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Who destroyed the Hunger Pyramid? Novorizhskaya pyramid in the suburbs or Famine - not an aunt Where is the pyramid on Novorizhskoye highway? How to get there.

Anyone who has ever driven along Novorizhskoye Highway must have seen the huge gray Pyramid of Alexander Golod, towering alone above the area. The pyramid is no more - the hurricane on May 29 demolished it in two seconds.

The collapse of the most famous pyramid

The last person to see the “Pyramid of Hunger” was the pagan priest-Rodnover Radmir, who, together with other pagans, performed a pagan ritual inside the pyramid just a second before the collapse of the structure.

“Today we received information that we need to visit the place of power - the Pyramid of Hunger,” Radmir told his fans on the Conceptual TV channel on Youtube. “The information was that irreparable things could happen there. Arriving there with our friends, we performed a Slavic rite of glorification of our family, glorification of our ancestors, glorification of our defenders of Rus'. As soon as we finished this rite, the lights went out. Then we quickly left the pyramid. Seven seconds later, the pyramid was destroyed.

A powerful gust of wind swept the pyramid across the field in one motion. Interestingly, the pieces of the structure did not hurt anyone. A small piece of the pyramid's lining collapsed onto a nearby ostrich farm, hitting one of the birds - however, the unfortunate ostrich escaped with a slight fright.

Biblical context according to Tarantino

Well, the sign of Heaven was revealed more than exhaustively - regardless of who to believe in - in the Thunderer Perun or in the Lord God of Hosts.

“And I will execute great vengeance on them with furious punishments; and they will know that I am the Lord when I take my vengeance upon them ... " These are the words of the prophet Ezekiel, known to young people only because the gangster Jules quotes this line in Tarantino's Pulp Fiction.

Charged pyramids in the Hunger Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway (summer 2015)

And, I must say, the Lord endured for a long time.

pyramid building enthusiast

Russian pyramid building enthusiast Alexander Golod from Dnepropetrovsk began building the first pyramids back in 1989 with money raised from the sale of car tires in Ukraine and Moscow.

“I never had a lot of money, and then I suddenly became the director of one of the first cooperatives,” Alexander himself shared the secrets of his success with journalists. - I did not know what to do with them, and at the suggestion of my friends I began to build pyramids.

For his designs, Golod chose the cheapest technology - foam and fiberglass.

He built the first pyramid 11 meters high on the territory of a greenhouse in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. It was made of foam, and to the questions of journalists specially invited to the opening why your pyramid does not look like ancient Egyptian samples, the enthusiast himself mysteriously answered that such a pyramid is even better than the Egyptian one, because it, they say, embodies the principle of the "golden section", allowing to accumulate ionizing energy in the best way.

It is clear that after such statements, all scientists attacked Golod with criticism, Academician Eduard Kruglyakov himself, who served as chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience at the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, devoted a whole report to Golod, but the fan of the pyramids did not care.

The pyramid squeezes energy out of the "astral" around the clock, without breaks and days off

He built the next plastic pyramid in Bashkiria at the Ishimbayskoye oil field, shocking the oilmen with the statement that the beneficial effect of these structures allows increasing the flow rate of wells by 30 percent. It sounded tempting, especially since Hunger himself did not demand any money for his experiments. He needed photos of his pyramids against the backdrop of oil rigs sacred to the country.

Then he built a pyramid near the city of Ostashkov on the shores of Lake Seliger, after that - on Novorizhskoye Highway, allowing everyone to charge with "torsion energy" for a moderate fee mineral water in eggplants. And they charged - all these inhabitants of elite summer cottages, all these officials and top managers who do not believe in God or in hell, but drink the water charged in the pyramid.

“What if the formula really changes there?.. They say it helps a lot with insomnia…”

Near the entrance to the pyramid, guests were greeted by a tray where you can buy already pre-loaded goods: bottles of water, salt crystals, plaster pyramids - all at a price of 250 to 1000 rubles. Goods were bought up like hot cakes - fortunately, the pyramid squeezes energy out of the "astral" around the clock, without breaks and weekends.

“When the pyramid was built here, weeds stopped growing here,” the saleswoman advertises her product. - The fields were dotted with rare flowers from the Red Book, and a stork settled nearby ...

In total, Alexander Golod over the past two decades has built several dozen pyramids in various parts of the country. Moreover, he only built the first 17 pyramids on his hard-earned money. But for the rest he was paid - and very solid sums.

Indications for use

For example, in the Sverdlovsk region, several owners of camp sites installed the Hunger Pyramid for “health purposes”.

A pyramid was erected near Samara to “recharge” water, minerals, natural crystals, souvenirs, etc.

Pyramid of Famine (after the hurricane). Photo Evgeny Odinokov / RIA Novosti

In the city of Togliatti, a pyramid was even placed on the roof of a private medical center - for "harmonization of the surrounding space" and for the "production of crystalline information matrices", which doctors who lost their fear and conscience sold to their patients. They say that the “pyramid matrices” can even treat AIDS and oncological diseases in an inoperable stage. Unfortunate people who clung to any hope of a cure gave their last money to the scammers...

Well, now the Hunger pyramid has been destroyed - albeit the most famous, but only one.

The Lord of hosts seemed to give us a sign to think about other pyramids still standing in our country.

For example, about the very pyramid in the center of Moscow, where the mummy of the “eternally living” leader of the world proletariat, who planned to destroy both Russia and the Church of Christ, is still on display for general worship.

I would venture to suggest that it is no coincidence that the Lord sends us this sign precisely in the year of the 100th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, the year when hundreds of thousands of Orthodox in prayerful reverence decided to bow to the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant for the first time brought to the country. A sign that it's time to close the satanic pyramid. That one cannot simultaneously worship the relics of a Saint and the mummy of the bloodiest dictator on Earth.

It is necessary to choose something and not make a mistake with the choice, otherwise all our pyramids and verticals will shatter in an instant.

Perun will confirm you.

Pyramid of Famine - located in the Moscow region on the 38th kilometer of the Novorizhskoye highway. Named after its creator, Russian engineer Alexander Golod. The pyramid is a constructive variety of the so-called. energy pyramids. Since the beginning of the 90s of the last century, many pyramidal structures designed by A. Golod have been built in Russia and the CIS countries, the most famous of which is the pyramid erected near Novorizhskoye Highway.

The pyramids of Hunger caused a wide public outcry in connection with the author's speculative pseudoscientific statements that the shape of the pyramids he proposes harmonizes the structure of the surrounding space, bringing it into line with the ideal proportion of the golden section, and thereby correcting the defects caused by unreasonable activities as a community of people as well as nature itself. To date, there is no information about any positive changes in relation to the environmental situation, health care, terrorism and crime in the territories adjacent to the Hunger pyramids. According to the conclusion of the Chairman of the Commission for Combating Pseudoscience, Academician E. Kruglyakov, the magical properties of the pyramids, declared by A. Golod and their other builders, have no scientific basis. The construction of the pyramid was completed on November 30, 1999. Its height is 44 meters, it is the largest of the Hunger pyramids. The weight of the structure exceeds 55 tons, the cost of construction, according to the creator, is more than $1 million. For its construction, blocks of translucent plastic were used, glued together with rods of the same material. The main principle here is the absence of metal parts, otherwise all the properties of the pyramid are lost. The sloping stiffeners give the Pyramid an openwork look, but this structure can withstand winds up to 60 meters per second. One of the faces of the Pyramid is oriented towards the North Star. In addition to performing the main function - "harmonization" of the surrounding space, the pyramid is also used for the production of crystalline "information matrices" used in the construction of smaller pyramids. Currently, it functions as a tourist site and a commercial enterprise for the sale of "information copies" of the pyramids, as well as water, minerals, natural crystals, souvenirs, etc. with the healing and other "positive" properties of the pyramid "transferred" to them. The pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway, due to the opinion that certain circles of the population have about its “beneficial” effect on a person, is the subject of pilgrimage. It is often visited by corteges of newlyweds.

The Hunger Pyramid has nothing to do with diets, except indirectly. Hunger is the name of the engineer who erected it, Alexander Golod. An engineer with an occult surname appears to be "an ebullient lazybones". In particular, the following is known about him:

Alexander Golod was born in March 1949 in the city of Novomoskovsk. In 1971 he graduated with honors from the Mechanics and Mathematics Department of the Dnepropetrovsk State University. While serving in the Army, he became seriously interested in football and became a playing coach and head of the team in the Kyiv military district. After serving in the Army, he worked as a teacher of mathematics, a programmer, holding privates, and then leadership positions.

In 1988, he organized one of the first research and production cooperatives in Dnepropetrovsk. Since 1990, he has been seriously engaged in the construction, study and development of new technologies for the effect of the shape of the Pyramids. Currently, Alexander Golod (since 1991) is the General Director of NPO Hydrometpribor in Moscow. He considers the construction and study of the Pyramids to be the most important work of his life. Under his leadership, various studies of the effect of the shape of the Pyramids are carried out.

Research excerpts:

at the Research Institute of Vaccines. Mechnikova of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Head of the Laboratory - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Worker of Science of the Russian Federation Egorova N.B.): The influence of the presence of living organisms in the Pyramid on the reactivity of the organism to infection was studied: It was reliably established that the survival rate of mice exposed to the Pyramid significantly exceeds that in the group of control animals. Conclusion - we can talk about the powerful immunomodulating effect of the Pyramid on the nonspecific reactivity of the body, i.e. applying the Pyramid shape effect greatly strengthens the immune system.”

As you can see, non-traditional approaches to clearing the chakras are in demand.

The pyramid certainly attracts attention. Residents of the nearby Rublev and Novorizh villages come here by dacha transport.

The height of the pyramid is 44 meters. It is made of fiberglass and wood frame. They say. that there is no iron in the design, then it is not clear. how the elements are attached. Similar pyramids can be found in the Ramensky district, on Seliger. According to unverified data, pyramids are widely used to improve the quality of oil-bearing formations. According to Wikipedia:

In 1992, in Bashkiria, at the Ishimbai oil field, 2 pyramid complexes were installed (four pyramids in each). According to Golod, “A few days after its installation, the viscosity of oil in the reservoirs decreased by 30%, and the well flow rate increased accordingly.” With the exception of the words of the author, there is no information confirming this achievement.

Several pyramids 22 and 11 meters high were built by order of the Astrakhan division of Gazprom near the Astrakhan gas condensate field. The first 22-meter pyramid was installed in 2000 at the Astrakhan gas processing plant "in order to improve the environmental situation in the region." It is reported that “locals are very skeptical. They do not know anything about the improvement of the ecological situation in the region and the amazing healing properties of the pyramid.”

The walls let in light. During the day - solar inside, and at night - electric outside. A lantern is installed at the top of the pyramid and in the dark it looks like a night lamp.

The frame elements are quite dusty and they are all clogged with dead insects: flies, caterpillars and worms. This is somewhat contrary to the miraculous effect of the pyramid on the body's reactivity to infection.

Souvenirs and occult essentials are sold inside: talismans, amulets, charged water.

Water is charged here.

Inside the pyramid are two globes - the Earth and the starry sky.

User manual.

A small vernissage is organized at the entrance.

Next to the pyramid is a small cottage village Renaissance Park, typical for these places in its unobtrusiveness.

On May 29, the largest pyramid of Famine collapsed in Moscow - a 44-meter occult structure made of wood and fiberglass panels weighing 55 tons. The pyramid has stood on Novorizhskoye Highway since 1999. Its author, Russian engineer Alexander Golod, planned to “harmonize the surrounding space” with the help of the pyramid. The tower was a place of pilgrimage for the esoteric public, inside they sold "information copies" of the pyramids, as well as "charged" bottled water, crystals, souvenirs and other thematic paraphernalia. During the collapse, no one was injured - in five minutes it was possible to evacuate everyone who was there. The owner of the structure has already told the press that a new structure will appear in place of the collapsed structure, two and a half times higher than the previous one. A former employee of the esoteric complex told The Village how the work of the pyramid was arranged, what happens inside and how it affected his life.

Publication from Krasnogorsk Live (@krasnogorsk_live) May 30, 2017 at 5:53 PDT

Maxim Yakunin operator of the aurocamera of the Hunger Pyramid

I first got to the Hunger Pyramid in New Riga in 2008. Then I graduated from the institute and looked for a job. My brother saw the vacancy "Aura camera operator", got a job there himself and then advised me. On May 9, I arrived in the capital for the second time in my life and immediately went there. At that time, I was fond of various esoteric teachings, in my environment it was fashionable. So the job was for me. Then they paid for it very well by my standards, especially since relatives did not take money from me for housing.

It was the first real job in my life. An aurocamera is a series of devices connected in a chain. The most important thing in the circuit is the aurosensor - such a thing that helps with the help of sensors to remove electrical signals from different points of the palm. There was also a webcam on the network that takes a picture of a person's face, with the help of special software a visual image of the aura is transferred to the photo. It seems like the device was created by the Americans, who saw this aura and tried to accurately convey how it looks.

I worked there from May to November, during which time a very large number of people of different professions and worldviews passed through me. Whom I did not see there! Of the famous people, heroes from the “Psychic Show” turned to us, there was a certain Uri Geller, who bent iron spoons with willpower and broadcast about it on TV all over the country. There was a figure skater Plushenko, some other stars, I don’t remember all of them.

Depending on the range of services, visitors paid 500-900 rubles for aura analysis, as far as I know, it all worked until the last moment, but prices, of course, increased. We had teachers from those who had been in this field for a long time, and a training manual in which it was written in detail how it works and what to say to people who are going through the procedure. In fact, I examined the aura superimposed on the photograph, gave out something from the training manual and added my own improvisation on the topic of the visitor's personality.

In general, it was like this: people came to the pyramid, scanned the aura before and after. And they saw how the pyramid affected them. Many people had their own interpretations, and they didn’t even have to say anything - they understood everything themselves. Someone wanted more attention and to be told how and what to do with their lives. It was possible to talk with one person from five minutes to one hour. Often people were grateful to me, they left, rethinking something. At that time, I had no doubts about what I was doing. It seemed to work out well.

There were also whole halls of people listening to how some foreigner, who had previously sold analogues of various substances in the lobby, sang from the stage in the voice of a whale, plunging everyone into a trance. At that moment I measured the aura of a person - it really changed in the picture.

I was very young, I had a lot of confidence in everything that happened and a lot of vitality. And so he worked hard. Was there during a solar eclipse when Buddhists sang their mantras inside. It was during the autumn rains, when no one came to me: I was sitting in a field all alone, except for the mice that got there. And there were weekends when the work went absolutely without interruption. By the end of the day I was hoarse and very tired.

I also had field sessions. For example, at the Roof of the World club during a lunar eclipse, while drinking a non-alcoholic mojito, my partner and I scanned people all night long. There were those who themselves see the aura and could test our device. And rarely did anyone leave unsatisfied. It was some kind of experiment - and people understood this.

I got to the pyramid every day with two transfers. I got up at seven in the morning, went to the Tekstilshchiki metro station. Then the train. Then the bus. Then on foot. Probably two or three hours on the road. It didn't bother me much at first. I mastered hitchhiking back: either clients brought me up at the end of the working day, or I went out to the track in the rays of the setting sun and caught a ride there. As a result of such hitchhiking, even friends and acquaintances began to grow. There, too, came across interesting characters as fellow travelers. Since that time, nothing seems strange to me at all in people. For example, a man lived in a tent for several months not far from the pyramid. I never got to know him. But he lived there and, apparently, he wanted to get something from such a neighborhood.

Inside the pyramid were three giant globes. There was a basement where various objects were "charged" - small copies of the pyramid, various minerals, water. Much water. It was sold there in five-liter bottles. The price was not very high - probably 100 rubles. I also bought it sometimes, so as not to go anywhere. Nothing special happened to me, but many believed that it somehow had a beneficial effect on the body. I also bought a few small pyramids - just for memory.

At first I was glad that I got this job. It was very unusual, but over time I felt empty. The very shape of the pyramid did not inspire confidence in me. It began to seem too sharp to me, I wanted to see the pyramid lower and wider. I remember there was a rumor that in some houses on the edge of this field the roof began to leak because of the pyramid. Many claimed to have felt something in the pyramid. I didn’t feel anything, but I began to dislike the pyramid. I'm just tired of going there and talking to people about their auras. In the end, I came to the conclusion that I had completely ceased to understand what I was doing there, and quit.

With esoterics of all stripes, I talked enough and was disappointed in all this for life. When he learned that the pyramid had collapsed, he did not feel any regret. But in general, I like the idea of ​​building strange huge things around cities. Let it be anything, as long as it's something new. I'm all for variety as long as it doesn't harm others. Let everyone be free and open to the new - if possible.

Photos: cover – lana1501 /Photobank Lori, 1 – Maxim Yakunin, 2 – Roman Denisov/Interpress/TASS

is a modern pyramidal structure of an elongated shape, built according to the project of Alexander Golod in 1999 and destroyed by a gust of hurricane wind in the late spring of 2017. Refers to the so-called "energy pyramids" that harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and correct its defects caused by the unreasonable activity of people and nature. To understand how it works, we went to look at the unusual Moscow pyramid of Alexander Golod on Novorizhskoye Highway, while it was still standing in its place.

As you know, in ancient times, the people of the Earth had the habit of building pyramids. Then, for some reason, people forgot how to do it, but the pyramids remained as memories of past achievements. And more, they continue to excite our restless vanity. So at the end of the 20th century, humanity decided: it was not, but we must learn to build pyramids again. And learned, of course. Pyramids adorn Paris, Moscow and other Russian cities.

With regret, we have to state that the Hunger Pyramid was demolished by the strongest hurricane on May 29, 2017. So now our story about a visit to the sights on Novorizhskoye Highway can become a kind of postcard from the past.

To get to the pyramid of Alexander Golod, you need to go to Novorizhskoe highway and drive along it up to the 38th kilometer. It can be seen from afar, it is unlikely to be missed. We drive a little to the turn, return, and here we have a local landmark in front of us - a real pyramid stands 44 meters high. She, of course, is not as ideally shaped as on the Giza plateau, but she looks pretty. The creator and project manager Alexander Golod worked on his brainchild for a long time. But why actually need this pyramid, if we have already left the age of civilization of the Egyptians?

Novorizhskoye highway was always in traffic jams, but recently it has become better

View of the Pyramid of Famine from the road

In this house next to the Pyramid of Famine, they can measure your aura and tell you about your strengths and weaknesses.

Wealthy fans of the pyramids fly here in helicopters, there is also a helicopter school

The proportions of the pyramid of Alexander Golod differ in that in it the diameters of two balls placed on top of each other and inscribed in the pyramid correspond to the proportions of the golden section (62 to 38). Therefore, a characteristic feature of this pyramid design is its visual elongation in height (the height of the pyramid is 2.058 times the side of the square lying at its base). One of the faces of the Hunger pyramid is directed to the polar star, and the pyramid itself is oriented along the Earth meridian.

The Pyramid of Hunger was built according to the rule of the golden section

According to the assurances of the author and his scientific research, the shape of the pyramid is a conductor of energy. And it is this form that contributes to the fact that objects (especially water) placed inside the structure begin to show their best qualities, approach the ideal. As a result of the evil that is happening on the planet, we all have deteriorated to one degree or another and need to be harmonized. And so the pyramid is just a means that allows each living being or substance to return to its original state.

If you think about it, it's a pretty positive drive to improve and get better. And it is even quite possible to assume that the construction of the pyramid really has the ability to return water to an ideal state, to harmonize it. And perhaps even the space around can give in to such an impact. We may not yet be competent enough in this matter to categorically deny these properties. They cannot be measured. And you can’t say for sure that they are, but you can’t say “no” categorically either. Here we are all subjective: water can actually be more enjoyable after the pyramid has worked with it. And the disease may disappear.

Good to know:

A little about psychosomatics and the influence of the Hunger pyramid on a person

One can believe that it was precisely the pyramid of Hunger that brought a person's thoughts in order, and this state became incompatible with the disease. And then you have to admit that the pyramid cured the person. But will this healing be temporary? After all, this is a kind of “magic” construction of the pyramid that simply did its job, harmonized the human condition. But the disease he earned as a result of his negative thoughts. More and more scientists are coming to this conclusion: it is the thoughts and emotional state of a person that are responsible for most of the diseases. This science is called psychosomatics.

The top of the Hunger Pyramid of an unusual design

And now, by a wave of the hand, a person is healthy. But as soon as he begins to think negatively again, the disease will begin to creep up again. After all, man did not realize his transformation. He does not know step by step instructions, he did not experience the miraculous forgiveness of those who offended, the letting go of the past, or he did not know the “magic” of self-love. And only these seemingly simple things actually relieve diseases forever.

The action of the Hunger Pyramid can be compared to drugs. According to many who take certain types of drugs, their state at the moment of intoxication is similar to approaching something beautiful, to the Absolute, with the moment of unity with the Universe. All black thoughts disappear, the feeling of guilt that torments people. It usually does not last long, but the memories haunt. And that is why most drug addicts cannot stop, dreaming of reliving this wonderful moment of relaxation and lightness again. However, the drug no longer provides such an opportunity. He opens the door, showing: yes, it is possible, there is a way to God.

Photo inside the Hunger Pyramid on Novorizhskoye Highway

But to find this state accurately and for sure, you need to go all the way consciously. Not with the help of a guide, who will leave not even halfway, but at the very gates. Why is the guide so harmful? Because we are distracted along the way by extra tinsel and do not see the road, do not look under our feet and do not notice the signs. We are relaxed in the bad sense of the word, irresponsible. We put the responsibility on the guide and do not worry about anything. And the guide quits. And there is no way to get out of the forest where he led. And the point here is not at all in the pyramid of Famine or its proportions.

However, if we walk into the forest every day and notice its features, in time each bush will become familiar, we will recognize the signs and feel at home. Then you can start even in the thicket on your own. And if the traveler is ready, the road is always at his feet.

Roads are plentiful!

Heal yourself! Achieving a harmonious state with the help of the Hunger Pyramid

Independent and conscious getting rid of the disease, working on your problems and injuries will always give a greater effect than a “quick and magical” healing. We need the symbol of the pyramid, as the knowledge that harmony exists, peace in the soul is possible. But only in the world you need to cherish in your own heart with everyday work. Then you yourself will become the best pyramid and favorably influence not only your life, but also those close to you.

For the sake of this, of course, it is worth a trip and see what an unusual pyramid of Alexander Golod grew near Moscow on Novorizhskoye Highway.

Views around the pyramid of Alexander Golod