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What to do if your air ticket is lost. How to restore an electronic plane ticket? What to do if you lost your ticket at the airport

Departure is in just three hours, but you got lost e-ticket? Damn familiar! :) But it doesn’t matter - it can still be restored! Let me tell you how to do it correctly. ;)

Restoring an electronic air ticket

An electronic ticket is digital recording, stored in the airline's database. To restore it, you will need computer/smartphone with internet access and money.

Procedure electronic plane ticket recovery looks like that:

  • try it go to your personal account on the website of the airline from which you purchased the ticket;
  • if it is not there, register, indicating your contact details(full name, address, telephone, date of birth);
  • make payment for the lost ticket;
  • Having processed the information, the airline will send you a link to route receipt to the phone number and duplicate it to the email;
  • if you did everything correctly by logging into your profile, You will receive access to an electronic ticket which you need print along with barcode or download to your phone;

you also can restore electronic air ticketT by calling hotline and submitting an application for document restoration.

Restoring an electronic railway ticket

Alas, with railway electronic tickets The situation in our country is a little sadder. You can only restore train tickets in Russia. This service costs fixed 85 rubles.

For restoration of electronic railway ticket need to contact station duty officer at the train departure station or the station where the ticket was purchased. Here you will need to write an application on train ticket restoration, having previously presented an identity document, indicate the date of departure and the route of the trip.

Procedure e-ticket recovery on Russian Railways it can take 1-2 hours, so I would recommend contacting the duty officer in advance. The received duplicate cannot be returned or reissued.


Recover e-ticket, of course, it is possible, but it is much easier to prevent its loss, don’t you agree? :) Place all tickets and passports together to avoid their loss at the most unpredictable moment. Have a nice trip!

Many people buy plane tickets in advance and keep them in their bags, wallets, etc. until the day of departure. This increases the risk of losing the ticket. What to do if shortly before departure you discover that you have lost your ticket? We'll talk about this today.

Now all airlines are increasingly issuing electronic tickets. It is almost impossible to lose them. It is not stored on paper, but in an electronic system.

But an old traditional paper ticket can be lost. To reinstate your ticket, you will need to write an application to the airline. In this application, indicate the direction of the flight, the flight number, the date and place of purchase. Indicate your request for ticket reinstatement.

According to paragraphs. 69-70 of the Rules for the air transportation of passengers, baggage, cargo and requirements for servicing passengers, shippers, consignees, approved by Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated June 28, 2007 N 82, if the ticket was declared lost by the passenger or incorrectly issued, or damaged, then the carrier is obliged to immediately accept all measures within his power to establish the fact of concluding an agreement for the carriage of passengers by air.

If it is determined that the contract for air carriage of the passenger has not been concluded, the ticket is invalidated and the passenger is not allowed to be transported. A ticket declared invalid is canceled by the carrier with the drawing up of a report indicating the reasons for declaring the ticket invalid.

If it is established that the agreement for the air carriage of the passenger has actually been concluded, then the carrier accepts the passenger for transportation in accordance with the terms of the concluded agreement for the air carriage of the passenger with the appropriate issuance of the ticket.

The absence, incorrectness or loss of a travel ticket does not affect either the existence or validity of the contract for the air carriage of a passenger or the contract for the air carriage of cargo.

If your ticket was stolen, it is advisable to also attach a certificate stating that an investigation is being carried out on your application regarding the theft of property. This document can be obtained from the police department where you filed a crime report.

If you still have a copy of the ticket, this will make the restoration process easier for you, so when submitting your application, please attach an existing copy of the ticket.

For the ticket restoration service, you may, in accordance with the airline's transportation rules, have to pay a certain amount in the form of a fee. The exact amount of the fee depends on the airline.

Also, you may, in accordance with the airline's rules of carriage, need to fill out a guarantee under which you must, in the event that someone finds your old ticket, pay that person all the costs associated with finding your ticket.

The application must be submitted before check-in begins. The airline may set another deadline after which an application for ticket reinstatement will not be accepted.

If you missed this deadline or did not fill out the guarantee form, the airline may refuse to reinstate your ticket.

In all other cases, you must be issued a new ticket. If the ticket is lost halfway through the journey, then a new ticket will be issued to you only for the remaining part of the journey.

If you have lost your ticket abroad, you should contact the representative office of your carrier at the airport, they will assist in issuing you a new ticket. If you have a charter flight, then a travel agency should help you reinstate your ticket.

A few important notes. An issued duplicate air ticket is non-refundable if you want to get your money back. The fee you paid for issuing a duplicate is also non-refundable. If, after completing your flight, your missing ticket is found, do not try to return it, because the airline always clearly records the data on lost tickets, and this will look incorrect in relation to the carrier.

When you restore your ticket, you cannot change the departure date.

Unfortunately, we all lose something at some point, then find it or not, but these situations happen often. Sometimes you clearly know where you put this or that thing, but you can’t find it. We are all human and nothing human is alien to us, including losing a purchased air ticket, which is one of the main documents when checking in for a flight. I remember how one day a student from Malaysia, who practically did not speak Russian, contacted me at the cash desk. Somehow, with the help of my basic knowledge of the English language, we found out that he had lost his return ticket and with the same difficulty I tried to explain to him what to do in this case. But the most interesting thing was at the end, when he found out that he would have to pay as much as 30 euros to issue a duplicate. Guess for yourself what happened next - miraculously, the plane ticket that was considered missing was found the next day; apparently, the guy really didn’t want to part with the currency. So, to prevent such situations from arising, try not to lose your travel documents, and if your air ticket is still among those lost or, as an option, stolen, then the main thing is not to panic, all data can be restored, there are no hopeless situations, It’s just that sometimes you have to pay extra for issuing a duplicate. And in my article I will try to explain what your actions should be so that the whole procedure goes smoothly and does not drag on for a long time.:f:

  • Passport.
  • Write an application for a duplicate.
  • Contact the agency for purchasing the air ticket, and if you are in another city, then contact the representative office of the airline for whose flight it was issued.
  • Fill out the warranty statement.
  • If a document is stolen, provide a document from the police confirming the theft.
  • Nowadays, most airlines are switching to issuing electronic air tickets, which greatly simplifies the registration process and minimizes the possibility of losing such a document, or more precisely, almost to zero. After all, an electronic ticket is more of a virtual ticket. Don’t be afraid of this name; it won’t get away from you if it’s already been discharged. Just having such a ticket in your hands, you have absolutely no fear of losing it. The airline, simultaneously with the issuance of an electronic ticket, automatically receives all the necessary data about the route, passenger, ticket number, etc., and then uses it during check-in. Therefore, if you bought such a transportation document, then if it is lost, you will not have to restore anything. The main thing is to remember the departure date and flight number so as not to get confused at the airport. And at check-in to receive your boarding pass, you just need to present your passport. But if you want to make sure once again that everything is in order, contact the ticket office where you purchased the ticket, and they will provide you with all the necessary information or issue you a copy of the electronic ticket.
  • If your air ticket is issued on a regular paper form (it is small, book-shaped, with several tear-off coupons, the information is printed through a red carbon copy located on the back of each flight coupon), then if it is lost or stolen, you will have to restore all the data. And the saddest aspect when such a situation arises is that the airline will charge you a certain fee for the procedure for issuing a duplicate. Each carrier has a fixed amount and it ranges from 20 to 70 dollars on average. To obtain a duplicate, you need to report the loss or theft to the point of purchase of the ticket or to the airline representative, presenting your passport. The airline will ask you to write an application for a duplicate, in which you will have to indicate the direction of the flight, flight number, date and place of purchase. Some carriers also require a certificate of document theft if it was stolen from you. If you have a copy of your ticket, this will greatly speed up the process because... the airline will be able to quickly find you on the passenger list.
  • After the application is written and submitted to the airline, the carrier will review it, and only after receiving permission, you will be issued a duplicate of the lost air ticket, in which all the data from the original document is recreated. If the ticket has already been partially used, then the duplicate will contain information only about the unused section. The airline may require you to fill out a surety bond that you will pay all costs if someone tries to use the ticket you found to get a refund.
  • The airline has the right to refuse to issue you a duplicate if you applied for it after check-in began or in a period insufficient for this procedure. This period is set by the carrier. Therefore, the sooner you report the loss, the sooner you will receive a duplicate. Another reason for refusal may be your reluctance to sign the warranty agreement, which is described in paragraph 3.
  • If you have lost your air ticket while abroad, contact the office of your carrier, which is sure to be at the airport, and resolve any problems with them. If the flight is charter, then representatives of the tour operator will help you restore the document.
  • An issued duplicate air ticket is non-refundable if you want to get your money back. The fee you paid for issuing a duplicate is also non-refundable. And if after your flight your missing ticket is found, do not try to return it, because... The airline always clearly records data on lost air tickets, and this will look incorrect in relation to the carrier.
  • Changing the departure date on your duplicate is also not allowed.
  • If you have the opportunity to choose between a paper and electronic air ticket, always choose the latter option, and then the problem of issuing a duplicate will disappear on its own.

No one is insured against damage or loss of a train ticket. In this case, there is no need to worry - most often the situation is fixable. When can a ticket be reinstated, and where should the passenger contact?

A train ticket can be restored in the following cases:

  1. The ticket was issued for travel exclusively to and from Russian railway stations. So, for example, you can restore a ticket on the Moscow-Volgograd route, but a Moscow-Kyiv travel document cannot be restored.
  2. The ticket was issued for the carriage and train of the Russian Railways formation. For example, if the train belongs to the Kyiv Railway, then the travel document will not be restored, but tickets for trains traveling on the Moscow-Kaluga route or even Moscow-Kyiv if the train belongs to the Russian Railway can be restored.
  3. The ticket can be identified. This means that the passenger must give his last name, date, time of travel, route, seat number, carriage and train. Even if you only partially remember the information, it's still worth a try. By the way, in this case it is mandatory to present a damaged ticket.
  4. No refunds were issued on the ticket. That is, if a passenger’s ticket was stolen and immediately handed over to the station ticket office, then it can no longer be restored. Otherwise, if the fraudster has not yet had time to hand over the travel document, the latter must be restored.
  5. The passenger is at the point of departure or cannot visit the ticket sales point. For example, it will not be possible to restore a Moscow-Kyiv ticket purchased in Moscow if the passenger is in St. Petersburg. However, if the purchase of the travel document was made here, then such a ticket can be restored.

Ticket recovery process

  1. So, to restore your ticket, contact the station duty officer and fill out an application for reinstatement of your travel document. By the way, this needs to be done only in person - it is impossible to restore someone else’s ticket, even if we are talking about a travel document belonging to a close relative. In this case, you will need to present a passport or other document proving your identity.
  2. The procedure for restoring a lost or damaged ticket may take approximately 1-2 hours.
  3. A lost ticket is not returned or reissued - it is subject to restoration.
  4. A restored lost travel document will also not be reissued or returned.
  5. The return of damaged train tickets is possible if they have a mark from the railway station indicating the time during which the passenger contacted the ticket office.

We wish you never to lose your tickets! However, in case of trouble, now you will know exactly what to do.

Traveling by plane is becoming more profitable and more relevant every year. With the help of an aircraft you can get to any point in the world with significant savings in money, effort and time. At the same time, as when traveling using any other type of transport, unforeseen circumstances often arise, including the loss of a ticket.

Before boarding the plane, each passenger is required to present a boarding pass and identification documents. Without this, no one will let you on board, so a loss promises you a lot of trouble and threatens to turn into a ruined vacation. Therefore, you need to know how to act in a given situation and how to behave if, due to personal sluggishness or due to unforeseen circumstances, you have lost this document.

If any controversial or unforeseen situation arises, you should first of all contact a representative of the company whose services you decide to use. Only he can help you resolve the issue of restoring a lost coupon on the plane and help you avoid additional financial expenses.

Finding a company representative will not be difficult, even if this is your first flight. As a rule, you can ask for help at a special ticket sales window or at a pre-registration point. There you will have to explain the absurd situation and tell in detail how you could have allowed the loss of a precious document.

A number of companies that value each of their clients and their own reputation in such cases willingly meet the unfortunate client halfway and offer to issue a duplicate, after making sure that the potential passenger was indeed its holder. Airport staff will ask you in detail about the time and place of purchasing your plane pass, your final destination and other important points. If the reasons you provide are accepted as a logical explanation and are considered valid, you will certainly be issued a new ticket and you will be able to board the plane.

At the same time, there are also airlines that are ready to replace a lost document free of charge or issue a new one to those customers who planned to fly in first or business class. Other passengers will have to pay additionally for the re-issue service. Of course, the amount will be an order of magnitude lower than the cost of the lost pass on board, but still the additional costs will be an unpleasant surprise for any tourist.

Having a copy of the document for the flight will greatly facilitate the process of obtaining a duplicate. After all, when filling out the form provided by airport employees for issuing a duplicate, you will still have to indicate the date of purchase, the place of purchase and the final destination of the trip. The company will charge a fee of $20-$70 for issuing a duplicate. The amount of the amount is fixed and is set at the discretion of the carrier company. And one more important point: you will not receive a duplicate right away. You will have to wait for the application to be reviewed and approved by the company management, so this option is unlikely to suit those who were planning to fly out in the near future. Such passengers will most likely have to purchase a ticket again.

But in order not to find yourself in such an awkward situation, it is worth considering the advantages of electronic tickets. They have long come into use and are no less popular than their paper counterparts. Such a document is almost impossible to lose and does not have to be restored. You can complete it within a few minutes. Information about the passenger is entered into the carrier company’s computer and you do not have to worry about the safety of the paper media of important information.

All you need to board a plane using such an electronic ticket is a passport and a memory of the flight number you planned to take. Also, when purchasing this pass option, you will definitely be given an itinerary receipt, which will contain important information about the route, form and details of payment for the flight, as well as other important details of the transaction. However, it is not at all necessary to have such a receipt when checking in at the airport. It only facilitates faster processing during check-in and is an additional guarantee that you will not forget either the flight number or the time of departure from the airport.

By the way, it is worth noting that if it is necessary to go through passport or customs control, the passenger will still need such a receipt. And if no one returns the lost ticket to you, then the receipt can be reprinted on the same airline website where you bought the electronic ticket.