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Where is Saint Lucia located on the world map. Saint Lucia map in Russian


General information

Geographical position. Saint Lucia is a country in the West Indies on one of the Windward Islands in the southeastern Caribbean Sea. Saint Lucia is located between Martinique in the north and Saint Vincent in the south.

Square. The country's territory occupies 616 square meters. km.

Main cities, administrative divisions. The capital of the country is the city of Castries (61 thousand people).

Political system

Saint Lucia is part of the Commonwealth. The head of state is the Queen of Great Britain, represented by the Governor General. The head of government is the prime minister. The legislative body is a bicameral parliament.

Relief. The island is of volcanic origin, and from north to south it is crossed by a forested mountain range, the highest point of which is Mount Gimi (959 m). In the south of the island there is a volcanic crater with hot sulfur springs Soufriere.

Geological structure and minerals. The country's subsoil does not contain any significant resources.

Climate. The island has a tropical trade wind climate, with an average monthly temperature of about 26°C. Average annual precipitation is 2,500 mm. The dry season lasts from January to April, and the rainy season from May to August. Sometimes hurricanes hit the island with devastating force.

Soils and vegetation. The vegetation cover is very rich; tropical rainforests with valuable tree species and many orchids have been preserved here.

Animal world. The fauna is represented mainly by birds. Coastal sea waters are rich in fish, crustaceans, and mollusks.

Population and language

The country's population is about 152 thousand people. Ethnic groups: Africans - 90%, mixed - 6%, Indians - 3%, whites - 1%. Language: English (state), Patois (local dialect based on French).


Catholics - 90%, Protestants - 10%.

Brief historical sketch

The first Europeans arrived on Saint Lucia around 1500, but successful colonization began only in 1635 by the French, who founded a settlement here. In 1660, France signed an agreement with the Caribbean, but in 1663 the island was captured by the British, after which it changed hands several times. In 1814, Saint Lucia finally passed to Great Britain. In 1958, Saint Lucia joined the Federation of the West Indies, and in 1967 it received the right of self-government. On February 22, 1979, the country gained independence.

Brief Economic Sketch

The basis of the economy is agriculture and serving foreign tourists. The main crops are bananas, coconut palms, mangoes, cocoa beans, citrus fruits, sugar cane. Cattle, pigs, sheep and goats are raised. Logging. Processing of agricultural products, production of beverages, clothing, paper, electronic components. Export of bananas, copra, coconut oil, cocoa, citrus fruits, rum.

Currency: East Caribbean Dollar

Saint Lucia is an independent state located on the island of the same name. The capital is the city of Castries. The island is located in the eastern Caribbean Sea between the islands of Saint Vincent and Martinique.

Saint Lucia on the world map

The island was charted by Christopher Columbus during his expedition in 1502. The first attempts of the British to colonize the island were unsuccessful due to the powerful resistance of the local population - the Caribs, who had a very militant disposition and easily repulsed any attack by the British troops. The French managed to build a settlement on the island for the first time in 1650. Subsequently, due to the massive import of slaves, the population of Saint Lucia was greatly mixed: a large number of blacks and mulattoes appeared, and there were practically no indigenous inhabitants left.
Since 1979, Saint Lucia has been an independent state and member of the Commonwealth of Nations. Supreme power belongs to the Queen of Great Britain, legislative power belongs to the bicameral parliament, and executive power belongs to the Cabinet of Ministers.
The island of Saint Lucia is divided into 11 parishes. The largest administrative district is Castries. Each parish has a Local Council.
The island is the result of volcanic activity. Many mountain heights are scattered throughout its area. The highest point is Mount Zhimi. Its height is 950 meters. Tropical forests grow on the slopes of the mountains, fed by numerous springs and rivers. There are many fertile valleys used as agricultural land. The coast is very indented and very picturesque, because it is surrounded on all sides by beautiful reefs.
Saint Lucia is famous for its mild climate. The average temperature fluctuates around 26°C. The rainy season runs from May to August. Destructive hurricanes are not uncommon.

Map of Saint Lucia in Russian

A larger number of rivers and floodplains have resulted in the rich flora of the island. About 400 plant species can be found in different parts of Saint Lucia. The fauna is also diverse: there are a number of endemics, including the Amazonian iridescent parrot, as well as several species of amphibians and mammals.
Five protected areas have been opened on the territory of the state, allowing nature to be preserved in its original form. On the territory of one of them - Pigeon Island National Park - almost all types of island flora grow, and the largest number of bird species live.
Saint Lucia is the finishing stage of the annual transatlantic regatta.

The island and state of Saint Lucia geographically belongs to the group of Windward Islands in the Caribbean, between and. From the north and south, the island is washed by the St. Lucia and St. Vincent straits, connecting the Caribbean Sea with the Atlantic. The territory of the island is 616 sq. km, capital - Castries, population - 132,000 people.

The center of the volcanic island is occupied by low, forested mountains with a maximum height of Mount Zhimi (950 m). Rivers and streams flowing from the mountains form picturesque waterfalls. The rest of the territory is dominated by lowlands. On the western coast, near the city of Soufriere, there are extinct volcanoes overgrown with dense forest, there are sulfur springs and sulfur deposits. The rugged coastline has many bays and several deep harbors.

The tropical climate, with an average temperature of about +26 °C, is characterized by dry winter and rainy summer seasons and a mild “Indian summer” in September and October.

Two-thirds of the islanders live in cities, but in Saint Lucia they successfully cultivate citrus fruits, cocoa, bananas, and sugar cane. Covering 4,000 hectares of natural rainforest, there are many birds, especially parrots.

The island of Saint Lucia is located in the West Indies. Let us remind you: West Indies is the historical name of the islands in the Atlantic Ocean located between South and North America.

The country of Saint Lucia is located on an island of the same name and part of the group of Windward (Lesser Antilles) Islands.

Saint Lucia on the map should be looked for between the island of Saint Vincent - in the south and the island of Martinique - in the north. The shores of the island are washed by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the warm Caribbean Sea.

Saint Lucia is of volcanic origin and represents the summit of a whole group of ancient volcanoes that are today mountain peaks.

The central mountain range of Barre de L'Isle Ridge runs along the entire island from north to south (altitude ranges from 400 to 900 m). The highest mountain points of the island are Mount Gimi (950 m) and the mountains Gros Piton (797 m), Petit Piton (750 m), Morne Bonin (640 m) in the volcanic mountain region of Piton in the southwest of the country. Hot sulfur springs bubble out here - confirmation of the island’s volcanic activity.

The slopes of Saint Lucia's volcanic hills are covered with lush tropical vegetation, and the rivers that flow down from the volcanic hills have created rich and fertile valleys on the island. The city of Castries is the capital and the largest settlement on the island.

Saint Lucia Airport - Hewanorra

Hewanorra International Airport is located near Vieux Fort (Saint Lucia) and is operated by SLASPA. The airport handles 500,000 passengers per year and can accommodate Boeing 747, Airbus A330, Airbus A 340, Boeing 777 and other intercontinental aircraft.

This airfield was also used by the US Army Air Forces in World War II. At the end of the war, the former Air Force base was renovated and turned into a commercial airport. The St. Lucia Airport is currently undergoing partial reconstruction at an estimated cost of US$160 million.

New design - the terminal project provides for:

  • construction of a new airport terminal building
  • new modern dispatch service
  • increase in the number of aircraft received - up to 12 units. simultaneously
  • reconstruction of the air cargo sector
  • construction of a new parking lot
  • construction of new road infrastructure.

According to forecasts, after the completion of the reconstruction, passenger traffic will increase by approx. 750,000 people Work on the airport reconstruction has been going on for about two years and is scheduled for completion in July 2013.

Airlines and destinations from Saint Lucia Airport:

  • Air Canada - Toronto-Pearson
  • Trudeau Air Caraibes - Fort-de-France (seasonal)
  • American Airlines - Miami
  • British Airways - London-Gatwick
  • Port of Spain Delta Air Lines - Atlanta
  • Jet Blue Airways - New York
  • JFK United Airlines - New York (starting July 13, 2013)
  • Philadelphia Virgin Atlantic Airways - London - Gatwick
  • WestJet - Toronto - Pearson

After analyzing all of the above flight directions from Hewanorra Airport, we can say for sure that there is no direct flight from Moscow or Kyiv to Saint Lucia.

When going there on vacation, be prepared to fly with transfers in London and other international airports in Europe. The flight time will take about 16 hours (excluding transfer time).

For local airlines, Saint Lucia has another airport - in Castries.