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Map of colonial possessions. Poilitic map of the world, near the world map, history of strange

Despite the fact that the great colonial powers have lost a lot of weight over the last century, metropolises and colonies still exist on the modern political map of the world. Today these territories are called variously: overseas departments, overseas territories or unincorporated territories. Colonies can even have their own national flag and self-government bodies. But this does not change the meaning: the colonies and their indigenous populations are to one degree or another dependent on their metropolises and do not have political sovereignty.

In the modern world, there are more than 50 colonies, the owners of which are in no hurry to part with their overseas territories. Let's see which of the metropolises today have the largest number of colonies - dependent territories that are not officially part of the state (metropolis).

Great Britain

Little remains of the former greatness of the British Empire. Nevertheless, today Great Britain owns colonies in all key regions of the planet.

1. Europe: the island of Jersey in the English Channel, the island of Guernsey in the English Channel, the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, the city of Gibraltar in the south of the Iberian Peninsula (disputed by Spain), Akrotiri and Dhekelia - military bases on the island of Cyprus.

2. Atlantic Ocean (excluding Caribbean colonies): Bermuda, St. Helena, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha archipelago, Falkland Islands off the coast of South America (territory disputed by Argentina), South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (territory disputed Argentina).

3. Caribbean Sea: Anguilla Islands, Cayman Islands (Cayman Islands), Montserrat Island, British Virgin Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands.

4. Pacific Ocean: The Pitcairn Islands are five islands in the South Pacific Ocean.

5. Indian Ocean: The British Indian Ocean Territory is a group of 55 islands. The colony was formed contrary to UN decisions in 1965, and is disputed by the Seychelles and Mauritius.


Not so long ago, France owned vast territories in Africa and other regions of the world. Most countries have now gained independence, but France is still the owner of a large number of overseas territories, the population of which exceeds the “colonial subjects” of Great Britain.

1. South America: French Guiana with a population of 240,000 people.

2. Atlantic Ocean (excluding the colonies of the Caribbean islands): the islands of Saint-Pierre and Miquelon.

3. Caribbean Sea: the island state of Guadeloupe, the island of Martinique, the island of Saint Barthelemy, Saint Martin.

4. Indian Ocean: Reunion Island, Mayotte Island in the Mozambique Channel (disputed by the Comoros Islands), Amsterdam Island, Saint-Paul Island, Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Archipelago, Eparce Islands (most of them are disputed by neighboring states).

5. Pacific Ocean: territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands, New Caledonia, French Polynesia with a population of about 280,000 people, Clipperton Island.


The United States does not appear in school textbooks as a colonial empire, but today it is this state that is the largest metropolis in terms of the number of dependent population (more than 4 million people).

1. Caribbean: United States Virgin Islands, Freely Associated State of Puerto Rico - a state governed by the United States Congress and a de facto dependent state of the United States, with a population of 3.7 million people.

2. Pacific Ocean: the island of Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, American Samoa (Eastern Samoa), a group of 9 islands - the Minor Outer Islands, the US-associated state of the Marshall Islands.

Kingdom of the Netherlands

Today, the Netherlands only has colonies on the islands of the Caribbean. These are the island of Aruba, the island of Curacao, the state of Sint Maarten on the island of St. Martin and the Caribbean Netherlands (the islands of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius, Saba).


Formerly the powerful Portuguese Empire, today the country has only two overseas possessions in the Atlantic Ocean: the island of Madeira, with a population of 270,000 people, and the Azores, with a population of about 250,000 people.


Today, Spain has lost almost all of its colonial possessions; it still has several colonies located not so far from the state itself.

1. Atlantic Ocean: Canary Islands.

2. Mediterranean Sea: the cities of Ceuta and Melilla on the Mediterranean coast of Africa, opposite Spain, which have the status of autonomous cities, as well as the islands of Alusemas, Chafarinas, Perejil, Alboran.

All these territories do not have political sovereignty or their own armed forces, and their security is ensured by the armies of the metropolises.

Europe was much less diverse than it is now. There were 13 states on this territory. Most of them had colonies outside the continent. The main colonial power in the world was Great Britain. Its territories included modern Ireland. Canada, Australia and the Union of South Africa were also British dominions. Dominions had a greater degree of autonomy than colonies. In South America, Britain owned part of the territory of Guiana and several islands in the Caribbean. The African colonies of the British Empire were Nigeria, Northern Rhodesia, East Africa and the Seychelles. In Asia, Britain controlled the south of the Arabian Peninsula, the territory of modern India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, as well as Burma and part of New Guinea. Two Chinese cities - Hong Kong and Weihai - were also under direct British rule.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the British Empire reached its maximum size.

The possessions of other European countries were somewhat more modest. The countries of Southern Europe - Spain and Portugal - lost most of their possessions in South America. At the same time, France maintained colonial influence - it controlled a small territory on the coast of South America, as well as vast lands in Africa - Algeria, Morocco, West Africa, Equatorial Africa, as well as the territory of modern Vietnam in Asia. Denmark owned Iceland and Greenland. The Dutch and Belgian colonies in Africa were much more modest.

Germany's territory in Europe was smaller than what it is today, and this country had few colonies. By the beginning of the 20th century, Italy had just begun to expand its colonial possessions. On the map of Europe there were also countries without colonies at all - Austria-Hungary, Norway and Sweden.

The Russian Empire was not a colonial power in the narrow sense, but it included Poland and Finland. Their status could be compared with the British dominions, since these states had fairly broad autonomy.

The Russian Empire united several semi-independent Central Asian countries under its protectorate.

The rest of the world

There were many independent states outside of Europe at that time. There were two large independent states in North America - the USA and Mexico. All of South America was independent, with the exception of the territory of Guiana. The political map of this continent practically coincided with the modern one. In Africa, only Ethiopia and partly Egypt retained independence - it was under British protectorate, but was not a colony. In Asia, Japan was an independent and strong power - this country also owned the Korean Peninsula. China, Mongolia and Siam, while maintaining formal independence, were divided into spheres of influence of European states.

From the history of the political map of the world

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, the division of the world between the great powers was basically completed. By this time, the colonial possessions of all the imperialist powers amounted to 73 million km2, i.e. more than half the area of ​​the world, n and this territory was home to 530 million people - more than one-third of the world's population.

The largest colonial power was Great Britain. The British Empire covered almost the entire area and population of the globe. Almost half of the entire colonial world belonged to Great Britain: the Australian mainland, vast territories in Asia, Africa, America, and also in Europe. The British imperialists boasted of this and liked to say that over their empire “the sun never sets.” The area of ​​the British Empire was 109 times greater than the area of ​​Great Britain itself, and its population was almost 9 times.

The second largest colonial power was France. More than 8% of the entire globe with a population of 50 million people was under its domination. In Africa, it owned more than a third of the continent.
At the end of the 19th century. The imperialists of Germany, Italy and Belgium began to seize colonies. By the beginning of the 20th century. they took over an area of ​​5.5 million km2, mainly in Africa.
Once upon a time, in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands had the largest colonies. They subsequently lost most of their overseas possessions and became minor powers themselves. However, by 1900 Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands still retained significant possessions. They accounted for almost 6% of the territory of the entire colonial world. The area of ​​the colonies, for example, of Portugal was 21 times larger than the metropolis, and the colonies of the Netherlands - 67 times.
After the final division of the world, a struggle began for its repartition, which led to a world war.
As a result of the First World Imperialist War and the Great October Revolution in Russia, the political map of the world underwent radical changes. For the first time in history, a state of workers and peasants appeared on the map. The sushi of the globe was painted in its color - the color of the red banner.

The emergence of the world's first proletarian state marked the first stage of the general crisis of capitalism: the world split into two systems - the system of socialism and the second system of capitalism.

The defeated countries - Germany, Bulgaria, Türkiye - lost part of their territories. On the ruins of the multinational “patchwork empire” of Austria-Hungary, new states arose that were not previously on the map of Europe. Between the young Soviet Republic and Western Europe, a so-called “cordon sanitaire” was created from countries that were supposed to serve as a springboard for protests against the first socialist state.

In accordance with the Versailles system, all former German colonies in Asia, Africa and Oceania and part of the Turkish possessions in the Middle East, which were part of The largest colonial power was Great Britain. The British Empire covered almost the entire area and population of the globe. Almost half of the entire colonial world belonged to Great Britain: the Australian mainland, vast territories in Asia, Africa, America, and also in Europe. The British imperialists boasted of this and liked to say that over their empire “the sun never sets.” The area of ​​the British Empire was 109 times greater than the area of ​​Great Britain itself, and its population was almost 9 times.

The second largest colonial power was France. More than 8% of the entire globe with a population of 50 million people was under its domination. In Africa, it owned more than a third of the continent.

At the end of the 19th century. The imperialists of Germany, Italy and Belgium began to seize colonies. To na-

Chalu of the 20th century they took over an area of ​​5.5 million km2, mainly in Africa.

Once upon a time, in the 16th, 17th and 18th centuries, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands had the largest colonies. They subsequently lost most of their overseas possessions and became minor powers themselves. However, by 1900 Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands still retained significant possessions. They accounted for almost 6% of the territory of the entire colonial world. The area of ​​the colonies, for example, of Portugal was 21 times larger than the metropolis, and the colonies of the Netherlands - 67 times.
After the final division of the world, a struggle began for its redivision, which led to a world war.

As a result of the First World Imperialist War and the Great October Revolution in Russia, the political map of the world underwent radical changes. For the first time in history, a state of workers and peasants appeared on the map. The sushi of the globe was painted in its color - the color of the red banner.
The emergence of the world's first proletarian state marked the first stage of the general crisis of capitalism: the world split into two systems - the system of socialism and the system of capitalism.
The leading imperialist victorious countries tried to redraw the political map in their own interests. They divided the world in accordance with the Versailles system - a system of interconnected peaceful, but essentially predatory treaties.

The defeated countries - Germany, Bulgaria, Türkiye - lost part of their territories. On the ruins of the multinational “patchwork empire” of Austria-Hungary, new states arose that were not previously on the map of Europe. Between the young Soviet Republic and Western Europe, a so-called “cordon sanitaire” was created from countries that were supposed to serve as a springboard for protests against the first socialist state.
In accordance with the Versailles system, all former German colonies in Asia, Africa and Oceania and part of the Turkish possessions in the Middle East, which were part of the bridge, were acquired by another 18 states, 17 of which were former colonial countries in Africa.
In the next five years, 18 more colors were needed to mark new independent states on the political map of the world; 11 of them appeared in Africa, and the rest - in Asia, America, Oceania and Europe.
In 1966-1968. 10 more politically independent states were formed: in Asia, Africa and America. And in January 1969, a small Spanish colony in Africa, Ifni, gained independence.
Thus, over the last quarter century, 68 new independent states have emerged on the political map of the world. The peoples of most of them have chosen a non-capitalist path of development.
If at the beginning of the century the colonial possessions of the imperialist powers accounted for 55% of the territory and 35% of the population of the globe, then after the Second World War (1947) dependent countries and trust territories accounted for slightly more than 25% of the area and 8.5% of the population, and in 1968 the size of the colonial holdings was approximately 4.5% of the world's area and slightly more than 1% of the world's population.
The colonial system of imperialism is reaching its end. The imperialists are forced to retreat under the powerful onslaught of the people's liberation movement of colonial and dependent countries. But they do not retreat without fierce fighting and are still trying to maintain their colonial rule where possible. 1/2 of Africa is still groaning under colonial oppression. Half of this territory is under the domination of Portugal, the rest is under the domination of Spain, Great Britain, France and the reactionary racist government of the Republic of South Africa.
Small colonial possessions of France, Great Britain and Portugal still remain in Asia, America and the islands of Oceania.
The growing power of the world socialist system is a decisive force in the development of human society. In economic competition with capitalism, the world socialist system is gaining the upper hand. Thanks to the faster growth rates of industrial production of socialist countries compared to capitalist countries, especially in the post-war years, the share of socialist countries in world industrial production has increased noticeably and reached approximately 38% in 1968. Our successes inspire the working people of capitalist countries to fight for the victory of socialism, contribute development of the national liberation, anti-imperialist movement in colonial, dependent and developing countries.

Share of socialist countries in world industrial production

National flags of countries that gained independence in 1962-1968

A political map of the World

Yu.M. Vladimirov

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World history contains a huge number of events, names, dates, which are placed in several dozen or even hundreds of different textbooks. Different authors have different views on certain circumstances, but they are united by facts that must be told one way or another. In world history, there are known phenomena that appeared once and for a long time, and others that appeared several times, but for short periods. One such phenomenon is the colonial system. In the article we will tell you what it is, where it was widespread and how it became a thing of the past.

What is the colonial system?

The world colonial system, or colonialism, is a situation where industrially, culturally, economically developed countries dominate the rest of the world (less developed countries, or third world countries).

Dominance was usually established after armed attacks and the subjugation of the state. It was expressed in the imposition of economic and political principles and rules of existence.

When it was?

The beginnings of the colonial system appeared in the 15th century during the Age of Discovery along with the discovery of India and America. Then the indigenous peoples of the open territories had to recognize the technological superiority of foreigners. The first true colonies were formed by Spain in the 17th century. Gradually, Great Britain, France, Portugal, and the Netherlands began to seize and spread their influence. Later they were joined by the USA and Japan.

By the end of the 19th century, most of the world was divided among the great powers. Russia did not actively participate in colonization, but it also subjugated some neighboring territories.

Who belonged to whom?

Belonging to a particular country determined the course of development of the colony. The table below will tell you best how widespread the colonial system was.

Belonging to colonial countries
Metropolitan States Colonial states Time to get out of influence
SpainCountries of Central and South America, Southeast Asia1898
PortugalSouth West Africa1975
Great BritainBritish Isles, Middle East, Africa, Southeast Asia, India, Australia and Oceania
FranceCountries of North and Central America, North and Middle East, Oceania, IndochinaLate 40s - early 60s. XX century
USACountries of Central and South America, Oceania, AfricaThe end of the 20th century, some countries have not yet come out of influence
RussiaEastern Europe, Caucasus and Transcaucasia, Far East1991

There were also smaller colonies, but the table shows that they were not influenced by anyone except Antarctica and Antarctica, because they did not have raw materials and a platform for the development of industry, economy, and life in general. The colonies were governed through governors appointed by the ruler of the metropolitan country or through his constant visits to the colonies.

Characteristic features of the period

The period of colonialism has its own characteristic features:

  • All actions are aimed at establishing a monopoly in trade with the colonial territories, i.e. the metropolitan countries wanted the colonies to establish trade relations only with them and with no one else,
  • armed attacks and plunder of entire states, and then subjugation of them,
  • the use of feudal and slave-owning forms of exploitation of the population of colonial countries, which turned them almost into slaves.

Thanks to this policy, the countries that owned colonies quickly acquired capital reserves, which allowed them to take leading positions on the world stage. Thus, it was thanks to the colonies and their financial resources that England became the most developed country of that time.

How did it break up?

Colonial did not collapse immediately, all at once. This process happened gradually. The main period of loss of influence over the colonial countries occurred at the end of the Second World War (1941-1945), because people believed that it was possible to live without oppression and control from another country.

In some places, the escape from influence occurred peacefully, through agreements and the signing of agreements, and in others, through military and rebel actions. Some countries in Africa and Oceania are still under US rule, but no longer experience the same oppression as they did in the 18th and 19th centuries.

Consequences of the colonial system

It is difficult to call the colonial system an unambiguously positive or negative phenomenon in the life of the world community. It had both positive and negative sides for both metropolitan states and colonies. The collapse of the colonial system led to certain consequences.

For metropolises they were as follows:

  • decline in own production capacity due to the possession of markets and resources of the colonies and, therefore, lack of incentives,
  • investing capital in colonies to the detriment of the metropolis,
  • lagging behind in competition and development from other countries due to increased concern for colonies.

For colonies:

  • destruction and loss of traditional culture and way of life, complete extermination of some nationalities;
  • depletion of natural and cultural reserves;
  • reduction in the local population of the colonies due to attacks by the metropolises, epidemics, famine, etc.;
  • the emergence of its own industry and intelligentsia;
  • the emergence of the foundations for the future independent development of the country.

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If you don't find something, try the section Google satellite map: Colony or a vector map from OpenStreetMap: The colony.

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Colony - online map with satellite view: streets, houses, areas and other objects.

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