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Double-decker trains of Russian Railways. Double-deck cars of Russian Railways

New double-decker passenger trains began to run on the Moscow-Adler route in November, on the eve of the Sochi Olympics. Despite the fact that the train has been used on this route for almost a year, it still attracts the attention of others. Moreover, there are radically opposite reviews about the two-story building - from quite positive to quite critical. I also had a chance to ride this train. One of the important advantages of the double-decker car is its increased passenger capacity, which allowed Russian Railways to reduce the fare. There are 64 beds (16 compartments) in a standard double-decker compartment car, while there are only 36 in a regular carriage (9 compartments).

The cars are produced in Russia at the Tver Carriage Works. So far, only one route is operating, connecting the capital with the resort of Sochi. This year, another 50 double-deck cars will be purchased. They will carry people from Moscow to St. Petersburg and Kazan.

I propose to take a ride together and see what the double-decker train looks like from the inside.

2. The train leaves at 10 am from the Kazan station. Travel time - 25 hours. Note the difference in height compared to a conventional single-deck car.

3. The newest dual-system electric locomotive of the fifth generation, EP20, is leading the train. Can operate on both AC and DC.

4. There is a dynamic pricing system on this route - the more empty seats on the train, the cheaper the fare. There is also a 10% discount when buying round-trip tickets. I bought a ticket 2 days before departure at a price of 8 thousand rubles. If you buy at least a week before the trip, then the price will be around 5 thousand rubles.

5. We go inside. Tambour. Doors open with a button and close automatically. The passages between the cars are sealed. From June 1, smoking on trains long distance forbidden, but some bad passengers dug holes for the ashtrays.

7. There are three toilets for each carriage. These are dry closets, and you can use them at any time, including at bus stops.

9. Passage on the first floor. The ceiling height is just over 2 meters.

10. To lock the door in the compartment there are magnetic cards.

11. General view of the compartment on the ground floor. The main difference from conventional single-deck cars is the absence of an upper luggage rack. It is also worth bearing in mind that on the top shelf you will not be able to sit upright with your legs dangling. There are places for luggage under the lower shelves.

12. In each compartment on the bottom row there are two sockets. The lighting is fully LED.

13. A compartment from the inside with a closed door.

14. The window does not open: the cars have a centralized heating and ventilation system. The power supply of the wagons comes from the locomotive. There is a sliding curtain on the window. Ventilation grilles are located under the window and on the ceiling.

15. We go to the second floor. The steps are illuminated (like in a cinema), there are handrails. On the stairs there is another waste container and a spherical mirror to see in advance the passengers walking towards them.

16. The second floor is completely identical to the first. The difference is only in this small bevel of the roof. And the windows are below the waist, and you have to bend over if you want to admire the scenery from the hallway.

17. Upper shelves in a compartment on the second floor. On the ceiling there is a ventilation grill, in the center there is a loudspeaker with volume control. I noticed another interesting point - on the second floor, on each upper shelf, there are two personal lamps. This is probably due to the slope of the roof - not everyone can be comfortable lying with their heads to the window.

18. Everything else is completely identical. I don’t know how for very tall people, but with a height of 182 cm, the length of the bed was enough.

19. Each passenger is given a personal hygiene kit, a small food ration and water. Tea and coffee are served, of course, in branded glass holders.

20. While no one was there, I immediately went to the dining car for reconnaissance. The main hall is located on the second floor. By the way, the views out the window on the second floor are better.

21. On the lower floor there is a small bar and the kitchen itself. And to lift ready meals upstairs, two small elevators are used.

22. On the way, the train makes several stops lasting from 5 to 15 minutes. All smoking passengers run outside at the first opportunity. For wagons, it does not matter whether the platform is high or low at the station

23. On the way from Moscow to Voronezh region there was absolutely nothing to see outside the windows. If you are bored, you can try to use the free internet. All carriages have WiFi routers with a connection from Megafon. True, everything depends on the availability of a cellular network, and along the route this is not very good. In fact, more or less stable communication and the Internet were only on the Black Sea coast.

24. At stops you can watch the provincial life.

25. In motion - admire nature.

26. Another stop. Station Rossosh.

27. Not all views can be photographed normally - numerous wires interfere. Sometimes, by the way, it turns out that fewer wires enter the frame from the windows of the first floor than from the second.

28. At 2 am the train should arrive in Rostov-on-Don. Travel time passes unnoticed. Compared to an airplane, the train is much less fussy, more spacious, and there is time to work. But this is not two hours on an iron bird.

29. In the morning the train leaves for the coast.

30. Vacationers look with interest at the double-decker train. Many people take pictures.

31. The path passes almost close to the water. Definitely the most scenic part of the route.

32. At 10 am the next day I get off at the railway station in Sochi and go to the Strategic Partnership 1520 forum. But more on that in the next part.

As for double-deck cars, they are many times better in terms of equipping ordinary single-deck cars. A little tighter on the top shelf? But there are normal toilets, sockets, internet and everything else.

Have you ridden one like this? How are the impressions?

The first double-decker train appeared in Russia. The double-decker train has already set off on the Moscow-Adler route on November 1.

The passengers of the first flight were journalists and volunteers of the Sochi 2014 Olympics. The time spent by the passengers of the new train on the road will be 25 hours 19 minutes - an hour and a little less than on a conventional train. In the near future, the train will cover the same route in just 22 hours.

Among the advantages of the new train, Russian Railways notes the smooth ride, free Wi-Fi, 3 toilets instead of two in the car, as well as a small savings on tickets. The top shelf in a compartment of a double-decker train will cost 3,206 rubles against 4,530 in a regular train, writes

At first glance, it seems that a double-decker train has only pluses. But observant Internet users have already discussed the innovation from all sides and found a number of disadvantages, which were kept silent by representatives of Russian Railways. A user with the nickname Alexid1 on the forum clearly described the shortcomings of a double-decker train.

The first disadvantage. Service There are 36 seats in an ordinary compartment car. The new two-story building has 64 seats. You will have to wait longer for service because there are no more guides. There are still two of them. And there are 28 more passengers in a double-decker carriage. Even more than in a reserved seat car, where there are 54 passengers. So tea will be brought more slowly than in the reserved seat. Also, you will have to wait longer to board the car. And you pay as you would for an ordinary one-story compartment car. We are told that there will be more tickets than on regular trains, but this is also not entirely true. No one will drive extra cars, just if there are fewer passengers for some direction, then the number of cars will be reduced proportionally.

Second disadvantage. stairs Elderly and disabled people will be especially grateful to Russian Railways for the need to carry suitcases to the second floor. Even from the first floor there will be a small staircase to get to the exit. Only one carriage in the entire train will be single-storey. And of course the places in it will be sold out in the first place.

The third disadvantage. Baggage Speaking of suitcases and bags. There is no longer a luggage rack above the entrance to the compartment. Not on the first or second floor. Where to put large luggage for 4 passengers is not clear. Also on this shelf, the conductors usually placed blankets and pillows so as not to occupy the lower shelves. Now they will interfere.

The fourth disadvantage. Ventilation I often travel in compartment cars of branded trains. They are all brand new, but the continuous ventilation only works on one out of five rides. Typically, ventilation is turned on in the evening and turned off at night. I'm not talking about air conditioning, but about the banal influx of fresh air. Sealed non-opening windows have been installed in the compartment for a long time, and when 4 passengers are traveling, and the ventilation does not work for several hours in a row, there is simply nothing to breathe. I can’t even imagine how asthmatics and heart patients endure such torture. This gross violation of sanitary standards has been getting away with Russian Railways for many years. In double-decker wagons it will be even harder, because. the volume of the coupe has become significantly smaller, due to the reduced ceiling level and the lack of space where the luggage rack was. You might think that the newest carriages will have ventilation. I doubt it very much, because even on the branded train 01/02 Moscow-Vladivostok, which uses the latest cars with double toilets at one end of the car, ventilation is not turned on at all for the entire trip! Many times I quarreled with the conductors - they refer to various technical problems. Thus, the risk of literally suffocating with the ventilation turned off increases even more in a double-decker car. Many people are surprised at how weak they are after a trip on a night train - if there was no headache all night, if there was no ventilation all night, and the air did not meet any sanitary standards!

Fifth disadvantage. toilets Look here. In an ordinary compartment car there are 36 seats and 2 toilets. It turns out 1 toilet for 18 passengers. There are 64 seats and 3 toilets in a double-decker carriage - 1 toilet for 21 passengers. Toilets will be 15% busier. Not the biggest problem, but in this respect it will become a little worse.

Sixth disadvantage. Tambour and smokers
The vestibule on the opposite side of the conductor's compartment was removed altogether. And there is nowhere else to smoke. In theory, this is great. Yes, and the new law of the Russian Federation prohibits smoking on trains. I don't smoke myself and I can't stand the tobacco smoke that enters the corridor from the vestibule in ordinary carriages. But the reality in Russia is that many selfish smokers will still want to smoke and will do it in the toilets. And everyone will be forced to poison themselves with tobacco smoke when visiting the toilets. And in the vestibule where the entrance to the car, the conductors do not allow smoking - they often go there themselves and carry out any maintenance of the car systems.

The disadvantage of the seventh. Injury risk More about stairs. Unlike Europe, our railway tracks are not so ideally laid and the cars are not so well thought out in terms of suspension comfort and the cars shake quite a lot while driving. The risk of injury when descending the stairs when you are going to the toilet is very high. Or if you need to bring hot tea or boiling water. Yes, and swing the second floor will be stronger.

Who missed the post, you can first familiarize yourself with, and I will now tell you how I had to ride on the second floor of the Moscow-Adler train.

Actually, I got to the second floor by accident. The train that goes from Stary Oskol to Adler takes 36 hours, and if you spend an hour to get to Voronezh, then from there Adler will be at your service in 16 hours. Here's the math.

We didn't have time to buy tickets for the first floor. I had to figure out how to ride the train on the second floor.

Photo 2.

Tickets right away. The bottom place cost 7,000 , the top 5,000 , and the children's 3600 approximately.

Well, actually, most likely, everything that I liked is actually the usual requirements for passenger traffic. It's just that sometimes things get worse for a variety of reasons.

So, we sat down in the evening and they brought us a hot supper. In other trains, I remember there was only dry rations.

In general, at first glance, there were as many seats on the second floor as in a regular train. Convenient step to the second shelf.

Photo 3.

I expected that there would be some kind of narrow and uncomfortable staircase between the floors. Worried for nothing. Quite comfortable. I ran back and forth many times. I went up with bags, there is enough space.

Photo 4.

The only thing you remember on the second floor is that you are not on an ordinary train - it is low. To see what is there on the street - you have to literally get on your knees.

Photo 5.

Once again the stairs.

Photo 6.

Mirror, for "adjustment of movement". Not to try to go down when the crowd is already rising.

Photo 7.

In the coupe, finally, there are modern personal lights. And an outlet!!! OOOO!!! It's a damn thrill. We have the only FIRM train from Stary Oskol to Moscow, so in the compartment for a lot of money there are sockets only in the corridors. And here is a personal one in your bed.

Hello cinema and laptop.

Photo 8.

Such a big and beautiful box, but inside there are only plastic cutlery and a cupcake :-(, well, and also a lollipop.

Photo 9.

The first floor of the car goes straight ahead, and the second floor goes to the left.

Photo 11.

From the side it seems the car is so high that it will not fit anywhere in the tunnels and under the rungs. Creeps through.

It's amazing why then all the other cars are so low :-)

Photo 12.

Photo 13.

Conductor's hutch.

Photo 14.

In this place, in ordinary carriages, there is usually a "samovar" with hot water.

Photo 15.

Conductor, in person.

Photo 16.

This is how a mirror works.

Photo 17.

112 seats - well! It is not clear why the cost of tickets is more expensive than in an ordinary compartment car. After all, they promised that due to the large capacity of double-decker cars, the prices there would be lower, especially on the second floor.

Photo 19.

I don't know what it is, but it sounds very impressive.

Photo 20.

And here is an interesting feature. Usually, garbage is piled up in mountains in ordinary wagons, but here it’s just sorting. I don't even have that at home.

Photo 21.

Photo 22.

Step lighting.

Photo 23.

Well, if we have rockets consecrated, everyone has icons in cars, and guards in offices and apartments, then why shouldn’t this be in the railway car.

Photo 24.

Photo 25.

But still there is one drawback. On the second shelf of the second floor, there is still less space than in ordinary cars. First, as you noticed, there are no shelves for things. And sometimes they really helped out.

Photo 26.

Secondly, now it is only convenient to lie on the second shelf. It’s already impossible to watch something while sitting because of the beveled edges of the roof of the car

Photo 27.

The first time I used free wi-fi on a train. Cool! Is this satellite internet? Because there was no cellular connection, and the Internet worked:

Photo 28.

And the speed, in general, you will agree is normal for free Internet on the road.

Once again, an uncomfortable second shelf.

Photo 29.

The whole car is crammed with fire alarms, alarms and warning speakers.

Photo 31.

So I also noticed this in ordinary cups, but I still can’t find the time to find out more about it. What are these cards with which you can open and close the compartment? Why are they never issued to passengers.

Photo 32.

Has anyone ever used them? If not, then this whole system in each car is essentially wasted and wasted.

Photo 33.

Well, we are already in Adler. Hello everyone from the shores of the Black Sea.

Photo 34.

I have already shown the aerial photo from and, and now the turn has come to the double-decker car, by which I returned from the Kuban. A very interesting experience, which I asked for deliberately. So, on the way back, I took a ticket to the lower shelf in the compartment on the second floor, seat 109. The train goes very quickly, less than 19 hours from Krasnodar to Moscow. But its passage there is very inconvenient - around four in the morning. However, what can you do for the sake of an interesting experiment! :)

Below is a story not about the path, but about the two-story building itself and about its passenger properties.
Consider what is good in it, and what is inconvenient, and what is the overall balance.

Double-decker train No. 104 at Liski station

2. 04.10 am. We are waiting for our train on the platform of the Krasnodar railway station, it has already been announced. Now Anapa, the usual one, will come to the neighboring track, and in five minutes our Hundred and Fourth will also come.

I have already published the video of his arrival, but I will repeat here again:

3. The car is high, unusual for our region. To the contact network from the top point remains, if I understand correctly, 75 cm. The first floor is below the usual level, the second is much higher.

The train has arrived, I'm on my way. Seven more people sit down, despite the night. Behind me is a mini-scandal: at the next passenger, the conductor does not let the escort through, who wanted to bring a heavy suitcase upstairs. The conductor, according to the instructions, is right - parking is less than 7 minutes, but it’s also not a fountain to drag a suitcase up the steep stairs to the second floor. So she didn't let go.

4. And here is the passage of the second tier, in the light of the lamps. The windows are unusually low, at the level of the abdomen; below will be a daytime photo with people, you can see it more clearly. This photo clearly shows the emergency exit of the 2nd floor from the side of the aisle. By the way, it is interesting: the passage of the 2nd floor is located above the compartment of the 1st floor. So, when they walk and sit down at the stations, the clatter is heard by those who ride on the first tier.

5. Early in the morning we drove through Rostov-Glavny. Outgoing and incoming trains are massively filmed "against the background" - the train is perceived as very unusual, for half a year they have not gotten used to it.

6. Here's more :) And even on the hauls, people look at the line-up with curiosity, or even take out their phones to shoot.

Well, now let's look at the coupe.

7. The very first thing that catches your eye is sockets. Yes, there are two of them per compartment, at the head of the window! And this is very good. Finally, the energy is with us! But the window has become noticeably smaller. It's good that the light panels were not placed on the side, but directly on the course of lying - now the light does not fall on the opposite passenger. But... The curtains have completely disappeared - which the FPK apparently recognized as an unnecessary rudiment. So now it will not work to close from the sun - only if you lower the tight visor and plunge into darkness.

8. The most radical change is that the space on the top shelf has decreased. And strongly. Although, in fairness, on the first floor of the carriage there is more space for the "upper" ones. But here, on the second - very little. Now you won't even be able to sit on top. Just lie down, or get up, but remaining in a half-bent position. However, a child of 7-9 years old can sit down, but not an adult.

9. Tea is served in glass holders, honoring traditions. For the first time, I caught my eye not just a standard Russian Railways cup holder, but also with an overprint below "OAO FPC". Tea is given net Greenfield, not slop-weedy. This is good. A glass with tea leaves - 20 rubles, with sugar-lemon - 30 rubles. The ticket also includes meal kits, they are further at the window. Vodicka 0.25, mini-pate, two biscuits, waffles, jam, plastic cutlery and something else.

10. The mandatory set includes a press (pictured). We went on May 4, the press was for April 29-30. The second freshness, frankly;)

11. Linen included, hygiene kit (brush, paste, napkins).

12. The train is positioned with wi-fi. A coverage map hangs in the corridor, showing solid speed values.

13. In real life, everything is much more prosaic: the network is taken from megaphone 3G traffic, so where it is - that is (10-15% of the travel time), and where it is not - do not blame me. There are at large stations, in some places closer to Moscow after Ryazan, near Rostov and its satellite cities ... perhaps that's all. The routers are right at the aisles down the stairs, my wagon wi-fi caught perfectly. But this, as you understand, is not identical to the presence of the Network.

14. The top luggage bins, of course, have disappeared. On the ground floor too. Now the passenger of the top shelf can put his luggage only at the bottom, sharing a place with the "bottom". That is, relative to a conventional compartment car, the luggage space for 4 passengers has decreased by about 2.2 times - taking into account also a slightly reduced distance under the bottom shelf.

15. However, the most important ambush for "summer" passengers turned out already in the middle of the day, in the Michurinsk region. It turned out that the designers of the car placed air conditioning not only from above, from the roof, but also from below, under the window, as shown by the arrow. And if, God forbid, you lie down to rest your head on a pillow by the window, then it will blow right into your ear. In general, the right way to otitis and colds on the way to the resort. We, of course, did not expect such an ambush - upon arrival home, I had to crush the creeps for a cold with a shock dose of vitamin C.

The three of us were traveling in a compartment, a neighbor with a 9-year-old son also sat down at night in Krasnodar. Interestingly, she also took a ticket to the second floor partly out of curiosity to try. Partly because of the speed, the train goes very fast and arrives in Moscow at 11 pm. In general, along the way, we just discussed what was good there and what was not.
Then he also got into a conversation with the conductor, a Krasnodar Armenian woman in her fifties. Such a talkative got caught, friendly, but corrosive. I ask:
- And there are only two of you left on the car, because there are 2 floors?
- Yes, that's the way it is...
- Is it hard to constantly climb the stairs back and forth, from floor to floor?
- Well, tolerable ... we are used to it ... but it's difficult to go down after a while, you get tired. Going up is not as tiring as going down often. Especially with tea or linen in hand.

16. The conductor was so imbued with my interest in the car that she opened an unoccupied compartment and gave me the opportunity to take pictures. General view of the shelves and space.

And the shelves here were placed on the reserved seat, short ... Not transformers.
- Yes, I see.

17. The shelves are really shortened, reserved seats. And more rigid than in the new Tver coupes. I felt uncomfortable lying down. The general feeling is "clean but poor". A kind of coupe-light. The most unpleasant thing is that they were reduced not only in length, but also in width - they became narrower. A little, 2-3 centimeters - but it is very felt!

18. The door on the inside is completely mirrored.

19. Another serious minus - now you can’t just shift the pillow to the other side and lie down with your head against the aisle, as in Ammendorf (if, for example, air conditioning blows in your head or the sun shines right in your face, without curtains, then). Big gap, and the pillow falls down. Pichalka. Shelves are short...

20. Cards from the compartment were not given to us. But there is a technical possibility.

21. A big plus of the lower shelf of the second floor is an ideal high view of the area. In addition, the windows of the second floor have fewer pollution factors, so they are clean and look good. But if you are unlucky and you took a ticket upstairs, then alas. Neither look from there, nor look in the aisle - you have to bend twice.

22. This is what ordinary trains look like when you look at them from our level.

Now let's get out of the compartment and walk around the car.

23. Here you can estimate the height of the corridor of the second floor and the level of windows. The windows are good for a child of 6-9 years old, and in the aisle, tall men, somewhere from 180, are forced to bend down.

24. Let's go to the first level. Ladder with a mirror - you can see if someone is coming from below. A wi-fi router is also visible. Under the mirror is a trash can.

25. Going down...

26. And here it is, the first floor.

27. He, of course, is freer than the second. The distance to the ceiling is higher, the windows are at a comfortable level for an adult. It's much more comfortable to ride here. I did not dare to rent a compartment from the inside with other people, but it was clear that the upper shelf had more space on top. Windows do not open anywhere - only air conditioning. If it is not there, the air feels a little stale.

28. At the non-working end - three toilets. They are united on 2 floors. Previously, there were 2 toilets for 36 places, here - 3 for 64.

I also took off the toilets, mindful of the blogging law "without photographing a point there is no successful trip", but they were very smeared, as luck would have it. So, just take my word for it - narrow, but very clean. Everything is inside, from wipes to a humidifier and liquid soap. Toilets bio, work at the stations.

31. Passage from car to car. Here it is necessary to press the button, and not open it mechanically with the handle. The door will move if it is not locked.

32. View from the toilets to the first floor from the compartment.

33. In the working side of the car - a service compartment for conductors and a working compartment.

34. Immediately - a mini-buffet, you can buy sweets, water, chewing gum. An unpleasant change - titanium with boiling water has halved and is hidden by the conductor. Now you can’t just walk up to him and get boiling water at any time, even at the station, even when the conductor has left or is sleeping. Only when it's there :(((

35. We go up again. Wagon tour completed. For a reminder - 2nd floor is 81-112 seats, 1st floor - 1-32 seats.

And some views from the platform. Filmed in Liski, where we stood for 15 minutes.

36. Comparative view of a 2-storey wagon and a high covered wagon from the other side.

37. Exit from the car. Yes, the doors are now only with one sides.

38. The height of the car in comparison with the locomotive (led by the latest EP20).

39. ... and arrival under the arches of the Kazansky railway station in Moscow. End of the road.

General balance: on the first floor - closer to a normal compartment and more comfortable; on the second - closely and worse reserved seat in size.
The view from the top is perfect, good. Carrying things is hard. Places for things have been reduced by more than half.
For the sake of interest, you can drive, but in general - it's better to go in an ordinary simple compartment.

Then I'll try to tell

It has sleeping and seating cars, suites and specially equipped compartments for the disabled and their attendants. The ticket may include not only bedding, but also food. What does a double decker car look like? The inside view is described in this article.

Varieties of wagons

Let's start with a general description of the train. The cars are manufactured at the Tver plant. The advantage of the new train is a significant increase in passenger seats. This allows you to reduce the cost of the trip. Cars are represented by several classes:

The photo of the double-decker car (view from the inside) shows that the floors are connected by a small staircase. Regardless of their type - compartment or "sitting" - they are all located on both tiers. Each train consists of the following cars:

  • 12 compartments;
  • one SW;
  • headquarters;
  • restaurant.

What are equipped

The train is equipped with air conditioners and dry closets, which are not closed at the stations, and now you do not need to wait for the departure to use them. In single-deck trains, the compartment car has only thirty-six seats. In double-deck trains - twice as much. There are no electrical outlets in the corridors of the second tier, as they are available in every compartment.

The upper and lower floors in the carriages are completely identical. They almost do not differ from the usual standard single-tier compositions. But on the second floor there is a small slope of the roof, because of which it is not very comfortable to sleep.

General description of wagons

The view from the inside of a double-decker car is almost identical to a single-decker car. All trains consist of isolated compartments for 2 or 4 seats. Each room has a mirror, bedding, a table, shelves for small things. All compartments are equipped with lamps. Small ladders are provided for climbing to the upper places. The numbering has remained the same, even - the top places, the corresponding numbers are indicated on the left.

You can enter or leave the premises using special magnetic keys. All carriages have free internet and three dry closets. The train is well heated from the inside. Coupes are equipped with two sockets up to 100 watts. Windows in all carriages are closed with double-glazed windows. The inter-car space is hermetically packed, the doors open automatically after pressing the button. Doors do not open from the inside.

Wagon features

The compartment car looks familiar, the boiling water is located next to the conductors' room. A staircase at the entrance leads to the second floor. It has a mirror in the middle to prevent passengers from colliding, and there is a small trash box next to it. In the compartment itself there are soft seats, but on the upper shelves it is somewhat cramped. The room is equipped not only with an electric but also with a mechanical lock.

The staff car has a navigation and satellite communications system (GLONASS). The inside view of the two-story "sitting car" looks like an electric train. The same long seats, located opposite each other, but soft, with high backs and very comfortable. Above the chairs on each side hangs a small TV and a mirror. The dining car is located on the second floor and can accommodate from 44 to 48 people. On the first tier there is only a bar counter.

SV and "Lux"

What does a double-deck SV car look like? Inside view: LCD TVs are installed in double compartments. And one for each seat. In the rooms designed for four passengers, almost everything remained the same. Sleeping places and a table are located in the same way as in the usual single-tier trains.

The view from the inside of the double-decker "Lux" car does not differ much from the usual situation. On the floor - carpet, there are a number of additional amenities. And compartments for the disabled are equipped with special devices for the comfort of people with disabilities.

The height of the ceilings on the first floor is two meters, but on the top shelf you won’t be able to sit in full height, only crouching down. This makes a double-decker car unattractive for tall people. The view from the inside shows that for convenience there is not one dustbin, but several cabinets. All of them are divided into types of garbage that must be disposed of: metal, wood, plastic, food waste.

Disadvantages of a double-decker train

The view from inside the double-decker car in some aspects negatively differs from the previous trains. On the first floor, there are no longer upper ceiling shelves where luggage could be placed and where the conductors put mattresses and pillows. As a result, all things have to be tamped down somehow. Boiling water is only on the first floor.

The inter-car space is very hermetically sealed, there is absolutely no draft there, so it will no longer be possible to smoke on the sly. Otherwise, all the smoke will go into the cars. If there are many passengers on the train, then the service is somewhat delayed, since the number of conductors remains the same (there are two of them per car). During the movement of the train, it sways strongly and therefore you need to be very careful when walking up the stairs, otherwise you can easily get injured.