

A visit to the water park will take at least half a day, although there is something to do there for the whole day. Thus, you need to budget 1-2 days for Evpatoria.


It is the largest city in terms of population on the Crimean Peninsula.

Photo from

When you get to Sevastopol, we recommend visiting first the historical center of the city (Count's pier, Nakhimov Square, monument to sunken ships, Primorsky Boulevard). The ancient city of Chersonesus is a must-see. According to one version, it was here that the baptism of Rus' took place.

Sevastopol has a large selection of hotels to suit every taste and budget, so we recommend spending the night here. You can choose where to eat on our website. Here is a complete list of Sevastopol attractions, in case you have some free time and want more.

the south coast of Crimea

Next, go to the southern coast of Crimea. Be sure to visit the Foros Church (to do this you need to go through the Baydar Gate). Stop at the observation deck. Here, if you wish, you can visit the Baidar-Kaspropol wall.

Photo from

Next, you can choose the attractions you want to see on the southern coast of Crimea. We recommend that you definitely visit the Vorontsov Palace in Alupka and climb to the Ai-Petri plateau by cable car, which starts from the village of Miskhor.

Not far from Miskhor there is the village of Gaspra and Swallow's Nest, which is one of the main symbols of Crimea. Right next to it is Livadia and the famous Livadia Palace, where Alexander III died, Nicholas II was crowned, and where the Yalta Allied Conference took place in 1945. If you have time, take a walk in the local park.

The next point is Yalta. If the Skazka Zoo opens, start your acquaintance with Yalta there. Be sure to take a walk along the Yalta embankment (you can swim here), and go to the Chekhov house-museum. Visit the famous Glade of Fairy Tales.

A few more kilometers along the coast and you are in Nikita. There is the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, where you can see many unique plants characteristic only of Crimea, as well as take a walk through the view park and visit the Cape Martyan nature reserve.

It will take at least two days to inspect the southern coast of Crimea in the area from Foros to Alushta. There are many hotels of different levels of comfort in Yalta and surrounding cities.

Sudak, Koktebel and Feodosia

Continue on to Sudak. Don’t be fooled by the distance - it is not great, but the road will be entirely mountainous with steep serpentines, so it will take a long time to drive. In the village of Malorechenskoye you will see an unusual temple. There is a Museum of Disasters on the Waters, dedicated to famous shipwrecks.

Photo from

The largest and perfectly preserved Genoese fortress is located in Sudak. The citadel surrounds a mountain 157 meters high. If you conquer it, you will be rewarded with a dizzying view of the city.

The sea in Sudak is usually several degrees warmer than in Feodosia, Sevastopol and other points on the southern coast of Crimea (due to the fact that there is a bay here). Be sure to visit one of the most picturesque walking routes in Crimea - the famous Golitsyn trail. It is located in the New World, a few kilometers from Sudak. Walking along it will take you several hours.

From Sudak head to Koktebel - the most literary city of Crimea. You can spend the night both in Koktebel and in Feodosia, which is half an hour away. The entire cultural program in Sudak, New World and Koktebel will fit into one day.

Another Genoese fortress has been preserved in Feodosia, although if you have seen the fortress in Sudak, then the fortress in Feodosia will not particularly impress you. The main thing here is museums. This is the art gallery of I. Aivazovsky, the literary and memorial museum of Alexander Green and the house-museum of Vera Mukhina, the author of the monument “Worker and Collective Farm Woman”.

The sea and beach in Feodosia are not the cleanest in Crimea (port), therefore, after visiting museums, we go to Kerch.

An ancient city, undeservedly deprived of the attention of tourists. This is not a resort, and there is not much tourist infrastructure here yet (maybe the construction of the Kerch Bridge will change the situation). However, there is something to see here. Adzhimushkai quarries, the Kerch fortress, the remains of the ancient city of Panticapaeum, the Kerch Museum of Antiquities - these are just some of the interesting places in Kerch.

Photo from

By the way, there are several decent hotels in Kerch, and in its surroundings there are many inexpensive recreation centers.

To complete your week-long tour of Crimea, take a trip to Shchelkino on the Sea of ​​Azov. After the bustling resort towns, Shchelkino will surprise you with the leisurely pace of life. By and large, this is not a resort, but just a city on the seashore with a good sandy beach. The water temperature in the Sea of ​​Azov is usually 2-3 degrees higher than in the Black Sea. Arriving in Shchelkino, you can visit the Cape Kazantip nature reserve.

Based on materials from