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Transparent reservoirs. Where is the cleanest lake in the world? Chinese wonder of nature

Among the magnificence of Russian nature, it is impossible not to pay attention to freshwater expanses - lakes.

We present to your attention the 7 cleanest lakes of our vast country.

Location: south of eastern Siberia, Irkutsk region.

The very first on this list is simply impossible not to call this unique body of water. In addition to being the deepest (1700 m.), largest in area (more than 30 thousand square meters) lake, it is also filled with the purest water.

Seeing the bottom at a depth of 20 meters costs nothing at all! Its water has an unusual blue color, and even the ice, when the lake freezes, is almost completely transparent! The purity of the water remains a mystery to modern scientists, because any lake is gradually overgrown with silt, but not Baikal!

Some researchers suggest that the reason lies in the location of the reservoir - at the junction of tectonic plates - it is constantly replenished with fresh groundwater, due to the movement of these same plates.

No one today is able to give an exact answer either about the age of the lake or about the purity of its waters, however, it is precisely thanks to these inexplicable factors that such animals live in the lake that are not found in any other corner of our vast planet.

Location: southern Urals, Chelyabinsk region.

The younger brother of Lake Baikal - Turgoyak is not much inferior to him in terms of water purity. Its area is not so huge, but, nevertheless, impressive - more than 26 square meters. m. The granite massif has become a vessel for the waters of the lake and thanks to this, the liquid seems to be filtered through a natural stone and remains incredibly clean.

The bottom of Turgoyak is absolutely flat, and unusually beautiful landscapes on the shore of the reservoir are noted in a special card index of our country. In addition to the visible charms, a very beautiful legend about a guy named Tur and the beautiful maiden Goyak is associated with this reservoir. Thanks to their love and great concern for each other, this unique lake appeared.

Location: Chelyabinsk region, Satka district.

The highest lake in our country (724 m above sea level) gave its name to the national park in which it is located. It is surrounded by five giants: ridges - Zyuratkul, Moskal, Urenga and mountains - Lukash and Nurgush.

Clean water, well enriched with oxygen, makes it possible for many species of fish to live. The lake area is even recognized as the most ecological area of ​​the region!

Formed thousands of years ago, now this lake has become a reservoir and is of great value for the nature of our homeland. However, it was precisely because of human intervention that the line of the shore of the lake changed and, if earlier in its shape it very much resembled a heart, now the reservoir has lost this feature.

Location: Altai.

The name of the lake comes from the name of the tribe - Telesy, who lived near its waters when the Russians first discovered it. In terms of depth, this is the second lake after Baikal. It is located in a tectonic basin, as if in a cradle. The height of its location is quite impressive - 436 m above sea level.

The steep steep banks are truly picturesque, and the bays: Kamginsky and Kyginsky; spread out, allowing many fish to spawn.

A distinctive feature of Lake Teletskoye is its capricious climate. On the same day, you can witness a dozen weather changes, this is due to two adjacent winds here, they very unexpectedly replace each other.

Location: Leningrad region and the Republic of Karelia.

The reservoir is marked in the history of our vast country as the Road of Life. The lake was the only channel of communication with besieged Leningrad; by its very existence, it saved many lives of our great-grandfathers.

In length, the lake spills over 219 km., At the deepest point it forms 230 m. Its unique nature attracts a huge number of tourists every year. Lake Ladoga gives life to the Neva River - it is in its waters that it takes its source.

Two of the available islands of Lake Ladoga - Valaam and Konevets - are also distinguished by their popularity. On their territory there are the only ancient monasteries of their kind.

Location: Leningrad, Vologda regions and the Republic of Karelia.

Onega, adjacent to the previous one, is located parallel to Ladoga, has a very similar coastline - in the north there are many islands and peninsulas, while in the south the coastline is very even and smooth.

The lake has a remarkably large number of bays. The purity of the water here, although two times lower than in Baikal, is still much higher than many muddy reservoirs.

Among other things, this lake, like the neighboring one, was filled with ice thousands of years ago. It still freezes during the cold season.


Location: Krasnoyarsk Territory, Taimyr Peninsula.

This lake is the Ice King of the world, because not a single lake on the planet is located to the north of it. Nine months a year it is covered with ice almost everywhere to the very bottom, but life is still warm here.

A very peculiar flora and fauna surrounds this reservoir, all living things here have an accelerated life cycle. This is provided by nature for the sake of survival in such harsh conditions. Despite everything, more than 20 species of fish live here, and the opportunity to fish attracts many avid fishermen from all over the world.

The lake itself, although it reaches 26 m in places, in most of its territory is only 4 m. depth.This lake is also interesting because it is like a huge bay with an area of ​​4.5 thousand square kilometers for the Taimyr River. It flows into it like the Upper one, and flows out like the Lower one. In fact, its waters make up a reservoir.

Our country is an incredible storehouse of enormous natural values, to see them all one life is definitely not enough, and the one who can see at least the freshwater sights named here will be happy.

Do not wait for the approval of fate, go towards the crystal lakes of the country, and your life will take over their purity and originality!

Appreciate the greatest wealth of our Motherland!

Would you like to swim in a lake with crystal clear water, the cleanest in the whole world? Alas, one can only admire such water. And where it can be done, TravelAsk will tell.

The cleanest lake in the world

The cleanest body of water is located in New Zealand in the Nelson Lakes National Park. It has several names: the older one is in the language of the Maori tribe, Rotomairewhenua, which means "lake of peaceful lands." But to tourists it is known as the Blue Lake.

The water in this reservoir is so clean that you can observe everything that happens at a depth of eighty meters. The lake is stunningly beautiful and has a blue-purple hue.

This color is provided by the waters of the glaciers, which pass through the rocks and are thereby purified.

Blue Lake has long been known to the Maori peoples. It has always been considered sacred; various rituals and rituals were performed here to purify the soul. Interestingly, during the rituals, only men could dive into this lake, and all women's rites took place in another reservoir.

God's bath

Rotomairewhenua has another name - God's bath. It is located at an altitude of 1200 meters above sea level and "feeds" on the waters of the neighboring Lake Constance. The water in the pond is quite cold: about 5-8 degrees. However, even lovers of such refreshing water are strictly forbidden to enter it. After all, this is a real nature reserve, which is carefully guarded.

Therefore, even for an ordinary photo essay, it is required to coordinate a visit to the lake with the authorities. And only once was it allowed to dive underwater for one photographer-diver for photography.

Scientists believe that the lake was formed about 7500 thousand years ago. Despite such a great age, it has retained its original purity. Moreover, the Blue Lake can be the same clean for several hundred years, if you protect it and the surrounding nature.

Nelson Lakes Park

Nelson Lakes is a national park in New Zealand, located in the northern part of the Southern Alps. The park was opened in 1956, it is spread over an area of ​​1020 square kilometers.

Nelson Lakes has a very diverse flora. There are many beautiful places here: both in the mountains and at their foot. Some of them are hard to reach and subject only to experienced tourists, but there are also corners that are regularly visited for picnics and fishing.

In the Southern Alps is the highest mountain in New Zealand - Cook.

Its height is 3754 meters.

There are many lakes in the park, they are fabulously beautiful. Ecologists work on the territory of Nelson Lakes, who are trying to restore the population of birds, lizards and some plants. In general, it is famous for its nature: it is believed that one of the cleanest countries. 25% of the country is occupied by parks and protected areas, which are closely monitored.

2nd and 3rd place

Baikal is rightfully in second place. It also has very clear water, and you can see the bottom at a depth of 40 meters. The third place is occupied by the Five Flowers Lake in China.

Water transparency measurement

It is customary to determine the transparency of water using a simple device - the Seki disk. This is a white disk with a diameter of 30 centimeters, which is lowered into the water in a horizontal position. The observer notes to what depth the white spot of the disk remains visible under water - this will be the result of measuring transparency. The disc can be replaced with a light bulb, but then you need to take into account the correction, having previously carried out a calibration measurement.

Today, in most of our seas, the water is not transparent, to put it mildly. Here are some recorded results of measurements of water transparency: Sargasso Sea - 66 m, Mediterranean Sea (off the coast of Syria) - 60 m, Black Sea - 77 m, North Sea - 22 m.

The top ten places on the planet with the clearest water are as follows:

Places on the planet with the clearest water

  • Maldives. The water here is so clear that you can see your shadow on the bottom of the sea from a boat.
  • "Lake of Five Flowers", China, Jiuzhaigou Valley. The bottom of the lake is covered with a kind of carpet formed from the trunks of ancient trees, which are covered with a layer of transparent water.
  • Sardinia, the second largest island in the Mediterranean. The most popular holiday destination for tourists, as well as the habitat of many rare species of fish.
  • Crater Lake, Oregon. It was formed about 7 thousand years ago as a result of the explosion of a volcano.
  • Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia. The territory of the reserve, for immersion in the water here you need to obtain a special permit.
  • Lake Mashu, Japan. It is located at the foot of the mountain of the same name, from which it got its name. The transparency of the water in the lake is 41.6 meters.
  • Lake Sheosar, Pakistan. Surrounded by mountains, this most picturesque lake is so perfect in form that it can be mistaken for the creation of human hands.
  • Peyto Lake, Canada. Located in Banff National Park at an altitude of 1860 meters, fed by the waters of the glacier. The lake is named after the explorer Bill Peyto who discovered it.
  • Lake Baikal, Russia. The deepest lake in the world. In spring, the transparency of the water in the lake is 40 meters.

Weddell Sea

And now - a record holder. The clearest water in the world is in the Weddell Sea off the coast of Antarctica. The measurements were carried out by members of the West German expedition from the Polarstern vessel at the point with coordinates 7° 23.6´ S. 15° 2.5´ W A standard white disk lowered into the water remained visible up to an all-time high mark - 79 meters! For comparison, in distilled water, this value is 80 meters.

Consequently, the sea water in this place turned out to be perfectly clean. It is worth noting that this measurement was carried out in October, when it is spring in Antarctica, and the water during this period is the cleanest. In summer, algae multiply in the water and small animals appear, and the transparency of the water decreases.

Ecology of life: Most people try to spend their holidays where it is warm, where there is no cold and snow. There is nothing more refreshing than swimming in clear cool water, whether it be the sea, lake or river. Lucky for us, we live on a beautiful planet with amazing, crystal-clear bodies of water. So why not take a trip to one of the places with the cleanest water?

Most people try to spend their holidays where it is warm, where there is no cold and snow. There is nothing more refreshing than swimming in clear cool water, whether it be the sea, lake or river. Lucky for us, we live on a beautiful planet with amazing, crystal-clear bodies of water. So why not take a trip to one of the places with the cleanest water?

Linapacan Island

The province of Palawan is famous for some of the most wonderful beaches not only in the Philippines, but throughout the world. Palawan is made up of many small islands, one of which is Linapakan. This island has a beautiful beach with clear water and white sand, untouched nature and approximately 14,000 inhabitants.

Clear sea in the Maldives

There is a reason why the Maldives has become one of the most romantic destinations in the world, and that is their beaches. Located in the Indian Ocean, a group of islands can offer guests the cleanest waters and the most colorful, diverse ecosystems on the planet. Not surprisingly, tourism is the main source of income in the Maldives. In recent years, the number of resorts has increased significantly, so everyone who wants to experience a piece of paradise will find a place for themselves here. The clear sea and many resorts in the Maldives will gladly welcome all guests.

Waters of Peyto Lake

You will not find warm beaches here, as Peyto Lake is located in the Rocky Mountains of Canada - one of the most impressive in the world. Peyto Lake is fed by glacial melt water and is located in Banff National Park, which is best visited in the summer. During the warmer months, glacial mountain streams flow into Peyto, giving the lake its distinctive turquoise color. Because of its beauty, this place is especially popular with photographers and tourists.

Cleanliness of Crater Lake

Almost all crater lakes have the clearest, clearest water, and the lake in Crater National Park is no exception. The lake was formed when Mazama volcano collapsed thousands of years ago. The deepest lake in the United States, Crater Lake is also known as "old man" because of the huge tree that has stood upright in the middle of the lake for over 100 years.

Holbox Island

Known as a place for parties and vacations with Hollywood stars, Holbox Island in Mexico boasts the cleanest sea in the world (at least the locals are sure of it). Isla Holbox is located on the Yucatan Peninsula and is a popular kiteboarding destination due to its ideal conditions: shallow waters, wide seas, and suitable winds.

The sea in Cayos Cochinos

For tourists who want to avoid the commercialized attractions, Cayos Cochinos in Honduras makes for a great vacation spot. A group of islands in the Caribbean Sea is virtually untouched by man and devoid of roads. There are hiking trails that connect one beach to another. The waters in these parts have the purest marine life, making Cachinos an ideal place for swimming and diving.

Clear waters of Rio Azul

One of the confirmations of how clean the water is in Rio Azul is its second name - “blue river”. The water here is so pure that you can drink it. This is because the river, located in Argentina, gets its perfectly pure water from the glaciers and snow plains in the Andes. Being safe to drink, Rio Azul's water is absolutely clear and blue.

Colombian Playa Blanca

Playa Blanca, which means "white beach", really lives up to its name. This is a very clean remote beach located 45 minutes by boat from Cartagena. Here you can wander on the powdery white sand and swim in its crystal clear waters in total privacy. You will not doubt for a second that the trip was worth it. In addition, here you can try fresh ceviche, which is sold right on the beach.

Sea in Bodrum

Turkey is very rich in history and the port city of Bodrum stands out in this regard. Once upon a time, the legendary Mausoleum in Halicarnassus was built here - one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Bodrum is also famous for its amazingly clear waters. Many divers say that the water is so clear that the boats on it seem to float in the air!

Italian Sardinia

A beautiful Mediterranean island off Italy's western coast, Sardinia is known for its breathtaking beaches and stunning mountain and sea views. Visiting Sardinia allows you to kill two birds with one stone. You can comprehend history by looking at the ancient sights of Sardinia, or you can swim in the perfectly clear sea. The islands have remained untouched by commercial tourism and are considered the jewel of the Mediterranean.

Waters of the Verzasca River

In southern Switzerland, the 30-kilometer mountain river Verzasca flows, which flows into the famous Lake Maggiore. In addition to crystal clear turquoise waters and exotic-colored rocks, the river also has a very strong and dangerous current. But despite all the factors, this is a famous place for scuba diving, and the valley is often used for bungee jumping.

The purest source of Pupu

The beauty of New Zealand cannot be any films or photographs, even if it is Lord of the Rings. The beauty of the country is best appreciated physically by going on a trip here. One of the most beautiful places in the country is the Pupu Spring, located on the South Island of the country. The spring is believed by Maori to have spiritually healing powers. Most likely they think so because of the absolute purity of the water and its powerful streams, releasing 14,000 liters per second!

The beauty of Wineglass Bay

Australia's Gold Coast is known worldwide for its beautiful beaches and excellent surfing conditions. But many don't know about Wineglass Bay, located in Tasmania's Freycinet National Park. The bay has a crescent shape, white sand beaches and clear sea water. All this is complemented by a picturesque backdrop of pink and gray granite peaks. Read more about Wineglass Bay in a separate LifeGlobe article.

Clear waters of Belo Sur Mer

On the shores of the Indian Ocean in Madagascar is the coastal city of Belo Sur Mer. The local waters are among the cleanest in the world. 80 kilometers from the coast is the chain of the Virgin Islands, where the water is even cleaner, and the beaches are completely deserted. Scuba diving is the most exciting activity of these islands filled with amazing marine life. Here you can meet the brightest and rarest representatives of the underwater world.

Egyptian Marsa Matruh

Egypt is known for its Red Sea, pyramids and deserts, but not many people know that it also has a Mediterranean resort with some of the clearest waters in the world. Marsa Matruh, located to the west of the ancient city of Alexandria, has very beautiful beaches with clear water and soft white sand. Its relatively calm seas are the result of the island being protected by a series of rock formations, making Marsa Matruh a calm and serene destination for beach lovers.

Water, which is of great importance for human life, is the main treasure of our planet. Now the environmental problems of urban areas are of particular relevance. As technological progress develops, water bodies become polluted, as a result of which the biogeochemical cycle of substances is disturbed, which negatively affects the self-regulation of natural systems.

Picturesque lakes, which are under state protection, always attract a large number of tourists from all over the world. I must say that the rating of natural reservoirs with clear water often changes. In our article we will tell you in detail where the cleanest lake in the world is located.

Natural masterpiece of Russia

The pearl of Siberia of tectonic origin deservedly enjoys the fame of the main miraculous masterpiece of Russia. Ancient Baikal is considered the leader in terms of the number of records set in various categories among the world's lakes. Hundreds of thousands of tourists and researchers annually go to the legendary reservoir to fully enjoy its amazing beauty.

Until recently, Baikal, whose photo is amazing, was considered the cleanest lake in the world. In clear water containing a small percentage of suspensions and impurities, one can see stones at a depth of up to forty meters. Such clearness is explained by the activity of living organisms living in the lake, which are a natural filter.

True, not all scientists support this statement. Many believe that numerous mountain streams rush into the cleanest lake in the world, literally washing away all the pollution.

legendary lake

Interestingly, in the winter season, the world-famous natural reservoir forms the same transparent ice. That is why tourists tend to get to the surprising riot of colors in the summer and striking snow-white grandeur. Photos fully convey the unusual atmosphere of a mysterious place about which many legends have been composed.

The researchers claim that water with a high concentration of oxygen can be used as distilled. And in the old days, it was considered curative at all, and many diseases were treated with a weakly mineralized liquid.

New discovery by scientists

Recently, scientists have made a real discovery, declaring to the whole world that the cleanest lake in the world is located in New Zealand. Swimming in the Blue Lake natural reservoir is strictly prohibited, and only scientists are allowed to dive into the water to conduct research and take unique photographs.

During laboratory tests, it was found that the depth of visibility of a natural miracle on a fine day is about 80 meters, and in any place you can see in detail the smallest details of the bottom. Freshwater Blue Lake in New Zealand, formed more than seven thousand years ago, is recognized as pure as distilled water. Even after heavy rains, natural creation returns to virgin purity.

Such amazing transparency is explained by preliminary filtration through various rocks of water coming from another lake, which is completely renewed in a day.

Wilderness in New Zealand

The indigenous people of New Zealand have long revered the cleanest lake in the world and hold mysterious rituals dedicated to spirits on it.

Surrounded by relict forests and high cliffs, this untouched area, located in a nature protection zone, delights any traveler. The stunning landscapes of the lake, which has recently received the name "God's bath", remain for a long time in everyone's memory.

Chinese wonder of nature

China's Jiuzhaigou National Park boasts a huge collection of natural treasures. flowers - a shallow and mysterious miracle, considered the real pride of the reserve. It is not for nothing that it is called the most beautiful body of water in the world, changing its color.

At the bottom of a quiet attraction, long-fallen trees lie criss-crossed, giving the beautiful lake a fabulous look. The dark trunks are perfectly visible to visitors, because the water in the lake is incredibly clean. When immersed in a never-drying one, you can clearly see what is happening at a distance of 40 meters.

A lake that changes colors

Locals say that the sacred pearl of the reserve, painted with several colors, resembles the fluffy tail of a peacock. The icy water of a beautiful turquoise hue changes its palette from time to time, becoming either piercing yellow, then dark green, then it acquires a rich blue color. The reasons for this unusual phenomenon were minerals and terrestrial-aquatic plants - hydrophytes, contained in large quantities.

Matte water surface

The recently discovered (Canada) is unlikely to take first place in the ranking of the cleanest natural reservoirs due to particles of the smallest suspension dissolved in water. However, one cannot fail to mention the sights that delight with unreal beauty. An amazing masterpiece, resembling the head of a wolf with protruding ears with bizarre outlines, is of glacial origin.

The bright blue has never been transparent because of the fine dust that geologists call glacial flour. The mineral-enriched mass gives the lake, located high in the mountains, an amazing color and an unusual haze.

Human activity causes great harm to nature by polluting fresh water sources. Caring for the environment is the only measure that will allow us to pass on to future descendants the pristine beauty of transparent lakes. Nature will respond with gratitude to the care, and our children and grandchildren will enjoy the stunning beauty of marvelous reservoirs.