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How to distinguish aircraft models from each other. What is the difference between Boeing and Airbus? (24 photos) More about Boeing

The popularity of air travel poses new challenges for the developers of passenger liners. Today, experts consider the Boeing 737 800 to be a fairly successful design - these ships are used by Pegasus Fly, UTair, Aeroflot, Nord Wind and other well-known carriers. However, inexperienced passengers do not know how to choose the right seats on board this model at check-in. This review will highlight such a curious topic.

The board was first tested in 1998. The creation of a liner is a consequence of competition. The aircraft was designed as an analogue of another cult model -. The vessel belongs to the third generation group and has improved characteristics compared to the base model.

The passenger compartment here involves two configuration options - an aircraft designed for seats of one class, including up to 189 landing seats, and a two-class analogue, designed to accommodate up to 160 people. Less common are liners in which there is a separate compartment with VIP class seats.

Cabin width at 3.54 meters allows passengers to travel in comfort, and the total length of the liner at 39.41 m made it possible for designers to increase the number of seats. The increased area (125 m) and wingspan (34.31 m) in combination with the powerful engine of the aircraft help the liner to fly at a distance of 5,765 km at a maximum speed of 852 km/h.

However, these parameters do not say anything to a passenger who wants to fly such an aircraft. For readers, we will provide specific information about what the Boeing 737 800 is. The layout of the cabin, the best seats and row numbers that are better to refuse - you will see all this in our article. In the video below, general tips for choosing seats on an airplane.

General principles for seating passengers

People who have repeatedly flown regular and charter routes know that the purchased ticket does not contain information about the seat occupied by the passenger. This information is specified by the airport employee. However, at this time, a person does not see what the layout of seats in the Boeing 737 800 looks like, so beginners make a decision at random. Moreover, quite often such situations become the cause of spoiled impressions about the trip.

Experts recommend studying such nuances at home, before leaving for the airport terminal, in order to be fully equipped by the time of choice. The plan of the Boeing 737 800 aircraft, which is presented in the gallery of the article, will help to determine the principles of landing on liners a little. Armchairs in the standard cabin of the liner are arranged in two rows, each of which contains 3 seats.

Now a few words about the fundamental aspects of choice. For people who are afraid of flying, it is advisable to choose outer seats located near the aisle. This technique will allow you to avoid accidental glances through the porthole and get the help of the stewards as quickly as possible if necessary. In addition, these chairs make it possible to move freely without causing inconvenience to neighbors.

Although there are some negative sides - a passenger who has taken an aisle seat will have to let fellow travelers pass when they need to leave the seat. In addition, service personnel passing by sometimes inadvertently touch passengers sitting on the edge.

A seat located in the center of the row is considered by experts not the best choice for single passengers.. After all, its location implies a flight in close proximity with strangers. Many people feel uncomfortable under such circumstances. And the armrests occupied by neighbors will only enhance such sensations.

Seats next to the window will allow you to enjoy the surrounding view for the entire flight, but it will be difficult to leave the seat. To go to the salon, you have to lift both neighbors. So in general terms, the first principles for choosing the seats of the 800 aircraft look like. The cabin layout of the liner allows you to demonstrate this point, but there are other ways to determine the optimal seat location for the flight.

Choice among one-class cabins of the liner

Let's start by reviewing each row for flight comfort. Rossiya Airlines offers passengers aircraft of this particular category in several different modifications. We will look at the VQ-BCJ model of this fleet and find out what criteria to use when choosing seats when buying a ticket for such a Boeing 737 800.

The layout of the cabin, the best seats and chairs that are appropriate to refuse, we will list below, using the marking given in Latin letters.

Here, the first three seats are not far from the pilots' toilets and the cabin partition, but there is enough space in front of the seats to get out without causing inconvenience to anyone. A slightly different situation with the second row seats. 2F, 2E, 2D are located directly behind the baffle. Therefore, it is better for passengers who suffer from the fear of confined spaces to refuse such a choice - after all, the wall in front of their eyes during the flight will only exacerbate this phobia.

A good choice of food becomes a plus here - after all, food is delivered starting from the nose of the liner. And the inconvenience with the reclined back of the seat of the person sitting in front is excluded here. If you want to buy tickets in row 14, keep in mind that it is usually cooler here than in the rest of the cabin.

All places of the 15th and 16th rows have restrictions on the folding of the seats, because emergency exits are located in the sixteenth and seventeenth rows. 17 B, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E - the so-called spase seats - the seats are quite comfortable, because the seats here are at a decent distance from the previous row. But here it should be borne in mind that tickets for all these places will be sold only to adult passengers who do not have disabilities and restrictions on movement. Indeed, in an emergency, the duty to open the emergency exit lies with the people occupying them.

Perhaps very good seats in the liner are chairs 18A and 18F- there is enough free space in front of them to exit. As for the least attractive options, here experts call the seats installed in the 33rd row, behind which the toilets are located. There are always limitations to the reclining function of the chair. In addition, due to the constant visits to toilets by passengers, it is always noisy here.

Model overview with business class zone

Consider another model owned by the same airline. The VQ-BIZ airliner is the only copy in the fleet of Rossiya.

Here, the first three rows are occupied by business class seats - double seats. Of course, these seats are quite comfortable, but 1A, 1B, 1C and 1D are located just behind the cockpit partition. Accordingly, there is not enough free space in front of the chairs, and the view of the wall is unlikely to impress tourists. Although it is advisable to buy tickets here to do work on the road.

Let's move on to and see what the layout of the Boeing 737 800 is, how many seats are provided by the designers in this liner and which seats will be the best choice for a passenger. There are 154 seats in this salon.

It will be comfortable to fly in the fourth row because of the free space in front of the seats - there is only a partition in front that separates the seats of increased comfort. Emergency exit hatches are located on rows 12 and 13. That is, people who buy seats in rows 11 and 12 should think about the likely inability to recline the back of the chair.

13 C, 13E, 13B and 13D - the seats located at the emergency doors are a good option. In addition, a good option would be to choose row 14 with seats A and F. After all, there is enough free space in front of them.

Accordingly, the places of the last, 29th row are not the best option. It is always crowded and noisy due to the proximity of the toilets. In addition, the seatbacks cannot be fully reclined. And the stewards offering food will come here only after going around the entire plane. As you can see, there are many selection criteria, and most of the nuances depend on the personal preferences of the passenger.

In order not to spoil the mood at the very beginning of the vacation during the flight, it is advisable for inexperienced passengers to take the advice of experienced people. We will give general recommendations for choosing seats in the cabin of the liner. For a person who has not previously flown on board this model, it is appropriate in detail study the layout of the aircraft cabin and familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of the model. In addition, it does not hurt to ask the airline staff about the choice made during check-in or ask them for advice.

Consider your personal perception of turbulence. Here, experts suggest choosing places closer to the nose of the aircraft - shaking here is not felt as much as in the tail. It is advisable to avoid purchasing tickets for rows located in front of evacuation hatches or toilets. Remember, it is usually not possible to travel reclining here due to safety and design restrictions.

The seats located next to the ancillary areas of the liner are unlikely to meet the expectations of a passenger who dreams of flying in silence. It's always noisy and crowded here. Consider your own personal preferences and qualities. Traveling with a pet in your arms is advisable to plan closer to the aisle of the cabin.


As you can see, the selection criteria are simple. A thoughtful and planned approach is the key to a pleasant flight experience, because a well-chosen place for a trip sets the tone for any trip. And the ability to choose a comfortable option for yourself will turn into a good mood.

Boeing 737 800 is a new generation aircraft that allows transportation of up to 189 people
The general layout of the one-class cabin of the liner
Best Places on board this model - 17 V, 17 C, 17 D and 17 E
In aircraft with a single-class cabin, the seats are arranged in rows in a 3 + 3 format
The most comfortable seats are located in the business class cabin

Family Boeing 737 (Boeing 737) is the most successful passenger aircraft program in the world. The first orders for Boeing 737-100 and 737-200 aircraft were placed as early as 1965 and since then their volume has amounted to more than 10,000.

In total, the Boeing 737 family of aircraft already has 4 generations. Boeing 737-100/200 early series, Boeing 737 Classic series - 737-300/-400/-500 models, Boeing 737 NG (Next Generation) series including -600/-700/-800/-900 models, and the latest generation Boeing 737 MAX.

Early series aircraft Boeing 737 Original(in a limited number of Boeing 737-100s, as well as the popular Boeing 737-200 and Boeing 737-200 Advanced) were intended for operation on short and medium-haul routes and were produced from 1967 to 1985. A total of 1831 early series aircraft were built.

In the early 1980s new CFM56 engines and digital avionics were installed on Boeing 737 aircraft, which led to the emergence of a series Boeing 737 Classic. The base model of the Classic series was the Boeing 737-300 aircraft, a shortened version with an extended flight range of the Boeing 737-500 and a version with an extended fuselage of the Boeing 737-400 were also produced. A total of 1988 Boeing 737 Classic aircraft were produced between 1984 and 2000.

Since 1997, the airline has been supplying aircraft of the series Boeing 737NG (Next Generation), equipped with more economical modern engines, a new enlarged wing with the possibility of installing aerodynamic winglets (winglets), as well as new interior equipment. New generation aircraft have higher speed, range and cost efficiency compared to previous models. The Boeing 737 NG is still in production and, along with the Airbus A320 family, are the main medium-haul liners of airlines around the world.

The Boeing Company is currently developing a new generation of Boeing 737 aircraft called Boeing 737 MAX. Designed to replace the Boeing 737 NG, the series of new aircraft will include 4 models: 737 MAX 7 (replacement for the Boeing 737-700), 737 MAX 8 (replacement for the Boeing 737-800), 737 MAX 9 (replacement for the Boeing 737 -900) and 737 MAX 10 (with the longest fuselage of all aircraft of the Boeing 737 family). In these models, the fuselage and wing have been modernized, as well as new economical engines have been installed. Deliveries of the first production aircraft in the basic version of the 737 MAX 8 began in 2017.

Boeing 737 family aircraft models

Boeing 737-900
The most spacious aircraft of the Boeing 737 family, it can accommodate up to 215 passengers and flies over a distance of up to 5900 km.

The 737th is one of the most successful models of the American aircraft manufacturer The Boeing Company, as well as the most widely used airliner in the world. Since 1967, more than seven thousand machines of this modification have already been produced. And even today, the Boeing 737 continues to be produced and is in great demand among air carriers around the world. Its main competitor in the air transportation market, among narrow-body passenger aircraft, is the Airbus A320.

Boeing 737 photo

The Boeing Company, in production today, has nine variations of the 737, these are different modifications of 737-600, 737-700, 737-800 and 737-900. The Boeing 737 version can be chronologically divided into three groups - Original (first generation), Classic (second generation) and Next-Generation (third generation).

Generation Original (Models -100, -200)

The aircraft was first presented to the public in 1964, and in February 1968 it took to the skies for the first time. After that, the liner entered service with the airline. This was the 737-100 version, which was later modified into the more successful 737-200. The Boeing 737-200 was released in 1988. For air carriers, a total of more than 900 aircraft of this type were sold. The Boeing Company initially planned from 60 to 85 passenger seats in its aircraft, but after consultation with its first client, the number of seats was increased to one hundred. By increasing the number of seats in each row, Boeing prevailed over its rival DC-9

Generation Classic (models -300, -400, -500)

In the early eighties, the Boeing 737 underwent a significant upgrade. The Boeing company has increased the number of passenger seats in the new model range. These modifications allow carrying up to 150 passengers. Aircraft power has increased. The plane was equipped with new engines and the latest avionics. The flight range has been increased. Harmful emissions have decreased. They began to meet the new standards. Boeing used a brand new CFM56 engine that had lower fuel consumption and also met strict noise limits. The wings of the aircraft were also modified. The aerodynamics have become better. Thus, successful models arose, 737-300, -400, -500, which can satisfy most airports in the world. The Boeing 737-300 took off in 1984 and was discontinued in December 1999.

Boeing 737 interior photo

In 1986, the company began to develop an expanded version marked as Boeing 737-400 with more powerful engines and a capacity of 170 passengers. It has become longer than its predecessor by three meters. Production of this model ended in 2000. The smallest and youngest member of the second generation, the 737-500, capable of carrying up to 132 passengers, entered service in February 1990. Before the end of production of 737-500 in 1999, more than 350 units were delivered to the airline.

Generation Next-Generation (Models -600, -700, -800, -900)

In the mid-nineties, the creation of the third generation of the Boeing 737 was started. This generation includes modifications -600, -700, -800 and -900. Unlike previous versions, the -800 and -900 models have undergone significant technological improvements.

One of the most important improvements is the presence of the Head-Up Display (HUD), which is used in military aircraft. The HUD is a transparent display that sits between the pilot and the cockpit window. All important data is projected onto it, such as altitude, speed, location and more. During takeoff and landing, a schematic representation of the runway is displayed on it, which allows the 737 to fly even in very poor visibility.

Boeing 737 interior layout

These versions were fitted with the new CFM 56-7B powerplant. The number of seats on the Boeing 737-700 is identical to the 737-300 version. The first 737-700 was delivered in 1997 to Southwest Airlines. Late version 737-800 is a modern variant with a longer range up to 5765 km and with 189 passenger seats. The 737-800 is a successful third generation 737 with over 900 units sold.

Demand for a variant similar to the 727-500 but with longer range led to the development of the 737-600 version. The Boeing 737-600 first flew in 1998. Boeing 737-900ER is the largest in the 737 family with a range of up to 6045 km. This model entered flight service in 2007.

Every self-respecting traveler should know the difference between a Boeing and an Airbus! This is the alphabet of all those who fly, or rather its first two letters "A" and "B". For some reason, everyone can distinguish a BMW from a Mercedes, but in the vast majority of cases, the situation with aircraft is very bad. Today we will try to correct this shortcoming, 10 simple but expressive differences between such seemingly similar aircraft. Even if you don’t care what to fly, then such basic knowledge will just broaden your horizons a little and help pass the wait at the window at the airport, trying to identify the model of this or that side.

But I'll start with a small but important clarification ... There is no such word in the Russian language "Airbus"! In English transcription, the name of the Airbus company should be pronounced as "Airbus", at first a little unusual, but that's right!
In this article, I will look at the main visual differences between the Airbus A320 and the Boeing 737. It is these two aircraft models and their modifications that are the most massive in the world, we fly them most often. From short one-hour flights to six-seven hour flights over long distances.
The Airbus A320 family has been produced since 1988, more than 5400 copies have been produced so far. Includes models A318, A319, A320, A321, A320-neo.
The Boeing 737 family is the world's most popular narrow-body jet passenger aircraft. More than 7400 aircraft have been produced.
Includes: 737 Original (B737-100,-200), 737 Classic (-300,-400,-500), 737 - Next Generation (NG -600,-700,-800,-900), 737-MAX .
Difference #1 - Clearance- Airbus is taller than Boeing.

Difference No. 2 - The shape of the nose. Airbus is round, Boeing is sharp.

Difference No. 3 - The shape of the tail. Boeing has a fork, giving a characteristic "kink" - the so-called. transition at an angle in the front, the Airbus does not have it, the tail is "smooth" on both sides.

Difference #4 - APU Nozzle. Auxiliary power unit: the Airbus is elongated, and the Boeing is short and beveled. The APU nozzle is located behind the forkle at the rear of the aircraft:
Three Airbuses and Boeing the farthest in the photo:

Difference #5 - Engines- for Airbus (full face) they are round, for Boeing they are flattened from below.

Boeing, Classic and Next Generation engines have non-circular air intakes. The engine units are located in the lateral influxes. This decision was called “hamsterisation”.

However, earlier Boeing models (Original generation) used engines of a different shape - thinner and more oblong. These are Pratt & Whitney JT8D turbofan engines.

Difference No. 6 - Cabin side windows: Airbus's are straight, Boeing's are angular at the bottom, sometimes with additional sections at the top.
Airbus A320 in this picture on the right (!), On the left in the background is the nose of the A330:

Boeing, additional windows above the windshield are borrowed from the Boeing 707. Their main task is to expand the viewing angle. With the improvement of avionics, windows have become superfluous and are no longer installed, but they are still quite common:

Difference #7 - Chassis. At Airbus, the niches of the main racks are closed, at Boeing they are not.
The Boeing 737 does not have main landing gear doors. The main landing gear retracts into recesses in the center section of the aircraft, with virtually no aerodynamic drag being created. If you watch the B737 take off while standing on the ground, it is easy to notice the black tire rings under the wings.

Difference #8 - Doors- for Airbus it moves aside, and for Boeing it swings open with a 180-degree turn.

Difference #9 - Winglets/Sharklets. Boeing 737s are tall and long. Airbus has little shaped birds.
Winglets on the B737 are a form of wingtip that reduces aerodynamic drag, allowing fuel consumption to be reduced by up to 5%. Winglets can be installed even on those aircraft that were originally released without them.

Post from the series - I want to know everything. About airplanes.

A flight for a passenger begins with the station building, check-in for a flight, baggage check-in and waiting, for someone wearisome, for another pleasant. And what is happening in the meantime on the platform with the plane. How is the plane prepared for takeoff? Any plane prepares for flight 2-3 hours before departure, and if it is a turnaround flight, preparation takes even less time. During this time, ground airfield services carry out the necessary regulations, starting from the inspection of the aircraft.

If you, dear reader, are in the lounge right now, waiting to board your flight, take a look at how the plane is being prepared.

Preparing an aircraft for departure is a large-scale process that has a beginning and an end. It is logically impossible to break it down, since a lot happens at the same time, but everyone knows their place and business, and all for one result - the plane takes off on schedule and according to the plan. Happy reading and viewing.

Before departure 02.30

1. More than two hours before departure, ground services are already starting their work. Protective covers are removed from the components and assemblies of the aircraft. All of them are marked in red with a white inscription "Remove before flight". Although there are removals of a different color, we will get to them later.

2. When the aircraft is parked for a long time, the engines are closed in this way. It's time to "gather the stones"

3. Everything fits neatly. Some airlines get creative and put a picture of a real engine on the case.

4. Then it all hides inside. I take everything with me.

5. Everything is being prepared for the work of other ground services, a lot of hatches are opening, etc. This one is specifically for filling water.

6. Where do the landing gear live during the flight? On a Boeing 737, this niche is through from the left to the starboard side; when cleaning, one side of the chassis tires remains open. So you can easily distinguish the type by observing it from below. This is what it looks like inside. Impressive?

Before departure 02.15

7. A little over 15 minutes have passed. Until departure 0215. We adjusted the ladder, it's time to open the doors.

8. Waking up slowly

9. With a light effort of the hand ...

10. We are among the first to get on board. A typical insta-check-in photo of a passenger, a look at the wing.

11. The technician takes the place of the commander, prepares the aircraft for the arrival of the crew. Nearby is a logbook for the aircraft, where all information about it is stored.

12. A small educational program.

Before us are the controls that are located between the commander and the co-pilot.

1) Two levers in the center - engine control levers, at the ends there are autopilot deactivation buttons, a slightly larger button below, is responsible for entering the Take Off / Go Around mode (takeoff / go around) or otherwise TO / GA.

2) Two levers fixed on the throttles - reverse levers, which turn on when landing until the speed drops to 60-80 knots (112-148 km / h). Boeing 737 landing speed varies depending on the landing weight and is in the region of 130 knots + -10 (240 km / h + -18)

3) Two large disks along the edges - a trimmer, designed to relieve the load from the steering wheel. Before takeoff, it is set in the green zone, to the value calculated by the computer. During the flight, the autopilot controls it, when watching the video from the cockpit, you can hear a characteristic dull crackle - this is how the trimmer rotates. White stripe for visual control of rotation.

4) Lever with the inscription SPD BRK, slightly to the right of the left trimmer disk. Spoiler lever. Spoilers are aerodynamic elements on the wing of an aircraft for braking in the air. More commonly used when entering an approach procedure to reduce speed. Always lowered on the glide path and in the ARMED position, especially for landing. In this position, when touched, automatics are activated and the wing “bristles” with spoilers for more efficient braking.

5) A scale with numbers slightly to the left of the right trimmer disk - flap control on the wing of the aircraft. Changes the geometry of the wing for different phases of flight. During takeoff, an angle of 5 degrees is often set. In the set and at the echelon, the wing is “clean”. The flaps are retracted according to the rules, in compliance with a certain flight speed for each stage of cleaning.

6) The button opposite the number 30 with the inscription HORN CUTOUT is the button to turn off the alarm. The fact is that when the flaps are extended from 10 to 15 degrees and the landing gear is not extended, an alarm is triggered. Sometimes it is necessary to fly in this configuration, so there is such a button.

7) The lever next to the red light is a handbrake, used in the aircraft parking lot.

8) Two small levers under the throttles - fuel supply control levers for the left and right engines, respectively. Now in the closed position (CUTOFF).

14. The reserve artificial horizon is brought to life.

15. Great view.

16. Top control panel, Overhead. The control of navigation, navigation lights, air conditioning, power supply, hydraulic pumps, aircraft pressure, and much more, starting engines and APU (auxiliary power plant) is also carried out from the overhead.

17. The view of the co-pilot

18. Separation table, correspondence between feet and meters. Most countries switched to separation in feet, including Russia in 2013. But, for example, in China, meter trains are still used.

19. The APU is running, the right rear fuel pump is turned on for it, since it is the lowest in terms of the level in the tank, and is guaranteed to be provided with fuel with a small balance. Power is now on board. Near the circular scale, which reflects the temperature of the exhaust gases of the APU.

20. Preparing for a flight is not only technical work, but a lot of documents. Behind the scenes, there was a huge work of pilots in the briefing room. One aircraft departure as a point of intersection of several lines, crew, technicians, many ground services, and passengers 🙂

Before departure 01.30

21. Time 0130 before departure. Time to fuel the plane. The technician shows how much they are going to pour kerosene :))

22. An obligatory part of refueling is grounding.

23. One-two-three-four and the refueling panel is open.

24. Refueling control panel in the wing of the aircraft. Three tanks: two in the wing and one in the center.

25. There is a contact!

26. The -more- button creates pressure to supply fuel TC-1 to the wing of the aircraft.

27. An area where it is clearly impossible to stand when starting and running the engine. Safety in aviation is not an empty word.

28. The PIC arrived, personally inspecting the aircraft.

29. I treat these people with respect. Portrait.

30. Everything is inspected.

Before departure 01.20

31. Before departure 0120. After food for the plane comes food for passengers. The flight will be from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow, so a full meal is planned. In addition, NordStar Airlines, during Lent, provided its passengers with lenten meals, among other things.

32. Returning to the conversation about removals of a different color. It was their turn too. In fact, they are the same red color, just all in oil. These are 3 pins (stoppers) that are inserted into the landing gear when the aircraft is parked for more than 3 hours. Prevent "folding" of the landing gear from the locks.

33. Meals, cold in carts. The guys from the catering company actively help the girls 🙂

34. Here is the answer, why the entrance to the plane is through the left door, it is clear that through the right it would be much more inconvenient. The carts are already in place, the queue for hot.

35. The guys took matters into their own hands :). And rightly so, flight attendants in the air still have to work out.

Before departure 01.10

36. Before departure 0110. The commander takes his seat, listens to ATIS (weather conditions).

37. This car brought water. You need to understand that everything happens at the same time, and the closer to departure, the more people run around the plane. SAB (service aviation security) is constantly on the alert at this time. And if the flight is international, then border guards will be present.

38. The kitchen in the front saloon is full. The queue of the second salon.

39. Press the button….

40. Get results 🙂

41. Let's take a look at the kitchen. Exactly in the center ovens for heating hot. Below is a place for cold carts. The hottest itself is located in other containers in compartments 403, 405, 406 and below in the same square ones. On the left is industrial water and drinking hot water. Along the edges of the aisle, the backs of the flight attendants' reclining seats are visible.

42. Two generations in the frame. Third generation in the cockpit 🙂

43. Meet Boeing 737NG, Seattle ^_^

Before departure 01.00

44. Before departure 0100. The crew is on the ground.

45. Luggage time. The Boeing 737 has two cargo bays.

46. ​​For passengers, they brought a more comfortable gangway with a wide platform in front of the entrance. The guys gisman and kirill_kvs took advantage of this. The platform allows you to take a very beautiful picture.

47. Prepare in advance for the meeting of passengers

48. We leave the plane, the board is preparing to receive passengers.

Before departure 00.40

49. Before departure 0040. Passengers by the river, but under the control of services, rush to the plane.

Before departure 00.10

51. Ten minutes before departure. Before-taxi Check sheets are read, taxiing. Start reading Before take off.

52. The younger brothers remain on the platform and wait for their time. Soon life will boil around them.

53. Our time counter went up to 0000. Departure.

54. Thank you dear reader for sticking around to the end. If you are in the waiting room, then they will probably announce boarding soon. The cabin of the plane is waiting for you, passenger. A huge number of people have worked for this!